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10 July, 2020

The Coronavirus Crisis Brought New Realism to Estonian-Finnish Relations
By Kristi Raik, ICDS - 25. June
“The coronavirus has given a new boost to cooperation among the three Baltic states. Estonia is happy about relations with neighbouring Latvia being better than ever. At the same time, many Estonians feel disappointed at Finland’s actions during the crisis. Perhaps Estonia’s expectations of its northern neighbour were too high.”
“Former Estonian prime minister Mart Laar, commenting in April on Finland’s decisions in the crisis, said that Estonia should focus more on its relations with the other Baltic countries and stop dreaming about a “special relationship” with Finland. As a historian, he knows that Estonia has often expected more of Finland than vice versa.”


Friday 10. July

Climate Neutrality and the Future of Estonia’s Industrial North-East
By Andrei V. Belyi, ICDS
“Estonia’s energy production has been inexorably based on a carbon-intensive source, and partly for this reason, Estonia has been among the EU leaders in carbon-intensity per capita. Hence, the whole energy structure and industrial base of Ida-Virumaa are bound to be hit by Europe’s efforts to achieve a carbon-neutral future. Ida-Virumaa does not have to become a new social and economic wasteland as a result of this transition, but it is in need of bold ideas on how to remain the energy powerhouse of Estonia.”

Baltics in a bid to host US troops departing Germany
“As thousands of US troops are set to depart Germany, Latvia has said it would be ready to host them in the Baltics. … Poland is already in line to receive some of the 9,500 troops …”

The Post-INF European Missile Balance: Thinking About NATO’s Deterrence Strategy
By Luis Simón, Alexander Lanoszka - TNSR
“Of particular importance is the Baltic region, where Russia appears to have acquired a position of “local escalation dominance” that could drive a strategic wedge within NATO. … We argue that the introduction of ground-based, theater-range missiles could help NATO restore the local strategic balance in the Baltic region, thereby strengthening deterrence and helping to create the necessary leverage to get Russia back into meaningful arms control talks in the future.”

Putini juuniteesid
Vladimir Juškin, Postimees
“Möödunud kuul avaldatud Vladimir Putini artikkel II maailmasõja «tegelikest» õppetundidest sõja 75. aastapäeval sisaldab teadlikult  kodeeritud tulevikusõnumit, millesse tuleb suhtuda täie tõsidusega, kirjutab Balti Venemaa Uurimise Keskuse direktor.”

Putin’s Plan Is A Threat To The Baltic States
By Marko Mihkelson, UpNorth | 1. July
“The Baltic States, together with their allies, should keep their eyes open for potentially dangerous turbulence in their relations with Russia in the coming months. … In a recent article about Soviet WWII history, written by Vladimir Putin and  published in “The National Interest” – which is controlled by Putin sympathizer Dmitri Simes – Putin takes serious aim at the Baltic States.”

Propaganda 101: The Kremlin on the Molotov-Ribbentrop Pact
(EU vs. Disinfo)
“The Molotov - Ribbentrop Pact is not a complicated issue. It is very well documented; all documents have been available for research for decades. The outcome, the causes and the results are well studied and well known. Yet, the Kremlin is desperately struggling with how to relate to it.”

Baltic Sea pollution is vast and still not reined in
“When in mid-June greasy stains were spotted in the Baltic waters adjacent to the Russian oil platform, known as D-6, in Kaliningrad, in close proximity to the Curonian strip under UNESCO protection, Lithuanian authorities started ringing alarm bells. But like in many cases before Russia was out of reach.”

Poland’s election: A choice between authoritarianism or rule of law

Eestist Suurbritanniasse reisides peab jääma karantiini, Soomest mitte
"Eesti on seda ka Ühendkuningriigile väljendanud. Me ootame, et Ühendkuningriigid täiendaks praegu kehtivat nimekirja kõige esimesel võimalusel ja Eesti diplomaadid töötavad selle nimel aktiivselt. Välisministeerium ei tea, miks Eestit karantiinikohustuseta riikide nimekirjas pole ning Krusteni sõnul on see koguni mõistetamatu.”

