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20 September, 2024


Estonia made fundamental changes in its military strategy

(Odessa Journal | MSN)

“… according to Major General Vahur Karus, Chief of the General Staff of the Estonian Defense Forces. Karus noted that before the war in Ukraine, Estonia had expected to hold out for 10 days in the event of a Russian attack while waiting for NATO assistance. … He emphasized that Estonia no longer plans to wait for an attack but is ready to act preemptively. … it may strike at Russian territory if Moscow prepares to attack the Alliance.”



“Intervjuu: kaitseväe peastaabi ülem kindralmajor Vahur Karus.” - ERR

“Estonia to significantly enhance its intelligence, surveillance, target acquisition and reconnaissance (ISTAR) capabilities.” - ERR

“Seitsme aastaga 1,6 miljardit suurendab Eesti jõuõlga laskemoonaturul.” - Postimees

“Estonia announces austerity package to finance defence build-up.” - BNE

New Võrumaa military base “Reedo” is open and ready for EDF and NATO

(ERR | Baltic Times)

“Dubbed the Reedo military base, the 14-building development is now open in the village of Juba, just outside Võru, and brings up to par with Tapa base the facilities serving South Estonia, the Estonian Defense Forces' (EDF) 2nd Brigade, and NATO personnel – including those from the U.S. - to be deployed there.”

“Col. Mati Tikerpuu, commander of the EDF's 2nd Infantry Brigade said: "This zone allows a unit to mass, quartermaster supplies, prep themselves and head to a battlezone. This improves our response time, as these areas get made ready during peacetime.”

“The area surrounding the new facility is known locally as Tsiatsungõlmaa, or "Seasongermaa", and bearing in mind the base will host NATO troops from other countries, it has been renamed Reedo, for ease of pronunciation.”



“Estonia opens military camp near Võru for NATO forces.” - Shephard Media

“Võru lähistel valmis liitlaste vastuvõtuks mõeldud Reedo sõjaväelinnak.” - ERR


Foto: Viljandi linnuse vallikraav ja pargi rippsild


EstoNews On-Line


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1944 Great Escape anniversary marked in Tallinn Bay


“The 80th anniversary of the Great Escape, when thousands of Estonians fled across the Baltic Sea to escape the returning Soviet Army in 1944, was marked in Tallinn Bay on Thursday. The ceremony was held on the Estonian navy ship General Kurvits and was attended by President Alar Karis, who said many Estonian families were affected by the events.”


“Estonia thanked Sweden for receiving Baltic refugees on the 80th anniversary of the Great Escape.” - Riigikogu Press Release

“Database pieces together the lives of Estonia's World War II refugees.” - ERR

“Baltic parliament leaders attend events of 80th anniversary of Great Escape in Gotland.” - The Baltic Times

“Baltic Refugee Boats – A New Documentary.” - ERR

“Ceremony marks 80th anniversary of Klooga camp murders.” - ERR

“80 years on: Remembering the horrific events at Klooga.” - ERR

Eestis mälestatakse suurpõgenemise ohvreid


“Eestisse sissetungiva Punaarmee eest põgenes 1944. aasta hilissuvel ja sügisel Läände hinnanguliselt 80,000 inimest. Põgenemise haripunkt oli ajavahemikus 19.–23. september. Punaterrori eest põgenenud eestlaste hulgas oli esindajaid kõikidest ühiskonnakihtidest. Tuhanded laeva- ja paadipõgenikest ei jõudnud aga kunagi sihtkohta, vaid uppusid Läänemeres.”


“Ma tahtsin koju tagasi, aga varem ei olnud lihtsalt võimalust.” - Postimees

Immunity to diphtheria has fallen to critical level in Estonia

(The Baltic Times | ERR)

“Although an effective vaccine against diphtheria has been available since the 1940s, immunization coverage in Estonia has fallen to a critical limit and local outbreaks may now also occur in our country.”

