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17 July, 2024


A Mini-EstoNews

 … but will remain in office until the appointment of her replacement

(Postimees | Politico | others)

“According to the Constitution, the president will nominate a new prime ministerial candidate within a maximum of 14 days after the government resigns. Once the prime ministerial candidate is appointed by the president, they have up to 14 days to present the basis for forming a new government to the Riigikogu.”






“Michal sai presidendilt ülesande valitsus moodustada.” - ERR

“Estonia's Climate Minister Kristen Michal tasked with forming new government.” - Reuters

The role of EU’s foreign policy chief

(EU Diplomatic Service, published 2019)

A few of the responsibilities: 

“Operational conduct of EU missions and operations deployed as part of the Common Security and Defence Policy (CSDP). EU currently has more than 4,000 staff in 6 military missions/operations and 10 civilian missions across the world.”

“Leading the EU’s diplomatic network of some 140 EU Delegations and Offices around the world.”

“Heading the European Defence Agency and the EU Institute for Security Studies.”


“Kallas, fierce Russia critic and new EU foreign policy chief.” - Reuters

"What's Kaja Kallas' EU diplomacy priority?" - Deutsche Welle


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Around the Baltic Sea:

“Eesti plaanib kärpida oma suurimat sõjalist välismissiooni.” - ERR

“Estonia proposes to Russia to conduct joint measurement of Narva river bed.” - Postimees

“Baltic Defense: Getting New Rail Links Back on Track.” - CEPA

“Balti elektrisüsteemihaldurid lõpetasid Venemaaga BRELL lepingu.” - ERR

“Baltic countries notify Russia and Belarus they will exit the Moscow-controlled electricity grid.” - Washington Post

“Finnish lawmakers approve law to turn away migrants at border with Russia.” - Helsinki Times

“Most Finns would accept human rights violations to enforce border act.”

“Balticconnector gas pipeline investigation progressing.” - Yle

“Finland moves forward with eastern border fence.” - Yle

“Europe eyes Sweden’s conscription model to solve troop shortage.” - Politico

“Finnish and Swedish fighter jets intercept Russian aircraft over Baltic Sea.” - Yle


Analüüs: Kui Donald Trumpi asepresidendikandidaat räägiks Eestiga: ‘te kulutate riigikaitsele liiga vähe’


“USA vabariiklaste asepresidendikandidaadiks valitud James David Vance edastab Euroopale ja Eestile otsekohese sõnumi: te kulutate kaitsele liiga vähe ja USA välispoliitika tulevik on Aasias, mitte Euroopas.”

“Ah et kulutate kolm protsenti kaitsele? Vähe! Vaidlete selle üle, kas kulutada 1,6 miljardit laskemoonaostuks? Ikka vähe. Mitu korda rohkem peate kulutama! Ütlete, et ei leia 1,6 miljardit, sest Eesti ühiskonda ei saa katki rebida ja et liitlased aitavad või midagi. Ah soo, mida te tahate öelda? Et meie peame oma laskemoona teile andma? Või et Ameerika Ühendriikide maksumaksja katikrebimine on teie jaoks järelikult okei? Et meie peame ennast rebestama, sest teie ei taha enda kaitseks piisavalt pingutada?”


“J.D. Vance'i kasuks on löök Ukrainale ja Euroopale.” - ERR

“J.D. Vance ei toeta seda, et USA maksumaksja peab Euroopale piirkonna kaitse kinni maksma.” - ERR

Commentary: U. S. Republicans Claim 

‘We’re Done with Ukraine’

By Will Saletan 

(The Bulwark)

“In recent polls, most Republicans—unlike most Democrats and independents—have consistently said that the United States is giving too much support to Ukraine. The gap between the parties is enormous, with Republicans about 40 points less supportive than Democrats.”

“A few hours before the primetime speeches began on Monday, Donald Trump announced his running mate: Senator J.D. Vance. Trump is already well known as a Putin sympathizer and opponent of aid to Ukraine; his selection of Vance reinforces that disposition.” 

“Vance was by far the most anti-Ukraine candidate on Trump’s vice-presidential short list. As a senator, he has fought against aid to Ukraine and has made clear that he isn’t particularly interested in defending Europe. Two years ago, shortly after Russia’s invasion of Ukraine, Vance shrugged, “I don’t really care what happens to Ukraine one way or the other.”


“Running mate likely to push Trump to pursue ‘America first’ foreign policy and deal with Putin to end war in Ukraine.” - The Guardian

“Russia decides not to broadcast the Olympics for the first time in 40 years.” - Novaya Gazeta Europe


