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08 October, 2021


Alar Karis to be sworn in on Monday (11. Oct.) as Estonia's next President, replacing President Kersti Kaljulaid

(See Weds. news listing)

Tere, Alar!

Vabariigi President Kersti Kaljulaid


“Hea Alar! Esmaspäeval annad Sa riigikogus ametivande. Sinust saab Eesti Vabariigi kuues president. Annan Sinu kätesse vabariigi, mis on parem, ilusam ja rikkam kui see, mille ametikett omal ajal minule kaela riputati. Niimoodi peabki olema. Iga president teeb, mida suudab, et mantlipärijal oleks mõnusam seda rasket tööd teha. Eesti presidendi töö on tõesti raske. Ta on nagu popstaar ilma popita. Aga olgu. Probleemidest ma praegu ei räägi. Nagu ütleb poeet: muretaigen kerkib ise, rõõmurulli tuleb küpsetada. Ainult paar nõuannet, kui lubad. …”


“Globaalne Kersti.” - Eesti Päevaleht (paywall)

“Kaljulaid esitles kõnede kogumikku "Sõna on vaba”. - ERR

“Kersti Kaljulaid: suunasin prožektori kohtadesse, mis muidu olid varjus.” - Eesti Päevaleht (paywall)


Cover Foto: https://commons.wikimedia.org/wiki/File:Palacio_de_Kadriorg,_Tallinn,_Estonia,_2012-08-12,_DD_29.JPG


COVID in the Baltics 

- 954 in Estonia  ⬆️ (730 last week)

- 1,695 in Latvia ⬆️ (1,127 last week)

- 2,403 in Lithuania ⬆️ (1,970 last week)



“Koroonaviiruse andmestik.” - Eesti Terviseamet

“Koroonaga on haiglates 248 inimest.” - ERR

“ECDC soovitab karmistada reisipiiranguid Balti riikide elanikele.” - ERR

“Number of Covid-19 patients in intensive care is rising in Finland.” - Helsinki Times

“Lätis kehtib esmaspäevast kolm kuud erakorraline olukord.” - ERR

“Finnish Institute for Health and Welfare recommended the Moderna coronavirus vaccine not be administered to men aged 30 and under.” - Yle

“Sweden and Denmark pause use of Moderna vaccine for young people.” - Politico-Europe

“How Covid strained bonds between Norway and Sweden.” - The Guardian

“Russia Reports More Than 900 Coronavirus Daily Deaths.” - Moscow Times

- Friday 8. October 2021

Eesti üürid ja elamuhinnad on kümne aastaga teinud EL-i suurima tõusu


“Võrreldes 2010. aastaga olid Eesti elamuhinnad tänavu teises kvartalis 133% ja üürid 142% kõrgemad, mis oli ühtlasi Euroopa Liidus (EL) selle perioodi suurim kasv.

EL-is tõusid üürid samal ajal 16% ja elamuhinnad 34%.”


Since 2010, house prices more than doubled in Estonia


“House prices increased in 23 EU countries and decreased in four, with the highest rises in Estonia (+133%), Luxembourg (+111%) and Hungary (+109%).”

“For rents … the highest rises (were) in Estonia (+142%), Lithuania (+109%) and Ireland (+66%).”


Sõja korral takistavad rohked raielangid Eesti metsades vastase liikumist


“Eesti metsade ümber käivad pikemat aega ühiskondlikud vaidlused mõistlike raiemahtude üle. Lahingupidamise kontekstis suurendavad raielangid küll nähtavust ja vähendavad varjumise võimalusi, aga ühtlasi aeglustavad üksuste liikumist … Raiesmikud on nagu looduslikud miiniväljad, sest sealne maapind on tagurpidi pööratud ja igal pool on suuremad-väiksemad augud, kännud ja mahajäänud risu. Selle ala peal liikujad ei ole kindlasti eelispositsioonis.”


Eesti ühineb globaalse tulumaksu reformiga


“OECD-s ettevalmistatav avaldus puudutab üleilmseid suurkorporatsioone ega muuda Eesti ettevõtete jaoks kehtivat tulumaksusüsteemi. Järgmise sammuna asub Eesti nüüd tihedatesse läbirääkimistesse EL liikmesriikide ja Euroopa komisjoniga, et Eesti huvid oleks kaitstud OECD kokkulepet rakendava EL direktiivi väljatöötamisel, teatas valitsuse kommunikatsioonibüroo.”


