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30 September, 2022

NATO Declares Nord Stream Leaks 'Deliberate, Reckless' Sabotage


“Three leaks -- two in the Danish zone and one in the Swedish zone -- were discovered earlier this week in the two major Russian underwater pipelines designed to ship natural gas to Germany, while Sweden on September 29 said its coast guard had found a fourth leak.”


Sweden and Denmark: Pipeline leaks caused by "several hundred kilos" of explosives


“Denmark and Sweden provided the estimate in a letter to the United Nations on Friday laying out how the leaks have disrupted sea and air travel in their respective economic zones and will likely have wide-reaching consequences for the Baltic Sea and climate.”


No impact on gas supply if Estonia-Finland pipeline is damaged


“Estonia's gas supply would not be severely impacted if something were to happen to the pipeline between Estonia and Finland, system manager Elering said on Wednesday. The country would still receive gas from reserves in Latvia and Lithuania's LNG terminal. Elering head Taavi Veskimäe said the possibility that something could happen to the Balticconnector pipeline has been analyzed and taken into account.”

"This is the situation that we foresaw as the main scenario before Russian gas supplies to Finland ended. That the three Baltic countries must manage the Klaipeda LNG terminal and Incukalns underground storage in cooperation.”


“Estonia to give up Russian gas on Jan. 1st.” - Baltic Times

“Estonia bans natural gas imports and purchases from Russia.” - ERR

“Latvia would have enough gas for winter even if Baltics disconnected from Russian power network.” - BNN

Eesti-Soome ühenduse purunemine Eesti gaasivarustatust ei mõjutaks


“Elektri ja gaasi süsteemihaldur Elering kinnitab, et kui midagi peaks juhtuma Eesti ja Soome vahelise gaasitoruga, ei mõjutaks see eriti Eestit, sest meile piisaks ka Leedu Klaipeda terminalist ja Läti gaasihoidlast. Eleringi juhi Taavi Veskimäe sõnul on arvestatud võimalusega, et Soome-Eesti gaasitoru Balticconnector võib samuti langeda rünnaku ohvriks.”


Augud Nord Streamis on Ukraina annekteerimise katteoperatsiooniks

Erkki Koort, Postimees

“Miks torude ründamine on Venemaale kasulik? Venemaal on vaja sundida Euroopat tegelema Ukraina aitamise asemel endaga ning nähtavasti on järgmised sigadused juba Kremlis kokkulepitud. …”


Arvamus: Venemaa katkised torud on mälestusmärk Euroopa kergemeelsusele


“Ütlesime seda, et pole hea sõltuda Vene kütusest. Ütlesime ka seda, et maagaasitorud Läänemere all on oht keskkonnale. Mõlemad hoiatused on nüüd tõeks osutunud, kui plahvatused on lõhkunud nii Nord Stream 1 kui ka Nord Stream 2 torujuhtmed ja suures koguses maagaasi Läänemerre lasknud. Nii et nagu kõik sellised rõõmud, on seegi tegelikult õõnes – kahjustada saanud Läänemeri, mille tervisega niigi kõik korras pole, moodustab ju osa meie enda elukeskkonnast.”

“Kui gaasitorud jõuavad enne tööde algust tühjaks joosta, siis polegi mõtet neid parandada: las jäävad seisma inimliku kergemeelsuse järjekordse mälestusmärgina.”


“Eerik-Niiles Kross: Nord Streami rünnak peab saama vastulöögi.” - Postimees

“Nord Streami lekete mõju gaasi hinnale jääb lühiajaliseks.” - ERR

“Eesti võitles Nord Streami vastu keskkonnakaitse argumentidega.” - Postimees

“Märgid viitavad Venemaa rollile gaasitorude plahvatamises, kuid tõendeid pole.” - Postimees

“EL-i ametnikud: gaasitorude sabotaaž peab olema Euroopale äratuskellaks.” - ERR

“Vähemalt kolm võimalust, kuidas Nord Stream õhku lasti.” - Postimees

Nord Stream explosions and Estonia's environmental security

By Alexander Lott, ERR

“The construction of the Nord Stream pipelines breached international environmental law's precautionary principle and ecosystem approach. In addition, in the aftermath of the Second World War about 230,000 tons of chemical weapons were dumped into the Baltic Sea and the Skagerrak Strait at sites near the current Nord Stream gas pipelines.”

