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19 April, 2024


General Martin Herem’s thoughts regarding the defense of Estonia

(ERR | Postimees)

“Speaking at the general assembly of the Academy of Sciences on Wednesday, the general said there is no immediate threat to Estonia. But when the threat increases, the state increases defense readiness – and that means mobilization.”

“Herem reiterated that Estonia does not need to wait for NATO forces to arrive as they are already here. "Today's system is such that NATO is here and not going anywhere – it gets bigger when there are danger signs," he said. The alliance also has specific battle plans to defend Estonia. "There are specific people who go to Estonia, train and are ready to react very quickly," the general said.”

“Estonia now has weapons – HIMARS and Blue Spear anti-ship missiles – with a range of up to 300 kilometers and has also acquired other systems with shorter ranges, Herem said. Acquiring as much ammunition as possible has also been a priority since 2022, he added.”

“Estonia, Finland and Sweden can take control of the Baltic Sea from the first moment of aggression by cutting off supply routes, he said: "If we close the Baltic Sea, how are Russias going to get potatoes from St. Petersburg to Kaliningrad?” 


Eesti keeles:


“Herem: olen täiesti kindel, et Eesti võidaks sõja.” - ERR

“Minister for Defence Hanno Pevkur discusses Estonia’s defense and security.” - CEPA

“Opinion: Estonia needs a concept for hybrid attack.” - Postimees

“Putin’s Russia has repeatedly shown that by claiming “we’re open to negotiation” they (really) mean “we’ll accept your surrender now.” 

- The Daily Beast


EstoNews on-line:


EstoNews Dropbox archive:


Submarine base photo:



Former secret submarine base in Estonia and its important role in the Cold War


“The Hara submarine base, located in what is now the Lahemaa National Park, was built between 1956 and 1958 … After Estonian independence, the Russians took away all the base's systems and left only an empty concrete skeleton.”


The Hara submarine base | Drone photo by 'dimidrone'


Friday 19. April

35 miljonit maksma läinud Balticconnectori parandus jõudis lõpule


“Kui möödunud aasta oktoobris Hong Kongis registreeritud alus Newnew Polar Bear äestas ära Läänemeres Eesti ja Soome vahelise gaasitrassi Balticconnector, ei teadnud keegi, kui kauaks kompressorjaam seisma jääb. Praeguseks on Balticconnector parandatud ja kompressorjaamas käib toru taassurvestamine. Esmaspäevast peaks gaas kahe riigi vahel taas liikuma hakkama.”

(Repair of the Finnish-Estonian gas pipeline ‘Balticconnector’ is complete.)


Estonians reportedly buying property in the West as Putin steps up 'war on nerves’


"Livia Illak started her business 20 years ago, mostly selling expensive Spanish properties to clients from her native Estonia. But this year, she's received more requests than ever - and many of her clients are looking for smaller properties.”

"Three months ago, I started to get requests for really small apartments, as people don't want to keep all their eggs in one basket in Estonia. They just want to get something here, so if the situation gets a little bit more serious, then they have a place to come," Illak told CNN.”

“Obviously, we are in NATO, but I must say there's a big amount of people who are really, really afraid," she said. This year, she says she has also helped Lithuanians to buy properties in Spain. The spike in demand comes as Russia has stepped up its "war on nerves," projecting an image of its own inviolability while Europe appears to dither on matters of its own defense.”


Kallas: ’It’s a question of when they will start the next war’


“… The question for us is, what do we do with this time? Are we preparing to help to deter Russia, so that it doesn’t happen because we are strong enough, so they don’t think about [taking] another step, or are we trying to close our eyes and pretend that this is not happening?”


Interview: Composer and journalist Jüri Reinvere

(Van Magazine)

Question:  Do Estonians look at the war in Ukraine differently than people in Germany and Western Europe?”


Answer:  There’s a fundamental difference. For Germany, the war in Ukraine feels somewhat nearby. But for the Baltic states—including Finland, because it’s in NATO now—the war is right at our doorstep. For us, the fear of the war coming to our own country isn’t nearly as abstract as it is in Germany.” I always give this example: Five or six years ago, a distant relative of my mother’s died. The last thing he said to her was, “I’m glad I’m dying before the Russians come back.” This was before the invasion of Ukraine.” 

