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10 December, 2021


Estonia endured its coldest early December in more than 60 years 


“… according to Kairo Kiitsak, a meteorologist for the Estonian Environment Agency. He tweeted the mercury settled as low as minus-17.5 degrees C on Tuesday.”


Strong polar vortex brings brutal sub-zero cold to Siberia, Scandinavia

(Washington Post)

“In Helsinki the first week of December was the coldest in 84 years.”

“Naimakka, Sweden, dipped to minus-46.8 degrees Fahrenheit (minus-43.8 Celsius) on Monday.”


Northern lights: Photos of the year

(The Guardian)

“All photographs c/o Capture the Atlas.”



Friday 10. Dec.

Arvamus: Ukrainat ei või reeta


“Ameerika Ühendriikide presidendi Joe Bideni kava pidada Venemaaga kõnelusi, et vähendada viimase muresid NATO idasse laienemise üle eriti just Ukrainas, ei kõla rahustavalt. Samas ei tohiks me sattuda paanikasse, sest see võiks olukorda veelgi halvendada.”


“NATO peasekretär: Kõik NATO liitlased toetavad Ukrainat.” - ERR

“‘Nobody wants to be Putin’s slave’: on the Ukraine frontline as tensions rise.” - The Guardian

Kas sündimas on Putini-Bideni pakt?


“USA presidendi Joe Bideni ja Venemaa presidendi Vladimir Putini teisipäeval toimunud labirääkimiste järel anti teada, et USA oli resoluutne, näitas jõudu ja lubas sanktsioone, mis pidi ära hoidma Venema järjekordse rünnaku Ukraina vastu ning tugevdama meie julgeolekut.”

“Paraku oleme nüüd aga tõsiasja ees, et USA president kavandab kummalises formaadis kohtumist Venemaa presidendiga, kuhu on osalema kutsutud vaid mõned NATO riigid.”


“Välisminister Liimets Bideni ootamatust initsiatiivist: NATO dialoog Venemaaga ei ole tingimata halb.” - Delfi

“Don’t Sell Out Ukraine - The West Must Respond to Russia With Strength, Not Appeasement.” - Foreign Affairs

Kuidas me võidame järgmise sõja?

Kusti Salm, Diplomaatia

“Just see küsimus võtab kõige paremini kokku Eesti sõjalise kaitse eesmärgi ja ülesande. Küsimuse teravik – sõjaks valmistumine – ei tähenda tingimata, et sõja puhkemine on vältimatu.”

“See tähendab, et sõda ärahoidev heidutus saab usutav olla üksnes siis, kui olla päriselt sõjaks valmis. Si vis pacem, para bellum. See küsimus pani veel mõni aasta tagasi nii Eesti kui NATO koridorides paljusid silmi pööritama, kuid tänaseks valitseb NATOs ohupildi suhtes kaine ja kalkuleeritud selgus. Suvel toimunud tippkohtumisel deklareerisid kõik alliansi riigipead, et Vene Föderatsioon on NATO-le sõjaline oht ning veel tähtsamana kiideti heaks täiesti uus strateegiline lähenemine heidutus- ja kaitsehoiaku tugevdamiseks, mis on esimene omataoline viimase 60 aasta jooksul.”

“Eesti riigi kaitsmise lõplik tagatis on meie kõigi tahe Eesti riiki sõjalise rünnaku eest kaitsta. Lisaks tahtele ja toetusele on tähtis valmisolek sellesse ka panustada. Kas siis reservväelase, vabatahtliku, ettevõtja või pereliikmena. Kaitseministeerium peab hea seisma selle eest, et inimestel oleks võimalik oma kaitsetahet realiseerida ning kriisi puhkedes oleks igaüks paremini teadlik oma rollist.”


