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21 July, 2023

Tallinna vanalinna uus kaitsekord jagab hooned kaitsekategooriatesse

Anneli Randla, Triin Talk - Postimees

“Tallinna vanalinn võeti tervikuna muinsuskaitse alla juba 1966. aastal. Tänu sellele elas vanalinn suuremate kahjudeta üle nii 1960. aastate linnaplaneerimise radikaalse modernismi kui ka 1990. aastate kauboikapitalismi. Kuid mõtlematute või lühiajalisele kasule orienteeritud muudatuste ärahoidmisest olulisem on olnud vanalinna kui terviku väärtustamine. Kasvanud on nii meie endi uhkus oma ajaloolise pärandi üle kui ka rahvusvaheline tunnustatus ja huvi seda külastada. Vanalinna väärtustamine ja kaitsmine on pidevalt arenev protsess. Eelmisel aastal alustati Muinsuskaitseameti eestvõttel Tallinna vanalinna uue kaitsekorra ette valmistamist. Kaitsekord on kokkulepete kogum muinsuskaitseala hoidmiseks ja arendamiseks.”


State plans to make Tallinn Old Town heritage protection more flexible


“Up to now, all buildings have been treated the same, regardless of whether they have any tangible heritage aspects attached to them or not. The heritage board plans to divide such buildings into three categories, A, B and C. … All historic buildings with preserved medieval and early modern above-ground construction, details and layers which may be discovered or already have already been found make up category A, including even newer buildings with preserved, valuable interiors. Conversely, B category buildings are those for which there is certainty that there cannot be anything of heritage value contained inside, including those buildings irreparably damaged during World War Two or other conflicts. … Category C includes power substations, outhouses, garages and other ancillary buildings with little to no architectural value and spatial impact.”


UNESCO's Description of Vana Tallinn

(UNESCO - World Heritage Convention)

“The Old Town of Tallinn preserves to a remarkable extent the medieval urban structure of building plots, streets and squares, set out in the 13th century, as well as medieval urban fabric. The radial street network is well endowed with buildings from the 14th-16th centuries. The town defences have been preserved over large sections at their original length and height, rising to over 15m in places.”



Cover drawing:  Old Town of Tallinn

By Artist Ernst Kollom, 1945

TKM TR 6001 G 1740, Tartu Kunstimuuseum



Interview: Tallinn mayor 

Mihhail Kolvart 

(The Baltic Times)

“We want Tallinn to be a green and global city where people look to the future”


“10 Best Restaurants in Vana Tallinn.” - Culture Trip


EstoNews On-Line:



Friday 21. July

Kadrioru pargis tuleb üle 1,000 puu haiguse tõttu maha võtta


“… ligi 90 protsenti jalakatest on nakatanud USA-st pärit puuhaigusega jalakasurm, mis sõna otseses mõttes suretabki puud välja.”

“See kahetsusväärne haigusetekitaja on jõudnud ka nüüd Tallinnasse ja Kadrioru parki. Tegemist on Ameerika alavormiga, mis on oma olemuselt hästi agressiivne," ütles Kadrioru pargi juhataja Ain Järve.”


Dutch elm disease spells doom for more than 1,000 trees in Kadriorg Park


“… nearly 90 percent of the three-century-old park's Scots elms (Ulmus glabra, or harilik jakalas in Estonian) have been infected with Dutch elm disease (DED), which, as the Estonian word for the disease suggests (jalakasurm, or literally "elm death"), kills off elms.”

“This deplorable pathogen has now reached Tallinn and Kadriorg Park as well," said Ain Järve, director of the popular Tallinn park, adding that what they're currently looking at is an especially virulent strain of the disease from the U.S.”


International asylum approvals in Estonia almost quintupled in 2022


“The number of recipients of international protection rose nearly five-fold during the year – whereas usually around 50 people would receive international protection in Estonia in any given year (out of around 100 applicants, on average), in 2022, the year Russia launched its full-scale invasion of Ukraine, the figure was 2,107 people.”

