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18 May, 2018

✔︎ "For all the transatlantic bickering, the US is determined to strengthen Nato."  - Edward Lucas / The Times

✔︎ "Kaitseväe juhataja: Siil tõestas, et ühtsena oleme murdmatud." 

✔︎ "Looking at the latest decisions of Donald Trump, someone could even think: with friends like that who needs enemies." 
- Donald Tusk, President of the European Council 

✔︎ "Such anger and frustration are real, but they are not new. Starting with the Suez invasion in 1956, the U.S.-European relationship has gone into a “crisis” once or twice every decade.”  
- Foreign Affairs

✔︎ "Putin solidifies Russian hold on Crimea with opening of the 19 km long Kerch Bridge from Russia to Crimea." 
- Special news list

- 2014 to 2018 Archive:


The Trans-Atlantic Alliance

- Trump Strikes a Deep Blow to Trans-Atlantic Ties
“… Trump has thrown Europe into uncertainty and anxiety - and raised the specter of a new war in the Middle East. One thing is certain: the trans-Atlantic relationship has been seriously damaged.”

How to save the EU/US transatlantic alliance
"For more than 70 years there has been strong bipartisan support in the US and Europe for the transatlantic alliance. EU-US trade in goods and services is about $1.1 trillion annually with mutual investment over $5 trillion. NATO is still in business."
"But now these ties are weakening by the day as the Trump administration increasingly diverges from EU policies. According to the latest Pew Research polls, European trust in the US is at a historic low with less than 14% of the population in the two most important EU member states (Germany and France) having confidence in US leadership. ..."

- All-out war of words among Germany, EU and US
(Handelsblatt Global)
"On multiple fronts, this week is shaping up as an unprecedented showdown among Germany, the European Union and the United States. … The common denominator of all these high-level meetings is Donald Trump."

- Time for Europe to Join the Resistance
"Trump's decision to withdraw from the Iran nuclear deal marks the temporary suspension of the trans-Atlantic alliance. What now?"

EU leaders unite against Trump
"EU leaders on Wednesday vowed that they would not be bullied by Donald Trump …”
"In Brussels on Wednesday, former U.S.ambassador to the EU Anthony Gardner said Trump was damaging transatlantic relations across the board. “One and a half years into the Trump administration, one can only conclude that U.S.-EU relations will be significantly, but temporarily, damaged in almost every area where we used to collaborate,” he told the European Parliament."

- RIP the Trans-Atlantic Alliance, 1945-2018
(Foreign Policy)
"The partnership with America had a long and fruitful life, but Europe is ready to start over. … What now? The United States will lurch from crisis to crisis, but Europe faces more existential questions: It has been expelled from the garden — albeit a very thorny one — maintained by U.S. military and diplomatic power and now must build a new home of its own.”
"François Delattre, France’s ambassador to the United Nations, says … “I am personally afraid the withdrawal is durable. The disengagement started before President Trump, and I am afraid it will last after him.”
“... Macron has invited the defense ministers of 10 European nations to Paris next month [group includes Estonia - Ed.] to discuss his plan to create a battle-ready force of up to 100,000 troops. ... the split with Trump has given a serious boost to the plan. Both the British and Germans have overcome initial reluctance and agreed to consider joining."

Europe is in Damage-Control Mode
(New York Times)
"After a series of decisions by President Trump that have split the trans-Atlantic alliance, European foreign ministers have begun a scramble to contain the fallout to their own interests, global institutions and stability in the Middle East."

- EU's Tusk takes aim at Trump
(Deutsche Welle)
"Looking at the latest decisions of Donald Trump, someone could even think: with friends like that who needs enemies. But frankly, EU should be grateful. Thanks to him we got rid of all illusions. We realize that if you need a helping hand, you will find one at the end of your (own) arm.”

Opinion: Trump’s Iran decision is a massive attack on Europe
by Carl Bildt, former prime minister of Sweden
(Washington Post)
"Trump’s decision to try to blow up the nuclear deal with Iran is, in its execution, nothing less than a massive assault on the sovereignty of others — most notably that of Europe. The president has now directed maximum economic sanctions to be applied. But with few exceptions (Boeing is the one of significance), these sanctions don’t really affect American business or activities.”
"Instead, the brunt of the sanctions offensive directly affects business in Europe. For instance, in a tweet, the new U.S. ambassador to Germany was quick to give orders to German companies on how they should behave. This is nothing less than a massive assault on the sovereignty of European states and the European Union. They are deprived of their right to decide on their policies and actions by brutal dictates from a foreign — and allegedly friendly — country. This is utterly unacceptable from a European point of view, as well as a violation of the preaching of Trump himself. It relegates Europe to just abiding by and implementing policies with which it profoundly disagrees.”

