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03 October, 2024


Forest Brothers' manifesto: Renovation work unearths early draft of document

By Jaan-Juhan Oidermaa, ERR

“Renovation work of a farmhouse in Estonia has yielded a very special find, in the form of what appears to be an original copy of the Forest Brothers' manifesto. The Forest Brothers were organized groups of resistance fighters (Metsavennad) in Estonia, formed soon after the end of World War Two, not only to carry out guerrilla operations against occupying Soviet forces but also, as the manifesto makes clear, as the vanguard of a planned, later and larger uprising.”

The manifesto is in three parts, and the find consisted of the first two of these, likely as original manuscripts. Martin Andreller, a historian at the Estonian Institute of Historical Memory (Eesti Mälu Instituut) said: "I would venture to say this is indeed the first draft of 'Metsavendluse ideoloogilised alused,' which later copies were made from. This is undoubtedly the earliest version.”


The ideological grounds of the Forest Brother manifesto (1947–1949)

By Peeter Kaasik, 2023

“The quantity of self-published forest brother literature is large and highly varied, yet on the background of it all, one document clearly stands out due to its broad scope and the high degree of its generalisation. Hence in this case, Ideological Grounds of the Forest Brother Movement, the seminal text, so to speak, of the Estonian forest brother movement, is under consideration. The initiator of the drafting of this text was Richard Saaliste, whom the government in exile of the Republic of Estonia had sent to Estonia in 1946 to gather information. Erich Jerlet wrote the main part of the text.”


“Vastupanu manifest „Metsavendluse ideoloogilised alused“ (1947–1949).” Autor: Peeter Kaasik

Ajalugu: Palksein peitis Eesti metsavendluse tüviteksti

Jaan-Juhan Oidermaa, Novaator

“Talumajas remonti tegema hakanud pererahvas leidis Eesti metsavendade tüviteksti "Metsavendluse ideoloogilised alused" autorieksemplari, milles sõnastati esimest korda laia haarde ja suure üldistusastmega vastupanuliikumise kesksed põhimõtted.”

"Julgen väita, et tegemist on tõesti "Ideoloogiliste aluste" esimese käsikirjaga, mille alusel seda hiljem paljundama hakati. See on päris kindlasti kõige algupärasem versioon," kinnitas Eesti Mälu Instituudi ajaloolane Martin Andreller. Viimasele viitavad muu hulgas pliiatsiga tehtud parandused ja täiendused, mis on varem leitud tekstides juba sisse viidud.”



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Nursipalu kohalik: öelge ausalt välja, et hävitate loodust, ärge vassige

Űlle Harju, Postimees ajakirjanik

“RKIK väidab, et mõju pole ja midagi leevendama ei pea, samas on looduse hävitamist isegi selles vildakalt tehtud mõjuhinnangus mitu korda kirjeldatud,» märkis kohalike inimeste ja looduse eest seisva MTÜ Meie Nursipalu juht Maarika Niidumaa. «Kui nad leiavad, et harjutusvälja laiendamiseks peab looduse ära hävitama, siis julgegu seda ka otse välja öelda. Selle asemel käib vassimine ja varjamine, nagu RKIKi puhul tundub juba tavaks olevat.”


“Nursipalu harjutusvälja müratoetust saab taotleda novembri lõpuni.” - ERR

“EL-i püüdlusega metsasid kaitsta kaasneb suur halduskoormus.” - ERR

“Brüssel teeb ettepaneku metsade hävitamise keeld aasta võrra edasi lükata.” - ERR

Estonian honorary consulate opens in New York City


“President Alar Karis, in town for the UN General Assembly and UN Security Council meetings, attended the opening at the honorary consulate's offices in the heart of Manhattan. The new facility replaces the consulate general in New York, which was closed two months ago as a result of cost-cutting measures. This had led to some consternation among the Estonian diaspora community in North America, Estonians who travel there and/or do business, and other interested parties. Estonia's Ambassador to the U.S., Kristjan Prikk, also present at the opening, said: "I believe that discontent has subsided as of now …”