“The idea that the Kremlin will return, and the West will abandon us when the time comes, is very present for Estonians.”


The life and art of Estonian stained glass master Dolores Hoffmann


“Estonian artist Dolores Hoffmann nurses a hot cup of tea in front of a crackling log fire. The walls of her studio, in a low-ceilinged medieval building in central Tallinn, are covered in vibrant artworks and sketches produced and accumulated over her decades-long career. Now 86 years old, Hoffmann broke onto the Soviet Union’s art scene in the 1960s and would become best known for her work with brightly colored stained glass. But the picture she paints of her childhood is bleak. …”


Report: Disabled people in Estonia often left on their own seeking support


“The Ministry of Social Affairs should reorganize the social welfare system in such a way that it's not the disabled person that has to find their way within different subsystems, but rather there is a trained specialist to guide them to the necessary point.”


Thursday 18. April

100 päeva olümpiani: Eesti delegatsioon võib tulla iseseisvusaja väikseim


“Eesti Olümpiakomitee loodab Prantsusmaale lähetada 25 sportlast.

EOK spordidirektori Martti Raju sõnul on praeguse seisuga Eestil kindlaid olümpiakohti üheksa ning kindlasti ollakse esindatud viiel spordialal – jalgrattasõidus, kergejõustikus, laskmises, ujumises, vehklemises.”


ERR Ukrainas: võitlejad kurdavad laskemoona nappuse üle


“Viimaste nädalate jooksul on Venemaa väed Ukrainas kogu rindejoone ulatuses aktiveerunud. ERR-I võttegrupp käis Zaporižžja oblastis Robotõne all olukorraga tutvumas ning kuulis Ukraina sõjaväelastelt, kui vähe neil laskemoona on.”


Trump kohtus New Yorgis Poola presidendiga


“Trumpi kampaaniameeskonna andmeil arutasid kaks meest Duda ettepanekut NATO riikidele tõsta kaitsekulutuste sihti kahelt protsendilt kolmele protsendile.

Trump on NATO-t sageli kritiseerinud ja kurtnud, et selle liikmed ei panusta õiglasel määral.”


Wednesday 17. April

Eesti otsib veel liitlasriike, kes oma õhutõrje Eestisse tooks


“Kuigi NATO Vilniuse tippkohtumisel lepiti kokku rotatsiooni korras õhutõrje toomine NATO idatiivale, ei ole see seni järjepidevalt õnnestunud. Hispaania viis mitu kuud Eestis olnud õhutõrjesüsteemi NASAMS minema eelmise aasta lõpus ning kaitseministeerium otsib siiani sellele asendust.”


Estonia still seeking air defenses from NATO allies on rotational basis


“This is not a joint NATO effort, where the defense alliance would coordinate and carry it out. We still have Tallinn talking to Washington or London, and Vilnius to Berlin. … Estonia is buying medium-range air defenses from Germany which will arrive in the coming years, and already owns short-range Piorun air defenses from Poland.”


Estonia PM: West Repelled Strike On Israel - Why Not Ukraine?


“Addressing reporters before the leaders' summit opened in Brussels, Prime Minister Kaja Kallas drew a parallel between the weekend developments in the Middle East, and the conflict on EU's doorstep.”

"Looking at the cooperation of different countries regarding their repulsion of Iran's attack against Israel, it shows that we can do more," said Kallas … "We can provide air defence to Ukraine in a similar way, so that they are able to prevent the attacks going through. These are the same drones that are attacking Ukraine night and day,” - referring to the Iran-designed Shahed attack drones being launched by Russian forces against Ukraine.”


“Mihkelson: lääs peaks arutama, miks ei kaitsta Ukraina õhuruumi nii nagu Iisraeli oma.” - ERR

“Drone and missile attacks can be successfully fended off with international cooperation – we simply have to be brave.” - Eesti Välisministeerium

“Estonian MFA advises against any non-essential travel to Israel.” - ERR

Why Did U.S. Planes Defend Israel but Not Ukraine?

By Anne Applebaum, The Atlantic

“On April 13, the Islamic Republic of Iran launched missiles and drones at Israel. Also on April 13, as well as on April 12, 14, and 15, the Russian Federation launched missiles and drones at Ukraine—including some designed in Iran. Few of the weapons launched by Iran hit their mark. Instead, American and European airplanes, alongside Israeli and even Jordanian airplanes, knocked the drones and missiles out of the sky.”

