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21 April, 2023


Kui tehisintellekt hakkab propagandat looma 

(Propastop, Jan 2023)

“Viimastel kuudel on omajagu kajastust saanud OpenAI poolt loodud ChatGPT nimeline tööriist, mis kasutaja küsimuste või juhiste baasil genereerib realistlikke tekste erinevatel teemal. Väga lihtsustatult on ChatGPT süsteemile ette söödetud suur osa internetis leiduvat informatsiooni, mille baasil ta prognoosib, kuidas inimesed mingitele küsimustele või ülesannetele kirjalikult vastaksid.”

“Lisaks e-kirjade ja blogipostituste kirjutamisele, lihtsamate lepingute loomisele ning to-do listide koostamisele on tööriistal suur potentsiaal ka propagandatehastes, aidates luua usutavalt kõlavat ja argumenteeritud sisu sekunditega.”


Kuidas õppis tehisintellekt ChatGPT nii kiiresti selgeks eesti keele?

(Tehnika-Postimees, 16. veebruar 2023)

“Keelemudeli põhine tehisintellekt ChatGPT oskab juba üsna soravalt eesti keeles vastata ja mitte ainult, ka setu- ja võrokeelsed vastused saab kätte. Masinat pole aga Eestis treenitud, kust võttis see üleöö kõik need oskused?”


Tehisintellekt - kas koll, millega hirmutada või hoopis suur sõber?

(Tehnika Postimees, 8. April)

“Eesti teadlased Juri Belikov ja Eduard Petlenkov soovitavad tehisintellekti mitte müstifitseerida. Masina iseseisva mõtlemiseni on endiselt veel väga palju aega, robotite mässu silmapiiril ei paista.”


“Miks meil tehisintellekti vaja on?” - Haridus ja Noorteamet

“Tehisintellekti abil loodud pilt pettis ära maineka fotokonkursi žürii.” - Novaator

“ChaosGPT sai ülesande inimkond hävitada ja tehisintellekt mõtles selleks välja hirmutava plaani.” - Postimees

When artificial intelligence starts creating propaganda

(Propastop, Dec. 2022)

“OpenAI products are not directly related to propaganda purposes. OpenAI is engaged in the development of artificial intelligence science and its applications, and offers its knowledge and technology to researchers, companies and the general public.”

“However, OpenAI products can be used for propaganda purposes if they are used incorrectly or without legitimate control. For example, OpenAI products may be used to create social media posts aimed at spreading propaganda, or OpenAI products may be used to personalize or disseminate propaganda messages more broadly.”


The Developing Law of AI Regulation

(Lawfare, 20. April)

“The newly developing “law of AI” has come to focus on risk regulation, and in many ways risk regulation seems like a good fit for regulating the development and growing uses of AI systems.”


“ChatGPT Unbound.” - Lawfare

“Who's Tackling Classified AI?” - Lawfare

The Coming Age of AI-Powered Propaganda

(Foreign Affairs, 7. April)

“How to Defend Against Supercharged Disinformation.”


“What is generative AI?” - McKinsey and Company

“The Supply of Disinformation Will Soon Be Infinite.” - The Atlantic

“AI Propaganda Will Be Effective and Easily Accessible.” - Tech Policy

“Artificial Intelligence and the Production of Extremist Propaganda.” - GNET

“AI Platforms like ChatGPT Are Easy to Use but Also Potentially Dangerous.” - Scientific American

Artificial Intelligence in Russia


“Russian President Vladimir Putin commented in 2017 that “artificial intelligence is the future not only of Russia but of all mankind. There are huge opportunities, but also threats that are difficult to foresee today… the industry leader will rule the world.”


“Computational propaganda techniques.” - European Parlament

“Russia Accelerates Its AI Development Program.” - Russia Briefing

“Artificial Intelligence and Autonomy in Russia.” - Center for Naval Analyses


“Ukraine is a Living Lab for AI Warfare.” - National Defence

“Russia is Lying About its AI Capabilities.” - Johns Hopkins

“Countries are creating deepfakes to spread propaganda.” - Fortune

“Opinion: Generative AI could be an authoritarian breakthrough in brainwashing.” - The Hill

“AI Can Tell Us How Russians Feel About the War. Putin Won’t Like the Results.” - Politico

“Opinion Russia hasn’t stopped maneuvering for greater control of the web.” Washington Post


Friday 21. April

'We have to re-adapt quickly to a long-term threat': Ex-Estonian president Kersti Kaljulaid

(France24 interview)

“The former Estonian president implies that it's time for a leader from the Baltics or Eastern Europe to lead NATO – they have never had a secretary general – and pays tribute to the incumbent, Jens Stoltenberg, who has been in the job for nearly nine years.”