“In 2022, 41,871 war refugees applied for temporary asylum in Estonia, of which 14,396 were children. Among these Ukrainians were also those who left Ukraine before February 2022 and could not return. Eda Silberg, undersecretary of the Cultural Diversity Department of the Estonian Culture Ministry, said that most of the recipients of international protection were Ukrainian citizens who could not apply for temporary protection because they left Ukraine before the war began. Temporary protection is granted out of sequence when a large number of people are at risk, and its maximum duration is three years.”



Brittide liitmine Eesti diviisi külge viib stressitaseme lakke


“Eesti ja Ühendkuningriigi koostööd diviisis pitsitab argipäeva karm reaalsus, kuidas kokkulepitu päriselt ellu viia. Britte kimbutab küsimus, mil moel lubadusi täita, kuid õli valab tulle Eesti kaitseväe sisuliselt teise ohvitseri käitumine, mis paneb retoorilised laastud lendama.”

“Britid lubasid asju, mida neil veel ei olnud, meenutas üks riigikaitse otsuste juures viibija eelmise aasta lõpus kaitseministrite Hanno Pevkuri (RE) ja Ben Wallace’i kokkulepet, millega Ühendkuningriik määrab brigaadi Eesti diviisi.”


Interview: Secretary General, Estonian Foreign Ministry, Jonatan Vseviov

(Estonian World)

“Our policy is aimed at getting Russia back into Russia.”


“Vahur Karus favorite to become next EDF chief.” - ERR

Steel hull fragments raised on day two of MS Estonia dive


“The cutouts were made by divers in late 1994 in the aftermath of the sinking, but left on the seabed.”


NATO’s New Northern Flank — Don’t Ruin It

By Minna Ålander, CEPA

“One of the few positive unintended consequences of Russia’s war of aggression against Ukraine has been its consolidation of Nordic defense. … the Nordic countries have already started to update regional cooperation agreements and further develop operational integration of their armed forces.”

“But there’s a problem. Despite years of work between the Nordic nations, NATO is not currently structured to exploit this to the full. The current command structure does not serve the needs of the new Northern Flank, as the Nordics are currently divided into two Joint Force Commands: Finland and Denmark under Brunssum in the Netherlands, and Norway under Norfolk in Virginia. …”


“US B-52 bombers fly over Estonia in training exercise.” - ERR

NATO's latest moves could bottle up much of Russia's naval power

By Evan Dyer - CBC

“The Baltic and the Black Sea share a geographical feature: they both have only one slender opening into the world's oceans. In the Baltic, three narrow straits separate Denmark from Sweden; the widest, between two Danish islands, is a mere 16 kilometres across. … the Baltic and Black Sea fleets were central to Russia's emergence as a great power after the 1790s. Russia's invasion of Ukraine, and NATO's response to it, threatens that standing.”

“Now, every inch of Baltic shoreline outside of Russian waters is controlled by NATO allies — allies that are increasingly well-armed. … A Russian ship leaving Saint Petersburg must first sail through the Gulf of Finland, where only about 80 kilometres of open water separate Helsinki from the Estonian capital Tallinn. NATO is now on both sides of that narrow strait. The even narrower corridor of international waters in the middle is within easy range of NATO's sea-skimming missiles from either shore.”


“Latvia aims to grow defense personnel to 31,000.” - LSM

Thursday 20. July

Autota Tallinnas liiklemine– ulme või täiesti võimalik?


“Praegu on igapäevaselt Tallinna tänavatel umbes 200,000 autot, osa neist kuulub siiski linnast väljas elavatele inimestele, kes pealinna tööle sõidavad.”

“Pealinna autostumisele lükati hoog sisse nõukogude ajal, kui edumeelsed transpordiinsenerid võimsaid mitmerealiseid tänavaid planeerima asusid, et lisaks ühistranspordile saaksid tollased innovatsioonisümbolid, autod, võimsatel magistraalidel Ameerika eeskujul silma paista. „Tegelikult oma olemuselt on Tallinna linn võrdlemisi mitmekesine ja me pole veel lootusetult autostunud,“ on ekspert lootusrikas, et trendi saab ringi pöörata.”


