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17 May, 2024

EstoNews will return 

at the end of June or early July


EstoNews On-Line:


EstoNews Dropbox Archive:



A few news items of note are below:

"Eestlased on õnnelikumad kui lätlased ja leedukad.” - Estonian World Review

"The happiest people in the Baltics live in Estonia.” - BNN

"Alar Karis: Venemaal on sügavalt juurdunud soov võimutseda ja laieneda.” - ERR

"European Commission forecasts 3.1% economic growth for Estonia in 2025.” - ERR

"Researcher: Estonians could be in the minority by end of century.” - ERR

"Eksperdid: päikesetormide mõju pärast tänapäeval enam muretsema ei pea.” - Novaator

"Finnish carrier will resume Estonia flights in June after GPS interference prevented landings.” - AP

“Estonian parliament passes bill enabling use of Russia's frozen assets.” - Baltic Times

“Ukraina: lähipäevad näitavad, kui kaugele õnnestub Venemaa armeel põhjapool liikuda.” - EWR

"Estonia denies the possibility of sending its troops to Ukraine.” - ERR

"Estonian president at Kevadtorm: Everything works as it should.” - Postimees / BNS

“NATO General Christopher Cavoli: Russia’s offensive won’t succeed.” - Politico Europe

"Valgevene viib koos Venemaaga läbi taktikalise tuumarelva kasutamise õppust.” - Delfi

"Russia Moves to Expropriate Homes in Occupied Ukraine Regions.” - Spiegel

"Putin’s next six years in power spell more repression for Russia.” - The Spectator

"Court finds Allan Hantsom guilty of spying against Estonia.” - ERR