“By contrast, some of the attacks launched by Russia did destroy their targets. Ukraine, acting alone, and … running short on defensive ammunition, was unable to knock all of the drones and missiles out of the sky.”


Ukraine burns while the EU fiddles on Middle East


“EU leaders look set to focus on Iran — where there is little they can achieve — while still failing to flex real muscle against Putin in Ukraine.”


“Russia could break through Kharkiv in one fell swoop, says Estonia’s Major General Enno Mõts.” - Kyiv Post

“Inside Russia’s Shahed-136 Attack Drone Factory.” - The Warzone

“Russia reportedly paid Iran nearly two billion dollars for Shahed-136 drones used to terrorise Ukrainian cities.” - The Telegraph

“Putin is bombing Ukraine into darkness.” - Politico Europe

“Ukraine backers blast ‘double standard’ after allies rush to Israel’s defense.” - Politico

“Russia launches widespread attacks on energy grid.” - CBC

“Ukraine's power plants at the mercy of Russian missiles.” - BBC

“Zelenskyy: Without U.S. aid ‘we’ll have no chance of winning’.” - PBS Newshour, 15. April

“Germany plans an ‘Immediate Action on Air Defence’ initiative to persuade NATO partners to act.” - Politico

“Ukraine ‘ran out of missiles’ to stop Russian strike on power plant.” - CNN

Finnish pension cuts will have little impact on people in Estonia


“The Finnish government's decision to stop paying national pensions abroad does not concern the majority of Estonians who have worked in Finland or the Finns who came here for retirement, said Sanna-Leena Immanen, an advisor at Finland's embassy in Tallinn. “Thousands of Estonians have worked in Finland, and for decades the country was the most popular place for Estonians to seek work abroad.”


“Soome rahvapensionide kärbe puudutab Eestis väheseid inimesi.” - ERR

- Russia’s Forever War -

Krimmi baasi tabanud rünnakus hävis mitu õhutõrjekompleksi


“Venemaa poolt okupeeritud Krimmis asuvat Džankoi õhuväebaasi tabas ööl vastu kolmapäeva raketirünnak, milles hävis mitu õhutõrjekompleksi, radar ja raketilaskeseadeldisi ning eeldatavasti ka lahingukoptereid. Tegemist võis olla Ukraina ühe kõige edukama õhurünnakuga terve praeguse sõja vältel.”


Stalemate in Ukraine has been broken by Russia’s readiness to throw everything it has at the war

(Novaya Gazeta)

“Not long ago, the situation in Ukraine could have been characterised as stalemate. Today, the situation for the defenders is worse, with Ukrainian positions heavily contested along long sections of the frontline. Russian troops are steadily advancing, and concern is building that they might be able to break through.”

“Ukraine has done well to hold on but is now approaching a critical moment. Their forces are stretched thin across an extended frontline, their Western-supplied weapon systems need maintenance, and a shortage of artillery shells makes it difficult to react to Russian movements.”

“As the war drags on, morale is under increasing strain, with two years of conflict taking a toll.”


Russian Offensive Campaign 

Assessment: 18. April 2024


“Ukrainian Main Military Intelligence Directorate (GUR) Head Lieutenant General Kyrylo Budanov specified that the Russian offensive effort that Ukrainian officials have been forecasting will likely begin in June 2024.”

“Budanov also stated on April 17 that Ukraine plans to counter future Russian offensive operations by continuing strikes against Russian military targets within Russia.”

“Russian forces reportedly continue to intensify crypto-mobilization efforts ahead of the expected Russian summer 2024 offensive operation …”

“… the Ukrainian strike on a Russian military airfield in occupied Dzhankoi, Crimea overnight on April 16 to 17 caused significant damage to Russian air defense equipment.”


“Kharkiv at risk of becoming ‘second Aleppo’ without US aid.” - Guardian

“Putin wants to create an unliveable no man’s land in Ukraine.” - The Spectator

“Russia's meat grinder soldiers - 50,000 confirmed dead.” - BBC

“Reality is chipping away at Putinism.” - The New Statesman