“Pirital hakkavad kehtima uued muudatused kolme bussiliini marsruutides.” - Pealinn

“Vanasadama trammiliini ehitamiseks on maaomanikega kokkulepped saavutatud.” - Pealinn

“Tallinna linn vihastas Pirita elanikud välja. Infotunnis valitses kaos.” - Delfi

“Priskeim hüvitis uue trammitee aluse maa eest on 1,1 miljonit.” - Postimees

New tax to increase already high tax burden for Estonian car owners

(Baltic Times)

“The Estonian Car Owners Association (EAOL) argues that the draft document of legislative intent to introduce a car tax in Estonia, made public by the Ministry of Finance on Wednesday, is unfair to car owners and taxpayers because it would increase the already high tax burden of car owners and has no understandable purpose other than filling state coffers.”


“Automaks võib hakata sõltuma sõiduki võimsusest, massist ja vanusest.” - ERR

“Motor vehicle tax to bring EUR 120 mln into Estonia's state coffers annually.” - Postimees

Võrumaa farmis läheb Aafrika seakatku tõttu tapale 116 siga


“Esimene teavitus sigade haigestumisest ja taudi kahtlusest farmis jõudis PTA-sse 19. juulil, teatas amet. “Sigade Aafrika katku tekitaja leidu kinnitavad laboratoorse uuringu tulemused laekusid  täna. Taudi tõttu hukatakse kõik farmis peetavad sead, sest haigusele puudub ravi," selgitas PTA lõuna regiooni juhataja Inge Saavo. Ta lisas, et kümnekilomeetrisesse piirangutsooni farmi ümbruses ei jää ühtegi teist seafarmi.”


Fears of Russian Aggression Have Estonians Revisiting Soviet Past

(VOA video)

“Among the most vocal critics of the Russian invasion of Ukraine, Estonia this year declared Moscow a state sponsor of terrorism and expelled the Russian ambassador.”


Finland’s new government regarded as country’s most right-wing in decades

(AP - 20. June)

“The National Coalition Party won the most seats in an April 2 parliamentary election. Following seven weeks of coalition talks, the party announced a deal to form a government with three other parties, including the far-right, euroskeptic Finns Party. The two junior partners in the coalition are the Christian Democrats and the Swedish People’s Party of Finland. Due to the dominance of the two senior partner parties, Finnish media described Orpo’s government as “national conservative” in nature.”

“While Finland’s strategy on Ukraine may stay the same, Orpo’s Cabinet is expected to carry out major social policy and labor reforms, as well as budget cuts, over the next four years.”


“Arvamus: Soome demokraatia on haige.” - Postimees

Ilves Soome välisministrist: sellist Soome häält olen ma oodanud kogu elu


“Soome ajaleht Iltalehti vahendas president Toomas Hendrik Ilvese tunnustust Soome uuele välisministrile Elina Valtosele, Eesti endise riigipea sõnul on ta sellist Soome häält oodanud kogu elu. Ilves kiitis Soome välisministrit Twitteri postituses tema väljaütlemiste pärast Briti ajalehele Financial Times.

Financial Times kirjutas, et Soome on vastu vaielnud NATO tippkohtumisel kõlanud väidetele, justkui poleks Ukraina toetuse eest läänele piisavalt tänulikkust üles näidanud.”


Wagner alustas Poola piiri ääres Valgevene erivägedega ühisõppust


“Neli päeva kestvad õppused leiavad Valgevene kaitseministeeriumi Telegrami keskkonda postitatud teate järgi aset piirilinna Bresti lähedal polügoonil.

Wagneri üksuste põhiülesanne on instruktoritena jagada lahingukogemust Ukrainast ja mujalt, et Valgevene relvajõud saaksid harjutustel keskenduda reaalsete ohtude tõrjumisele ja rünnakutes ellujäämisele.”

“Valgevene üksuste liikumist jälgiva projekti Hajun andmetel on riiki viimase kümne päeva jooksul sisenenud 2,000 – 2,500 Wagneri võitlejat. … Varssavis jälgitakse Valgevenes toimuvat hoolikalt ning Poola inforuumi turvalisuse eest vastutava Stanisław Żaryni sõnul ollakse võimalikeks ohtudeks küll valmis, kuid ei satuta paanikasse.”


