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14 April, 2023


Kliimamuutus võib viia Eesti metsadest kuusepuud


“Eesti Maaülikooli metsaökoloogia professor Kalev Jõgiste rääkis "Terevisioonis", et harilik kuusk on küllaltki tundlik puuliik. Teadlased püüavad praegu analüüsida puu vastupanuvõimet ja leida õige majandusviisi, mis aitaks harilikku kuuske metsalooduses säilitada. Liigina on see praegu levinud üle Euroopa. Jõgiste sõnul on juba teisteski Euroopa piirkondades näha, et harilik kuusk kannatab väga tugevalt muutuvate kliimanähtuste käes. "Metsanduse a ja b ütleb, et harilik kuusk on väga tormihell puuliik. Tal on pinnapealne juurestik ja tugev tormituul võib ta kergesti ümber lükata.”


Some NATO member states do not like Kallas’ clear views on Russia

(Baltic Times)

“Since the term of the current NATO chief, Norwegian Jens Stoltenberg, ends at the end of September, the question of who will lead the now 31-member alliance is in the air. German public-service television broadcaster ZDF rhetorically asks whether NATO should have a female secretary general after 74 years of operation and mentions European Commission Preisdent Ursula von der Leyen and Estonian Prime Minister Kaja Kallas as possible candidates.”

"But does everyone in NATO want a falcon like Kallas, who usually finds harsher words against Russia than the rest, at their head? It would be a statement that not everyone wants to send," ZDF writes. … member states must unanimously agree on the new leader.”


“Russian TV Suggests Finland, Poland, Baltics Want to Rejoin 'Mother Russia’.” - Newsweek

All Unquiet on NATO’s Eastern Flank

By Robbie Gramer and Jack Detsch 

(Foreign Policy)

“NATO is steadily bulking up its military footprint along its eastern flank in a show of force to Russia, but behind the scenes Eastern European allies fear that most of their Western European counterparts are still too slow to respond to the threat from Russia. … “We’re as a region investing in our own defense as we deliver all we can to Ukraine and setting up ways to host more allied troops here as soon as they are ready,” said one Eastern European official, speaking on condition of anonymity. “We’re waiting with arms wide open and just hoping we don’t have to wait too long.”

“Most allied defense officials agree that Russia, bogged down in Ukraine and hemorrhaging manpower and equipment at alarming rates, doesn’t pose an imminent threat of invasion to NATO territory. But some Eastern European allies fear that NATO forces deployed near Russia’s borders aren’t being expanded quickly enough or backed by adequate defense spending commitments from their allies farther west. The internal debates within NATO reflect a growing belief that Russia will find a way to reconstitute its military power over the medium term, despite its stinging battlefield setbacks and high casualty rates in Ukraine.”


Leaked Memo: Germany can’t fulfill NATO obligations, says army chief

(Politico Europe)

“Berlin had promised a fully-equipped army division to NATO in response to Russia’s war on Ukraine as early as 2025, two years earlier than planned.”

“However, without countermeasures, “the army will not be able to hold its own in high-intensity combat and will also only be able to fulfill its obligations to NATO to a limited extent,” the army chief was quoted by the Bild newspaper.”


“Lekkinud memo: Saksa armee ei suuda NATO ees võetud kohustusi täita.” - ERR

Friday 14. April

Eesti on rahakulutamises Euroopa tipus kahes üllatavas valdkonnas

Ülle Harju


“On kolm valdkonda, kus Eesti kulutab Euroopa keskmisest rohkem, ülejäänud valdkondades pigem vähem või alla keskmise,» tõi välja rahandusministeeriumi fiskaalpoliitika osakonna juhataja Raoul Lättemäe. «Need valdkonnad on riigikaitse – oleme NATO kaheprotsendilise kohustuse täitmisel hästi tublid olnud (Eesti on Kreeka järel teine – Ü.H.) , kuid kaks teist valdkonda võivad paljudele üllatuseks olla.”


More Ukrainians Are Arriving in Estonia Than Leaving


“Nearly 200-300 Ukrainians fleeing Russia’s invasion of Ukraine apply for asylum in Estonia per week.”