“Estonia joins global corporate tax reform.” - ERR

“U.S. Treasury's Yellen tells Estonian finance minister tax deal top priority”. - Reuters

“Holdouts Ireland, Estonia Agree to Global Tax Reform Deal.” - VOA

Unavoidable Truths About Small States’ Best Defense Against Aggression

(Modern War Institute, West Point)

“The US Army Special Forces have seemingly found a new mission set—building and enabling resistance networks in small countries. Special Forces operators are embracing the mission for obvious reasons: it means a return to their traditional, unconventional warfare roots. … The initial version of the ROC (Resistance Operating Concept) was born out of the cooperative efforts of the US Special Operations Command Europe, the NATO Special Operations Headquarters, the Baltic and Scandinavian states, and several educational and research institutes. The document was developed based on the results of several field and tabletop exercises, seminars, and related publications that explored options for defending the Baltic states from potential Russian aggression.”


“Resistance Operating Concept (Case Study 4): The Forest Brothers: World War II And Post-World War II Baltic Resistance To Soviet Occupation” - Joint Special Ops. Publication, page 153

Polish opposition parties on Friday sounded the alarm over Warsaw’s potential ejection from the EU


“Fully supported by France and Germany, European Commission President Ursula von der Leyen said on Friday she would “use all the powers” at her disposal to enforce EU law after Poland’s highest court ruled that the country’s constitution takes precedence over some EU laws. Long the EU’s bête noire over topics such as “LGBT-ideology free zones,” the court’s ruling on Thursday represented a major escalation in the tug-of-war between Warsaw and Brussels.”

“Donald Tusk, leader of Poland’s biggest opposition party Civic Platform and an ex-president of the European Council, called on people to pour into the streets on Sunday in response to the ruling. …”


Meet the New Face of Russia’s Anti-Putin Movement: Yevgeny Roizman

By Anna Nemtsova, The Daily Beast

“Throughout his decades-long career, Roizman—who has served as a Duma member in Russia’s parliament and then as mayor of the Ural region’s capital city of Yekaterinburg—has been regarded as one of those rare Russian politicians who does not take bribes and makes time to listen to the concerns of everyday citizens. Many activists in Russia’s scattered opposition divisions hope that Roizman will emerge as a unifying opposition candidate against Vladimir Putin in Russia’s 2024 presidential elections.”


“Hours after Russian journalist wins Nobel Peace Prize, Russia designates nine more journalists as ‘foreign agents’.”  - Meduza

- Thursday 7. Oct. 2021

Toomas Hendrik Ilves’ speech: ‘Alexei Navalny and the West's Schröderizatsiya’


“… Ilves gave the laudatory speech at a ceremony in honor of Alexei Navalny, the Russian dissident and opposition leader imprisoned by Russian authorities since early on this year and recognized by Amnesty International as a prisoner of conscience.”

“Navalny's story is not a new one. In the decade before the collapse of communism, we saw this tale unfold over and over again. Iosif Brodsky, Natan Sharansky, Alexander Solzhenitsyn, Andrei Sakharov and hundreds of others were persecuted by that real-life Mordor, the Soviet Union. There is a difference, however. Back in those days … we in the West at least had the moral clarity to stand up to the thugs, to raise these issues with our governments, in our parliaments, in all possible international fora.”

“Today, the liberal democratic West has abandoned that one-time clarity. We have become partners in crime, colluding with the enemies of liberty, of our Enlightenment heritage of rule of law and human rights. We are the unindicted co-conspirators of our own demise and in the destruction of Russia, collapsing under the weight of its corruption and thievery. …”


EU’s energy bills will go up this winter


“Natural gas prices have surged in Europe as countries exit COVID-19 lockdown, fuelling a crisis that is likely to impact consumers' bills this winter. The cost is now six times higher than what it was last year in Europe and is continuing to increase, with the crisis unlikely to abate before the spring.”

“Gas price in Estonia hits record, but most heating companies burn wood.” - BNN

“Putini kommentaar tabas gaasihindu kui tormituul.” - WSJ / Postimees

“Nord Stream 2 approval may cool gas prices in Europe, says Russia.” - The Guardian

“Russian Gas Trap.” - Warsaw Institute

“Russia blackmails Europe with gas supply.” - Kyiv Post

“Gazprom cuts gas to EU via Belarus by 70%.” - EU Observer

“EU countries look to Brussels for help with ‘unprecedented’ energy crisis.” - Politico-Europe

“Putin Blames Europe for Gas Price Crisis.” - The Moscow Times

NATO expels 8 'undeclared' intel officers from Russian delegation

(The Hill)

“In addition, the alliance halved the size of Moscow’s team allowed to work at NATO headquarters in Brussels from 20 to 10 …”


“Nato expels eight members of Russia’s mission for spying.” - The Guardian

- Wednesday 6. Oct. 2021

European leaders congratulate President-elect Alar Karis


“Leaders of Estonia's allies congratulated him on social media.”