“These explosions are the outcome to the risks that scientists, politicians and environmental activists have been warning the European public about in relation to the Nord Stream pipelines, particularly in Poland and the Baltic countries, for years. …”


“What does the Nord Stream pipeline gas leak mean for the environment?” - Deutsche Welle

Security threat is at a new level following Nord Stream pipeline explosions 

(Helsinki Times)

“The security threat across Europe was raised to a new level following the explosions that caused extensive damage to Nord Stream I, an underwater natural gas pipeline connecting Russia and Germany, said Finnish President Sauli Niinistö. … “Security factors in general have re-surfaced everywhere, and not only because of this pipeline. Security-oriented thinking should re-surface more strongly.”


“Fourth Nord Stream Leak Spotted.” - Moscow Times

“Has Russia’s Energy War Entered a New Phase?” - Foreign Policy

“Sweden confirms new leak in Nord Stream gas pipelines.” - CBC, Canada

“Swedish Defence analyst: Other Baltic Sea supply lines now seem more vulnerable.” - Radio Sweden

“EU leaders to meet over 'sabotage' of Nord Stream gas pipelines.” - IBT

“Russia may be trying to divert attention from Ukraine with Nord Streams.” - Ukrainian News

Friday 30. September

Finland Joins Baltics, Poland In Shutting Border To Russian Tourists

(Yle | RFERL | SchengenVisa | Politico)

“With the government’s decision in principle on September 29, 2022, Finland will severely restrict the travel of Russians to Finland for tourism purposes. Entry restrictions come into force on September 30, 2022, at 00:00, and are valid until further notice.” - The Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Finland

“The number of Russians crossing Finland's eastern border points has already decreased this week. For example, on Wednesday the Border Guard reported that around 4,300 Russians came to Finland via border crossings in the southeast, while the day before there were about 6,500 such crossings.”

“There is speculation that the establishment of a Russian conscription checkpoint near the border may have deterred people from attempting to leave the country.”






“85% of Finns Support Suspending Tourist Visas for Citizens of Russia.” - SchengenVisa

“Norra kaalub samuti piiri sulgemist turismiviisadega Vene kodanikele.” - ERR

Ukraine on Friday formally requested an “accelerated accession” to join NATO


“NATO chief Jens Stoltenberg shies away from directly endorsing Ukraine’s bid, but stresses alliance is open to new members.”


“The Baltics would welcome Ukraine's accession to NATO.” - ERR

Kolonel Margo Grosberg: Vene mobilisatsioonipõgenikud kujutavad endast julgeolekuohtu


“… sest nendega koos võivad lääneriikidesse saabuda ka Vene julgeolekuteenistuse töötajaid. Võimalik taktikalise tuumarelva kasutamine Ukrainas tema sõnul Eestile ohtu ei kujutaks. "See on kindlasti selline olukord, mida ma olen enam kui kindel, et Vene Föderatsiooni julgeolekuteenistused ära kasutavad selleks, et võib-olla vähe vabamalt suunata oma teenistujad Euroopasse. See oht kindlasti on.”

Grosberg rääkis, et reservväelased saadetakse rahuaegsetesse paiknemiskohtadesse, viiakse läbi mingil kujul erineva pikkusega väljaõpe ja seejärel väga tõenäoliselt Ukrainasse et täita nende samade üksuste lahingkaotusi.”

