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31 March, 2023


Finland to formally join Nato within days, Jens Stoltenberg says

(The Guardian)

“All 30 Nato allies have now ratified the accession protocol,” Jens Stoltenberg said on Friday. “Finland will formally join our alliance in the coming days. … I look forward to raising Finland’s flag at Nato HQ in the coming days.”

“Sanna Marin, the Finnish prime minister, tweeted: “As allies, we will give and receive security. We will defend each other. Finland stands with Sweden now and in the future and supports its application.”

“Finland is set to become the seventh Nato country on the Baltic Sea, further isolating Russia’s coastal access at St Petersburg and on its small exclave of Kaliningrad.”


“Türgi parlament ratifitseeris Soome NATO-sse vastuvõtmise.” - ERR

“Finland will become NATO's 31st member.” - Politico Europe

“Ungari parlament kiitis heaks Soome astumise NATO-sse.” - Postimees

“Hungary has approved Finland joining NATO.” - Atlantic Council

“Miks Ungari seda Soomele ja Rootsile teeb?” - Postimees Arvamus

“Turkey approves Finland’s NATO application, clearing the last hurdle. Sweden is still waiting.” - CNN

“Turkish parliament ratifies Finland's NATO accession as Sweden is kept waiting.” - Reuters

“NATO chief: ‘My aim’ is for Sweden to join alliance by July.” - Politico

“Sweden less sure it will join NATO by July.” - Reuters

“Hungary says 'grievances' hold up ratification of Sweden's NATO accession.” - Reuters

“Statement by the Secretary General on Finland’s membership in NATO.” - NATO

Nordic Nations Agree to Jointly Operate Combined Fighter Jet Fleet of 250

(Bloomberg | Reuters)

“The cooperation will encompass integrated command and control, operational planning and execution, flexible deployment of forces, joint airspace surveillance and training.”

“Norway has 57 F-16 fighter jets and 37 F-35 fighter jets with 15 more of the latter on order. Finland has 62 F/A-18 Hornet jets and 64 F-35s on order, while Denmark has 58 F-16s and 27 F-35s on order. Sweden has more than 90 Gripens jets.”



“Finland and Sweden plan to buy new rifles that use NATO-spec ammo.” - The Drive

“Finland, Sweden jointly stock up on firearms from Finnish firm Sako.” - Yle

“How Western weapons transformed the war in Ukraine.” - Vox Video

Allied Fighter Aircraft conducted a large-scale training exercise out of Ämari

(NATO Press Release)

“Finnish F/A-18s landed in Amari Air Base, Estonia and took part in large-scale training drills over the Baltic States with up to 20 fighters involved. Allied units based along NATO’s eastern flank including French Rafales, US F-15s, Dutch F-35s, Estonian L-39s and Eurofighters from the joint British and German detachment in Estonia were involved in the exercise. Supported by air-to-air refuelers practiced tactics, techniques and procedures designed to defeat a complex set of potential real-world challenges in a contested air domain.”



Friday 31. March 2023

Eesti probleem Ukraina abistamisel – liiga edukas, liiga mõjukas, liiga ülbe


“Eesti alustas Ukraina toetamist juba enne Venemaa täimahulist sõjalist sissetungi 2022. aasta veebruaris. Tallinnal oli olnud Venemaa suhtes õigus ning see on pinnuks silmas nii Moskvas, kui ka kahjuks mõnede liitaste hulgas, kirjutab julgeolekuekspert Erkki Koort.”

“Kui Eesti asus andma Ukrainale sõjalist surmavat abi, olid paljud sellest häiritud nii Eestis, kui ka Euroopas. Olukord oli plahvatusohtlik, sest 120000 Venemaa sõdurit Ukraina piiride taga ootasid sissetungi algust. Eestiski kerkis korduvalt küsimus, et äkki me vajame Javeline ja haubitsaid ise, sest Venemaa ettearvamatus polnud ju meile mingiks uudiseks.”

“Otsustajad valitsuses, kaitseministeeriumis ja kaitseväes jäid aga enestele kindlaks ning korduvalt on meediast käinud läbi, et just Eestist pärit Javelinid aitasid Ukrainal edukalt kaitsta Kiievit. Suurepärane strateegiline käik.”