“An Interview with Alar Karis.” - ERR, Sept

“Alar Karis elected president of Estonia.” - Estonian World

“Alar Karis' presidential inauguration takes place in Tallinn 11. October” - ERR

“First lady Sirje Karis not planning on moving out of Tartu home yet.” - ERR

“President-elect Alar Karis has the support of 68 percent of the Estonian population.” - ERR

Bio: Estonia’s president-elect Alar Karis


“Alar Karis, 63, is an Estonian citizen by birth, a native of Tartu and the current director of the Estonian National Museum (ERM). He is an Estonian molecular geneticist and developmental biologist who embarked on an academic career after graduating from the veterinary department of the Estonian University of Life Sciences (Eesti Maaülikool) in Tartu, and became a professor there in 1999.”

“He served as rector at the Estonian University of Life Sciences from 2003-2007, and as rector of the University of Tartu from 2007-2012. He was appointed Estonia's auditor general in March 2013 and, after completing his tenure, as director of the ERM in October 2017.”


Tulevase presidendi miljonivaatega kodukülas näeb nüüd politseipatrulli varasemast sagedamini


“Järgmisel esmaspäeval nimetatakse ametisse Eesti Vabariigi president Alar Karis. Pärast seda satub ta kodukanti, Puhja külje alla Mõisanurme pigem nädalavahetustel, kui sedagi. Siiski on Puhja kandi rahval hea meel, et president just sealt pärit, kuigi tõsiasi on see, et vähesed puhjakad on temaga isiklikult kohtunud.”


600,000 eest vahetatakse välja võidusamba valgussüsteem


“Sõjamuuseumi juht Hellar Lill ütles, et Vabaduse võidusamba renoveerimise käigus on plaanis tuleval aastal vahetada välja kogu valguse- ja automaatikalahendus. Ekspertide hinnangul võiks sagedase remondi asemel aga kaaluda uue monumendi rajamist.”


“Freedom Square column to receive new lighting system.” - ERR

Estonia directs additional €14.4 million to digital state upgrades in 2022


"Often, the focus is only on creating new IT solutions and information systems, with the development and maintenance of existing ones taking a back seat. You can buy a car, but it won't go very far without fuel and maintenance. The mounting technology backlog leaves the digital state vulnerable and open to cyber attacks. For example, the theft of document photos in July was made possible by outdated components in the state portal, said Minister of entrepreneurship and information technology Andres Sutt.”


“Estonia arrests hacker who stole 286K ID scans from the Identity Documents Database (KMAIS).” - Bleeping Computer, 29. July 2021

“Riigiportaalis olid kättesaadavad üle 300 000 inimese andmed.” - 9. juulil

“Data on more than 300,000 people were available on the state portal.” - 9. July 2021

Lugu Eestist võitis USA tuntuima reisiajakirjanduse auhinna

(Puhka Eestis)

“USA ajakirjaniku Todd Pitocki lugu „A Nation of Saunas and Start-ups“ võitis esimese koha USA reisiajakirjanduse tuntuimal konkursil Lowell Thomas Travel Journalism Award.”


“Take a trip to Estonia, land of saunas, forests, and startups.” - Boston Globe

How Lithuania dragged the EU into its showdown with China


“In August, Vilnius authorized Taiwan’s request to set up a “Taiwanese” representative office in the country. Using that name offended Beijing, which insists the island is part of China and prefers “Taipei” to be used instead. The row quickly escalated. Though Vilnius stressed the move did not reflect a challenge to Beijing’s “One China” policy, the decision — the first of its kind in Europe — was seen by many as a potential first step toward eventually recognizing Taiwan as a separate country. … Lithuania insists it had not intended to upset Beijing and several high-level Lithuanian officials said they would like to dial down the spat - no sign of rapprochement seems to be in the pipelines. …”


Latvia preparing for parliamentary elections in 2022

By Aleksandra Kuczyńska-Zonik, Institute of Central Europe

“In the last eight months, new political parties have emerged in Latvia: the Law and Order party, Stability! party, Latvia First party, and the Republic party, which position themselves in opposition to the government and is taking advantage of the disenchantment of citizens with the current policies of the state. The fragmented parliament and frequent changes in the government are characteristic for Latvia; therefore, it is possible that the new parties will achieve a good result and be elected to the Saeima. …”


Russia's rising young Communists pose an unexpected new threat to Putin’s grip

(Washington Post)

“Russia’s Communist Party has long been known for its compliance, never threatening the Kremlin, in return for state funding and perks. But some young communists and leftist allies did not get that memo. They are starting to behave like a genuine opposition. That could bring an unexpected challenge for President Vladimir Putin.”