"138. üksik motolaskurbrigaad, mis asub Kamenkal teisel pool Soome lahte, saab täiendust. 25. motolaskurbrigaad alalise paiknemisega Lugal, 9. suurtükiväebrigaad, samamoodi alalise paiknemisega Lugal ja 76. ründedessantdiviis.”


Soome sulgeb reedel piiri turismiviisadega Vene kodanikele


“Peale reedet ei ole enam enamikul juhtudel võimalik turismiviisaga ületada Vene-Soome piiri. Valitsuse otsusega püütakse piirata Vene kodanike turismireise Soome ning vähendada Vene kodanike transiitreise läbi Soome, teatas pressikonverentsil Soome välisminister Pekka Haavisto. Soome valitsus põhjendas otsust rahvusvahelise olukorra tõttu, kuna Vene kodanike pääsemine Soome kahjustab riigi suhteid Balti riikide ja Poolaga. Otsust mõjutasid Yle hinnangul ka Ukrainas korraldatud libareferendumid ning Nord Streami gaasitorudele tehtud rünnakud.”


Koidula kaudu jõuavad Eestisse sajad külmunud ja kurnatud Ukrainlased


“Piiri taha kogunenud inimesed on Ukraina sõjapõgenikud,” kinnitas Postimehele ka Kagu piiripunkti juht Peter Maran. Ainuüksi möödunud ööpäeval saabus Koidula piiripunkti kaudu Eestisse 244 Ukraina kodanikku, neist lõviosa oli transiidil. Eestist välja läks 76 Ukraina kodanikku.”


“Alates osalise mobilisatsiooni väljakuulutamisest Venemaal on Eestisse saabunud 11 229 Venemaa kodanikku.” - Postimees

“Vene mobilisatsioonipõgenikud kujutavad endast julgeolekuohtu.” - ERR

Alar Karis: Ukraina alade annekteerimine on kuritegu


"Me ei nõustu Ukraina territooriumi illegaalse annekteerimisega ja ei tunnusta selle sammu õiguspärasust mitte kunagi. See on Venemaa masendav ja kahetsusväärne järjekordne demonstratsioon kogu maailmale, kuidas ta julmalt ja kiretult rikub rahvusvahelist õigust ja ÜRO hartat," lausus president. …”


Britid vähendavad oma sõdurite arvu Eestis poole võrra


“Sajad Ühendkuningriigi sõdurid viiakse Eestist jõulude paiku ära. Seda hoolimata Briti valitsuse lubadusest tugevdada NATO idatiiba Vene agressiooni vastu, vahendab Briti ajaleht The Times. Eesti valitsus lootis, et riiki jääb ligikaudu 2000 Briti sõdurit, kellele oleks lisandunud veel paarsada. Kaks allikat kinnitas ajalehele The Times, et Eestisse veebruaris toodud 700 sõdurit viiakse detsembris tagasi Ühendkuningriiki. Praegu ei ole plaanis antud üksust asendada.”


Report: Britain to halve number of troops in Estonia by end of the year


“An article published by UK daily The Times Wednesday morning reported that a battalion, in this case around 700 people, which has been based in Estonia since February is returning to the UK in December while, as things stand, it will not be replaced. Critics say this would send the wrong message to the Kremlin, while as noted the unit's deployment to Estonia was never intended to be a permanent measure.”



Elron scraps Russian language announcements at Tallinn station


"So until now, the second announcement was in Russian. In recent years, the number of passengers speaking other languages has increased precisely because of English-speaking passengers. We understand that the transition to English language announcements is necessary, and at the same time, the expectation to abandon the Russian language is justified and has recently grown,” said Elron's marketing and communications manager Katrin Kulderknup.”


Estonia Urges Its Citizens to Avoid Travel to Russia


“Estonian-Russian dual citizens must take into account that the Russian Federation treats them as Russian citizens in Russia, and Estonia’s options for providing consular assistance are limited. We ask Estonian citizens staying in Russia to register their stay on the website of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs.”


