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10 June, 2022


Soome-ugri keeled. 

Kust need oksad hargnesid?

Kadri Allikmäe, Postimees, märts 2021

“Küllap on mõnigi meist koolipingis istudes näinud soome-ugri keelepuud ning vaadanud imestuse või hämminguga, kuidas saab eesti keel olla seotud näiteks Põhja-Jäämere-äärse nganassaani rahva keelega. Seosed on ajaliste ja ruumiliste vahemaade tõttu kohati õhkõrnad, kuid need on olemas, räägib soome-ugri keeleteadlane Miina Norvik. …”


Kuidas keelepuid lugeda?

Miina Norvik, Külli Prillop

(Tartu Ülikool, veebr. 2021)

“Ajakirja Horisont keeleteaduse erinumbris ilmus juuresolev keelepuu. Nimetasime selle traditsiooniliseks keelepuuks uues kuues. Traditsiooniline on puu selle poolest, et järgib juba tuttavat puumalli. Uue kuue sai puu aga oluliste täpsustuste ja täienduste kaudu, mis olid vajalikud selleks, et kajastada uurali keelte praegust uurimisseisu ning eemaldada iganenud info. Siinses postituses selgitamegi, milliseid muudatusi ja täiendusi tegime.”   [Puu on vabalt kasutamiseks mitteärilistel eesmärkidel.]


Dramatic events in demographics led to the spread of Uralic languages

(Science Daily, April 2022)

“A multidisciplinary research group from the University of Helsinki has renewed our understanding of the history of the Uralic language family and languages such as Finnish, Estonian, Saami and Hungarian.”



Upcoming Nato Summit

(Politico Europe | NATO)

The Baltics In Focus: “While the expected accession of Finland and Sweden is expected to dominate the NATO summit in Madrid at the end of the month (29. June), keep an eye out for commitments to boost protection for the Baltic countries."

“Speaking at a Politico Live event Thursday, NATO Deputy Secretary-General Mircea Geoană said that NATO is primed in Madrid to announce some “robust and historic decisions” in terms of further help for the Baltics — both in terms of air defense and troop commitments. The Baltics want a more permanent presence of NATO troops.”




Friday 10. June

Putin offers a new threat to Estonia

(Washington Examiner)

“Vladimir Putin declared himself a modern Peter the Great on Thursday. … Putin railed that "when [Peter] founded the new capital [St. Petersburg], none of the European countries recognized this territory as Russia, everyone recognized it as Sweden.”

“Putin wasn't done. Again referencing Peter's campaigns, he continued, "The same is true in the western direction. This applies to Narva, [Peter's] first campaigns." Putin noted that when Peter launched his second attempt to seize Narva from the Swedish Empire, he did so "returned and strengthened — that's what he did." … ”Apparently,” Putin remarked, "it also fell to our lot to return and strengthen.”

“Putin's theory has a problem. The Russian president forgets that as he gazes toward Narva, he faces one challenge that Peter the Great did not. Peter's 1704 siege of Narva never had to contend with a rapid response brigade of the 82nd Airborne Division. Nor did he face the forces of those NATO allies such as Britain, Poland, and the Baltics, which are willing to fight. Thus, for all his mythology, the truth is that Putin isn't actually a modern Peter. Instead, to borrow from Pushkin, he appears to be "a sick man in his troubled bed."


“Putin likens himself to Peter the Great, links imperial expansion to Ukraine war.” - Washington Post

“Estonia Summons Russian Envoy to Protest Putin Remarks regarding Narva.” - US News

“Putin compares self to Peter the Great, says he is taking back Russian lands.” - The Hill

“‘Taking it back’: Vladimir Putin likens self to Peter the Great.” - Aljazeera

Putin tõmbas paralleeli Peeter Suure vallutuste ja Ukraina invasiooni vahel


“Venemaa president Vladimir Putin avaldas austust Peeter Suurele tema 350. sünniaastapäeval, tõmmates paralleeli tsaari vallutuste ja Ukraina invasiooni vahel. Putin nimetas oma televisioonis edastatud kõnes ka Narva linna. "Peeter Suur võitles Põhjasõjas 21 aastat. Näis, et ta sõdib Rootsiga ja vallutas seal territooriume. Ta ei võtnud neilt midagi! Ta võttis neilt tagasi selle, mis oli Venemaa oma!" ütles Putin neljapäeval tsaarile pühendatud näituse külastamisel.”