“State and Tallinn representatives disagree on Ukrainian refugee housing.” - ERR

"26 Persons With Links to Terrorist Organisations Have Applied for E-Residency in Estonia.” - SchengenVisaInfo

“FSB regularly recruits Ukrainian refugees in Estonia.” - Ukrinform

Estonia's border is stable but Belarus' 'migration attack' is not over


“Border guards from Estonia, Latvia, Lithuania, Poland and Finland met on the island of Saaremaa on Thursday to discuss cooperation, threats and possible incidents on Belarus and Russia's borders. … There are still people on the borders of Poland, Lithuania and Latvia who are trying to get in and who have been organized and targeted by the Belarusian authorities.”

“Migration routes are not spontaneous and are organized by Belarus. This activity has been called a "hybrid attack" by Baltic and Polish ministers. They believe the actions have been planned in retaliation to sanctions on Belarus and support for the opposition.”


The Nazi Looting of the Julius Genss Art Collection in Estonia

by Ruth Jolanda Weinberger

(The Claims Conference | The Art Newspaper)

“Julius Idel Genss (1887−1957), an Estonian art collector and art historian, is believed to have amassed as many as 20,000 books and 5,000 artworks. A large portion of his collection was stolen by the Einsatzstab Reichsleiter Rosenberg (ERR). This constituted the most important cultural theft from Estonia by Nazi Germany.”

“The collection is considered unique given its “rare bibliophile treasures” and was well known to the Nazis, particular to Alfred Rosenberg, a fellow Estonian. In July 1941, the Genss family escaped Nazi persecution by fleeing to Uzbekistan.”

“By the time the family returned to Estonia in 1944, the Nazis, and more specifically the ERR, had ransacked Genss’ vast collection. … The post-war fate of the Genss collection is only partially known …”



“The Einsatzstab Reichsleiter Rosenberg.” - Wikipedia

Allied Air Forces finished 2-day exercise over the Baltic Sea

(Allied Air Command Public Affairs Office)

“… participants were from Germany, Portugal, Romania, Finland, Lithuania, Türkiye, and Spain. This was the first time Finnish aircraft took part in a NATO exercise since joining as an Ally.”


NATO ships from Germany and Portugal dock in Helsinki for first time since Finland's accession


“The German Navy's FGS Mecklenburg-Vorpommern and the Portuguese Navy's NRP Bartolomeu Dias are both part of the Standing Nato Maritime Group 1 (SNMG1), a Nato naval immediate response unit.”


“Finland’s embassy in Moscow says it received an envelope containing white powder.” - ABCNews

“Debunked: Russia moving nuclear equipment to Finland's border.” - Euronews

Finland Unveils First Section of 200km Russian Border Fence

(Yle | The Moscow Times)

“Three meters tall and topped with barbed wire, it will cost around 380 million euros ($417 million) and is due to be completed by 2026. … About 70% of the fence will be erected on the southeast, with several smaller sections planned for central Finland and the largely uninhabited Arctic border in Lapland.”



Russia’s commando units gutted by Ukraine war, U.S. leak shows

(Washington Post)

“The war in Ukraine has gutted Russia’s clandestine spetsnaz forces, and it will take Moscow years to rebuild them … U.S. officials attributed their assessments to Russian commanders’ overreliance on the specialized units, which have been put to use as part of front-line infantry formations. Those formations, like the Ukrainians, have suffered massive numbers of dead and wounded.”


“Leke: Vene spetsnaz kaotas kuni 95 protsenti Ukrainas sõdinud eriväelastest.” - ERR

“Verified Russian Military Deaths in Ukraine Now Exceed 20,000.” - The Moscow Times

Thursday 13. April

Estonia’s Finance Ministry identifies four possible nuclear power plant sites

(Nuclear Engineering Magazine)

“The four locations are at Toila, Ida-Viru County, Kunda, Lääne-Viru County, Loksa, Harju County and Varbla, Pärnu County.”