“I'm quite sure that each and every ex-president, current president, current prime minister, of eastern European countries, would really appreciate this opportunity," Kaljulaid says. "But I also have to say that Jens Stoltenberg's shoes are very big ones to fill. He's been fantastic. He's been imaginative. He's been able to find ways to show NATO's force when NATO was really in financial difficulty and nobody was spending enough. The EFP (Enhanced Forward Presence) was a stroke of genius, and relatively cheap."


Variteenused vohavad: Vene propaganda kloaak haiseb Eestis ikka edasi

(Postimees - subscription)

“Aasta tagasi lõpetasid Eestis tegutsevad telekomiettevõtted klientidele sõjapropagandat levitavate Venemaa kanalite vahendamise telepakettides. Aasta jooksul on selgunud, et praegusel kujul ei anna keeld soovitud tulemust ja toob hoopis kaasa kahju. Rus.Postimees uuris, kas vastvalitud parlamendiliikmed muudavad Venemaa propaganda vastu võitlemise meetodeid.”


Anti-Ukrainian war Propaganda in the Baltic states

(Propastop Report 2022)

“In recent years, awareness of Russia’s disinformation activities and efforts have been growing both in the West and in Central and Eastern Europe. Nevertheless, the governments and citizens of Estonia, Latvia, and Lithuania are subject to daily Russian strategic information operations and propaganda activities that are part of campaigns designed to undermine trust in their institutions, foment ethnic and social tensions, and erode confidence in North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO) collective defense commitments.”


“‘Valerian’ is a new Propastop initiative to reach our Russian neighbours.”

“Palderjan aitab lõpetada Kremli inforünnakud.” - Propastop

How the Russian propaganda machine has been forced to evolve

(The Guardian - video)

“Ever since Vladimir Putin took office, he has maintained a firm grip on Russian media that has grown even tighter since his invasion of Ukraine. But as the president's 'special operation' took a turn for the worse, the Kremlin's propaganda machine was forced to adapt.”


“How Putin’s propaganda machine works.” - The Guardian

Estonia's national debt still lowest in EU

(ERR | Estonian World Review)

“Estonia's national debt level remained the lowest in the European Union in the final quarter of 2022, accounting for 18.4 % of the gross domestic product (GDP), in comparison with an EU average of over 90 %.



Estonia's inflation slowed to 15.6 %


“… in March, new data from Eurostat shows. EU inflation dropped  to 8.3 % and has fallen to 6.9 % amongst countries using the Euro.”


Eesti loodab juuliks Rootsit NATOs näha


“Välisminister Margus Tsahkna (E200) ütles täna Stockholmis visiidil olles, et loodab näha Rootsit peagi NATO liikmena. Tsahkna kohtus Rootsi ametikaaslase Tobias Billströmiga, koos osaleti ka Eesti-Rootsi koostööraportit tutvustaval seminaril, edastas välisministeerium pressiteate vahendusel. Billströmiga arutati Rootsi NATOga ühinemise võimalikult kiiret ratifitseerimist ja samuti Ukraina toetamist alliansiga liitumisel.”


All Nato members have agreed Ukraine will eventually join, claims Stoltenberg

(The Guardian)

“President Zelenskiy has a very clear expectation, we discussed this. Both the issue of membership but also security guarantees, and of course Ukraine needs security. Because no one can tell when and how this war ends. But what we do know is that when the war ends, we need to ensure that history doesn’t repeat itself. … Zelenskiy is scheduled to attend Nato’s next annual summit in Vilinus, Lithuania, in July, but Ukrainian officials have said they want the alliance to agree a roadmap to membership as a condition for his attendance. Kyiv applied for an accelerated membership last September.”


“Teet Kalmus: liitumine NATOga tagab Ukraina pikaajalise julgeoleku.” - Estonian World Review

“NATO juht on kindel Ukraina võimes vastupealetungiga alasid vabastada.” - Postimees

‘What?!’ Hungary’s Orbán throws cold water on Ukraine’s NATO hopes

(Politico Europe)

“Relations between Budapest and Kyiv are tense. Hungary spent years blocking high-level NATO sessions with Ukrainian officials, ostensibly over concerns about the rights of Hungarian speakers in western Ukraine. And despite condemning Russia’s full-scale invasion, Hungary has refused to send weapons to aid its neighbor. Senior Hungarian officials, meanwhile, continue to regularly visit Moscow and maintain close ties to the Kremlin. At the same time, Hungary joining Turkey in blocking Sweden’s NATO bid has frustrated Western capitals.”


