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28 October, 2022


Metsandusega pole kõik hästi


“Keskkonnaminister Madis Kallas (SDE) ütles … "Kui me vaatame, millised on keskkonnaministeeriumi põhiväärtused, millised on keskkonnaministeeriumi põhilised alustalad, mida meie peame tegema, siis see on Eesti looduse eest seismine, meie järeltulevatele põlvedele võimalikult hea elukeskkonna jätmine ja selles valguses ma pean rohkem vaatama, mida ütlevad ökoloogid, mida ütlevad loodusteadlased, mida ütlevad erinevad eksperdid, kes on uurinud meie elurikkust ja see ütleb üheselt, et olukord on hull ja me peame nüüd ja kohe midagi ette võtma.”

"Tegelikult on ju see olukord pidevalt läinud halvemaks ja mitte ainult metsanduses, me räägime ikkagi meie looduskaitse all olevatest looma- ja linnuliikidest, elurikkusest, meie maastiku olukorrast. See on pidev protsess, kuhu me oleme jõudnud ja arvan, et see ei tule kellelegi üllatusena.”


“Peaminister ei toeta raiepindala vähendamist.” - ERR


PhotoVooremaa Landscape Reserve

Remo Savisaar, 2020






Friday 28. October

Putin’s War Against Women

By Sofi Oksanen - UpNorth

“Sexual violence is an old weapon of war, and its victims rarely see justice. The weapon is as old as time because it is cheap, and because it’s so effective.”

“Sexual violence was one of the instruments used by the Soviets during their occupation in Estonia. This year it became clear that Russia is using the same weapons as the Soviet Union. The play book of the Russian war is exactly the same as the Soviet. It was never updated …”

“The Russian soldiers do as they like in Ukraine, because they believe that they will not be punished for their actions. They believe they will run and return home free, because Russia always runs home free.”


“108 Ukrainian women released on October 17 in a prisoner swap with Russia after spending more than five months in captivity.” - Al Jazeera

Paldiskis sai valmis LNG terminali kai

(ERR | Postimees)

“Alexela ja Infortar said täna, mõned päevad lubatud tähtajast varem, valmis Paldiski veeldatud maagaasi (LNG) terminali kai ehituse. Toru, mis võimaldaks ka gaasi vastu võtta, valmib novembri lõpuks.”



“LNG ujuvterminali kai ehitaja suhtes algatati väärteomenetlus.” - Postimees

65% increase in food aid recipients in Estonia

By Silver Tambur, Estonian World

“According to the Estonian social affairs ministry, the number of food aid recipients increased by almost 14,000 in the second quarter – or 65% … A total of 35,328 food parcels were distributed in August and September by the state; the distribution is organised by the Estonian-Dutch Charity Foundation, or Estonian Food Bank, across the country.”

“More people in Estonia face hardship, as the country tackles the largest inflation in the eurozone, with electricity prices 206% higher than a year earlier and natural gas prices up by 244%.”


Anneta Eesti Toidupankale:


New Swedish PM commits to Finland-Sweden Nato path on visit to Helsinki


“Sweden's newly-elected Prime Minister Ulf Kristersson reaffirmed his country's commitment to joining the Nato alliance at the same time as Finland during his first official visit to Helsinki. … Finnish premier Sanna Marin rejected the idea that Finland would join Nato ahead of Sweden if, for example, Turkey refused to ratify the Swedish application.”


“Soome ja Rootsi liiguvad NATO tee lõpusirgel üheskoos.” - Postimees

“Sweden turning its back on climate justice and women's rights.” - Euronews

Soome ei kavatse NATO-ga liitumisel kehtestada piiranguid tuumarelvadele


“Soome valitsuse eelnõu Põhja-Atlandi Lepingu Organisatsiooniga (NATO) liitumiseks ei sisalda endas piiranguid lääneriikide tuumarelvade paigutamiseks Soome territooriumile. Samuti ei piira eelnõu võimalikku liitlasriikide relvajõudude ega baaside paigutamist Soome pinnale.”


“Brigaadikindral Mõts: Venemaa tuumaõppus jäi oodatust väiksemaks.” - ERR

Tähesõjad Läänemerel: sakslased katsetasid laserrelva droonide allatulistamiseks


“Kui üks õhutõrjerakett võib maksta isegi miljoneid, siis laseriga tulistamise lasu hind jääb 3-5 euro piiresse ja see on just sobilik odavamate droonide tabamiseks.”