“FSB Threatens News Agencies who Cover Negative Phenomena in Siloviki and Military Industry.” - Window on Eurasia

“Russia Returning to Sovietism Not Because of the Dictatorship but Because Most Russians Like It.” - by Paul Goble

“Crop Failures in Russia Point to Serious Shortages of Bread and Potatoes Ahead.” - Paul Goble, Jamestown Org.

“The Undoing Of The USSR: Timeline Of Events.” - RFERL

Russia’s Rage Reveals YouTube’s Strength


“On September 29, RT DE, a property of the Russian government and YouTube’s fourth most-watched German news channel, went dark. The day before, YouTube had issued new guidelines on vaccine misinformation and as a result removed a video from RT DE. When the channel attempted to upload the banned video to a sister channel, YouTube banned both. … Margarita Simonyan, the head of state media conglomerate Rossiya Segodnya, which includes all RT’s propaganda outlets, called it “a full-fledged declaration of a media war on Russia by Germany.” 

“… YouTube can afford to lose the Russian channels that populate its platform, but for Russia, loss to the Google-owned firm’s platform would represent a devastating blow to its information war. …”


- Tuesday 5. Oct. 2021

Eesti sõlmis lepingu rannakaitserakettide ostmiseks


"Me ostsime pealveetõrje raketisüsteemi ja seda on meil vaja mere kaitseks merelt. See on rakett, mis on mõeldud laevavastaseks tegevuseks. Ja meie ostetavad süsteemid on kasutatavad maismaamärkide vastu. Ehk siis tabada üle horisondi laeva, selleks on reeglina tänapäeval kasutuseks raketisüsteemid, mitte enam pardakahurid või pardarelvad," selgitas Eesti mereväe ülem kommodoor Jüri Saska …”


Estonia eyes artillery, missile defense, drones in modernization drive

(Defense News)

“Estonia is developing its defense capacities in response to Russia’s actions in the region, with multiple launch rocket systems (MLRS), air defense systems, coastal missile defense systems as well as unmanned and cyber defense capabilities ranking high in its acquisition plans, according to Estonian Defense Minister Kalle Laanet.”


Estonia Selects Blue Spear Anti-Ship Missile For Coastal Batteries

(Naval News)

“The Blue Spear missile system is an advanced precision weapon which can operate at all weather conditions, day and night and enables strike capabilities beyond the line of sight, against mobile and stationary targets at sea. The missile’s maximum range is 290km. Blue Spear missiles shares a heritage with IAI’s Gabriel missile family system which has been developed over many years.”

“The Blue Spear system enables launching from several land-based platforms with flight at high sub-sonic speed. The warhead employs an active radar-homing seeker, accurate INS-based navigation capabilities and a robust system which is immune to GPS disruptions and maximal accuracy target acquisition.” 


“Israeli’s Proteus Ltd. will equip Estonia with Blue Spear.” - Navy Recognition

Lithuania’s MEP calls for Belarus’ leader to face an international tribunal

(Deutsche Welle)

“On Tuesday, Lithuanian MEP Andrius Kubilius, a former prime minister, told the house in Strasbourg that "Lukashenko must be taken to the International Court of Justice."  His position was supported by German Green MEP Sergey Lagodinsky, who said "legal proceedings for torture must be started against Lukashenko himself."


“Belarus says it will refuse to take back migrants until the EU lifts sanctions.” - Euronews

“Poland Turns to Questionable Methods to Turn Back Migrants.” - Spiegel

“Have Moscow and Minsk Really Made a Breakthrough on Integration?” - Carnegie Moscow

"Migrants are stranded in Bialowieza Forest, between Poland and Belarus, and left to wander the woods in freezing conditions.” - New York Times

“Finland opens investigations after migrants from Belarus arrive via Estonia.” - ERR

“Europe’s New Walls.” - Carnegie Europe

- Monday 4. Oct. 2021

7 lessons from Estonia: How to build a digital public infrastructure

By Marten Kaevats, World Economic Forum

“When the COVID-19 pandemic hit Estonia a big part of life moved into the home. Streets and offices were empty and simple things, previously taken for granted, became obsolete. For the Estonian government's digital team, we had unknowingly been preparing for this situation for the past 27 years. Now, with 99% of services available online, no one has to stand in line and public services are available 24/7.”


“How to Nurture a Tech Unicorn: Estonia’s ride-sharing company Bolt.” - CEPA

“Estonia’s digital journey sets a precedent for other EU countries.” - Euractiv

The Lithuania - China diplomatic dispute

(Institute of Central Europe - 7. Sept)

“Exit of the dragon.”