“Foreign Ministry repeats call for Latvians to leave Russia.” - LSM

Security Alert for U.S. Citizens in Russia

(U.S. Embassy in Russia - 27. Sept)

“Avoid all political or social protests and do not photograph security personnel at these events. Russian authorities have arrested U.S. citizens who have participated in demonstrations.”


Thursday 29. September

Russia’s stripped its western borders of men and equipment to fight in Ukraine

(Foreign Policy)

“Of an original estimated 30,000 Russian troops that once faced the Baltic countries and southern Finland, as many as 80 % of them have been diverted to Ukraine, according to three senior European defense officials in the region, leaving Russia with only a skeleton crew in what was once its densest concentration of military force facing NATO territory.”


“Latvian-Russian border area state of emergency announced.” - Latvian Broadcasting

“Estonia drafting statement to declare Russia a terrorist regime.” - BNN

Kaja Kallas on the ‘Time 100 Next’ list


[Sanna Marin, who was on the list in 2021, wrote the short piece about Kallas.]



After Putin: 12 people who are ready to ruin Russia next

(Politico Europe)

“Vladimir Putin’s disastrous military adventure in Ukraine has raised the prospect that his 22-year rule could be nearing its end. But will he go, or will he have to be pushed. … The chances of his leaving anytime soon are still remote, but it’s clear that the escalating fallout from his military gamble is already loosening his viselike grip on power.”


Baltic brinksmanship: Pipeline blasts signal potential new front in Ukraine war

(Politico Europe)

“Should suspicions be confirmed — or simply grow — that Russia was behind explosions that caused three leaks on the two Nord Stream gas pipelines under the Baltic Sea on Monday, the security implications for the Continent would be far-reaching. The idea that the EU's undersea energy and communications infrastructure were now a Russian target would force European militaries to prepare for a largely unexpected new front in the Ukraine war that could bring them into a direct showdown with Russia's navy.”

“Britain has long expressed fears that Russian submarines in the Atlantic and other northern waters could be looking to strike undersea cables crucial to the internet.”



European leaders blame sabotage as gas pours into Baltic Sea from Nord Stream pipelines

(Guardian | CNN | Politico)

“A seismograph on the Danish island of Bornholm, near where the leaks occurred, twice recorded spikes on Monday, the day on which the Nord Stream 1 and 2 gas pipelines underwent dramatic falls in pressure, the German geological research centre GFZ said. … The seismograph recorded near-silence until just after midnight GMT (2am local time), when there was a spike representing a tremor in the earth followed by a continuous hissing wave form. The pattern was repeated at 5pm GMT.”




Wednesday 28. September

Estonia Hosts Binational Training Drills During Exercise Baltic Tiger 2022

(NATO | Euronews)

“… involving base defence drills with Air Force Regiment and Eurofighters from NATO’s enhanced Air Policing mission as well as Navy security forces and the maritime NBC (Nuclear, Biological, Chemical) defence platoon.”



“British Army deploys tank-heavy EFP battlegroup to Estonia.” - Janes

“British Army rotates troops on NATO duties in Estonia.” - Forces Net

Some Israelis with Russian citizenship denied entry to Estonia

By Sten Hankewitz, Estonian World

“… the Estonian Police and Border Guard Board says it’s not blocking dual citizens’ entry to the country if their documents are in order.”


“Estonia warns Russian residents they could be banned from EU if they answer draft to fight in Ukraine.” - Sky News

“Border guard: Pressure on Estonia will increase if Russia shuts borders.” - ERR

“Estonia Denies Entry to Dual Russian Citizens Who Hold Schengen Visas.” - Schengen Visa

“Estonian ambassador says most Russian-Israelis fleeing Putin's conscription push are allowed in.” - Haaretz

“Israelis fleeing Russia barred from entering.” - World Israel News

“Estonia said to block Israelis with Russian citizenship from entering.” - Times of Israel

“Estonia Nabs Russian Reservist Crossing the Narva River on a Paddle Board.” - The Moscow Times

LNG-terminali tingimused selguvad oktoobris


“Majandusministeeriumi energeetika asekantsleri Timo Tatari sõnul selguvad turuosalistele vajalikud LNG-terminali kasutustingimused oktoobris ning kui Soome vastuvõtuvõimekus valmib enne Eesti oma, saab näiteks gaasi müüa Eestist ka ülejäänud Euroopasse.”