- How Choice Can Save Europe
(Foreign Affairs)
"The European Union, bruised and battered by years of political and economic crises, is at a crossroads. In a recent speech to the European Parliament, French President Emmanuel Macron warned that today’s political divisions in Europe are like “a European civil war.” Although the decade-old eurozone crisis has faded from public view, the ongoing refugee crisis, Hungary’s and Poland’s descent into illiberalism, and the aftershocks of the Brexit vote continue to divide the continent. ... Euroskepticism has moved from the fringe to the mainstream.”

- Waiting For Europe, Waiting For Merkel
(Carnegue Europe)
"U.S. President Donald Trump’s decisions to pull out of the Iran nuclear deal and move the American embassy to Jerusalem has shaken his European allies. It is not just because they mean more setbacks for the post-1945 multilateral order led by the United States. It is because Trump’s rejection of this order has left Europe highly vulnerable."

- Europe’s ultimate Trump strategy: Appeasement
"There will be no uprising, much less a revolution against American hegemony. For all of the public heavy breathing by Europe’s media and politicians in the wake of Trump’s decision to honor his campaign promise on Iran, behind the scenes, senior policymakers have pursued a more familiar European tactic — appeasement."

- Why Trump Can Safely Ignore Europe
(Foreign Affairs)
"The latest issue of the German newsmagazine Der Spiegel featured a cartoonish image of a left hand flipping the bird with Trump’s likeness etched on the middle finger. A related article in the issue noted that “[Europe’s] relationship to the United States cannot currently be called a friendship” and advocated joining the “resistance against America.”
"Such anger and frustration are real, but they are not new. Starting with the Suez invasion in 1956, the U.S.-European relationship has gone into a “crisis” once or twice every decade.”

"Even Chancellor Angela Merkel, a life-long admirer of America, no longer recognizes the country of President Donald Trump.”

"Trump’s Iran deal exit undermines trust in the international order."

"Europe Can No Longer Count On The United States.”

"I believe it is wrong to unilaterally tear up the agreement, which was agreed on and which was unanimously approved by the U.N. Security Council," German Chancellor Angela Merkel said.”

"French President Emmanuel Macron urged Europe to unite and exert a self-confident 'European sovereignty' in the face of an increasingly complex world and unilateral American moves on issues such as the Iran nuclear deal and climate change."



Friday 18. May

- Idapiir tähistati Eesti Vabariigi piiripostidega
(Lõuna Leht)
"Maikuus jõudsid lõpusirgele tööd Eesti ja Venemaa vahelisel kontrolljoonel, kuhu on nüüd paigaldatud 780 piiriposti ja vahepiiriposti."

- Kaitseväe juhataja: Siil tõestas, et ühtsena oleme murdmatud
"Suurõppus Siil näitas, et me saame hakkama mitte ainult lahingutega, aga palju suuremaga. Ühtne tegutsemine riigi erinevate struktuuride vahel, mida me sel õppusel harjutasime on jõud, mis ei lase meil murduda.”

Propaganda: Karu siili kallal
"Suurõppuse „Siil 2018“ ajal hakkasid silma mõned katsed venekeelses inforuumis ettevõtmist naeruvääristad ja panna levima propagandameemid ning õppust pilkavad materjalid. Selliste materjalide eesmärgiks on õõnestada Eesti kaitsetahet ning seada kahtluse alla meie kaitsevõime. Lisaks saab sedasi naeruvääristada Eesti õppusest osa võtnud liitlasvägesid ning NATOt tervikuna."

- For all the transatlantic bickering, US is determined to strengthen Nato
by Edward Lucas
(The Times-Uk)
"Amid worries about American unilateralism on Iran, the Middle East, climate change and trade, European leaders are in no mood to be lectured. They too will play to the gallery, decrying the Trump administration’s arrogance and recklessness."
"Yet this much-derided administration, with strong congressional support, has boosted, not cut, America’s contribution to the Continent’s security, splurging money in eastern Europe and sending back the heavy armour that the Obama administration withdrew. The US has beefed up its military ties with non-Nato Sweden and Finland. Last month the Pentagon announced the restoration of the Second Fleet, the US navy’s North Atlantic command.”
"All this is thanks to Russia. By attacking Ukraine in 2014 and stepping up mischief-making elsewhere, Vladimir Putin rebooted transatlanticism. Nato now focuses on its core mission: territorial defence. The multinational tripwire forces recently deployed in the Baltic republics and Poland have transformed the security of these frontline states, while the danger of a Russian sneak attack has receded. We are all safer as a result."
With the Baltic region largely sorted, attention is turning to the Balkans and the Black Sea. …”

- Die Achillesferse der Nato 
By Elisabeth Braw
(Frankfurter Allgemeine)
"Infrastructure is the Achilles heel of NATO" 

- Sergei Skripal jagas saladusi Eesti luurajatega
"Skripal külastas 2016. aasta juunis Eestit, kus kohtus kohaliku eriteenistuse esindajatega ning jagas nendega infot Vene luure töö kohta Euroopas, kirjutas väljaanne sel nädalal oma allikate jutule tuginedes."