Thursday 20. April

Understanding soft and hard power diplomacy and why Estonia needs both

By Desiree Mumm

(Estonian World)

“Desiree Mumm, an international relations expert, takes a closer look at the complex relationship between soft power and hard power diplomacy, and explains why Estonia – a small nation with big ambitions – must navigate this balance carefully.”


Uus valitsus pidas esimese istungi


“Valitsuse 53. koosseis kogunes neljapäeval Stenbocki majas esimesele istungile, kus ministrid arutasid uue valitsuse töökorraldust ja kiitsid heaks Tallinna Sadama dividendide määramise otsuse.”


“Estonia’s latest coalition government takes office.“ - European Interest

“Estonia's new government holds first meeting at Stenbock House” - ERR

Surprise Tax Hike Brings Estonia’s Popular Leader Under Pressure


“Estonian Prime Minister Kaja Kallas, who scored a resounding reelection victory last month, is coming under pressure as critics say she broke a promise not to raise taxes. … Kallas said Thursday she had to make unpopular decisions to bring to heel a budget deficit that stands at 4.3% of gross domestic product and has prompted unease at the country’s central bank as well as Fitch Ratings.”


Russia is running a fleet of 'ghost ships' in the Baltic Sea


“… with their transmitters turned off -- as they map offshore wind farms, gas pipelines, power, and internet cables in the waters around the Nordic nations for possible sabotage attacks. Those are just some of the explosive claims made in a new documentary series called "The Shadow War," produced by public broadcasters from Sweden, Denmark, Finland and Norway, which looks at Russia's intelligence operations across the region.”


“Russian spy ships surveying Nordic energy infrastructure.” - Radio Sweden

“A trawler suspected of espionage has had a stopover in Iceland.” - Iceland Monitor

“Russian sabotage in place to strand Nordics in event of war, claims documentary.” - The Copenhagen Post

“Nord Stream polnud ainus: uus dokumentaal väidab, et Venemaa on teisigi taristuid rünnanud.” - Ärileht (subscription)

Opinion: Ukraine Should Follow Finland’s Path to NATO

By Kristi Raik

(Foreign Policy)

“Kyiv needs a clear membership track, - Washington and Berlin are blocking it.”

“Poland and the Baltic states, by contrast, are keen to offer Ukraine a clear path to membership and immediate closer relations with the alliance at the next NATO summit in Vilnius, Lithuania, in July. In spite of numerous acknowledgements from Western leaders that they should have listened to Poland and the Baltic states earlier regarding the Russian threat, their views are once again being pushed aside as NATO debates Europe’s future security architecture and Ukraine’s place in it. … “


Turkey and Hungary are keeping Stockholm from joining the alliance, but that may be changing


“Defense Secretary Lloyd Austin met with his Swedish counterpart inside a naval base an hour outside Stockholm on Wednesday, a rare visit meant to signal Washington’s support for Sweden’s bid to join NATO. … For now, Turkey and Hungary are still holding up Sweden’s accession. But sitting across from Swedish Defense Minister Pål Jonson in a tiny, wood-paneled room deep inside a maze of tunnels at the Muskö naval base, built into the side of a mountain, Austin said he hopes to see Stockholm join NATO before the July leaders’ summit.”


Wednesday 19. April

NATO will not be surrendering Baltic States under new NATO plans


“New NATO plans do not foresee the possibility of surrendering territory in the Baltic region, which lacks strategic depth, said Estonian Defense Minister Hanno Pevkur, confirming Monday’s reports by the New York Times on new NATO plans for the defense of the eastern flank of the Alliance.”

“Previously, deterrence focused on NATO’s ability to defend and, if necessary, regain its territory; the new defense plans focus on giving up the luxury of surrendering territory in the Baltic Sea region, which lacks strategic depth,” Pevkur admitted, quoted on Tuesday by ERR TV.”