Venemaa saadab välja Eesti diplomaadi

(Postimees | ERR)

“Täna teatas Venemaa otsusest saata riigist välja Eesti diplomaat. Tegemist on Venemaa vastusammuga Eesti 24. märtsi otsusele, ütles välisminister Urmas Reinsalu. Eesti diplomaat peab riigist lahkuma 5. aprilliks.”



President Karis Ungari riigipeale: meie ühine eesmärk on viia lõpule Rootsi liitumisprotsess NATOga


“Eesti riigipea avaldas lootust, et Rootsi NATOga liitumise teel seisvad takistused saab kiiresti ületada, sest ühinemise ratifitseerimisprotsessi kiire lõpule viimine on kõigi huvides. “Meie ühine eesmärk on NATOt tugevdada ja viia lõpule Rootsi liitumisprotsess,” ütles president Karis. “Loodan, et lisaks Soome lipule saab NATO peakorteri ees peatselt heisata ka Rootsi lipu.”


“Stoltenberg: Rootsi võiks juulikuuks NATO-ga liituda.” - ERR

Tamula järve veetase ületas kriitilise piiri


“Tamula järve veetase jõudis Võrus üle kriitilise piiri: järve rannaäärsed alad ja promenaad on jäänud suurvee all. Võru linnavalitsus valmistub suunama vett pumpadega järve tagasi, sest veetase võib sajuste ilmade korral veelgi tõusta.”



Tamula Järv, Võru

A 1949 letter indicates Estonia wanted to be a NATO founding member

(Estonian World)

“… despite the country’s occupation by the Soviet Union. … “Estonia is still under the illegal occupation and domination of the Soviet Union,” the statement, written by Estonian diplomat Johannes Kaiv, continues, “and is, therefore, prevented from manifesting openly its keen interest in this pact.”

“Estonia’s expression of interest in NATO was formally noted, as shown in this response from the US undersecretary of state at the time, Dean Rusk, who later served as the secretary of state to the US president, John F. Kennedy.”


Upcoming Finnish election: Advance voting hits record levels 


“A record 40 percent of registered voters have already cast their ballots in Finland's parliamentary election, ahead of the official election day on Sunday 2. April. That amounts to 1,710,199 people voting before the close of advance voting on Tuesday, according to the Justice Ministry's website.”


“Finland's Marin in battle over state spending to stay in power.” - Reuters

“A debate over Indigenous issues has empowered the country’s nativist right ahead of a critical election.” - Foreign Policy

Venemaa asub 1. aprillil ÜRO julgeolekunõukogu eesistujaks


“Venemaa eesistumist on juba enne selle algust kritiseeritud, kuna Venemaa on Ukrainat rünnates rikkunud ÜRO hartat. Ukraina välisminister Dmõtro Kuleba nimetas Venemaa eesistumist halvaks naljaks.”


Russia to take up the presidency of the UN Security Council on 1. April

(Politico | Time | Euronews)

“Although this sounds like a cruel joke on April Fool’s Day, it is not. And for 30 days — the duration of the rotating U.N. Security Council presidency — the world will be collectively shamed as it allows Putin’s imperialistic Russia to take this leadership role.”





“The Russian Federation will take over the presidency of the U.N. Security Council tomorrow, 1. April.” - ABC News

“‘Absurdity to a new level’ as Russia takes charge of UN security council.” - The Guardian

Thursday 30. March

Miks võttis Politico hambusse Eesti relvaabi Ukrainale ja relvastuse asendamise?


“Väljaanne Politico on sel nädalal avaldanud mitu kriitilist artiklit, kus on sidunud Eesti relvaabi Ukrainale ning väidetava relvaarsenali uuendamise liitlaste arvel. Eestis seostatakse artiklit muu hulgas lähenevate NATO peasekretäri otsingutega.”

“Palju on räägitud Politico artiklites esinevatest valeväidetest. «Eestil pole kunagi olnud Strela-tüüpi relvi, samuti pole Eesti saatnud neid Ukrainale, ning ei ole Eesti ka omanud ega hankinud Stingereid, nagu Politico väidab,» võttis kaitseministeerium kokku. Vastuolulisim on mõistagi Politico artiklite üldine joon: kas Eesti saadab Ukrainasse vanarauda, et siis Euroopa rahurahastust saadava kompensatsiooni arvel ennast ümberrelvastada?”