“Välisministeerium kutsus Putini sõnavõtu pärast välja Venemaa suursaadiku.” - Postimees

Valitsuskriis Eestis: Kas siiski tulevad erakorralised valimised?

(Estonian World Review)

“Kuigi erakorraliste valimiste toimumist Eestis ei saa välistada, on nende toimumise tõenäosus siiski küllaltki väike, hindavad enamus Eesti poliitika eksperte. Siiski tehakse selleks ettevalmistusi, kirjutab Eesti Päevaleht. Eesti presidendi kantselei direktor Peep Jahilo saatis eile ametliku kirja riigi valimisteenistuse juhile Arne Koitmäele, küsides, milline oleks optimaalne aeg erakorraliste valimiste ettevalmistamiseks ja korraldamiseks sel suvel. …”


No constitutional crisis in Estonia


“Despite the prime minister's hints at extraordinary elections and Riigikogu night sessions, Estonia does not have political deadlock or a constitutional crisis, Chancellor of Justice Ülle Madise found on the Vikerraadio morning show. Madise said that while Estonia currently has a single-party government that the country's proportional election system should not permit, the situation created when the PM dismissed its coalition partner's ministers is provided for in the Constitutional and does not constitute a crisis.”


“Kallas Eyes Snap Elections in Estonia If Coalition Fails.” - Bloomberg

Europe Has To Learn To Defend Itself


"We Europeans should be ashamed that we alone are incapable of protecting a wonderful project like the EU militarily.” - Claudia Major, security expert.

"The trick for the Europeans will be to gradually become more militarily capable themselves without making the U.S. feel like we don't need them anymore."


Largest ever NATO exercise taking place in Baltic States and Poland


“Dubbed Ramstein Legacy, the exercise runs June 6-10 and primarily concerns air defenses and fighters and Surface Based Air and Missile Defense (SBAMD) units from allies and partners are acting in concert. Gen. Jeff Harrigian, Commander Allied Air Command, said of the exercise that: "Given the current security situation following the Russian invasion of Ukraine, large-scale training exercises like this are, now, more important to NATO than ever."


“NATO peab Läänemere piirkonnas oma ajaloo suurimat õhukaitseõppust.” - ERR

“16 NATO Allies and partners take part in exercise BALTOPS 22.” - NATO

“NATO väed harjutasid Baltimaades ja Poolas õhukaitset.” - ERR

“BALTOPS 22 Multinational Exercise Kicks Off In The Baltic Sea.” - Naval News

“Allied Air Command's principal Integrated Air and Missile Defence (IAMD) exercise taking place across Poland, Lithuania, Latvia and Estonia.” - NATO

Russian Navy Begins Baltic Sea Drills

(The Moscow Times | Newsweek)

“60 ships and 40 aircraft were taking part in maneuvers which will also take place on land at training grounds in the Russian enclave of Kaliningrad.”



“Vastulöök NATO plaanilisele käigule: Venemaa alustas Läänemerel suurõppust.” - Delfi

“Latvian minister says there’s no reason to worry about Russia’s military drills in Baltic Sea.” - BNN

Thursday 9. June

68% of people in Estonia view Russia as a threat - 24% do not, per new poll


“The GLOBSEC Trends 2022 report polled respondents in nine central and eastern European countries "amid the war in Ukraine”. … respondents were asked which statement they agreed with most: "It was Russia that invaded Ukraine" (68% agreed), the “West provoked Russia” (15%) or “Ukraine oppressed Russian-speaking part of the population" (9%).”

“65% believe Ukraine is fighting for democracy in Europe.”

“56% said Ukraine should be a member of NATO.”

“22% of respondents viewed Putin positively, falling from 30% in 2021.”

“47% of Estonians believe Russia will not stop in Ukraine.”