20 years of Estonia’s EU membership

By Piret Ehin 

(London School of Economics)

“Estonia joined the EU in 2004 in order to return to the West, cement its place among free and prosperous nations, and make sure it would be “never alone” again when faced with serious external threats. After accession, the Baltic nation has, in contrast to several other East European member states, pursued joining Schengen in 2007 and the Eurozone in 2011. Acclaimed as a “top student in the EU class” in the late 1990s and early 2000s, Estonia has not strayed from this path: it is a stable democracy with solid institutions that ranks among the top ten in the world in terms of rule of law and among the 15 least corrupt countries globally. It has high levels of economic freedom and a strong track record of transposing and implementing EU law.”


U.S. should help NATO allies that help themselves

(Atlantic Council)

“Even while several NATO allies fail to sufficiently rearm, the countries of NATO’s northeastern corridor—especially Sweden, Finland, the Baltic states, and Poland—have made tremendous strides in terms of defense spending, developing their capabilities, and showing that they are serious about contributing to the Alliance’s collective security. The glaring disparity between what the allies along the Northeastern corridor are doing versus what the countries further away from the flank are failing to do should generate a change in US policy.”


Failure to respond to Russian active measures is creating a dangerous world

By Edward Lucas, CEPA

“The problem is that our decision-makers cannot synch their words and deeds. They either ignore Russian behavior or describe it lamely as “unacceptable”—but then show with their actions that they accept it. … The current approach is not just ineffective. It is harmful. The Kremlin may be road-testing its tactics in the run-up to an all-out conflict, or using them for specific goals, or both. But the evidence is overwhelming: Russia does not fear our response.”


“Estonian Intelligence: The West's restraint encourages Russia to escalate.” - Odessa Journal

“Estonian intelligence chief: Freezing the war will not end it, Ukraine must prevail.” - Ukrainska Pravda via Yahoo

Pope Francis Creates Diocese of Tallinn

(National Catholic Register)

“Pope Francis has elevated the Apostolic Administration of Estonia to the status of a diocese, creating the first Catholic diocese in the Baltic country. The Vatican made the announcement on Sept. 26, coinciding with the start of the Pope’s apostolic journey to Luxembourg and Belgium. … The newly established Diocese of Tallinn encompasses the entire territory of Estonia and remains immediately subject to the Holy See. The Pope appointed the current apostolic administrator, Philippe Jean-Charles Jourdan, as the first bishop of the new diocese.”


“Meet the bishop of the growing diocese of Estonia.” - Pillar

“Why Catholicism is growing in Estonia.” - Pillar


“Eesti elanikud jätkavad püksirihma pingutamist, müügimaht on kahanenud juba 2 aastat järjest.” - Estonian World Review

“Estonia has pledged to spend €1.6 billion for long-range ammo.” - Breaking Defence

“Soaring demand might postpone deliveries of some weapon types to Estonia.” - ERR

“Estonia intends to order weapons for Ukraine from its own defense industry.” - Militarnyi

“MS Estonia: 30 years of unanswered questions.” - Estonian World

“Narvas kõlanud sireenihelid pärinevad Venemaalt.” - ERR

“Estonia's Recent Pro-Palestine UN Vote Does Not Signal Hostility Toward Israel.” - The Baltic Sentinel, 27. Sept.

“Estonia uses technology to punch above their weight and enhance their economic and political standing.” - Cointelegraph

“Spanish NASAMS unit deployed to Estonia.” - Defence Blog

“Texas Guard Conducts HIMARS Live-Fire Exercise in Estonia.” - National Guard

“Largest solar park in Baltics to open in Pärnumaa.” - Baltic Times

“Tallinn Airport likely to introduce airline security fee.” - ERR

“New FedEx Express Estonia terminal coming to Tallinn Airport.” - Airports International 

Venemaa liitlased ei taha kuulda tuumarelvaga ähvardamisest

Teet Kalmus, Estonian World Review

“Venemaa president rääkis eelmisel nädalal Venemaa tuumadoktriini muutusest ja eeskätt oli see suunatud nö lääne riikidele, kes on sõjas Ukraina selja taga.