Russia has Suffered More than 30,000 Deaths from Pandemic, but the Kremlin Continues to Lie
By Paul Goble
“… the Russian government has ignored the actual numbers in order to present itself to the Russian people and the world as more successful in combatting the pandemic than other countries.”


Thursday 9. July

Arvamus: Lenin, lõbunaine ja anastussammas
Ülle Harju, Postimees - 4. juuli
“Kirgede keeris Konstantin Pätsi ausamba kavandi ümber paneb mõtlema, kellele ja millist ausammast võiks üldse avalikku ruumi püstitada ja millised sambad peaks muuseumi viima.”

Intervjuu: EKRE uus esimees Martin Helme
“EKRE tõstab end ikka üksinda kõigi teiste vastu. See tõi neile edu mullu parlamendivalimistel, sama joont hoiavad nad praegu ka valitsuses. "Contra mundum," selgitab rahanduminister Martin Helme, kes kolm päeva tagasi võttis isalt Mart Helmelt erakonna juhtimise üle. Aga ta ütleb intervjuus ka asju, millele ei pea tõlget otsima. EKRE koalitsioonikaaslastel, põllumeestel ja sotsidel on meelerahu huvides soovitav seda intervjuud mitte lugeda.”

Tartu ülikool eemaldas ühismeediast Hiina-kriitilise arvamusloo postituse 
“Juuni keskel postitas Tartu ülikool oma blogisse kahe välistudengi kirjutatud arvamusloo, kus õppurid kirjeldavad Hongkongi protesti tagamaid. Mõne tunni pärast oli postitus kadunud, arvamusloo autoritele selgitas Tartu ülikooli töötaja juhtunut väitega, et ülemus käskis.”

Tartu ülikooli üliõpilasesindus toetab tudengeid, kes kirjutasid probleemidest Hongkongis
“Tartu ülikool kustutas oma ühismeediast postituse kahe tudengi Hiina-kriitilise arvamusloole. Täna avaldas Tartu ülikooli üliõpilasesindus arvamusloo autoritele toetust.”

USA saatkond plaanib kolida
“Ameerika Ühendriikidel on soov soetada Eestisse uus saatkonna hoone. USA saatkond Eestis on potentsiaalse kinnistu hoonestamise planeerinud Väike-Ameerika ja Suur-Ameerika tänava nurgale, hetkel töötavad nad Kentmanni tänaval.”

Lessons from Estonia for a radical digital future
(The National - Scotland)
“Estonia utilised its history and gained a foothold in the digital world.”

Historic pictures of Estonia and its people, restored in color
(Estonian World)
“The Estonian photo enthusiast, Hanno Puskar, colourises old black and white photos of Estonia and its people.”

Current Crisis Pushing Russia toward Mussolini-Style Fascism
By Paul Goble
“The current economic crisis sparked by the collapse of oil prices and the spread of the coronavirus pandemic is having the same effect in many countries that the onset of the great depression had in the 1930s, Sergey Pereslegin says, pushing them towards a Mussolini-style “corporate state” or fascism. … what happened across Europe in the 1930s is likely to be repeated given the depth of the current crisis.”

NATO’s New Problem: China
(Foreign Policy)
“The alliance has been so focused on Moscow that it has missed Beijing’s growing clout across Europe.”
“First, NATO needs a common assessment of China’s hybrid threats—a mix of diplomatic, economic, security, information, and technological actions designed to quietly undermine democratic states and institutions to Beijing’s benefit while avoiding a traditional conflict. While China’s conventional military threat in the Indo-Pacific is far from NATO’s borders, its hybrid activities are happening in the alliance’s own backyard.”


Wednesday 8. July

Lithuania Bans Russia's RT Television Channels
(The Moscow Times)
“Fellow EU and NATO member Latvia took RT off the air last week, the latest in a string of moves by Vilnius and Riga against Russian media owing to propaganda concerns.”

MQ-9 Reaper deploys to Estonia
(War is Boring)
“… the aircraft will be performing ISR missions in support of NATO until they return to Poland.”

EU faces deeper recession than expected: European Commission
(Deutsche Welle)
“For the 27 countries that comprise the EU, a downturn of 8.3% is expected in 2020, before growing by 5.8% in 2021. … It means that, in 2021, Europe will still be worse off than before the global outbreak of COVID-19.”