“Zapad-2021 õppetunnid – võidu võtab see, kes esimesena reageerib.” - Diplomaatia

“Moskva: NATO peab võtma tagasi Ukraina ja Gruusia ühinemise lubaduse.” - Postimees

“Võitlus Ukraina pärast Putini pilgu läbi.” - WSJ / Postimees

Report: “Human rights in Estonia have deteriorated over last 2 years”


“The report said "major human rights problems" that are still waiting for a solution. These include acknowledging "the Equal Treatment Act is discriminatory, the implementing provisions of the Registered Partnership Act which have been waiting for adoption for seven years, the government has not taken measures to counter hate speech, all prisoners are still subjected to a general ban on voting and the retention of telecommunications data is not compliant with European Union law. …”


What is behind the COVID protests across Europe?

(Deutsche Welle)

“The protests against the COVID measures seem to draw an eclectic mix of people: the politically disenchanted, those who are anti-state, others who are esoteric and/or anti-vaxxers. On German public broadcaster ZDF, political science professor Marc Hooghe at the Catholic University of Leuven in Belgium compared the demonstrations in Belgium with France's 'yellow vest' movement, seeing a "combination of very different social groups which all have their own motivations. …”


Thursday 9. Dec.

Putin’s Ukraine Crisis Fueling Baltics Tensions, Estonia Says

By Ott Tammik and Aaron Eglitis, Bloomberg

“Russian President Vladimir Putin’s standoff with the West over Ukraine is also triggering the strongest rise in tensions in the Baltic states since the Soviet Union collapsed three decades ago, according to Estonia’s defense minister. …”


Russia must not be given any say regarding NATO - Estonian PM

(Baltic Times)

“At the government's press conference on Thursday, Estonian Prime Minister Kaja Kallas, commenting on the conversation between the presidents of the United States and Russia, said that under no circumstances can Russia be given any say in which states can be part of NATO and which cannot. … The prime minister added that the security issues of Europe, including those of Estonia, must be discussed with all the allies.”

"What is most alarming is Russia's desire to turn Europe into spheres of influence. It is unacceptable and morally indefensible and Russia must be made aware of that in clear terms.”


“NATO must discuss European security issues with all allies. says Estonian president Karis.” - Baltic Times

Biden promises eastern Europeans support in event of Russian attack on Ukraine

(The Guardian)

“US president makes pledge in phone calls to Ukrainian president … Biden spent 40 minutes talking to the leaders of Bulgaria, the Czech Republic, Estonia, Hungary, Latvia, Lithuania, Poland, Romania and Slovakia – all of which, unlike Ukraine, joined Nato in the wake of the 1991 Soviet collapse.”

“Russia must not be given any say in how Nato organises the defence of its territory” or in who can join the military alliance, said the Estonian prime minister, Kaja Kallas, in public remarks on Thursday. “What is most alarming is Russia’s desire to turn Europe into spheres of influence. It is unacceptable and morally indefensible, and Russia must be made aware of that in clear terms.”


“Baltic presidents and Biden discuss security in Eastern Europe.” - BNN

Putin’s Plan

By Eerik-Niiles Kross, Postimees

“The question is not what Russia's goals are, but how and when it intends to achieve them … The Kremlin tried to mask the invasions into Crimea and Eastern Ukraine (2014) as popular uprisings or the local initiative of the Russian-speaking minority — but this fig leaf was used so clumsily that it covered nothing at all. Most probably, it was never intended to cover anything.”

“In the case of aggression against Georgia (2008), the Kremlin, to a certain extent, took the trouble to frame Tbilisi for “starting the war,” creating a casus belli with the help of a fictitious genocide — but in Ukraine, it did not even bother to look for a reason. The reason was “protecting citizens of Crimea from the Kyiv fascists.”

“So far, it is difficult for the West to admit that different conflicts instigated by Russia are elements of one large crisis. …”


“Ilves: Poland should participate in meeting between Russia and NATO allies.” - ERR

“Putin is No Mystery, He’s Predictable.” - CEPA

“NATO Commander Stresses Deterrence And Defence In Estonia.” - NATO

“Lithuania says bigger U.S. military presence would deter Russia best.” - Reuters

“Russia is setting conditions to conduct military operations against Ukraine and/or in Belarus in the coming weeks or months.” - ISW

“Russia Ratchets Up Pressure On Ukraine As Biden Consults Zelenskiy.” - RFERL

“Expect Anything': Ukrainian Troops Brace For Possible Russian Attack.” - RFERL

“Putin compares Ukraine conflict to ‘genocide’.” - Meduza

“Ukraine Ready to Fight to ‘Last Drop’.” - Foreign Policy

“Ukraine in Play After Biden-Putin Discussion.” - Jamestown Org.