Wednesday 19. July

Kallas: saaksime Vene elektrivõrgu küljest lahkuda 2025. aasta alguses


“Balti riigid sõlmisid 2018. aastal koos Poola ja Euroopa Komisjoniga kokkuleppe, mille kohaselt lahutatakse kolme riigi elektrisüsteem Venemaa ja Valgevenega ühisest süsteemist BRELL 2025. aastal ning selleks saadakse Euroopa Liidult toetust kokku 1,6 miljardi euro ulatuses. Tänavu mais Tallinnas kohtunud Eesti, Läti ja Leedu peaminister teatasid, et võtavad suuna Vene elektrivõrgust lahkumisele ja Mandri-Euroopa võrguga liitumisele varem kui praegu kavandatud 2025. aasta lõpp. Uus tähtaeg oleneb selle tehnilistest võimalustest.”


Baltic states set to decouple from Russian power grid in early 2025


“Three decades after splitting from the former Soviet Union and 19 years since joining the European Union, the Baltic states of Estonia, Latvia and Lithuania still depend on Russia to ensure a stable power system. Lithuania has been arguing for a decoupling date of early 2024, saying that Russia is undependable and an aggressor. But this is not acceptable to Estonia, which would bear the brunt of the cost of an earlier move, Estonian Prime Minister Kaja Kallas told Reuters.”


“Latvia, Estonia put their interests ahead as regards faster Baltic synchronization.” - The Baltic Times

“Estonia, Lithuania and Latvia to end Russian grid reliance in 2025.” - Power Technology Blog

Estonian farmers predict poor harvest


“Grain harvest has begun in Estonia, and although there will be enough grain for local needs, farmers already indicate that the harvest will be smaller due to the drought and the grain quality will be lower than usual … the heads of wheat are shorter and contain fewer grains.”

“The harvests in Finland, Latvia, Poland, and Bulgaria are also only half or a third of what was expected.”


“Sünoptik: augustis võib veel tulla lühemaid kuumalaineid.” - ERR

“European heat wave breaking records: 108 F in Rome.” - ABCNews

“Russia Pulls Out of Ukraine Grain Deal.” - Jamestown Org.

“Ukraine's farmers fear the worst after grain deal collapses.” - Reuters

Canada appoints its first ambassador to Estonia, Laird Hindle

(Canadian Gov. press release | ERR)

“This is Canada’s first ambassadorial appointment to Estonia and is part of the expansion of Canada’s diplomatic presence in Central and Eastern Europe. The conversion of Canada’s office in Estonia—a key NATO ally—into a full embassy with a resident ambassador will serve to build stronger bilateral ties, further enhance Canada’s engagement in the region, help counter Russia’s destabilizing activities and increase support for Operation REASSURANCE.”



“Kanada nimetas Eestisse uue suursaadiku.” - Estonian World Review

Researchers hope undersea work yields new info on 1994 Baltic Sea ferry disaster

(AP via ABCNews)

“Representatives of the Estonian Safety Investigation Bureau and the Swedish Accident Investigation Authority plan to study the wreckage of the M/S Estonia in cooperation with Finnish authorities over the next eight days.”


'Disloyal views': Lithuania strips Russian residency permits


“Lithuania has revoked the residency permits of more than 100 Russians living inside the country, deeming some a security threat. In figures shared with Euronews on Monday, the country's Migration Department said it had stripped 38 Russians of their permanent residency in 2022, plus a further 97 so far this year. That's a total of 135 since Russia invaded Ukraine.”


Leedu-Valgevene piiril: väljaehitatud taristu lihtsustab piirivalvurite tööd


“Leedu on oma piirirajatised Valgevene piiril välja ehitanud ja püüab seal nüüd veelgi suurendada reageerimisvõimekust. Kuigi olukord piiril on võrreldes paari aasta taguse ajaga suhteliselt rahulik, ei tohi Leedu piirivalvejuhi sõnul valvsust kaotada, kuna see võib Valgevene režiimi otsusel kiiresti muutuda.”


Finland closing Russia's Consulate General office in Turku


“Russia announced plans earlier this month that it was withdrawing consent for the operation of Finland's Consulate General in St Petersburg.”