“Kaia Sarnet, head of the Ministry’s spatial analysis working party, told a press conference that detailed analysis will follow once the state has taken a decision on NPP construction. She added that much would depend on the technological choice of plant. This would dictate the site based on how much land is needed, and the extent of the socio-economic impact.”


“Soome tuumajaama lisandumine mõjutab elektri hinda ka Eestis.” - ERR

Käed löödud: valitsus plaanib Nursipaluga järgmiseks kevadeks ühele poole saada

Ülle Harju


“Valitsus otsustas Nursipalu harjutusvälja laiendada koalitsioonileppe järgi riigikaitselise erandiga ja aasta pärast arendusega pihta hakata, loodusekspertide hinnangul on karta kiirkorras Natura JOKK-hindamist ja metsise asurkonna hävingut.”


Kapot paneb muretsema kasvav sisseränne riikidest, kus levib islamiäärmuslus

Elo Mõttus-Leppik

Postimees / ‘Täistunni’ saatejuht

“Moslemikogukond Eestis aina kasvab, ulatudes kaitsepolitsei hinnangul juba ligi 10,000 inimeseni. Kaitsepolitsei peadirektori asetäitja Martin Arpo sõnul pole tänu islamikeskusele, mis on mõeldud usu praktiseerimiseks kõigile moslemitele, Eestis siiani suutnud kanda kinnitada ükski radikaalne või fundamentaalne moslemite grupp. «Aga katseid on tehtud küll,» ütleb Arpo. «Meile teeb tõsist muret viimastel aastatel järjepidevalt suurenenud sisseränne islamiäärmusluse mõttes riskiriikidest ehk riikidest, kus on probleem islamiäärmusluse ja terrorismiga ja kus need lähteriigid ei suuda või ei taha selle probleemiga piisavalt tegeleda,» lisab ta.”


“Juhtkiri: Mošeed ja migratsioonipumpa Eesti ei vaja.” - Postimees

“Kapo näeb islamitaustaga riskiriikidest Eestisse elama asunute arvu kasvus ohtu.” - ERR

“Islamiterroristid pürivad Eesti e-residentideks.” - Postimees

“Eesti Moslemid - privaatne grupp.” - Facebook (Eesti keeles)

“Islam Center, Tallinn avaleht." - Eesti keeles

The Muslim community in Estonia continues to grow

(From Postimees article above)

“… reaching nearly 10,000 people according to the Defense Police. Martin Arpo, deputy director general of the Defense Police, said thanks to the Islamic Center, which is intended for all Muslims to practice their faith, no radical or fundamental Muslim group has been able to gain a foothold in Estonia so far. "But attempts have been made," says Arpo. “We are seriously concerned about the consistently increased immigration in recent years from countries at risk of Islamic extremism, i.e. countries where there is a problem with Islamic extremism and terrorism and where these countries of origin are unable or unwilling to adequately deal with this problem," he adds.”


Sanctions have held back Russia in realising its influence objectives

(Baltic News Service via Postimees & Estonian World)

“The Estonian Internal Security Service writes in its latest annual review that international sanctions, deportations of extremist Russian citizens from Estonia and entry bans have held back Russia in realising its political influence objectives – furthermore, several individuals and associations have also decided to withdraw from active propaganda efforts.”



Leaks show US ‘is underestimating us again’. Ukrainian officials are fuming

(Politico Europe)

“… over the leak of classified United States intelligence documents — some stamped “top secret” — that were initially shared on a social media site associated with gamers, before subsequently spreading more widely. Their ire lies … with the pessimism regarding Ukraine’s chances of capturing significant amounts of territory when an expected counteroffensive is likely launched in the next couple months. … Two senior Ukrainian officials who talked with POLITICO on condition of anonymity because of the sensitivity of the issue, said the classified documents reflect the views of skeptics in the upper echelon of the Pentagon and the U.S. National Security Council who have long been naysayers.” 