Wednesday 8. Dec.

Avalikustati metsanduse arengukava eelnõu koos raiemahuga

Ülle Harju, Postimees

“Raiemaht kümne aasta keskmisena oleks 10 miljonit kuupmeetrit aastas ja me soovitame kindlasti arvestada vahemikuga, mis on 9–11 miljoni kuupmeetrini aastas. See on metsanduse arengukava juhtkogu soovitus, tegeliku valiku teevad siiski lõpuks poliitikud,» seletas juhtkogu kõneisik, Eesti Maaülikooli metsapatoloogia professor Rein Drenkhan pressikonverentsil, kus esitleti MAK2030 eelnõu.”


[The Forestry Development Plan for 2021–2030 recommends cutting an average of ten million cubic meters of forest per year and envisages the possibility of extending the felling peace to private forests.]

“Arengukava: aastas võiks raiuda kümme miljonit tihumeetrit metsa.” - ERR

“Raport: kliimamuutused ohustavad tuleviku Eesti metsa kasvamist ja tervist.” - Keskkonnaagentuur

Satellite Images Reveal Russian Troop Buildup Near Ukrainian Border


“U.S. intelligence estimates suggest that the buildup could eventually reach 175,000 Russian troops. It’s one of the largest movements of Russian forces toward Ukraine in years, outside of regularly scheduled and announced training exercises …”


Transatlantic allies ramp up pressure on Russia over Ukraine

(Deutsche Welle)

“Former Estonian President Toomas Ilves says Russia likely didn't anticipate "this degree of common purpose among the allies" but he says what's been announced is hardly enough.”


“2021 war alert.” - Riddle

“Disquiet on the Eastern Front.” - Transitions

“Russia to lose Swift access and pipeline if it invades Ukraine.” - EU Observer

“Biden told Putin that 'things we did not do in 2014, we are prepared to do now’' if Russia escalates in Ukraine.” - CNN

“Russian, U.S. Statements On Biden-Putin Call Differ Starkly.” - RFERL

“Prime Minister Kaja Kallas: EU and NATO will respond to any aggression against Ukraine.” - ERR

“Terras: Euroopa peab Putinile tutvustama sanktsioonide paketti.” - ERR

“Valge Maja: Biden ei teinud Putinile järeleandmisi.” - ERR

“Baltic Prime Ministers meet in Vilnius.” - Latvian Broadcasting

“Biden tahab kokku kutsuda NATO riikide ja Moskva kohtumised.” - ERR

“Putin: Venemaal on õigus oma julgeolekut tagada.” - Postimees

“Putin is advocating Stalinist foreign policy.” – LRT

“Can Biden and Putin Avert War Over Ukraine?” - National Interest

Putin Extorts Another Meeting

By Olga Lautman, CEPA

“By late November, things were spiraling out of control in Central and Eastern Europe as Belarusian dictator Aliaksandr Lukashenka’s weaponizing of migrants posed a real threat to Poland and Lithuania’s borders, even as Putin was busy amassing a large-scale military force on Ukraine’s border.”

“Putin’s triggered a hectic response as the US scrambled to warn allies that Russia was preparing a full-scale invasion of Ukraine, even sharing sensitive intelligence, which was alarming enough to get a unified promise of a swift European action should Russia further invade. The threat of invasion reached such levels that Biden decided to speak with Putin personally to deliver a detailed set of warnings to reverse course …”

“In the background, Russia’s regime and its propagandists have been sounding the war drums. For a month now, Putin and his regime have been peddling an imaginary threat to Russia’s national security posed by NATO, even warning that an imminent attack was possible. It should hardly need stating that there is no build-up of NATO forces on Russia’s borders, that Putin previously threatened an invasion of Ukraine in the spring by massing troops at a time when there was also no threat, and that the only military invasions undertaken in recent years in Europe — Crimea and Eastern Ukraine — were launched by Putin himself.”