Baltic States Wanted German Tanks in Ukraine Yesterday

(Foreign Policy)

“If Germany would give to Ukraine proportionally what we have given to Ukraine, this war would be over,” Latvian Defense Minister Artis Pabriks told Foreign Policy and a small group of American experts on a visit to Latvia organized by the German Marshall Fund think tank.”


“Acquisition of Apaches, other US materiel to make Poland formidable on NATO flank.” - Stars & Stripes 

Sweden mulls cost to save communities from the rising sea

(Politico Europe)

“The Swedish government identified 18 coastal locations at risk of flooding as the climate warms. … The Falsterbonäset peninsula, which is covered by the Vellinge administration, is an affluent mix of high-end summer homes and commuter belt luxury living. It is one of 18 coastal spots on a Swedish government list of areas at risk of flooding as the climate warms, polar ice melts, sea levels rise and storms intensify.”


- Putin’s War -

Putin Compounds His Bad Decisions

by David J. Kramer, The Bulwark

“Vladimir Putin’s string of disastrous decisions in 2022 isn’t over yet. His orders to mobilize hundreds of thousands of Russian servicemembers—possibly more than a million—and to hold phony referendums in partly occupied portions of Ukraine demonstrate that he just doesn’t know when to quit.”

“Putin’s previous reluctance to order a mobilization seemed based on concern about how the Russian population would react. With his “special military operation” in even worse shape now than in the spring, thanks to Ukraine’s successful offensives in the Kharkiv region and the south, many Russians don’t want to be sent to the front as cannon fodder. Recent estimates indicate some 80,000 Russians have been killed and wounded in seven months of fighting. Putin is either killing off or driving away part of a generation of young Russian men and alienating other parts of society.”

“This is no time to go soft on Putin, look for an off-ramp for him, or pressure the Ukrainians to negotiate. Instead, it’s a time, thanks to the heroism and bravery of the Ukrainians, to deliver Putin, Putinism, and authoritarianism writ large a massive blow.”


Putin’s Newest Annexation Is Dire for Russia Too

By Anne Applebaum, The Atlantic

“Vladimir Putin today announced his annexation of four provinces of Ukraine—four provinces that he does not fully control, that did not vote to join Russia, that have been the site of mass murder and mass deportation since Russia invaded Ukraine in February. With this statement, the Russian president is also declaring war. But this is not merely a war on Ukraine.”

“Putin’s war—Russia’s war—is also a war on a particular idea of world order and international law, an idea upheld not just by Europeans and North Americans, but by most of the rest of the world, indeed by the United Nations itself. One core principle of this world order is that larger countries should not be able to grab parts of smaller countries, that mass slaughter of whole populations is unacceptable, that borders have international significance and cannot be changed through violence or on one dictator’s whim. Putin already challenged this idea in 2014, when he annexed Crimea. At the time he also held a sham referendum, but he convinced many outsiders that it had some validity. Although some sanctions followed, the world largely gave him a pass. Commerce and diplomacy with Russia continued.”


“Fake referendums would not stop the Ukrainian forces.” - Postimees

Crimea is in Ukraine’s Crosshairs


“The dramatic success of recent counteroffensives by Ukrainian forces can be crowned by the recapture of the Crimean peninsula, according to two former commanding generals of US Army Europe.”