Wednesday 12. April

No 'fifth column' in Estonia


“Director General of the Estonian Internal Security Service (ISS) Arnold Sinisalu said that there is no so-called fifth column in Estonian society, which would be made up of a considerable number of Russian-speaking people with hostile intent toward the Estonian state. "We could leave the 'fifth column' topic alone," Sinisalu said at the presentation of the security service's 2022-2023 Annual Review …”


“Kaitsepolitsei Aastaraamat 2022 / 2023.” - Kapo

“Kapo Annual Review 2022 / 2023” - Estonian Internal Security Service

“International Security And Estonia 2023.” - Foreign Intelligence Service

“Välisluureameti avalik raport 2023.” - Välisluureamet

Eestis ei ole viiendat kolonni


“Kaitsepolitsei (kapo) peadirektori Arnold Sinisalu kinnitusel ei ole Eestis niinimetatud viiendat kolonni, mis koosneks arvestatavast hulgast siin elavatest venekeelsetest inimestest, kes on riigi suhtes vaenulikult meelestatud.”

“Sinisalu rõhutas, et Eesti venekeelne elanikkond on oma koostiselt väga mitmekesine – nad elavad Eesti erinevates piirkondades, on erinevalt lõimunud, neil on erinevad huvid ja taust ning ka nende eesti keele oskus ei pruugi näidata nende meelsust. "Kõik on väga palju mitmekihilisem," tõdes ta. Sinisalu sõnul kinnitavad seda, et venekeelne elanikkond ei ole homogeenne, ka Tartu Ülikooli teadlaste uuringud.”


Estonia announces largest exercises of reserve in country’s history


“In the fall of 2023, we will organize the largest exercise of reserve soldiers in the history of Estonia, as over 10,000 individuals are expected to be called, the Estonian Ministry of Defense announced on Monday.”


The RAF take over Luftwaffe in policing Estonian airspace

(Airforce Tech)

“… with elements of a German detachment continuing as an integrated part of the joint effort throughout April. RAF Typhoons have therefore returned to Estonia to lead this integrated aerial police force in Estonian airspace. This is the second deployment of RAF Typhoons to eastern Europe since the Russian invasion of Ukraine began in February 2022. The last deployment was to Romania as part of Operation Biloxi, in March 2022. Both rotations were planned well before Russia’s incursion as part of an ongoing Nato commitment to provide air policing across its eastern flank.”


Estonia’s Parliament approves PM Kaja Kallas’ 3rd Cabinet

(AP | Postimees)

“Lawmakers in the 101-seat Riigikogu legislature voted 59-38 to accept the proposed three-party Cabinet, made up of the Reform Party, the centrist Estonia 200 party and the Social Democratic Party.”

“A majority of votes in favor was required for authorization.”


“Riigikogu andis Kallasele volitused valitsuse moodustamiseks.” - ERR

“Estonia PM focused on defence spending and same sex marriage law.” - Reuters

Rail Baltic Estonia sõlmis seni suurima ehituslepingu


“Rail Baltic Estonia sõlmis kolmapäeval ettevõtetega Merko Ehitus Eesti ja KMG Infra ehituslepingu Ülemiste rahvusvahelise reisiterminali 0-korruse rajamiseks maksumusega 44,8 miljonit eurot.”

“Praegu on veel uue kiirraudtee rajamisel raskuskese rajatistel nagu ökoduktid ja liiklussõlmed ning geograafiliselt keskendutakse Rapla- ja Harjumaale, siis sel aastal loodab ettevõte sõlmida ehituslepingud ka juba esimese 55 kilomeetri raudteetrassi rajamiseks.”


Lekkinud memo: Saksa armee ei suuda NATO ees võetud kohustusi täita


“Saksamaa maaväed ei suuda täita oma kohustusi NATO ees, selgus riigi sõjaväest lekkinud memost.”

“Ajaleht Bild vahendas lekkinud memo, milles Saksamaa maavägede ülem Alfons Mais kirjeldab riigi sõjaväe kehva olukorda. Selle järgi selgub, et diviis, mille Saksamaa lubas NATO-le, pole veel lahinguvalmis. Berliin lubas NATO-le täielikult varustatud diviisi juba 2025. aastaks.”