Falsifying Russia’s History Is a Step Toward More Violence

By Anne Applebaum, The Atlantic

“Putin’s determined re-politicization of history … He began by bringing back annual celebrations, complete with Soviet flags and uniforms, of the 1945 victory in what is still called, in literal translation, the “Great Fatherland War”—as if no one else fought the Nazis. He brought back the Soviet national anthem. Slowly, Stalin was whitewashed. Nostalgia for his victories was pumped up to new levels. In 2014, when Russia invaded Ukraine, Russians were repeatedly told on state television and in thousands of social-media posts that they were fighting a war against “fascism” once more. …”


Tuesday 7. Dec.

Estonia’s defense minister: Strengthening NATO, from a 2030 perspective

By Kalle Laanet, Defense News

“… Russia and Belarus have created a new threatening “normality” on Europe’s eastern rims that is intended to mirror, albeit artificially, Europe’s south. Misled migrants are used as weapons in inhumane hybrid attacks aimed at destabilizing neighbors, creating cracks between allies and gaining political profit. Russia pretends to be only part of the solution that would arrive as soon as President Vladimir Putin tells Lukashenko to stop.”


“Liitlaste lennukid harjutavad Eesti õhuruumis.” - Eesti Kaitsevägi

“Kaitseväe suurõppus Siil 2022 testib regionaalse koostöö võimekust.” - Eesti Kaitsevägi

“Estonian Defence Forces’ mass exercise Siil 2022 to test the regional cooperation.” - Estonian World

“Lithuania extends state of emergency on border with Belarus.” - Delfi

“Baltic PMs insist that EU should fund Lithuania's border wall.” - Lrt

Estonia: US' security help to Baltics should stay at least on current level

(Baltic Times)

“The delegation of the foreign affairs committee of the Estonian parliament visited Washington, D.C. to meet with members of the Senate and the House of Representatives of the United States … The meetings focused on strengthening the security of the Baltics and the possibilities for preventing the deepening of the security crisis in our region.”


Latvia: Prepare a swift response to Russia invading Ukraine

(The Guardian)

“Nato not sending a clear signal would mean ‘glue that keeps us together’ has failed, says Latvia foreign minister Edgars Rinkēvičs.”

“A swift reprisal package against Russia – including US troops and Patriot missiles stationed in the Baltics, the cutting off of Russia from the Swift banking payments system and reinstated sanctions on the Nord Stream 2 gas pipeline – must be prepared now in case it invades Ukraine.”


How might allies respond if Russia invades Ukraine?

(Defense News)

“NATO needs to plan beyond efforts to deter another Russian invasion of Ukraine and recognize that its actual response may differ depending on the extent of Russian military operations.”


Ukraine: America Dropped the Ball on Russia’s Invasion Threat

By Anna Nemtsova, The Daily Beast

“After U.S. intelligence revealed that Russia may be preparing for a full-on invasion of Ukraine, Ukraine’s Minister of Defense Oleksiy Reznikov told The Daily Beast in an exclusive interview that the 7-year-long military conflict is even more dangerous today than it was in April of this year, when Moscow deployed up to 150,000 troops along the Ukrainian border.”


“Russian Propaganda Brags of Putin’s Military Blackmail Against the U.S.” - Daily Beast

Putin's Last Gasp?

By Anders Åslund, Project Syndicate

“Although US intelligence agencies are warning that Russia is mobilizing its ground forces for an attack on Ukraine, it is still tempting to think that Russian President Vladimir Putin would never actually follow through on such a risky move. Yet when a strongman has so few good options for retaining power, the risk calculus changes.”


Opinion: Belarus-EU border crisis reveals wider security threat

(Chatham House)

“By engineering a crisis at the Belarus border, Lukashenka is attempting to exacerbate vulnerabilities within the EU. Securitizing migration is not the answer.”


The Accidental Revolutionary Leading Belarus’s Uprising

(The New Yorker)

“How Sviatlana Tsikhanouskaya came to challenge her country’s dictatorship.”