The Fight for Poland’s Place in Europe
(Berlin Policy Journaal)
“The outcome of Poland’s presidential election on July 12 will cause ripples not only in the country itself, but also in Europe. Formally, the Polish presidency is a mostly ceremonial post, though with the power to veto laws. Yet symbolically, the result of the election will shape whether Poland becomes more open or closed—and its role within the post-Brexit, coronavirus-era EU.”

Putin Sheds the Last Pretenses of Legitimacy to Extend His Rule
“The formal result of 78 percent in favor announced by the central electoral commission is no more meaningful—and bears no more relation to actual sentiments in the country—than the 99 percent the Communists invariably scored in single-slate Soviet “elections.”

One of Russia’s Leading Journalists Is Charged With Treason: Chill Settles Over the Press
By Anna Nemtsova, The Daily Beast
“Ivan Safronov, under pressure for his coverage, hoped he would be protected when he went to work for the Russian space agency. But now he’s been arrested as a spy for the Czechs.”


Tuesday 7. July

Balti riigid näitasid koroonaviiruse-vastases võitluses ülejäänud Euroopale tagatulesid
“ÜRO egiidi alla kuuluva projekti Kestliku arengu eesmärgid (ingliskeelse lühendina SDG) raames tehtud raportis selgus, et kõik kolm Balti riiki on koroonaviiruse leviku tõkestamise edukuse vallas maailma absoluutses tipus.”

Estonia to commission diaspora research for €50,000
“In order to get to know our expat communities better and help them keep in touch with Estonia, so that they can actively have a say in making our lives better, we need to get to know them. The diversity and viability of expat Estonian communities shows that a small but strong Estonian language and culture are viable.”

USA lennukite viibimine Eestis saadavad selge signaali liitlaste ühtsusest
“Kaitseminister Jüri Luik arutas NATO Euroopa vägede ülemjuhataja kindral Tod Woltersiga NATO kaitse- ja heidutushoiakut.”

II maailmasõja tõlgendused à la Kreml: Baltimaad kui vene ajaloo narratiivide sihtmärk
Vladimir Sazonov, Diplomaatia
“Oluline on siin rõhutada, et Putin ei tee midagi juhuslikult ja kõigel on oma eesmärk.”

Welcome to Late Putinism
By Brian Whitmore - CEPA
“Vladimir Putin has won the right to preside — over the stagnation of his exhausted regime.”

“Putin’s Constitution.” - Warsaw Institute

Rail Baltica Moves Ahead but Suffers From Major Construction Delays
By Olevs Nikers, Jamestown Org.
“Latvia and Estonia blame Lithuania, which built the wrong type of rails from Kaunas to Poland and is delaying fixing the blunder (Baltic Times, May 12, 2019). Train between Kaunas and Białystok started running in 2016. The approximately 200-kilometer-long journey takes almost five hours—far from the promised modern, high-speed connection.
Apparently, there are two ways to resolve this problem. The first is to completely rebuild the existing rail line. The second is to build new parallel rails. Both options require a lot of money.”
“Meanwhile, other important stumbling blocks exist in the other two Baltic States—Latvia and Estonia are far behind schedule in preparing the land up and down the new rail corridor.”

Survey: more Lithuanians view Belarus as unfriendly state
“The number of Lithuanian residents considering Belarus to be an unfriendly state is rising amid ongoing disagreements over the Astravyets nuclear power plant …”

Estonia’s space policy – prioritizing e-gov, cybersecurity and AI
“… the Ministry of Economic Affairs and Communications of Estonia has created a new Estonian Space Policy and Program, for the period of 2020 – 2027, which will provide a long-term vision and set a concrete plan for the future.”

  • “Estonia, Amazon sign confidentiality agreement.” - Baltic Times

Estonia Rolls Back on Seasonal Worker Curb to End 'Strawberry War’
(New York Times)
“Opposition lawmakers had called for a special session of parliament on Monday, seeking to resolve the labour problem as farmers said that strawberries and other crops were rotting in the fields without seasonal workers from abroad to pick them. The decision means seasonal workers will be allowed to enter Estonia for up to six months in a year until April 2022.”