“Pevkur confirms NATO defense plans changes favor Estonia.” - ERR

“As Baltics expect new NATO defence plans, there’s no agreement yet.” - Lrt

“Estonian formin: Finland's NATO accession takes our cooperation to new level.” - Baltic Times

“NATO deterrence and defense: Military priorities for the July Vilnius Summit.” - Atlantic Council

Analüüs: Valmimas on uued NATO kaitseplaanid Eestile


“Kaitseväe peastaap ja kaitseministeerium analüüsivad praegu uusi plaane ja kui vaja, teevad täpsustusi, täiendusi ja parandusi. Selle aasta juulis NATO tippkohtumisel Vilniuses peaks kavad lõpliku kinnituse saama. Täpsustuseks veel, et tegu ei ole ainult plaaniga Eestile, vaid ikkagi ühe osaga suurematest NATO kavadest.”

“Kuna seda tüüpi sõjalises planeerimises on peaaegu kõik salajane, siis mida täpselt uus kaitseplaan sisaldab, ei saagi üldsusele teada anda. Kaitseminister Hanno Pevkur (RE) kommenteerib samuti väga ettevaatlikult ja iga lõigu järel rõhutades: ‘Detailidesse ma minna ei saa’.”


“Eesti saadab Ukrainale 155mm suurtüki laskemoona.” - ERR

“Eesti saadab Ukrainale suurtükimürske.” - Postimees

World's largest cyber defense exercise ‘Locked Shields’ kicked off in Tallinn

(Helsinki Times | ERR)

“Current threats do not only concern tanks and missiles. Western societies are heavily dependent on digital networks. IT-specialists from 38 countries are now training in Tallinn, to sharpen skills on how to defend against cyber attacks.”



“This is what a NATO-led cyber war game looks like.” - Reuters

Hydrogen valley’ is founded in Estonia

(BNS via Estonian World)

“The Estonian hydrogen valley is a consortium of Estonian public and private capital-based organisations, including research institutions, the objective of which is to render the local mainly fossil fuel-based energy system more sustainable. The plan is to develop the first country-wide hydrogen ecosystem; the first production units, distribution solutions and uses will be created within the next six years.”


Sweden to raise MS Estonia's car ramp from sea floor in early summer

(Yle | Postimees | Baltic Times)

“Sweden has set aside around 2.1 million euros for the ramp lifting effort. The Swedish government said in a statement issued on Tuesday that investigators will raise the ramp to the surface as well as photograph and video record inside the shipwreck's car deck.”




Poland to Build Electronic Barrier at Border With Russia’s Kaliningrad


“… in an effort to monitor and prevent any illegal activity at this border.”


Minimum wage increased across Europe


“In Latvia, the minimum wage increased from €500 to €620 per month in 2023.”


The Abducted Children of Ukraine


“The Kremlin has made a habit of seizing Ukrainian boys and girls, with the intention of transforming them into Russian citizens. Families are fighting to get their children back.”


“Abducting Ukrainian children is a deliberate Kremlin strategy.” - EU Observer

“The Scandal of Ukraine’s Locked Bomb Shelters.” - CEPA

“Why Ukraine Needs Security Guarantees.” - Carnegie Europe

“US-made Patriot guided missile systems arrive in Ukraine.” - ABCNews

“Two Russians claiming to be Wagner mercenaries admit to killing children in Ukraine.” - Euronews

Canada plans to seize Russian Antonov An-124 cargo plane and give it to Ukraine

(Wall Street Journal)

“The Antonov An-124 cargo plane, one of the largest cargo transports in the world, has been trapped at Toronto Pearson International Airport since Canada’s government closed its airspace to Russian-owned aircraft in February 2022. The plane, one of only a few in the world of that size, has been sitting on the airport tarmac since then, accumulating more than $330,000 in parking fees.”



Tuesday 18. April

Vene duuma võttis vastu avalduse vene elanikkonna vastasest poliitikast Balti riikides


“Avalduses öeldakse, et Eestis, Lätis ja Leedus "on võetud ette kuritegelik tee vene keele täielikuks väljatõrjumiseks kõigist avaliku elu sfääridest, meediast ja haridussüsteemist", vahendab Interfax. "Balti riikide võimud ei varja oma neofašistlikku sümpaatiat, toetades iga-aastaseid SS-leegionäride rongkäike ja keelates samal ajal Surematu polgu aktsiooni Balti riigid natside käest vabastanud veteranide mälestuseks," seisab dokumendis.”