“Küll aga sai Putini jutt väga terava reaktsiooni riikidelt, keda Venemaa propagandamasin armastab näidata kui Venemaa suurimaid liitlasi praegusel ajal ehk siis tegemist on nn globaalse lõuna riikidega, kes ei taha mitte midagi kuulda tuumarelvaga ähvardamisest ning selles grupis annavad tooni Hiina ja India ehk siis riigid, tänu kellele Venemaa suudab hetkel üldse sõda pidada, sest need riigid on suurimad Venemaa nafta ostjad.”

“Ukraina ründas nädalavahetusel Venemaal asuvaid sihtmärke vähemalt 125 drooniga ning uue tuumadoktriini valguses oleks see ju tuumarelva kasutamise koht, aga ei ole isegi parima tahtmise juures võimalik, sest Hiina andis väga selgelt mõista, et tuumarelva kasutamisel oleksid väga tõsised tagajärjed Venemaa jaoks.”


Opinion: Estonia is no longer afraid of the Russian Bear

By Alexander J. Motyl, The Hill

“… thanks to the Russian army’s abysmal performance in the war against Ukraine and the enormity of its losses in personnel and materiel, even the tiny Estonian mouse thinks it can roar at the Russian bear and get away with it.”

“Putin has brilliantly managed not only to demote Russia to a second- or third-rate power, but also to encircle it with potential enemies. It takes genius to convert a regional power and near-superpower into a country that no longer puts the fear of God into its mouse-like neighbors. Putin has no one to blame for this shameful state of affairs but himself.”


Baltic states and Poland seek EU funds for a massive border defense line

(AP | Estonian World | Euronews)

“… including a network of bunkers, barriers, distribution lines and military warehouses along their borders with Russia and Belarus, Estonia’s officials said Saturday. The three Baltic countries initially announced the plan for a “Baltic Defense Line” in January. In May, Poland announced a similar project called the “Eastern Shield” with a purpose to strengthen its borders with the Russian exclave of Kaliningrad and with Belarus.”




Around the Baltic Sea

“Finland plans tougher rules on detention, deportation and entry of foreigners.” - Yle

“Norway is mulling fence along its border with Rusia.” - Norway News

“Latvia’s population numbers going down more rapidly than in other EU countries.” - BNN

“Gotland remembers Baltic refugees that came 80 years ago.” - Radio Sweden

“Rīga begins labeling potential bomb shelters.” - Latvian Broadcasting

“Lithuania prohibits persons with access to confidential information to travel to unfriendly countries.” - BNN

“Joint Statement by the Defence Ministers of Estonia, Latvia, Lithuania and Poland.” - Latvian Ministry of Defense

“Balti riigid ja Poola loodavad EL rahale kaitsevööndi ehitamisel.” - Estonian World Review

“Flood response puts Poland's PM Donald Tusk under pressure.” - DW

“Finnish population could hit almost 6m in 2040 if immigration continues at recent level.” - Helsinki Times

“There can be no sustainable peace in Europe without security for Ukraine.” - Atlantic Council

NATO's New Boss, Mark Rutte

By Rikard Jozwiak, Briefing #2

“Mark Rutte took over from Norway's Jens Stoltenberg as NATO's secretary-general. Rutte, the longest-serving prime minister in Dutch history, is very much seen as a "continuation candidate." Like Stoltenberg, who served a decade at the helm of the military alliance, Rutte is known for having a talent for striking difficult political compromises. He enjoys widespread support among key member states, not in the least for his supposedly dry humor that can grease the wheels of diplomacy.”

“European Commission President Ursula von der Leyen; her incoming foreign policy chief, Kaja Kallas; and the new head of the European Council, Antonio Costa, are all ardent trans-Atlanticists. The same is true for Andrius Kubilius, the former Lithuanian prime minister and proposed European commissioner for defense.”