“The Health Board said there is a warning example from Latvia, where a family of four -- three children and one adult, all unvaccinated against the disease -- was hospitalized for diphtheria last week. One of the children needs intensive care.”




“Russia is suspected of electronically interfering with a drone flight in Estonian airspace.” - Newsweek

“Estonia seeks battlefield decoys to fool Russian missiles.” - Defense News

“Estonia's economy slowly recovering from recession.” - Postimees

“Estonia and Finland set Guinness World Record for most sauna photos in an hour.” - Helsinki Times

“Estonia to switch to need-based social benefits in 2028.” - Baltic Times

“Security tax is expected to bring in nearly €2.5 billion in additional tax revenue for the Estonian state.” - ERR

“Estonian Woman Moved from London to Ukraine to Help Soldiers.” - Baltic Sentinel

“Testing of Estonia's border bunker prototypes to begin in October.” - ERR

“Estonia's coastal sea temperatures remain highest in 30 years.” - ERR

“€2 million allocated to Elron for the launch of the Tartu-Riga passenger rail link.” - ERR

“Compatibility of Elron train with Latvia's railway communication systems tested  successfully at the Valga railway station.” - The Baltic Times

Around the Baltic Sea

“Soft security” in the Baltic Sea Region

(Institute of Central Europe)

“Increased situational awareness and preparedness for unexpected situations is necessary given the deterioration of the overall security situation of the Baltic Sea region after Russia’s aggression against Ukraine and after taking into account the impact of major incidents in the region (destruction of parts of three of the four Nord Stream 1 and 2 pipelines, damage to the Balticconector pipeline). Estonia … also plans to put more emphasis on issues related to the protection of critical infrastructure in the Baltic Sea basin, the challenges of mass evacuation and sheltering, and the instrumentalization of migration at the eastern borders of the states of the Baltic Sea region.”


Europe’s new Iron Curtain

(Geopolitical Intelligence Services)

“The new Iron Curtain divides Russia from nations it historically subjugated … On June 26, 2024, the Baltic States – Estonia, Latvia and Lithuania – joined Poland in urging the European Union to establish a 700-kilometer defensive line along their borders with Russia and Belarus. Anticipating difficulties in achieving consensus in Brussels, these nations are now taking matters into their own hands.”

“The most visible of their actions is the construction of fortified military defenses. The borders are being secured with bunkers, trenches and fields of dragon’s teeth – concrete anti-tank obstacles to thwart rapid military incursions. Equally significant, though less visible, is the enhanced cooperation between these nations and their Nordic counterparts to bolster regional security.”


The Baltics are winners in the new European Commission

(Politico Europe, 17. Sept.)

“Despite the population and size of the bloc’s Baltic countries, Tallinn and Riga managed to snag key portfolios in the second von der Leyen Commission. It’s a reflection of the region’s increased political relevance after Russia’s invasion of Ukraine in 2022.”


Estonia’s Kaja Kallas, the new EU foreign policy chief, is one of the bloc’s most outspoken Russia critics. Her Finnish colleague Henna Virkkunen was nominated to be executive vice president for tech sovereignty, security and democracy.”

“Meanwhile, Lithuania’s Andrius Kubilius is up for the role of the first-ever defense and space commissioner. And Latvia’s Valdis Dombrovskis, a Commission veteran, secured the economy and productivity, implementation and simplification portfolio, to play a part in Ukraine’s future reconstruction.”


“All in all, 4 countries that operate under the daily threat of a potential Russian invasion are in key positions to shape the Commission’s response to Moscow.”


“Meet the European commissioners: Class of 2024.” - Politico Europe

Kaljulaid: Putin oma seltskonnaga peab ülesandeks impeeriumi taastamist


“Venemaa režiimi juht Vladimir Putin ja tema seltskond näevad oma ülesandena impeeriumi taastamist ja selline mõtteviis on omane paljudele venemaalastele, sealhulgas opositsioonipoliitikutele, ütles saates "Otse uudistemajast" endine president Kersti Kaljulaid.”