“Duma hits out at Estonia's 'repression' of Russian minority.” - ERR

“Putin’s MPs all now vote unanimously.” - Novaya Gazeta Europe

Estonia's population measured at 1,331,824 according to 2021 census


“The smallest EU member states by area were Malta with 500,000 people, Luxembourg with 600,000 people and Cyprus with 900,000 people. The latter three also have the smallest populations in the EU.”


“Number of newborns in Estonia has stayed below 1,000 a month since October.” - ERR

“Sündide arv on alates oktoobrist püsinud alla tuhande kuus.” - ERR

Estonia's new government takes office

(ERR | Barrons | Freiheit | Baltic Times)

“Estonia's new government was sworn in on Monday afternoon. The 13 ministers from the Reform-Eesti 200-SDE coalition government took the oath of office, one by one, in the Riigikogu. This is Estonia's 53rd government since independence was declared in 1917.”





US military equipment in transit through Estonia, bound for Finland


“Lt Col. Jay Ireland, commander of the U.S. Army's 1-8 Cavalry Battalion, said: "The rapid movement of a Combined Arms Battalion, including Abrams tanks and Bradley Fighting Vehicles, demonstrates the U.S. Government's commitment to our NATO Allies and the U.S. military's capabilities as a combat credible force."


Interview: Finnish Defense Forces’ retired General Jarmo Lindberg


“As chief of defense he was the Finnish Defense Forces' highest-ranking officer from 2014 to 2019.”


- Putin’s Forever War -

Russian Offensive Campaign Assessment 18. April & 20. April


“Select members of the “Club of Angry Patriots” are advocating for a revolution in Russia if the Kremlin freezes the war or pursue peace negotiations with Ukraine and the West.”

“Russian Defense Minister Sergey Shoigu and Chinese Defense Minister Li Shangfu met to discuss on strategic partnership and military cooperation in Moscow on April 18.”

“A prominent Russian milblogger criticized the Russian military’s ineffective use of Russian airborne (VDV), naval infantry, and Spetsnaz forces in Ukraine.”

“Russian forces continued defensive preparations in southern Ukraine out of concern for a possible Ukrainian counteroffensive.”



“Kolonel Grosberg: Venemaa uues värbamiskampaanias kasutatakse erinevaid sunnimeetodeid ja see näitab kahte asja.” - Õhtuleht

“Russian fighter jet mistakenly bombed one of its own cities.” - Insider

“Ukraine war a clear-cut case of 'right versus wrong,' says Petraeus.” - RFERL

“Troops Furious to Receive ‘Bullshit’ Gift Depicting Putin as a God.” - The Daily Beast

“Now is the time for Ukraine to make a bold move and retake Crimea.” - Visegrad Insight

“'Leave As Soon As Possible': New Conscription Law Raises Fresh Fears Of Mobilization At Home And Abroad.” - RFERL

How Putin could get out of an unwinnable war in Ukraine


“Putin can force the Ukraine war on his population given the power of the repressive apparatus. But more than anything, he needs to win the war and go home to reconstitute his military and economy.”


Because of Putin’s War in Ukraine, Russia Again Where It was in 1916

By Paul Goble

“Vladimir Putin has been repeating not so much the path of Joseph Stalin as that of Nicholas II, Abbas Gallyamov says; and as a result, he has put Russia in a situation much like the one it was in in 1916, with superficial quiet but a burdensome war grinding on and revolution only months away.”

            “The former Putin speechwriter and now Putin critic says that these parallels are increasingly obvious. The protests in 2011-2012 were “our analogue to the events of 1905,” events that “in the Marxist tradition are calling ‘a bourgeois-democratic revolution”


Reading Russia’s war budget


“Janis Kluge combs through the latest Russian finance ministry statistics to assess the true extent of Russia’s budgetary woes.”


Putin’s Regime Is Descending Into Stalinism


“Heightened repression is always a sign of fear.”


“It’s Stalinist logic: Three experts explain the escalating nature of Russia’s political repressions.” - Meduza

Russia tests secretive weapon to target SpaceX’s Starlink in Ukraine

(Washington Post)

“Russia’s quest to sabotage Ukrainian forces’ internet access by targeting the Starlink satellite operations that billionaire Elon Musk has provided to Kyiv since the war’s earliest days appears to be more advanced than previously known, according to a classified U.S. intelligence report.”

“Starlink has proved vital to Ukraine’s military, which relies on the small portable terminals to communicate across the battlefield and relay intelligence. Russian forces have had success disabling the Ukrainians’ ability to use other communications equipment, including radios and cellphones, but the satellite signals are harder to disrupt.”