Thursday 17. May

- Vene suursaadik Soomes: Eesti on Venemaa-vastane riik
"Usaldus hakkas kaduma siis, kui lääneriigid ei täitnud meie kokkulepet, et NATO ei liigu meie piiride lähedale. On selge, et seda lepet ei pandud kuhugi paberile. Kuid kui meie riigi ja lääneriikide juhtide aruteludes [1980. aastate lõpus ja 1990. aastate alguses] lepiti kokku Saksamaa taasühinemises, siis oli ühine arusaam, et NATO itta ei laiene."

- Psychological Undermining of the Economic Security of the Baltics
"In the past two months, the Russian government twice warned Latvian authorities that it was planning to conduct missile tests over Latvia’s exclusive economic zone (EEZ) in the Baltic Sea. Yet, in both cases (April 4–6 and April 17–19), Russia never actually shot off any live missiles during these “exercises”. This raises the question of what was the real purpose of Russia’s activities in the Baltic."

- Jüri Ratas: euroliit on Iraani lepingust kinnipidamise suhtes ühte meelt
“… Euroopa valitsusjuhtide mitteametlikult õhtusöögil Sofias pühendati Iraani küsimuse arutamisele päris palju aega. „Võib öelda, et Euroopa Liit käsitleb Iraani tuumaleppe teemat praegu väga ühtselt ja ühiselt ning peab oluliseks olla leppes nii kaua, kui Iraan oma kohustusi täidab.“

Jüri Ratas after Sofia summit: Door to European Union open to Western Balkans

- Kanepi vald kinnitas kanepilehe oma sümboliks
(Lõuna Leht)

- An Estonian Municipality Adopts Cannabis Leaf Flag
(Multiple sources)

- Could Power of the Euro Rein in Poland and Hungary Where Rule of Law Has Not?
(Christian Science Monitor)


Wednesday 16. May

- Luhamaa piiripunkti Eesti poolel pole tulevikus passi näidata tarvis
"Luhamaa piiripunktis alustati automaatiseeritud piiriületuse katsetamisega, mis tähendab seda, et edaspidi ei tule süsteemi kasutajatel Eesti-poolsel piiril passi näidata. Automatiseeritud piiriületus on mõeldud kõigile Eesti kodanikele, kellel on Eesti pass ning kes on vanemad kui 12 eluaastat."

- NATO Secretary General thanks President Macron for his personal commitment to the transatlantic relationship
"At a meeting at the Elysee Palace on Tuesday (15 May 2018), Mr Stoltenberg highlighted France's contribution to the NATO battlegroup in Lithuania and to Baltic Air Policing …”

- Estonia’s economic growth will be fastest among the Baltic countries
"The European Bank for Reconstruction and Development has revised up 2018 economic forecasts. The bank has raised Estonia’s economic growth forecast to 3.8 %.”

- Estonian inflation is pegged at 2.9%
(Emerging Europe)

- New petition on stateless residents in European Parliament
"According to the new petition, the main difference between the rights of citizens and stateless residents in the EU concerns the free movement of workers. … Stateless residents of the EU are entitled to visa-free entry to just 15 countries outside of the Schengen area, compared with 139 countries that Estonian citizens can enter without a visa. Nor do EU family regulations apply to stateless residents, such as in the event of divorce in a foreign country."


Tuesday 15. May

- Jätkuvad piiririkkumised võivad põhjustada Saatse tee sulgemise
"Hoolimata suurtest hoiatussiltidest ning keelumärkidest tuleb piirivalvel ikka veel tegeleda Eestit avastavate turistidega, kes ei suuda vastu panna kiusatusele pildistada end Saatse saapas Venemaa territooriumil. Halvemal juhul võib sellise turisminduse jätkumine lõppeda Saatse tee sulgemisega.”

- Border violations could lead to closure of road through Saatse Boot
"Despite the prominent warning signs posted in the area, Estonia's Border Guard nonetheless continues to deal with tourists unable to resist the temptation to illegally stop and take photos in the Saatse Boot, a small area of Russian territory bisected by a road connecting to a remote part of Southeastern Estonia. Should the problem persist, the road may ultimately be closed."