“Kaljulaid, kes presidendiametis olles kohtus 2019. aastal Moskvas Putiniga, ütles, et toonane paaritunnine kohtumine oli liialt lühike, et saada ettekujutus Putini sisekosmosest. Selles, et Putin terve mõistuse juures on, Kaljulaid enda sõnul ei kahtle.”

"Mina arvan, et on (terve mõistuse juures) ja me ei räägi ainult Putinist. Ma arvan, et kogu see režiim, kogu seltskond – nad näevadki oma suure ülesandena impeeriumi alalhoidmist, impeeriumi taastamist. Impeeriumid peavad kasvama, muidu need surevad. See ongi imperiaalne mõtteviis.”


Why NATO countries don’t shoot down Russian drones that enter their airspace

 (Novaya Gazeta)

“Each NATO country is legally entitled to take its own decision on how to act in such situations, but no country wants to take on such a heavy burden, and has, thus far, followed an unwritten NATO rule of refraining from drastic action.”

“NATO’s hesitation in granting permission to its member states bordering Ukraine to shoot down drones is chiefly political. Shooting down identifiably Russian drones could become a roundabout way of admitting an act of aggression, which could, in turn, lead to invoking Article 5 of the treaty …”


“NATO Members Call for Response to Stray Russian Drones.” - Defense Post

“US Navy Spy Drone Flies Deep Into Arctic Amid Russia Threat.” - Newsweek


“Lithuania seeks continuous US troop presence, no matter election outcome.” - The Baltic Times

“Finland's Nato HQs will be based in Mikkeli and Finnish Lapland.” - Yle

“Russia's malicious activity in the Baltics set to test NATO resolve.” - Kyiv Independent

“Three grey seals, quarantined by the Riga National Zoo, were released into the Baltic Sea.”- Latvian Broadcasting

“Lithuania to transfer EUR 40-50mn to Ukraine for military aid.” - Delfi

“Sweden is prepared to take leadership responsibility for future NATO peacetime ground forces in Finland.” - Yle

“Doctors criticise Finland’s proposal to withhold healthcare from migrants.” - The Guardian

“Norway: electric cars outnumber petrol for first time.” - The Guardian

“Sweden: Just over 62,000 Swedes aged 75 and older have some form of employment.” - Radio Sweden

“China's Influence in the Baltics.” - The Baltic Sentinel

- Putin’s Forever War -

Russia anticipated Kursk incursion months in advance, documents claim

(The Guardian | The Moscow Times)

“An entry from 4. January spoke of the “potential for a breakthrough at the state border” by Ukrainian armed groups and ordered increased training to prepare to repel any attack. On 19. February, unit commanders were warned of Ukrainian plans for “a rapid push from the Sumy region into Russian territory, up to a depth of 80km [50 miles], to establish a four-day ‘corridor’ ahead of the arrival of the main Ukrainian army units on armoured vehicles.”

“In mid-March, units at the border were ordered to boost defensive lines and “organise additional exercises for the leadership of units and strongpoints regarding the proper organisation of defences” in preparation for a Ukrainian cross-border attack.”

“When the Ukrainian attack came on 6. August, many Russian soldiers abandoned their positions, and within a week Ukraine had taken full control of Sudzha. “They ran away, without even evacuating or destroying their documents,” said the special operations team who seized the files.”



Russia Faces Significant Future Deficit in Officers Corps

(Jamestown Org.)

“Russia aims to increase its armed forces to 1.5 million personnel, largely to justify higher military spending. The Kremlin, however, faces difficulties achieving this target, as the war in Ukraine continues to cause tremendous casualties, rapidly depleting Russia’s supply of manpower. … The Russian High Command has been trying to increase recruitment in military colleges, institutes, universities, and academies since the second half of the 2010s. These tactics alone, however, will not solve the manpower issue for the foreseeable future.”