Interview: Latvian President Egils Levits

(Foreign Policy)

“Egils Levits talks about military aid for Ukraine, a special tribunal for Russian war crimes, and how to respond to nuclear blackmail.”


"Some ethnic Russians in Latvia say they feel marginalized.” - The World

“'Russia Has...Lost': Latvian Defense Minister Says Ukraine War Exposes Who Is Who In Europe.” - RFERL

Kärdlas algas Kivi Jüriks kutsutud monumendi teisaldamine


“Neljapäeva keskpäeval asuti Hiiumaa valla otsusel Kärdlas teisaldama Endel Taniloo 1966. aastal püstitatud sõduriskulptuuri, mis rahvasuus tuntud Kivi Jüri nime all. Hiiumaa vald otsustas, et 1941. aastal võidelnud nõukogude sõduritele pühendatud kuju viiakse Hiiumaa militaarmuuseumi. Kivi Jüri on kunstimälestisena muinsuskaitsealune objekt. Endel Taniloo ja Ülo Sirbi üle nelja meetri kõrguse kuju peal on kirjas "Hiiumaa kaitselahingute kangelastele 1941”. See oli aasta, mil sakslased Hiiumaa punavägede käest vallutasid.”


Thursday 27. October

Mart Helme jutt Ukrainas rahu poolt olemisest tõi poliitikute kriitikalaine


“Kõigi teiste riigikogu erakondade esindajad on kritiseerinud või hukka mõistnud opositsioonilise EKRE aseesimehe Mart Helme väljaütlemise, mille järgi erakond ei ole Venemaa või Ukraina, vaid rahu poolt. Helme ütles kolmapäeval ERR-i venekeelses saates "Otse uudistemajast", et EKRE toetusele võib mõju omada erakonna neutraalne positsioon Ukraina sõja suhtes.”

“Isamaasse kuuluv välisminister Urmas Reinsalu ütles, et EKRE neutraliteet Venemaa sõjas Ukraina vastu on Eesti ja Ukraina jaoks surmavalt ohtlik retoorika. "Ma tegelen maailma kaugemate riikide veenmisega, et sellised hoiakud on moraalitud. Seda mõistetamatum on taoline retoorika Eestis," ütles Reinsalu. "See on Eestile ja Ukrainale surmavalt ohtlik retoorika."


“Madison ja Martin Helme: EKRE on Ukraina poolt.”

“Reinsalu Helmest: ei saa olla neutraalne genotsiidi suhtes.”

“EKRE liikmed ei ole Mart Helme avaldusega päri: see tuli üllatusena.”

“Tõnis Leht leiab, et sellega võib EKRE kaotada oma eestikeelseid valijaid.”

Estonia’s PM Kallas: Russia nearing ‘breaking point’ in war


“… as allies of Russian President Vladimir Putin wobble in their support for the war in Ukraine. It’s already known that some of Putin’s friends, including Wagner Group founder Yevgeniy Prigozhin, have privately vented their frustrations to the Kremlin boss. Kallas hinted, though didn’t explicitly say, that Tallinn has intelligence of other angry oligarchs. And there’s public evidence of mounting disappointment on nationalist Telegram channels and state-run television.

The military isn’t happy either, Kallas said, noting that troops don’t have the requisite gear or weapons to hold territory against Ukraine’s counteroffensive.”


“Don’t let Russia win, NATO chief warns US.” - Politico Europe

Estonian FM wants to reinstate border controls at internal Schengen border


“Minister of Foreign Affairs Urmas Reinsalu (Isamaa) believes border controls should be reinstated at Estonia's internal Schengen borders in order to gain an overview of foreigners temporarily staying in the country. … "We've had more than 100,000 Ukrainian citizens enter Estonian territory, and it's crucial for us to clearly know where people are," he continued. "And check who arrives here and who leaves here."


Estonia is urging UK Prime Minister Rishi Sunak to raise UK defence spending


“Estonia, which borders Russia, has hosted British troops on rotation for years. Its foreign minister Urmas Reinsalu told the BBC it was "vital" all Nato countries spend 3% of gross domestic product (GDP) on defence. Mr Sunak has not matched a pledge, set by predecessor Liz Truss, to meet that target by 2030.”