“Zelensky honoured with a sand sculpture in Estonia.” - Estonian World

Council of Europe: Estonia should integrate its national minorities better

(Estonian World)

“An advisory committee of the Council of Europe stresses the need to address divides in the education system between Estonian and Russian language teaching in Estonia and says, among other recommendations, that the country’s authorities should intensify the dialogue with the representatives of the Russian minority.”


“For Putin, All ‘Russian Speaking Space is Automatically Russian’ Politically.” - by Paul Goble

Finland, Estonia to lease floating LNG terminal following Russian cutoff

(Yle | Estonian World Review)

“Finland and Estonia are planning to jointly lease a nearly 300-metre long liquid natural gas (LNG) terminal to secure the supply of gas imports, following the recent cutoff from Russia. Russia stopped exporting LNG to Finland in May, a move that threatened some sectors, including the bakery, forestry and petroleum industries which rely on gas. The floating LNG terminal is to be docked in the southern port of Inkoo, according to energy firms Gasgrid Finland and Fortum.”



“Estonia begins building LNG terminal infrastructure.” - Oil & Gas Journal

“Finland moves ahead with floating LNG terminal.” - Reuters

“Europe’s unshackling from Russian gas.” - Gasworld

Patarei Sea Fortress to be turned into  business and leisure center by 2025

By Silver Tambur, Estonian World

“During the Soviet occupation of Estonia from 1944-1991, many leading Estonian political dissidents were confined here – including Lagle Parek, Enn Tarto and Jüri Kukk. When Estonia restored its independence in 1991, Patarei was still used to incarcerate convicted criminals; the prison eventually closed in 2002.”


Finland’s Tilt to West Seen Hitting Russian Northwest Hard

By Paul Goble

“Finland’s decision to join NATO is already having negative economic and personal consequences for people in the northwestern portion of the Russian Federation, reducing cross-border trade and making travel more difficult for Russians accustomed to taking the bus to Helsinki and then flying the world from there.”


“Finland and Russia: a photo journey through the border zone.” - The Guardian

“Most Finnish lawmakers supportive of beefing up fencing along eastern border.” - Yle

Russians living in Finland are confused and generally suspicious when it comes to voicing their opinions on polls


“Russia expert at the University of Eastern Finland noted this was shown by more than half of the poll's respondents saying they did not know — or were not able to say — what the war in Ukraine was about.

"It's easier to say you don't know because the people answering the survey don't know how responses will be interpreted and what that could lead to. 'Will they want my name and will it be linked to something?' This kind of suspicion is in the air.”


Wednesday 8. June

Vene kodanikelt valimisõiguse võtmist pooldavad Isamaa ja EKRE


“Venemaa sissetung Ukrainasse on taas tõstatanud küsimuse, kas Vene kodanikud peaks saama kaasa rääkida, kes Eesti omavalitsusi juhivad. Näiteks ütles üleeile endine Isamaa esimees ja mitmekordne peaminister Mart Laar, et koalitsioonikõnelustel võiks Isamaa nõuda hääleõiguse piiramist. "Et antakse kohalikel valimistel õigus valida ka täiesti teise riigi, vaenuliku riigi, kodanikele – selle võiks likvideerida," leidis Laar.”


Gotlandi rügemendi ülem: praeguseid sõjaplaane tuleb muuta

Vahur Lauri, ERR Gotland

“Gotlandil toimub osa rahvusvahelisest õppusest BaltOps 22. Gotlandi elanikud ja sõjaväelased mõtlevad, mida saare strateegiline asukoht muutunud julgeolekupoliitilises olukorras nende jaoks tähendab. … Gotlandi kohal hüppavad Ameerika langevarjurid. BaltOps õppuste raames harjutavad seal koos 400 rootslast ja 250 ameeriklast.”

“"Tundub mõistlik, et kogu Põhja-Euroopa sõjaline planeerimine, kaasa arvatud Balti riigid ja Läänemeri toimub ühiselt. Jah, me teeme sõjaplaane koos. Muidugi tuleb praegusi plaane muuta,” ütles Gotlandi rügemendi ülem kolonel Magnus Frykvall.”