“Mark Rutte has officially become the secretary-general of NATO.” - DW

“Mark Rutte is Mr. Nice Guy on day 1 at NATO.” - Politico Europe

“Mark Rutte will have no honeymoon at NATO.” - Politico

No imminent nuclear threat from Russia, says new Nato chief Mark Rutte


“… despite ‘reckless and irresponsible’ rhetoric by the Kremlin. Last week, President Vladimir Putin said Russia was considering changing its military doctrine to regard an attack from a non-nuclear state - such as Ukraine - that was backed by a nuclear-armed one to be a ‘joint attack’."


“Putin Rattles The Nuclear Saber Again.” - RFERL

“Putin's Updated Conditions for Russian Nuclear Use Are Not So New.” - Russia Matters

“If Russia were to launch a massive nuclear strike on Ukraine or Western Europe, there is not much the continent could do to stop it.” - RFERL

“Putin’s nuclear threats: empty rhetoric or shift in battlefield strategy.” - France24

“New NATO chief Mark Rutte reaffirms support for Ukraine in Kyiv trip.” - France24

Putin’s Forever War

The Fall Of Vuhledar: What It Means For Ukraine’s Beleaguered Military


“Located about 90 kilometers southwest Donetsk, a Russian-controlled city and the largest city in the Donbas, Vuhledar is a coal-mining town with a preinvasion population of 14,000 with drab Soviet-style apartment blocks set amid a flat, open landscape. The city is on a relative height of land, making it ideal for staging artillery and rocket systems, to threaten a major east-west highway, called the T-0509, as well as a major rail line. …”


“Vene armee teatas Vuhledari vallutamisest Ida-Ukrainas.” - ERR

“What Went Wrong for Ukraine at Vuhledar?” - The Moscow Times

“Kyiv’s forces had to withdraw to avoid encirclement.” - Politico Europe

“Russian troops were in ‘all corners’ of Vuhledar.” - Novaya Gazeta

“The significance of Russia's capture of Vuhledar.” - France24

“Ukrainian forces struggle to hold back Russian advance.” - Moscow Times

“Ukraine’s east buckling under improved Russian tactics, superior firepower.” - Washington Post

“Contesting Russia: Preparing For The Long-Term Russian Threat.” - The U.S. Helsinki Commission Staff

“Russia’s FSB protected Evil Corp gang that carried out Nato cyber-attacks.” - The Guardian

“Tuesday was the beginning of Russia's latest conscription campaign.” - Euronews

“Russia’s Army Plans to Enlist 20K Criminal Defendants for Ukraine War.” - The Moscow Times

Russia to raise defence budget reportedly  to 40% of government spending

(The Guardian)

This increase is confirmation the economy has switched to a war footing, and, even if the war in Ukraine ends soon, channeling money to the army and a bloated defence sector will remain a top priority,” the Bell, a leading Russian outlet specialising on the economy, wrote in its newsletter.”


“Russia’s 2025 federal budget outlines record military and ‘top secret’ spending — and tax hikes for ordinary citizens.” - Meduza

Russia places four independent journalists on trial for ‘extremism'

(Deutsche Welle)

“Journalists Antonina Favorskaya, Konstantin Gabov, Sergei Karelin and Artem Kriger could be sentenced to as much as six years in prison, charged with involvement in "an extremist group.” The four, mostly video reporters detained since being arrested in March and April, appeared in court inside a glass cage for defendants. As they were led into the courtroom, supporters greeted the four with applause.”


Inside Putin’s secret personal life and the wild lengths he goes to keep it hidden

(The Daily Beast, login required)

“Recent security failures have allowed journalists and activists unprecedented access to the secrets of Putins inner circle. A report by the Dossier Center, a Russian opposition media group, revealed that the Russian president, his rumored romantic partner, and children are isolated in their residences, travel only by armored train, yacht or private jet, and require visitors to quarantine for two weeks.”


“The Secret Lives of Vladimir Putin’s Sons.” - The Dossier Center

“The Institutional Ecosystem of Russia’s Personalist Dictatorship.” - Riddle