“Mr Sunak has not matched a pledge by his predecessor Liz Truss to boost defence spending from 2% to 3% of GDP by 2030.” - Independent

Ksenija Sobtšak põgenes Venemaalt Leetu


“Kolmapäeval teatas Vene riigimeedia, et riigist on põgenenud uudisteankur ja meediaettevõtte juht Ksenija Sobtšak. Viimastel andmetel põgenes naine Leetu. Ametivõimude segadusse ajamiseks ostis Sobtšak eile internetist lennupiletid Dubaisse ja täna Türki. Seetõttu ootasid Vene võimud naist Moskva Vnukovo lennujaamas. TASS-iga suhelnud Vene julgeolekuteenistuste väitel suundus naine hoopis Valgevene kaudu Leetu.”


“Leedu minister: Sobtšaki saabumine Leedule ohtu ei kujuta.” - ERR

Russian journalist and Putin’s rumoured goddaughter flees to Lithuania

(The Guardian | Deutsche Welle)

“The Russian journalist and TV personality Ksenia Sobchak – daughter of Vladimir Putin’s one-time boss – has fled to Lithuania, intelligence services in Vilnius said, after police in Moscow raided one of her homes.”

“Russian media said Sobchak had fled Russia on Tuesday night, crossing the Belarus-Lithuania border after tricking the Russian authorities by buying plane tickets from Moscow to Dubai via Istanbul.”



“Ksenia Sobchak fled using Israeli passport.” - Washington Post

“Investigators raid home of Russian TV star Ksenia Sobchak.” - Al Jazeera

“Kremlin critic’s flight from Russia raises questions about who is still safe.” - New York Times paywall

Estonia and Latvia Reveal Locations for Joint Offshore Wind Project

(Off Shore Wind | Baltic Times)

“Based on research and analysis, the most suitable development area for the implementation of a joint project in Estonian waters is the sea area west of Sõrve, Estonia’s Ministry of Economic Affairs and Communications said. … The project is expected to enter the construction phase in 2028 and be commissioned by 2030 at the earliest.”



Wednesday 26. October

Punitive Psychiatry Returns with a Vengeance as Russians are Told:  ‘Normal People Don’t Protest’

By Paul Goble

“Such attitudes which recall those Soviet psychiatrists who misused their science for the benefit of the communist authorities were enough for the International Psychiatric Association to expel the USSR from its ranks. Something similar must now be done with Russian psychiatrists and their organizations who have revived this barbaric practice.”


Venemaa jutud räpasest pommist võivad viidata tuumaohu kasvule Ukrainas

Berit Nuka, Postimees

“Ukrainal pole ei vajadust ega suutlikkust kasutada räpast pommi,» ütles Financial Timesile Londoni mõttekoja Strateegiliste Uuringute Rahvusvaheline Instituut (IISS) vanemteadur Nigel Gould-Davies. “Venemaa hakkab kaotama. Mure on, et Venemaa võib kasutada väidet, et Ukraina kasutab kohe räpast pommi, ettekäändena oma ennetavaks, eskaleerivaks rünnakuks.”


The Remote Control Killers Behind Russia’s Cruise Missile Strikes on Ukraine

By Christo Grozev, Bellingcat

“Following a six-month-long investigation, Bellingcat and its investigative partners The Insider and Der Spiegel were able to discover a hitherto secretive group of dozens of military engineers with an educational and professional background in missile programming. Phone metadata shows contacts between these individuals and their superiors spiked shortly before many of the high-precision Russian cruise missile strikes that have killed hundreds and deprived millions in Ukraine of access to electricity and heating.”

The group, which works from two locations – one at the Ministry of Defence headquarters in Moscow and another at the Admiralty headquarters in St. Petersburg – is buried deep within the Russian Armed Forces’ vast “Main Computation Centre of the General Staff”, often abbreviated as ГВЦ (GVC).”


How air defense systems work and why Ukraine is eager for more protection

(The World)

“Recently, Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelenskiy made an urgent plea specifically for additional air defense resources from the West in response to increased air attacks by Russia. To understand Zelenskiy’s emphasis on air defense, it’s important to look at the types of air weapons that Ukraine faces and how air defenses work to counteract those threats. …”


Tuesday 25. October

German and Estonian armed forces took part in binational exercises

(National Review)

“German soldiers of the Air Force Regiment take part in an exercise during the Baltic Tiger 2022 military exercise in the woods near Amari, October 24.”