Kas Molotovi-Ribbentropi pakti salaprotokoll sai alguse 100 aastad tagasi?

Einar Värä, Diplomaatia

“Natside võimuhaaramine Saksamaal 1933. aastal põhjustas Eesti ajakirjanduses muret Baltimaade tuleviku pärast, mida seostati ühelt poolt baltisakslaste lootusega „tagasi saada oma mõisamaid“, kusjuures baltisakslaste ideelise innustaja ja toetajana nähti Alfred Rosenbergi, teiselt poolt ka vabadussõjalaste Hitleri-vaimustusega.”

“1933. aasta märtsi alguses aga ilmusid mitmes Eesti ajalehes artiklid ja uudisnupud kurjakuulutavate pealkirjadega: „Saksa-Vene kavad Baltimaade vallutamiseks“, „Jagavad Balti riike“, „Balti riikide saatus kaalul?“, „Landeswehr uue kuue sees“, „Vene-Saksa piir Salatsi jõele“, „Vene-Saksa salaliit“. Millest siis jutt käis? Kui kokkuvõtlikult, siis sellest, et Saksamaa ja Nõukogude Venemaa olid juba 1922. aastal Baltimaad omavahel mõjualadeks jaganud… Tänasest tarkusest võib aga sõnastada selle nii: kui see on tõsi, siis alus 1939. aasta Molotovi-Ribbentropi pakti salaprotokollile oli loodud rohkem kui 17 aastat enne selle sõlmimist ehk siis 100 aastat tagasi! Ning see oli mitte Hitleri-Saksamaa ja Nõukogude Liidu, vaid demokraatliku Saksa Weimari vabariigi ja Nõukogude Venemaa vahelise sõjalise koostöö sünnitis.”


Former NATO Chief: We ‘Overestimated’ Russia’s Military

(Foreign Policy)

[Anders Fogh Rasmussen was NATO’s secretary-general between 2009 and 2014.]

“I think we have made two miscalculations. We have overestimated the strength of the Russian military. Despite huge investments in military equipment and the reopening of old Soviet bases, we have seen a very weak Russian military. It remains to be seen why this is. I think corruption may be one of the reasons. But the other miscalculation is we have underestimated the brutality and the ambitions of President Putin.”

“Macron said the West shouldn’t “humiliate” Putin …”

“No, I completely disagree. We cannot save Putin from humiliation. The cost of face-saving for Mr. Putin will be much higher than an outright defeat for the Russian troops in Ukraine. That’s why my conclusion is that Ukraine must win this war, because if Putin succeeds in Ukraine, he won’t stop. He will continue into Moldova, Georgia, and eventually also put pressure on the three Baltic states. That’s why the Ukrainians must win, and they have the will to fight. It’s our duty to give them the means to fight.”


Ukraine is buying us time. Use it wisely

By Edward Lucas, CEPA

“In the early weeks of Russia’s war on Ukraine, it seemed briefly possible that the complacent, arrogant, ignorant, greedy countries of the “Old West” had truly woken up to the danger from Russia, and were ready to make the decisions and sacrifices necessary to meet it. … Not anymore. One sign of this is the increasing number of voices demanding that Ukraine make concessions to stop the war.”

“Most troubling, however, is growing squishiness in the run-up to next month’s Nato summit in Madrid. Only a few weeks ago it seemed clear that the alliance was going to change its stance on its Baltic frontline. The old tripwire strategy, backed up by reinforcement plans and the ambition to liberate any territory temporarily seized by Russian aggressors, was clearly out of date. Vladimir Putin has shown himself willing to make militarily reckless decisions. Russia’s treatment of occupied territories and population mean that the Baltic states are not willing to concede a single inch, or a single soul, to that fate. Real defense of Estonia, Latvia, and Lithuania is a big deal.”