Zelenskõi sõnul on Ukraina võiduplaan täielikult valmis


“Ukraina on oma võiduplaani täielikult ette valmistanud ja praegu on kõige olulisem otsustavus see ellu viia, ütles president Volodõmõr Zelenskõi oma igaõhtuses videopöördumises, mida vahendas meediakanal Ukrinform.”

“Täna võib juba öelda, et meie võiduplaan on täielikult ette valmistatud – kõik punktid, kõik põhirõhud ja vajalikud lisad koos detailidega. Kõik on välja töötatud. Praegu ei ole ega saa olla alternatiivi õiglasele rahule. Pole ruumi sõja külmutamisele ega muudele manipulatsioonidele, mis lihtsalt viivad Venemaa agressiooni teisele etapile. Ei ole ega saagi olla alternatiivi,» rääkis president. Riigipea rõhutas samuti, et Ukraina vajab usaldusväärseid ja pikaajalisi julgeolekutagatisi.”

“USA ametiisikud on näinud president Zelenskõi võiduplaani ja usuvad, et see on strateegia, mis võib toimida, vahendas portaal Unian Ühendriikide ÜRO suursaadiku Linda Thomas-Greenfieldi sõnu teisipäevasel pressibriifingul.”


“Ukraina hävitas droonirünnakuga Venemaa suure relvalao.” - ERR

“Tabamus Tveri oblastis – suurim laskemoonalao hävimine Venemaal.” - Postimees

Drone strike in Russia: Ukraine ‘wiped the arms depot off the face of the Earth’


“Satellite images have revealed the devastation wrought by a massive Ukrainian drone strike on an important Russian arms depot 400 kilometers west of Moscow. … the strike, involving more than 100 drones, left plumes of smoke and scattered fires over the location of the depot used to store missiles, glide bombs, and other munitions. Depot held munitions worth an estimated $38 million.”


Ukraine drone strike on Moscow suburb


“Last week, Ukraine carried out its largest drone attack on Russia’s capital since the start of the full-scale war. More than 140 drones entered Russian territory in the early hours of September 10, according to the Russian authorities, and air defenses reportedly shot down at least 20 in the Moscow region. The most heavily affected town was Ramenskoye, a Moscow suburb where drone strikes damaged three apartment buildings, injuring three residents and killing one.”


Dozens of Russian bases could be in Ukraine’s crosshairs


“… if the West greenlights long-range missile strikes. Ukraine’s primary targets, according to military experts, would be Russian air bases where bombers, fighter jets, and helicopters are stored.”


“Ukraine May Have A New Strategy In Russia’s Kursk Oblast—Move Fast And Surround Thousands Of Russian Troops.” - Forbes

“Some of Ukraine’s top army commanders questioned the cross-border assault into Russia.” - Politico Europe

“Ukrainian offensive into Russia’s Kursk Oblast is becoming a watershed and opening a new page in Europe’s largest military conflict since 1945.” - New Eastern Europe

“Ukraine has proved to itself and its Western partners that it is capable of planning and launching a successful offensive.” - Voxeurop

Putin orders military to boost troop numbers by 180,000 to 1.5 million


“Putin’s decree, published on the official government website, will take effect Dec. 1. It sets the overall number of Russian military personnel at nearly 2.4 million, including 1.5 million troops, and orders the government to provide the necessary funding. … The most capable Russian troops have been pressing an offensive in eastern Ukraine, where they have made incremental but steady gains in the past few months.”


“Russia is “fully ready” for a conflict with NATO in the Arctic.” - Politico

“Russian pundits and politicians react to Putin’s latest army expansion order.” - Meduza

“Putin said Russia was ramping up drone production tenfold this year.” - TVP

“Claiming Russia is Fighting NATO and Not Just Ukraine Helps Kremlin Keep Russians from Asking Inconvenient Questions about Russian Failures.”

By Paul Goble

“Kremlin-Aligned Russian Media Minimize Ukraine's Kursk Incursion, Attempt To Check Panic.” - RFERL, 13. August

“Doctors Without Borders leaves Russia after 32 years.” - BNE


