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06 November, 2020


2nd wave of covid-19 sent much of Europe back into lockdown
(The Economist)

Latest COVID cases in Baltics: 
- 241 in Estonia
- 357 in Latvia
- 1,656 in Lithuania

“Koroonaviiruse andmestik.” - Eesti Terviseamet

— Friday 6. November —

President Ilves: Biden on hea Eestile, aga mitte meie valitsusele
“Ilvese sĂ”nul oleks Joe Biden Eestile ĂŒsna hea valik juba seetĂ”ttu, et praeguse presidendi Donald Trumpi endine julgeolekunĂ”unik John Bolton vĂ€idab oma raamatus, et vĂ€ga suure tĂ”enĂ€osusega tĂ”mbab Trump USA NATO-st vĂ€lja.”
"Seda ei juhtu kindlasti Bideni ajal. Rohkem kui ĂŒkski teine presidendi kaliibriga inimene (USA-s) on Biden olnud transatlantiliste suhte toetaja. Mina kohtusin temaga esimest korda 32 aastat tagasi. Juba siis oli Euroopa talle vĂ€ga huvitav. Ta oli lĂ€bi oma asepresidendi ametiajal mees, kes tegeles Euroopaga, kuna Obama keskendus pigem sisepoliitikale. Biden tunneb Ida-Euroopat eriti hĂ€sti," rÀÀkis Ilves.”

Estonian robotics company makes inroads with European armies
(Defense News)
“Italy has become the latest country to show interest in Estonian robotics firm Milrem’s THeMIS ground vehicle, as nations across Europe continue to actively pursue the unmanned systems.”

THeMIS - Tracked Hybrid Modular Infantry System
(Army Technology)
“… being developed by Estonia-based defence and security services provider Milrem, with support from Estonian Ministry of Defence.”

Estonia's liberal reputation at stake as gay marriage referendum emboldens the far-right
“The country’s coalition government, which encompasses the Centre Party, the Fatherland Party, known as Isamaa, and the far-right EKRE party has announced a referendum next spring on the constitutional definition of marriage. … The conservative wing of the Estonian political spectrum, and EKRE in particular, is concerned that the liberals might want to legalise same-sex marriage in the future. It decided to launch a pre-emptive strike and to eliminate that possibility forever.”

EU, NATO countries begin to tentatively consider change at the White House
“Several diplomats talk foreign policy with U.S. as Biden's path to victory comes into view.”

The European media covers US elections

The Trans-Atlantic romanticism ends
(Deutsche Welle)
“Leaders in the European Union are watching the events unfolding in the US with shock and horror. The United States, called the cradle of modern democracy, is tottering. Many cannot understand why so many Americans would vote to reelect Trump. Many in the European Union are disappointed — some might even say offended …”

Europeans don’t like Trump, but not sure what they think about the U.S.
(Foreign Policy)
“Europeans are opinionated about the U.S. election, too. … Unsurprisingly, 45 percent of respondents said they wanted Joe Biden to win, while 17 percent supported Donald Trump. But the surprise was that the rest said they would vote for neither candidate. That’s 38 percent of respondents—a lot. How is this possible in a Europe where—except for Poland—the dislike of Trump is so pronounced?”

The Election Doesn’t MatterIt’s Trump’s America Now
(Foreign Policy)
“… nearly half of all U.S. voters endorsed an authoritarian white-nationalist serial liar who has spectacularly botched the most serious health crisis in a century. They also knowingly ignored, or willingly embraced, Trump’s flagrant cruelty and sexism, his lack of curiosity or knowledge about the government and the world, his disdain for traditional U.S. values such as fair play, the rule of law, and the freedom of the press, as well as his eagerness to tear down the institutions of governance at home and abroad—institutions that, while flawed, have provided much peace and prosperity over the years. Back in 2016, some Republicans voted for Trump because they didn’t know much about him, or because they hoped that the responsibilities of the office would transform him into a statesman. No one can make that argument today. We all now know exactly who Trump is.”

— Thursday 5. November —

OSCE raport tÔendab Valgevene valimiste vÔltsimist ja vÔimude vÀgivalda
“OSCE alalises nĂ”ukogus niinimetatud Moskva mehhanismi raames valminud sĂ”ltumatus raportis leidsid kinnitust vĂ€ited, et presidendivalimised ei olnud lĂ€bipaistvad, vabad ja ausad. Raporti kohaselt olid Valgevene valimistel selged puudujÀÀgid ning tĂ€idetud ei olnud varasemate valimiste jĂ€lgimise pĂ”hjal paika pandud pĂ”hinĂ”udeid, edastas vĂ€lisministeeriumi pressiteenistus.”

Eestlased Ameerika Valimistest: Trump on energiline kloun, Biden on kuradi nÀmmutaja
(Õhtuleht - paywall)
“Õhtuleht kĂ€is ligi tuhande elanikuga Puhja alevikus uurimas, keda meie inimesed Valges Majas nĂ€ha tahaksid.”

Estonia Sees Its Oil Industry Continuing for Another 10-15 Years
By Ott Ummelas, Bloomberg
“Estonia is the only country in the world that has depended for decades on burning oil shale, a sedimentary rock that contains hydrocarbons, for most of its energy needs. Despite the similar name it differs greatly both in chemistry and its carbon intensity from American shale oil, which has transformed the global energy market. …”

Guidelines for coping in crisis to be delivered to Estonian residents
(Baltic Course)
“Crises need not be feared, but we need to be prepared for them," head of the Rescue Board's civil protection and prevention office Viktor Saaremets said. He recommended that people think through how to act in extraordinary situations, how to assist their elderly next of kin and ensure they have a sufficient supply of food, water, medicines and essential products. One's neighbors should also be included in the preparations.”

Estonian rival to Tesla raises 41.3 million euros
(Emerging Europe | Reuters)
“Tesla-rival Skeleton is the largest European manufacturer of ultracapacitor-based energy storage, the technology that enables the batteries of electric vehicles to fuel cars for longer.”

Europe is a 'minefield of obstacles and dangers' for journalists
(Deutsche Welle)
“A new study on media freedom by the Council of Europe highlights the intimidation, harassment and violence that journalists reporting on sensitive issues face.”

Southeast Estonian timber companies looking for raw material from Belarus
“Even though raw material is cheaper in Belarus compared to Estonia, the country's political situations makes trade difficult.”

Estonia road safety issue
(World Highways)
“The number of crashes involving wild animals in the roadway has increased. There have been more than 6,000 crashes involving wild animals in Estonia in the past two years. This compares poorly with data prior to 2015, when there were around 2,000-2,500 crashes involving wild animals/year.”

The young Norwegians taking their own country to court over oil
“Despite Norway's green credentials, its infamous state wealth is due to its huge oil exports. This week, Norwegian youths are challenging what they describe as a double standard, in court.”