A Fortified Eastern Flank to Face Down Putin


“The region’s thinking meshes with NATO’s strategic shift to forward defense and active deterrence, which may be formally agreed upon at the Madrid summit this month or the Vilnius summit next year. The Baltic gathering simply recognized a new reality: at one end, Sweden and Finland are significantly reinforcing their transatlantic commitment (military interoperability is already established), and on the other, Ukraine is becoming a de facto member of that same Western security architecture.”


Belarus: Putin’s Favorite Copycat Gears Up in Panicked Wartime Frenzy

(The Daily Beast)

“The notorious Putin ally has made a series of dramatic military decisions this week—and alarms are beginning to go off.”


Tuesday 7. June

Võrumaal valmis stiilne elektriline käsitööauto

Ülle Harju, Postimees

“Esimese elektrimootoriga Porsche 356A Speedster Replica ehk käsitöökoopia valmimist tähistasid meistrimehed nädalalõpul Võrumaa töökojas, kust masin vurab 27. juuniks Tallinna autosõpradele vaatamiseks.”

[The EV’s car body is a replica of the Porsche 356A Speedster, produced between 1955 and 1957. The battery has a 200+ km range, cost almost 50,000 euros to hand-build it  in Võrumaa, and took a year to construct. I want one.] 


Ajakirjanik Ülle Harju

“EU lawmakers endorse ban on combustion-engine cars in 2035.” - AP

“Euroopa Parlament toetas sõiduautode heitevabaks muutmist.” - ERR

“Euroopa Parlament: aastaks 2035 peavad uued sõiduautod olema heitevabad.” - Postimees

European unity on Ukraine growing more difficult, says Estonian PM

(The Guardian)

“European unity over the response to Russia’s invasion of Ukraine is proving difficult to maintain in the face of the war’s impact on inflation and living standards across the continent, Estonia’s prime minister has said.”

“Kaja Kallas also criticised the French president, Emmanuel Macron, for trying to provide Vladimir Putin with a diplomatic way out of the conflict, saying the only effect was to give the Russian leader the belief that he will not be isolated or face justice for his army’s war crimes.”


Small opposition party holds cards to new coalition in Estonia


“While all Estonian parties share Kallas’s pro-Ukrainian views and resolve to fight against the Kremlin, the prime minister has been criticized by political opponents for ignoring domestic issues, such as rising inflation.”

“Kallas urged Pro Patria not to side with Ratas, saying that would jeopardize Estonia’s image and international partnerships by helping the far-right EKRE to return to power.”


“Interview: Estonia’s President Alar Karis.” - BNE

2022 NATO BALTOPS in the Baltic Sea

(Foreign Brief | Nato | others)

“One of the largest exercises in Northern Europe, BALTOPS (5–17 June) covers the full spectrum of naval warfare, including amphibious operations, mine clearance and unmanned underwater vehicles. This year’s iteration will feature 45 ships and over 7000 personnel from 14 NATO members and two NATO partners. Hosted this year by Sweden, BALTOPS takes place amidst Sweden and Finland’s respective bids to join NATO. Russia’s invasion of Ukraine led the two Nordic nations to abandon their long-held neutrality and seek greater protection among the treaty organization’s 30 current members.”




“NATO holds Baltic Sea naval exercises with Finland, Sweden.” - AP

“NATO kicked off nearly a two-week U.S.-led naval exercise on the Baltic Sea.” - Spectrum News

“NATO allies and partners begin interoperability training.” - Nato

“Pooled kaitseväelased kannatavad kuulmislanguse all.” - Novaator

“Occupational noise exposure and hearing problems among active military service personnel in Estonia.” - Eesti Maaülikool

Finnish President: Putin took NATO application news ‘very, very calmly’

(Foreign Policy)

“Sauli Niinisto has been in office as Finland’s president for a decade and has clocked more hours with Russian President Vladimir Putin, either by phone or in person, than most European leaders. … Niinisto said he called Putin last month to tell him Finland would be joining NATO. Putin’s response was surprisingly subdued.”


“Russian Propagandists Feast on Turkey’s NATO Ire.” - CEPA

US warship calms Sweden’s NATO nerves

(Politico Europe)

“In the Swedish capital this weekend, everyone was talking about the American warship. Moored in the main waterway linking Stockholm with the Baltic Sea, the towering presence of the USS Kearsarge dominated the city center, its 253-meter-long silhouette creating a new militaristic skyline against the early summer sun.”