USA rahustab dokumendilekke järel liitlasi


“Ukraina rahvusvahelised toetajad on töötanud selle nimel, et tugevdada riigi õhutõrjet, pakkudes tipptasemel, aga ka vanemat tehnoloogiat, et luua mitmekihiline kaitse, mis kaitseb rünnakute eest erinevatel kõrgustel."


"Kuid 2023. aasta veebruari dokumendis – mille ehtsust polnud võimalik kohe kinnitada – öeldakse, et 89 protsenti Ukraina kesk- ja kaugmaa õhutõrjest koosneb nõukogudeaegsetest süsteemidest SA-10 ja SA-11, mille laskemoona võib peagi otsa saada.”

“Tollase laskemoona kasutuse põhjal prognoositi dokumendis, et Ukraina SA-11-d jäävad rakettideta märtsi lõpuks ja SA-10-d mai alguseks. Ukraina võime pakkuda rindejoone kaitseks keskmaa õhutõrjet «kaob 23. maiks täielikult», seisab dokumendis.”


Emerging Europe’s most competitive IT sector? Estonia, again

(Emerging Europe)

“For the second year in succession Estonia tops Emerging Europe’s IT Competitiveness Index, part of an annual Future of IT report which looks at the technology sector in all 23 countries of the region using the same methodology to understand how each country contributes to the size of the regional market.”

“Lithuania takes second spot, leapfrogging Poland which falls to third. 

Latvia is in fourth place, a notable improvement on last year, when it was eighth.”


Estonia's new coalition government: Who's who

(ERR | ASP | ABCNews | Politico)

“The incoming Reform-Eesti 200-SDE coalition has announced its new ministers, and while some are returning to office – both from the previous administration and from further back in time – there are some new faces in the mix too. The number of positions has been cut by two, also, with amalgamations of previously separate roles getting round this.”

“Leaving office next week will be all five Isamaa ministers: Urmas Reinsalu (foreign minister), Riina Solman (minister of public administration), Lea Danilson-Järg (justice minister), Kristjan Järvan (IT and foreign trade) and Tõnis Lukas (education).”





“Estonia’s new coalition: what is it like?” - BNN

Security in Europe Requires Investing in Ukrainians

(The Bulwark)

“Even though the war in Ukraine shows no signs of ending soon, attention is already (and rightly) being paid to what it will take to rebuild Ukraine for the long-term. Recent estimates on the cost of rebuilding the country range from tens of billions of dollars to more than one trillion dollars. Providing immediate and continuing financial support—with appropriate caution and monitoring—and attracting foreign investment are critical to the country’s long-term prospects.”


- Putin’s Forever War -

Russian Offensive Campaign Assessment 13. April


“A senior Ukrainian official warned that Russia can reconstitute itself as a serious threat to Ukraine in the long run despite facing severe force generation problems at this time.”

“Russia cannot conduct multiple offensive operations simultaneously at this time.”

“Putin reportedly personally approved the arrest of Wall Street Journal correspondent Evan Gershkovich.”

“Russian forces continue to reinforce and strengthen their positions in southern Ukraine in preparation for a potential Ukrainian counteroffensive.”


“Lähinädalatel võib oodata sõjategevuse ägenemist.” - ERR

“Battles in Ukraine could pick up in the next few weeks.” - ERR

“Allikas: Aleksei Navalnõi tervislik seisund on kriitiline.” - ERR

“Alexei Navalny in ‘critical’ situation after possible poisoning.” - Guardian

“Russia says China agreed to secretly provide weapons.” - Washington Post

“Casualties Won’t Topple Putin.” - Foreign Policy

“CIA Director Reveals Conversation With Putin Before Ukraine Invasion.” -  The Daily Beast

“Confusion and Indifference but No Panic as Russia Tightens Draft Rules.” - The Moscow Times

Opinion: Crimea Has Become a Frankenstein’s Monster

(Foreign Policy)

“The Ukrainian government is now trapped by its own uncompromising—and increasingly indefensible—policy.”



