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11 July, 2024


A mini-EstoNews     

"Attending the NATO summit in Washington DC is Kaja Kallas' last significant act as Estonian prime minister. The hearing on her High Representative of the Union for Foreign Affairs and Security Policy candidacy takes place next week.” - ERR

"The appointment of Kaja Kallas as the EU's high representative for foreign affairs and security policy is extremely irritating for Russia.” - Postimees

Eesti saavutas NATO tippkohtumisel oma kolm põhieesmärki
(ERR | Postimees)
"Eesti läks Washingtoni kolme selge sihiga ja äsja lõppenud tippkohtumise ühisavalduses nimetati neist kõiki," ütles välisminister Margus Tsahkna pressiteate vahendusel.”
“Üks peaminister ütles: meie näeme, et me tegelikult ei ole enam rahuajas, aga meie inimesed pole sellest veel aru saanud, vahendas Eesti valitsusjuht Kaja Kallas ühe kolleegi sõnu kaitsekulude arutelul. Kallas tõi välja numbri 11 – just nii palju on seekordsel NATO tippkohtumisel 32 liitlase seas uusi liidreid, kes veel mullu samal üritusel Vilniuses oma riiki ei esindanud. «See näitab, et kõik on demokraatiad, kus toimuvad valimised ehk siis selleks, et liidrid saaksid teha otsuseid, peab ka avalik arvamus mõistma, et selliseid otsuseid on vaja teha."

NATO summit outcome meets Estonia's goals
“Estonia's main goals going into the NATO summit in Washington have been achieved, politicians said on Thursday. These were aiding Ukraine towards victory in the ongoing invasion by the Russian Federation, progress towards NATO membership, and a stiffening of allies' defensive and deterrence postures.”
"A decision taken at the summit will bring the coordination of military assistance, logistics and training for Ukraine under the leadership of the alliance, which outgoing Prime Minister Kaja Kallas (Reform) said "will help to place assistance for Ukraine on a firmly structured basis. … With today's decisions we have shown that the Ukraine's path to NATO membership is irreversible.”

Opinion: Russia's greatest war secret is starting to unveil itself
By Mart Kuldkepp, Postimees
"Estonia's assessment of the Russian threat has been realistic.”
“In the current phase of the war, Russia's inability to make progress in the direction of Kharkiv is striking. This is due to the Ukrainian defense forces' ammunition shortages staring to abate and permission having been granted to use Western-supplied long-range precision capabilities against Russian territory. In the light of this, Russia's greatest war secret is starting to unveil itself: their military resources are not infinite, and even with the help of Iran and North Korea, it is impossible to replenish everything immediately in such an intense conflict, despite the massive propaganda apparatus working daily to hide this fact."

Opinion: NATO Summit In Washington
 by Marian Kamensky
