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25 September, 2020


Europe's Covid-19 cases heading in wrong direction says WHO
“Europe has a lot of work to do to stabilise the situation and bring transmission under control,” Mike Ryan, WHO’s emergency expert told a press conference. “Overall within that very large region we are seeing a worrying increase in disease.”

Eesti Koroonakaart
(Estonia COVID info)


✔︎ Belarus news is at the end of the newsletter

‘Seto naised’ foto:


25. September

Eesti kehtestab sanktsioonid veel 98-le Valgevene ametiisikule
(Postimees | ERR)
“Nimetatud isikutel on keskne roll Valgevene valimistulemuste võltsimises ja vägivalla kasutamises rahumeelsete meeleavaldajate vastu. Nimetatud isikutele kehtestatakse sissesõidukeeld Eestisse kehtivusajaga 25. septembrist 2020 kuni 30. augustini 2025, teatas välisministeerium.”

"Belarus sanctions list." - Välisministeerium

For Estonian women, military service increasingly attracts as a career
(Christian Science Monitor)
“Being in the shadow of Russia, Estonians take their military seriously. But Estonian women are opting for professional soldiering in increasing numbers, despite being excused from mandatory service.”

President Kaljulaid addressed the UN
(UN News)
“The COVID-19 pandemic gave the world “a thorough shock” and taught several lessons on the realities of climate change.”


24. September

✔︎ Enamik riigikogust on vanamoodi edasi raiumise vastu
Ülle Harju, Postimees (paywall)
“Enamik riigikogu liikmetest on Eesti metsanduse vana arengukava pikendamise vastu, enim tekitab kahtlusi ülevaate puudumine metsa olukorrast ja poliitilise kokkuleppe esitlemine jätkusuutliku raiemahuna. Ettepaneku vana arengukava pikendamiseks tegi keskkonnaminister Rene Kokk (EKRE), sest keskkonnaministeerium pole suutnud õigeks ajaks uut arengukava valmis teha.”
Samuti selgus, et ministeerium on avalikkust aastad haneks tõmmanud väitega, et Eestis raiutakse Metsa jätkusuulikult. Nimelt on huvigruppide survel välja valitud Eesti metsanduse arengustsenaariumi raiemahu kohta lihtsalt kirjutatud ‘jätkusuutik’. Kes ametnikest selle sõna lisas, asjaosalised ei avalda.”

“Minna ei taha, kuid jääda ei saa”: Vabamus arutatakse 1944. aasta massipõgenemise ajaloolist tähtsust
“Kuid ka noored põlvkonnad peavad teadma, et  päästes põgenemisega oma elu, lõid kümned tuhanded eestlased vabasse maailma tugeva eestlaste kogukonna. Pagulaseestlased tegid koos läände jäänud eesti diplomaatidega kõigi okupatsiooniaastate jooksul suurt tööd, et Eesti okupeerimise mittetunnustamise poliitika juhtivates lääneriikides oleks jätkuv.”

Tallinnas ja Harjumaal levib koroonaviirus peamiselt teadaolevates kolletes
"Meie uuringu tulemused kinnitavad sama – viiruse varjatud levikut praegu Tallinnas ja Harjumaal ei ole," kinnitas uuringu juht, Tartu Ülikooli peremeditsiini professor Ruth Kalda.”

Foreign Policies Biden Might Keep
“There’s little question Biden’s foreign policy would look and feel a lot different than Trump’s. … While Biden is not likely to be so crude, don’t be surprised if he at times takes a more forceful position toward both allies and adversaries …”
“Biden also is likely to keep up the pressure on allies, including Germany, when it comes to defense spending. Obama’s first Defense secretary, Robert Gates, bluntly warned NATO in a 2011 speech of “the real possibility for a dim, if not dismal future for the trans-Atlantic alliance.” U.S. pressure led to a 2014 deal in which NATO members agreed to strive for the goal of spending 2 percent of their gross domestic product on defense by 2024.”
“Trump’s harsh rhetoric on the topic — he’s privately threatened to pull the U.S. out of NATO — might even give Biden more room to push the issue while still presenting himself as a welcome alternative to Trump. And how much other NATO members spend on defense could be a particularly salient issue if Biden bows to demands from progressives to cut U.S. defense spending.”


23. September

Martin Helme umbusaldamine kukkus läbi
“Tänasel riigikogu istungil proovis opositsioon rahandusminister Martin Helmet (EKRE) umbusaldada. Häältega 53:45 jäi rahandusminister ametisse.”

Uuringu kohaselt on Eesti maapõues üsna suured uraani varud
“Eestis leiduvatest kivimitest on just mustas kildas märkimisväärses koguses uraani. Lubjakivis on uraani ühe tonni kohta keskmiselt pool kuni viis grammi uraani. Mustas kildas ehk graptoliitargiliidis võib olla uraani ühe tonni kohta 700–1000 grammi. Eesti geoloogiateenistuse maapõue ressursside osakonna juhataja Tiit Kaasiku sõnul pole riigil lähiajal plaanis Eesti maapõues oleva uraaniga midagi peale hakata.”