“Pentagon Sends More HIMARS to Ukraine in Latest Aid Package.” - National Interest

Russian Offensive Campaign Assessment, September 29


“Russian President Vladimir Putin acknowledged and deflected the blame for repeated “mistakes” during the first week of mobilization in his opening remarks at the Russian Security Council meeting on September 29.”

“The bureaucratic failures in the Russian partial mobilization may indicate that Putin has again bypassed the Russian higher military command.”

“Belarus may be preparing to accommodate newly-mobilized Russian servicemen but remains unlikely to enter the war in Ukraine on Russia’s behalf.”


“Neil on ükskõik: Vene väed hävitasid Moskvale allunud õigeusu kiriku.” - Postimees

“Putin acknowledges 'mistakes' made with draft, but does not take responsibility.” - The Week

“Russia’s recent military call-up is as much about signaling as about war fighting.” - CEPA

“Russians rebel as Putin drafts more people in battle for Ukraine.” - Washington Post

“Half of Russians feel anxiety and fear about draft orders, while a quarter feel ‘pride for Russia’.” - Meduza

“Russian security services count more than 260,000 men fleeing Russia.” - Meduza

“Russia Desperately Tries to Sell Its Ukraine War Draft as Citizens Flee.” - Daily Beast

Putin Bets It All in Ukraine


“Putin is essentially going all-in. He has deprived his people of the illusion that the invasion of Ukraine could be pursued at little cost. And he has also deprived himself of the possibility of pulling back from his destructive adventure. The same man who otherwise tries to give himself as much room for maneuver as possible has committed himself to a single strategy – like a luckless gambler who doubles his bet because he is unable to walk away from the gambling table. He is risking everything. For Putin, … there is no going back.”


Ukraine: US, NATO condemn Kremlin-staged ‘referendums’ as a sham

(Deutsche Welle)

“99% of ballots cast in Donetsk and 98% in the Luhansk region voted in favour of joining the Russian Federation, according to Russian-backed election officials. In the Zaporizhzhia region 93% were in favour of annexation, with the Kherson region giving the lowest pro-annexation tally at 87%.”


Is Russia Training Its New Recruits?


“The General Staff of the Armed Forces of Ukraine claimed that Russian conscripts being sent to Ukraine are not being given sufficient training to ensure their safety, and ultimately their success. … it was widely expected that those troops would be sent on refresher training courses designed to ensure they were up to speed with what was happening on the frontlines. … however, many reserve soldiers are being sent to fight on the frontline without any training whatsoever.”


Putin’s Top TV Cheerleaders Panic Over Russian Army ‘Mutiny’

By Julia Davis, The Daily Beast

“Top pro-Kremlin propagandist Vladimir Solovyov and head of RT Margarita Simonyan spent much of the broadcast of the state TV show ‘Sunday Evening With Vladimir Solovyov’ complaining about the issues with the mobilization.”

“All of them have phones and they won’t stay silent. If they’re being handed rotten things, if they have no helmets, no body armor, no one is going to hide it... I will tell you very politely: don’t play games with people… This isn’t some liberal riff-raff, these are our people and I refuse to be silent about it.” 

“Comrades Commanders, this is not the time for this... don’t anger the people!”


“The head of RT urged those involved in the process of mobilization to remember the story of the mutiny that occurred on the battleship Potemkin, sparked by the crew being fed maggot-infested meat. … “Let me remind you that in 1905, small things like these led to the first mutiny of an entire military unit in the history of our country. Is that what you want? You’re toying with armed people.”

“Now we see that we have two sides. One side is being sent off as heroes to a people's war, while others are cowardly looking where and how to buy a ticket.”

“Russian disinfo campaign mimics Western news websites to sow dissent.” - Politico Europe

Nicola Jennings on Vladimir Putin’s mobilization drive



And Finally:

Expelling Russia from the UN Security Council — a How-to Guide


“Russia’s permanent membership of the world’s most powerful international forum has been a cause for despair, but there is a way to unseat Putin’s diplomats.”