- Solidaarsus vene keele kaitsjate vahel
"Protest Eestis: 'Sputnik Eesti' sõnul oli viimati Eestis toetust näitamas vähemalt kuus aktivisti. Vaatamata aktivistide vähesele arvule paotas 16. novembri protest justkui ukse erinevate Balti riikide venekeelse hariduse eest seisjate omavaheliste sidemete mõistmiseks.

- #BalticBrief: Russian Language Solidarity
[Very small amount of people ‘protested’ in Estonia.]


Monday 14. May

- Russian Nationalists Attacked the Latvian Embassy in Moscow - how the attack was carried out
"Using open source evidence, @DFRLab was able to pinpoint the scene of the attack."

- Latvia shrinks, former expats plug holes
(Deutsche Welle)

- Will History Repeat In Swedish-Baltic Security Policy?
"The dramatic operation to extradite Baltic refugees back to the Soviet Union was decided in 1945 by the coalition government, but wasn’t fully executed until January 1946. Shortly before that, parliamentary elections had given Sweden a new, purely Social Democratic government. With the help of heavily armed police, the government carried out the forced extradition of Baltic military refugees. Among the 146 Balts were eight young Estonians who were dragged by Swedish police across the dock at Trelleborg and forced on to a Soviet ship, “Beloostrov”."


Putin’s Kerch Bridge

- Kuidas uus sild Krimmi Venemaaga ühendab
(Delfi - plaan)

Juhtkiri: Sild, mis lahutas
"Putini jaoks on Krimmi annekteerimine olnud tema 18-aastase valitsusaja säravaim võit."

- Putin’s bridge to Crimea illustrates his power, and his regime’s weak spot
(Washington Post)
"The U.S. State Department condemned the opening of the $3.6 billion bridge, saying it violates Ukrainian integrity and impedes the navigation of ships into Ukraine from the Sea of Azov. …"

- Russia Defends Opening of Crimea Bridge Against U.S. Criticism
(The Moscow Times)
“As one could predict, Washington is not happy,” the Russian Embassy in the U.S. wrote in a Facebook post. “But Crimea is Russia. We shall not ask for anybody’s permission to build transport infrastructure for the sake of the population of Russian regions.”

- Putin avas liikluseeskirja rikkudes ebaseadusliku Kertši silla
"Venemaa president Vladimir Putin avas täna 19-kilomeetrise silla, mis ühendab Edela-Venemaad Ukrainalt annekteeritud Krimmi poolsaarega."

Putin Cements Russian Hold on Crimea with Opening of Bridge
(Multiple sources)


Trust No One"

✔︎ Soviet GULAG Larger and More Deadly During and After World War II than in 1937
by Paul Goble
"The product of three years of work, the map and the numbers are admittedly incomplete; but they provide an important corrective to those who seek to present the camps as a Stalinist aberration rather than an integral part of the Soviet system.
[Link to an interactive USSR Gulag map is within Paul’s article.]

- Did The Soviet Government Abandon Its WWII Prisoners?
"Stalin's government, in my opinion, was guilty of not giving moral support or material assistance to its own soldiers, who were simply abandoned."
-- Historian Konstantin Bogoslavsky
"During the course of the war, the Soviet government also refused to cooperate with the governments of German allies Finland and Romania on the prisoners issue. Soviet prisoners in Finland did receive Red Cross packages that were organized by a charity in Switzerland and distributed in Finland on a unilateral basis."

Arvamus: Vladimir Putin kui sotsiaalne konstruktsioon
Andrei Kuzitškin
"Venemaa president Vladimir Putin on täna riigi stabiilsuse semiootiline märk, aga olude muutumisel võib tast saada ka «lammutaja» või «vaenlase» sümbol …"

✔︎ The propaganda smear that killed the US-Russia ‘reset’
by Michael McFaul
(Washington Post)
[Michael McFaul, was the U.S. ambassador to Russia from 2012 to 2014.]
"I landed in Russia just a few weeks after the December 2011 demonstrations began. A Moscow Times headline rightly declared, “McFaul Arrives to Keep ‘Reset’ Alive.” That most certainly was the mission that Obama sent me to Russia to pursue. But the Kremlin-loyal press described my assignment very differently. I was not Mr. Reset but an agent provocateur: a revolutions specialist sent by Obama to orchestrate regime change. For the rest of my time in Russia as ambassador, I battled nearly every day to dispel that myth — and never really succeeded.”

- ‘Thank You, Donald’ for Sending Oil Prices Up, Russian Commentator Says
(Window on Eurasia)
“As a result of rising petroleum prices and projections that they will go even higher as result of instability in the Middle East, the Russian Federation is projected to earn five times as much from the sale of oil and gas this year than last and have a budget surplus this year for the first time in seven years."
