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02 August, 2024


Estonia Targets 4% of GDP for Defense Spending to Deter Russia

(BNN/Bloomberg, 24. July)

“Estonia's new Prime Minister Kristen Mihal has announced tax increases and spending cuts to strengthen the country's security. The government plans to allocate €1.1 billion for defense projects and increase military spending by €4 billion over 5 years.”

“NATO estimates that Estonia will this year be the alliance’s second-largest defense spender at 3.4% of GDP, following Poland at 4% and ahead of the US. To get there, the government in Tallinn unveiled a new defense tax last week, partly to finance a €1.6 billion ($1.7b) shortage in ammunition stockpiles.”


“Kaitseministeerium andis ülevaate julgeolekuolukorrast.” - Postimees

“Estonia's defense industry sector growing, but still under 1 % of GDP.” - ERR

Analüütikud: majanduse taastumine tuleb aeglane


“Eesti majandus langes teises kvartalis aastatagusega võrreldes 1,7 protsenti, kuid võrreldes esimese kvartaliga majandus kasvas esimest korda pärast üheksa kvartalit kestnud kukkumist. Kuigi hullem on möödas, saab taastumine olema aeglane, kinnitavad analüütikud.”


The government led by Kristen Michal has announced new tax hikes, presenting them to the public as a security tax

Opinion by Riho Terras


“To make the tax hike more palatable to the public, the increases in VAT, income tax, and the tax on corporate profits have been labeled as a security tax. It is clear to everyone that the collected funds go into one large state budget pot, making it unlikely that they will be used solely for purchasing ammunition or other critical procurements.”

“If the population perceives that the money collected under the name of the security tax is simply going towards maintaining the bureaucratic machinery, disappointment will arise not only with the government but also in the necessity of contributing to security.”


“Estonia's new prime minister to implement austerity policies in the country.” - ERR

“Tallinnas läks kütus kallimaks, mujal soodsamaks.” - Postimees

“Opinion: Where to find the missing two billion euros.” - Postimees

“Estonia’s New Premier Brings In Austerity for the Sake of Security.” - Bloomberg, subscription based

“If we want to make cuts, we must transform the mindset in the public sector.” - Postimees

“Estonia on track to become one of five most expensive countries in Europe.” - ERR

“Estonia is a long way from becoming one of EU's most expensive countries.” - ERR

“Bank of Estonia: Prices in Estonia 98% of EU average last year.” - ERR

“Fitch Affirms Estonia at 'A+'; Outlook Stable.” - Fitch

“Estonia's national debt growth fastest in EU in Q1 2024.” - ERR


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Around the Baltic Sea

“Italy Takes Over Baltic Air Policing In Lithuania.” - NATO

“Estonia to implement full customs checks on eastern border.” - Postimees

“Queues of almost 300 travellers per day are waiting up to 6 hours to cross the Estonian-Russian border.” - Schengen News

“Large groups try to cross Latvia-Belarus border.” - Latvian Broadcasting

“Estonia sends PPA unit to Latvia’s border with Belarus.” - Militarnyi

“More than 150 foreigners added to Latvia’s black list following start of Russian-Ukrainian war.” - BNN

“Finland’s law to turn asylum seekers away at its long eastern border with Russia came into force.” - Schengen News

“Estonia Increases Security Checks at Russian Border to Fight Sanctions Busting.” - The Moscow Times

“Estonian youth are learning military basics in the patriotic youth organization 'Home Daughters.” - Deutsche Welle

“Lithuania allocates €7m for priority defence projects.” - LRT

“Employment among Estonia's Ukraine war refugees up, need for aid decreases.” - ERR

“Finland's border authority investigating a Russian naval vessel's alleged intrusion into its territorial sea.” - Newsweek

“Measles case travelled on Tallinn ferry.” - Yle

Russia’s Forever War: 

Airstrikes, Artificial Intelligence, and Sabotage Drive Russian Psyops 


“In April, Ukrainian Defense Intelligence of the Ministry of Defense (GUR) warned of a Russian information and psychological operation (psyop) called “Evader,” aimed at increasing societal tension and encouraging Ukrainians to avoid mobilization. The intensification of this campaign coincided with the adoption of the mobilization law in Ukraine on April 11, around which there was uncertainty and tension in society.”

“The Russian propaganda machine also uses more modern methods for its psyops. A journalist investigation by Ukrainian independent media group Toronto Television (Телебачення Торонто) identified a network of Russian military officers belonging to the press service of the so-called “LPR [Luhansk People’s Republic] army” that was creating deep-fake videos of the Ukrainian military. This network used face overlay technologies and artificial intelligence to create the fakes.”


“Analüütik: Venemaa saadab Pokrovski suunale uusi jõude.” - ERR

“Belarus Border Crisis is a Russian Design.” - The Baltic Sentinel

“Time to Strike Back Against Russia’s Shadow War.” - CEPA

“Has the War in Ukraine Destroyed Russia’s Economy?” - Russia Matters

“F-16s have arrived to help Ukraine fight Russia.” - AP

“Russian Offensive Campaign Assessment, July 31, 2024.” - ISW

“Putin ramped up his war machine purge with new arrests this week.” - Newsweek

“Ukrainian Drones May Have Flown A Record 1,100 Miles To Target Russian Bombers.” - Forbes

“Russian troops are continuing to make costly advances in Ukraine in the hopes of freezing the conflict with optimal gains.” - Novaya Gazeta, 23. July

“Dissatisfaction in Russian Army May Lead to a Revolution like in 1917.” - Paul Goble

“Russia vs Ukraine: the biggest war of the fake news era.” - Reuters