Putin’s War


Russian Offensive Campaign Assessment: 9. June 2022


”The Kremlin’s efforts to censor information about deceased military personnel and ongoing forced mobilization within the DNR and LNR are reportedly exacerbating domestic tensions and opposition to the war in Russia.”

“Russian forces are escalating the use of psychological and information operations to damage the morale of Ukrainian soldiers.”


Calls for ceasefire in Ukraine are ‘premature’, Estonia’s PM warns

(Financial Times)

“Kaja Kallas says it would be a ‘mistake’ to push Kyiv into a settlement with Moscow.”


Russia’s Blockade of Ukraine’s Ports Is Causing a Humanitarian Disaster

by Shay Khatiri, The Bulwark

“Russia’s blockade of Ukraine’s Black Sea ports is putting enormous economic pressure on Ukraine—a major supplier of global agricultural products such as wheat, sunflower oil, and barley seeds—and the defenders don’t have a navy to break it. But for Vladimir Putin, the blockade’s effect on the Ukrainian economy is likely a secondary consideration. His primary objective is instead to inflict pain on the rest of the world and extract concessions from Western Europe. The strategy appears to be working.”


“Ukraine has Documented More than 11,600 War Crimes by Russian Forces.” - by Paul Goble

The New Russian Offensive Is Intended to Project Power It Cannot Sustain

By Frederick W. Kagan, Time opinion

“The fight for Severodonetsk is a Russian information operation in the form of a battle. One of its main purposes for Moscow is to create the impression that Russia has regained its strength and will now overwhelm Ukraine. That impression is false. The Russian military in Ukraine is increasingly a spent force that cannot achieve a decisive victory if Ukrainians hold on.”


Putin’s original plan completely failed


“Military expert Mykhailo Samus reflects on 100 days of Russia’s war in Ukraine.”


“Who is Putin really fighting?” - Meduza

“Russian army base sees scramble for war supplies.” - Reuters

“The Russian military’s ill-fated force design.” - War on the Rocks

“A shortage of western kit is costing Ukrainian lives.” - The Times

“Former Russian PM believes Putin is losing confidence in Ukraine war.” - Deutsche Welle

“Eastern Ukraine residents say Russia is wiping their towns off the map.” - Politico

“The Fight to Survive Russia’s Onslaught in Eastern Ukraine.” - New Yorker

“Russia is firing cruise missiles at Kyiv again.” - Christian Science Monitor

Ja viimaks:

Ukrainat hävitatakse küll füüsiliselt, kuid ühiskond on elujõulisem ja ühtsem, kui kunagi varem

CNN Moskva büroo endine juht Jill Dougherty, Pealinn

“Venemaa ja USA suhetes on praegu ilmselt minu elu kõige ohtlikum aeg. Sest Nõukogude Liidus oli poliitbüroo ja oli teatud grupijuhtkond, aga Putiniga on Putin ja Putin, koos mõne julgeolekutöötaja ja sõjaväelasega, kuid võim on nii tugevalt koondunud ühe inimese kätte. Inimene, kes on sellise süsteemi loonud, on võib-olla tänasest reaalsusest natuke liiga kaugel,” nentis pikaajaline CNN Moskva büroo juht ja korrespondent ning Georgetown University ajakirjandusõppejõud Jill Dougherty.”

““Putin oleks võinud võtta piiratud lähenemisviisi, mida mõned meist alguses uskusid – tungib Donbassi, võtab selle tagasi ja tuleb kangelasena koju. Aga selle asemel üritas ta võtta ära kogu Ukraina. Ta ähvardab tuumarelvaga. Tal on nüüd NATO koos Rootsi ja Soomega ukse ees viisil, mida ta varem ei pidanud võimalikuks. Lisaks on tema riigi majandussanktsioonidega hädas.”


“Opinion: How I (almost) got Putin wrong.” - by Jill Dougherty, former CNN Moscow Bureau Chief