“Soome sulgeb Venemaa peakonsulaadi Turus.” - ERR

Russia’s invasion of Ukraine was never about NATO

(Atlantic Council)

“It is clear from Putin’s own actions that he understands perfectly well NATO will never attack Russia. This should come as no surprise. Indeed, the entire notion of NATO invading Russia is recognized as absurd by all but the terminally swivel-eyed. … However, it is critical to clarify that this indignation has nothing to do with legitimate security concerns. NATO is not a threat to Russian security; NATO is a threat to Russian foreign policy because it prevents Russia from bullying its neighbors. In other words, NATO enlargement is no more or less provocative than a burglar alarm is to a thief.”

“NATO is routinely depicted by critics as an expansionist military institution seeking to impose Western dominance, but this is entirely at odds with the growth of the Alliance over the past three decades. Nobody has ever been forced to join NATO; instead, every single new member since 1991 has asked for membership and has been obliged to meet a series of strict standards in order to qualify. Indeed, the loaded term “NATO expansion” may itself be misleading, as unlike Russia, the Alliance only ever expands on a voluntary basis. It is also worth underlining that while Putin plays the victim card and complains of being encircled, fear of Russian aggression has been by far the leading cause of all new membership applications. … With Russia’s invasion of Ukraine now approaching the one-and-a-half-year mark, it is time to retire the NATO narrative.”


Opinion: Nato must support Ukraine with clearer road map to membership

(Financial Times)

“Nato should not relax after the Vilnius summit. Instead, in his last year as secretary-general, Jens Stoltenberg should secure three commitments for Ukraine: more weapons now to support this year’s counteroffensive; long-term support for developing the advanced capabilities to repel and thus deter future Russian aggression; and that guaranteed road map to Nato membership.”


For Moscow, the NATO summit must have been highly alarming

(Politico Europe)

“Seen from the perspective of the Kremlin, the NATO meeting can hardly have been comforting — once again underscoring how truly colossal a strategic mistake Vladimir Putin’s decision to launch a full-scale invasion of Ukraine has turned out to be.”

“The NATO meeting was of course about more than just Ukraine — and none of that was good news for Moscow either. In Vilnius, Finland sat at the table as the 31st member of the alliance. Its accession more than doubled the NATO territory bordering Russia. That, too, was a consequence of Putin’s invasion, which, though ostensibly launched to keep NATO well back from its borders, has brought the alliance much closer.”


“Ukraine’s future is in NATO, U.S. national security adviser affirms.” - Politico

- Putin’s Forever War -

“Russia has increased the maximum age at which men can be mobilised to fight in Ukraine by up to ten years, raising the prospect of 70-year-olds being deployed to the front.” - The Times, Uk

Russian Offensive Campaign 

Assessments: 18. & 20. July


“The July 17 Kerch Strait Bridge attack is likely having immediate ramifications on Russian military logistics in southern Ukraine. Footage and imagery published on July 17 and 18 show extensive traffic jams and accidents reportedly on the E58 Mariupol-Melitopol-Kherson City highway – Russia’s current main logistics line connecting Russia to southern Ukraine – at various points between Mariupol and Berdyansk, and in Kherson Oblast.”

“Russian forces conducted a strike campaign ostensibly against Ukrainian military objects in southern Ukraine in explicit retaliation for the Kerch Strait Bridge attack.”

“The Telegraph concluded that Belarusian President Alexander Lukashenko and Belarusian authorities are actively involved in the forced deportation of Ukrainian children.”

“The Russian military announced that it may consider civilian ships in the Black Sea en route to Ukrainian ports legitimate military targets.”

“Ukrainian forces continued counteroffensive operations on at least three sectors of the front and reportedly advanced on July 20.”

“Wagner Group personnel are training Belarusian special forces on modern tactics at the Brest Training Ground in Brest, Belarus. The Wagner Group may open another base in Belarus in Gomel Oblast near Belarus’ international border with Ukraine.”