“German And Belgian Fighters On Nato Mission In Estonia.” - NATO

“Minister of Foreign Affairs of Estonia Urmas Reinsalu visits NATO.” - NATO

Fear of Russia Drives Some in Estonia to Question Integration


“As Russia escalates its attacks in Ukraine, Estonia looks with concern to the east, to its Russian neighbor, but also within - to itself. With a significant Russian-speaking population, the influence of Russian propaganda through the media – is for many – cause for concern.”


“Estonian Foreign Minister insists Russian athletes cannot return while war rages on in Ukraine.” - Inside the Games

Swedish military takes another look at Nord Stream blasts

(Deutsche Welle)

“The new inspection was initiated at the behest of the Swedish navy and was independent of the ongoing Swedish criminal investigation into the leaks. The navy would not say what it was looking for.”


France’s Nuclear-Weapons Policy: What’s in it for Europe and Estonia?


“Estonians are entitled to ask whether their country’s independence, sovereignty or territorial integrity are vital enough interests for France to employ nuclear weapons in their defence. According to Marko Mihkelson, chairman of the Foreign Affairs Committee of the Estonian Parliament (Riigikogu) and member of the Estonian delegation to the NATO Parliamentary Assembly, France’s nuclear arsenal seems to be an important guarantee of Estonia’s security: “Although the strategic nuclear deterrence of France is strictly sovereign, its global extent also protects the interests of other allies, including Estonia.”


Before-and-after satellite imagery will track Ukraine cultural damage

(The Guardian)

“The UN is using before-and-after satellite imagery to systematically monitor the cultural destruction inflicted on Ukraine by Russia’s war, announcing it will launch its tracking platform publicly within weeks. The platform, to be launched by the UN’s culture agency Unesco, will assess the impact on Ukraine’s architecture, art, historic buildings and other cultural heritage. An initial list found damage to 207 cultural sites since the Russian invasion began …”


“Ukraine to get advanced air defense systems early next month.” - Washington Post

“Ukrainian refugees urged not to return home this winter as power cuts loom.” - Euronews

“Kyiv facing ‘sharp deterioration’ in electric supply after Russian strikes.” - The Guardian

- Putin’s War -

Russian Offensive Campaign Assessment: 26 - 27. October


“Russian officials continued to admit that Russia is deporting children to Russia under the guise of adoption and vacation schemes.”

“Members of the Russian siloviki faction continue to voice their dissatisfaction with Russian war efforts in Ukraine.”

“Russian siloviki have also directly confronted Putin regarding the progress of the Russian war in Ukraine, which further highlights their significance within Russian power structures.”

“A senior Russian official threatened that Russia could target Western commercial satellites supporting Ukraine.”



Russia ends civilian pull-out before Kherson battle


“At least 70,000 civilians are said to have crossed the Dnipro river, in what Ukraine has called forced deportations. "We're preparing Kherson for defence," said Russian militia commander Alexander Khodakovsky. "We're taking the civilian population out, in many ways untying our hands."


Is Russia setting a trap in Kherson?


“According to Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelenskyy, the evacuation of civilians – and monuments – is nothing but a Kremlin-masterminded trap to create an illusion of panic. … “We are not falling for it, because it’s too deliberate and designed to create media buzz, to create a certain mood.”


Putin Sees War With ‘Religious’ Zeal, Estonia Spy Chief Says


“Mikk Marran, Estonia’s outgoing espionage chief, said that the Baltic nation’s intelligence indicated that the Russian president isn’t having second thoughts about the conflict, despite the lack of strategic accomplishments and a firmer line from an expanded NATO.”

“He’s still on a kind of a religious or a messianic mission -- and we see that Putin is preparing his country and its army to continue fighting for a long time.”

“Estonia, along with its Baltic neighbors, has been among NATO members who have been most vocal about intensifying pressure on Moscow.  For the Baltics, Moscow will remain a threat in eastern Europe regardless of the outcome of the war, with no indication that Kremlin’s foreign policy will change, Marran said. Russia will inevitably restore its military “sooner or later,” he said. 