Kaks Vene sõjalaeva rikkus Rootsi merepiiri
“Kolmapäeval põrkasid Taani vetes kokku Venemaa sõjalaev ja kaubalaev, kümmekond päeva varem olid kaks Vene sõjalaeva rikkunud Rootsi merepiiri.”

EU proposes new asylum system to help frontline nations
“… in hopes that more countries will finally share responsibility for people landing on Europe’s shores seeking sanctuary or better lives. The move comes after years of chaos and dispute among the bloc’s 27 nations over the handling of migrants and refugees amid a recognition that the current EU system for deciding whether they should receive protection or be sent home has failed.”

Russian opposition leader Navalny leaves Berlin hospital
(The Guardian | Washington Post)
“Berlin’s Charité hospital said Navalny left Tuesday after 32 days of treatment — 24 of which were spent in intensive care. Although a complete recovery is feasible, “it remains too early to gauge the potential long term effects of his severe poisoning,” the hospital said in a statement.”

Unpacking the results of the Russian elections of 13. Sept.
“More than nine thousand elections and referendums were held in Russia on the “single voting day on September 13, 2020” (EDG-2020). Among them are by-elections of State Duma deputies in four single-mandate constituencies, gubernatorial elections in 18 constituent entities, elections of 11 regional parliaments and elections of representative bodies of 22 regional capitals. Administrative nominees or candidates aligned with the authorities won almost everywhere.”
“Despite the overall results, support for the authorities, namely United Russia, is in decline. In the regions – by as much as 11%. In regional capitals – by 10%. The turnout has also dropped.”


22. September

Estonia Reopens Visa Centers in Belarus
(Schengen Visa Info)
“The Estonia Visa Application Centers in Baranovichi, Pinsk and Vitebsk (Belarus) have resumed accepting limited category short and long stay applications. The centres in Brest, Gomel and Lida (Belarus) have resumed accepting limited category short stay applications.”

How Estonia's Management of Legacy IT Has Helped It Weather the Pandemic
“While the rest of the world struggled to shift work and school online, Estonia was already there.”

Estonia and Latvia sign agreement for offshore wind energy plan



Putin is Setting Conditions for a Long-term Continuous Russian Military Presence in Belarus
“A regiment-sized force of the of the Pskov-based 76th Guards Air assault Division is likely preparing for a deployment, likely to Belarus. A regiment-sized force (1,500 personnel) of the 76th began snap exercises in Pskov on September 24. The exercises practice transferring subunits in a combined way, the mass landing of personnel and military equipment from transport aircraft, and maneuvers into new areas while overcoming water obstacles, and establishing a lodgment. The regiment-sized force is likely preparing to deploy to Belarus under the rubric of monthly exercises …”
“Putin likely intends to desensitize NATO to the nearly-continuous presence of Russian troops in Belarus under the pretext of exercises, shifting to a continuous presence within a few months.”

EU to Russia: Stay Out of Belarus
(Carnegie Europe)
“The European Union and its member states should put maximum pressure on Russia to follow their example and not meddle with the internal affairs of Belarus. Let the Belarusians deal with their own situation.”

"Russian forces have been executing airborne and flyover operations in Belarus immediately next to the Polish, Lithuanian, and Latvian  borders since 21. September."

Mass protests after President Alexander Lukashenko secretly sworn in
“Mass street protests are continuing in Belarus's capital Minsk, following the inauguration of President Alexander Lukashenko at an unannounced ceremony.
There were reports of beatings and detentions by police, and video footage showed water cannon being used. Several hundred people earlier attended Mr Lukashenko's swearing-in ceremony for a sixth term. One opposition member described it as a ‘thieves' meeting’."

“Escape From Belarus.” - The Moscow Times

Zelenski: Valgevenest võib Euroopasse tulla sadu tuhandeid põgenikke
“Kui Valgevene olukord halveneb, siis võib sealt Euroopa riikidesse lahkuda sadu tuhandeid põgenikke, hoiatas Ukraina president Volodõmõr Zelenski.”
"Selline kriis mõjutab mitte ainult Valgevene naaberriike, vaid sealsetel sündmustel võib olla mõju ka mujal Euroopas," ütles Zelenski …”

I Was a Stay-at-Home Mom. Now I’m Leading a Revolution
By Svetlana Tikhanovskaya, New York Times video
“Svetlana Tikhanovskaya tells the story of her improbable rise from stay-at-home mom to revolutionary icon. She reluctantly became the figurehead of the Belarusian opposition movement after her husband was thrown in jail for daring to challenge Europe’s last dictator.”