“Current Russian ground forces losses in Ukraine unsustainable.” - ERR

“Belarus Red Cross sparks outcry after its chief says it brought Ukrainian children to Belarus.” - AP

“Massive blasts at Russian depot in Crimea force thousands to flee.” - CNN

“Crimea Explosions Force Russia To Evacuate Thousands of People.” - Newsweek

“Ukraine Used Sea Drones to Take Out Vital Bridge to Russia: NATO Source.” - Vice News

“Ukraina vastupealetungi aeglustavad ulatuslikud miiniväljad.” - Postimees

“Ukraine’s counteroffensive stalled by Russian mines.” - Task & Purpose

“Russian command structure ‘confusing at best’ after Wagner mutiny, says top US general.” - Politico Europe

“Russia Sends Obsolete Tanks to Battle in Ukraine Amid Staggering Artillery Losses.” - The Moscow Times

“UK spy chief: Putin ‘under pressure’ at home after ‘humiliating’ deal with Prigozhin.” - Politico Europe

Wagner: Satellite images reveal Belarus camp arrival


“An earlier analysis carried out by BBC Verify showed dozens of vehicles entering the new Wagner camp at Tsel, a disused military base in southern Belarus - about 64 miles (103km) from the capital Minsk.”


“Video appears to show Wagner boss in Belarus.” - BBC

“Wagner announces closure of Russian base - redeploys into neighboring Belarus.” - The Moscow Times

“Belarus claims Wagner mercenaries are helping to train its defence forces.” - Euronews

How Putin’s administration plans to win his next ‘landslide election victory’


“Simple task: get 80 % to ‘re-elect’ Putin.”


Russian deserters keep fleeing abroad

(Deutsche Welle)

“Human rights activists say over a thousand court cases have been initiated against alleged Russian deserters. Grigory Swerdlin of the Russian non-governmental organization Idite Lesom, or Get Lost, told DW he thinks the real number of Russian deserters is far higher. Swerdlin's group helps conscientious objectors flee Russia. He says some men are afraid of being mobilized, while others had been to the frontlines and no longer wanted to fight. "We get lots of reports about how chaotic the frontline is," he told DW. "Sometimes, soldiers don't know where the commanders are, some tell us that they were abandoned in the open field, without any guidance.”

"No one teaches the recruits anything, and the only training consists of once firing a machine gun," he added.”


“Russian bureaucracy and industry are struggling to supply men and weapons to the invading army in Ukraine and the situation is worsening.” - CEPA

Russia Has a New Gulag

By Anne Applebaum, The Atlantic

“The Associated Press reported yesterday that it has evidence of at least 40 prison camps in Russia and Belarus, as well as 63 formal and informal prisons in occupied Ukraine, containing perhaps 10,000 Ukrainians. A few are prisoners of war: gulagu.net, a Russian prison-monitoring group, has evidence of Ukrainian soldiers in Russian prisons who arrive without proper papers or POW status. But most of the Ukrainian prisoners are civilians who have been arrested or abducted in occupied territory.”

“As in the Gulag during its heyday, slave labor is one purpose of these camps. Some Ukrainians in captivity are being forced to dig trenches and build fortifications for Russian soldiers, and to dig mass graves. The Gulag was also designed to instill terror in the broader population, and the new camp system works that way too.”


Thousands of Ukraine civilians are being held in Russian prisons. Russia plans to build 25 more


“And Russia is planning to hold possibly thousands more. A Russian government document obtained by The Associated Press dating to January outlined plans to create 25 new prison colonies and six other detention centers in occupied Ukraine by 2026. In addition, Russian President Vladimir Putin signed a decree in May allowing Russia to send people from territories with martial law, which includes all of occupied Ukraine, to those without, such as Russia. This makes it easier to deport Ukrainians who resist Russian occupation deep into Russia indefinitely, which has happened in multiple cases documented by the AP.”


“Russia building gulags for 10,000 imprisoned Ukrainian civilians.” - TVP

“Plaques Commemorating Gulag Victims Disappear Around Moscow.” - The Moscow Times

Russia bans all Apple devices including iPhones for government officials

(International Business Times)

“In early June, Russia's FSB (Federal Security Service) made some serious allegations against the Cupertino-based tech giant. The FSB said it found a large-scale "spying operation by US intelligence agencies" involving Apple devices.

The principal security agency said a considerable number of iPhones had been "infected." According to an Engadget report, this included iPhones used by Russia's diplomatic missions in NATO countries. Moreover, the FSB claimed that Apple teamed up with US signal intelligence to provide agents with a wide range of control tools.”