“We Are Cannon Fodder.” - RFERL

“Russia Faces What is Likely to Be a Very Troubled Fall Draft.” - Paul Goble

“Putin Appointed 'Chief Exorcist' as Kremlin Whips up Panic.” - Newsweek

“Former Finnish PM Stubb admits to making mistakes on Russia.” - Helsinki Times

“Video apparently shows Russian troops in Ukraine griping about not having enough training or food.” - The Insider

“Can Putin’s ‘Butcher of Syria’ save Russia from another rout?” - Politico

“Russia’s Recruiting Afghan Commandos to fight in Ukraine.” - Foreign Policy

Russia Can be Saved from Collapse and Disintegration Only by a Palace Coup

By Paul Goble

“Leonid Gozman, an opposition politician now in emigration, says that “it is clear to all except perhaps to Putin himself that his regime is approaching its end.” To replace him, many Russians have placed their hopes in elections or in a revolution, but the Kremlin leader has checkmated both.”

            “As a result, he says, there are only two ways forward: the complete collapse of the state and disintegration of the country or a palace coup that removes him but keeps the country in one piece. The former Moscow liberal leader makes clear that for him, the latter is by far the preferrable option.”


Nobel peace prize winner warns Russian war crimes going unpunished

(The Guardian)

“Oleksandra Matviichuk has a point she wants to make. The Ukrainian lawyer heads the Centre for Civil Liberties, a human rights organisation that this month jointly won the Nobel peace prize. And she wants to use her platform to call for international action against Russian human rights violations now. The body she heads has patiently documented more than 21,000 examples of war crimes committed by occupying Russian forces since 2014, including many from after the invasion in February. But, speaking quietly and with controlled emotion, she complains: “I haven’t any legal instrument to stop the Russian atrocities” – no immediate way of bringing perpetrators to court.”


Putin’s Risk Spiral: The Logic of Escalation in an Unraveling War

(Foreign Affairs)

“Since early September, Moscow has faced a series of setbacks, including not only Ukraine’s dramatic territorial gains in the Kharkiv region but also its bold October 8 attack on the Kerch Strait Bridge connecting Crimea to Russia, imperiling a key Russian supply route. In response, Putin mobilized hundreds of thousands of additional troops, rushed to illegally annex territories that Russia does not fully control, and began a new wave of missile strikes on largely civilian targets, including Kyiv and other major cities.”

“For the West, understanding Putin’s risk calculus may be as important as gauging Russia’s actual military strength in providing clues about what Russia will do next.”


Russia is carrying out secret work at the Zaporizhzhia nuclear plant


“Energoatom, the Ukrainian state enterprise that operates the country's four nuclear power plants, said Russian forces have carried out secret construction work over the last week at the occupied Zaporizhzhia Nuclear Power Plant. Russian officers controlling the area would not give access to Ukrainian staff running the plant or monitors from the UN's atomic energy watchdog …”

“It comes as fears rise the Kremlin might intend to make Zaporizhzhia the site of its alleged false flag operation involving a nuclear device.”


“U.S., U.K., France Jointly Reject Russia 'Dirty Bomb' Claim.” - Moscow Times

“The primary objective of a dirty bomb is to sow fear, panic and confusion by hurling radioactive dust and smoke into the atmosphere.” - Al Jazeera

“Russia carried out military exercises simulating a retaliatory nuclear strike.” - Bloomberg

“Russia’s dirty bomb claim ‘absurd’ says NATO's Stoltenberg.” - Politico

“Russia’s real intent here is to menace the West …” - CEPA

“Is Putin preparing a nuclear strike?” - The Spectator

“What is a Dirty Bomb.” - The Atlantic

Nuclear Escalation Would Be Disastrous for Russia

(National Interest)

“Russian leaders may imagine that they can unleash a low-yield “tactical” nuclear weapon—compared to “strategic” nuclear weapons deployed on intercontinental launchers—and regain a temporary advantage on the escalation ladder. But the use of a nuclear weapon would not just be a military incident but a political game-changer. The world will hold its breath since the reactions of Ukrainian and NATO political leaders are not necessarily going to be what Putin and his advisers expect.”

“Nor will Russian political elites and the public necessarily rally around the flag in response to a nuclear weapon fired against Ukrainians. Many Ukrainians have relatives in Russia and vice versa. The people of Russia and Ukraine do not hate one another, only their governments do. Many Russians will react with horror and disgust at nuclear first use in Ukraine and the mass exodus of Russians from their own country will grow larger in number as images of Armageddon dominate the media and social discourse.”