Mõjukas väljaanne Politico levitas Eesti kohta valet


“Nimetuna ­esinenud diplomaadid ning ametni­kud manasid üleilmsele ja mõjukale väljaandele Politico pildi, justkui Eesti uuendaks Ukrainas käiva sõja taustal oma relvaarsenali liitlaste arvelt. Eesti kaitseministeeriumi, julgeolekuekspertide ja poliitikute vastus on ühene: artikkel valetas ja oli pahatahtlik.”


“Politico eksis ajakirjanduse põhitõdede vastu ja näitas Eestit ühepoolselt.” - Postimees

Arvo Pärt awarded Sweden's 2023 Polar Music Prize


“Marie Ledin, managing director of the annual prize, … described Pärt who is 87, as “one of the most incredible composers the world has ever seen, and his beautiful music has touched audiences around the globe.” She noted that his tintinnabuli, a composition style that Pärt invented in 1976, “has deeply affected the course of music over several decades.”


Estonia rejects Politico claims, describes them as malicious slander

(ERR | Original Politico Article)

“Kusti Salm, secretary general of the Estonian Ministry of Defense, on Tuesday rejected accusations leveled in Politico according to which Estonia has made improper use of the European Peace Facility for the purpose of modernizing its weapons. Former EDF commander, MEP Riho Terras called the article an information operation.”

"We are clearly dealing with a malicious spin, Politico is reporting lies, trying to drive a wedge between allies to slow down Ukraine support.”



“European Commission: We have not established EPF misuse.” - ERR

“Estonia rejects Politico claims, describes them as malicious slander.” - ERR

“Estonia: Spat with EU undermines arms fund for Ukraine.” - Deutsche Welle

“Ukraine hails military aid from Estonia after media criticism of Tallinn’s policy.” - Radio Poland

Masintõlke abil saab nüüd teksti tõlkida ka Võru või Liivi keelde

(Novaator, 14. märts)

“Tartu Ülikooli masintõlkemootori abil saab nüüd tõlkida 23 soome-ugri keelt. Enamik neist keeltest lisati avalikku tõlkemootorisse esimest korda. Teadlaste sõnul aitab see kaasa keelte säilimisele.”

“Teadlaste loodud Neurotõlke abil on nüüd võimalik tõlkida näiteks võru, liivi, päriskarjala, lüüdi või vepsa keelt. Kuna tegemist ei ole tänapäeval laialt levinud keeltega, on Tartu Ülikooli keeletehnoloogia professor Mark Fišeli sõnul vaja tõlget nendesse keeltesse selleks, et keeli säilitada.”


Former civilian shelters in Estonia are in poor condition


“Exactly 30 years since Estonia decided to stop using the Soviet-era system of shelters, efforts to develop civil defense were restarted in light of the Ukraine war. Work to develop an early warning system and map possible shelter locations started immediately, with funding soon to reach apartment associations.”


Finland’s air force takes part in NATO exercises in Estonia

(The Global Herald)

“Finnish aircraft took part in NATO exercises in Estonia on Tuesday alongside French, Dutch and Estonian fighter jets. The Finnish F/A-18 jets visited the Amari air base — home to NATO’s Baltic Air Policing detachments — for the first time since 2019. Finland’s ambassador in Estonia, said he was pleased with Hungary ratifying Helsinki’s membership into the Alliance.”


Russian espionage in Finland significantly weakened


“The expulsion of Russian intelligence personnel and the refusal of visas have weakened the intelligence activities of Russians in Finland, according to Supo, the Finnish Security and Intelligence Service. Supo released its 2022 yearbook on Thursday, a document that offers an overview of Finland's security situation.”


“Finnish Security and Intelligence Service’s 2022 Yearbook.” - Supo

Wednesday 29. March

Eesti teadlased asuvad otsima võimalust keemia- ja biorelvade tuvastamiseks


“Esimese Eesti ülikoolina Euroopa kaitsefondi projektis osalevad Tallina Tehnikaülikooli teadlased loodavad leida võimaluse ohtlike keemiliste ja bioloogiliste ühendite kiiremaks tuvastamiseks. Edu korral oleks võimalik näiteks Sergei ja Julija Skripali mürgitamisele sarnanevate juhtumite korral saada esimene aimdus toimunust juba sündmuskohal. Meie eesmärk on teha seda kõike kohapeal ja muuta selleks tarvilikke seadmeid palju väiksemaks," selgitas Olli-Pekka Smolander, Tallinna Tehnikaülikooli bioinformaatika professor.”


Postcard from Narva

(Emerging Europe)

[Author Devin Haas writes about his visit to Narva.]


Seven Lessons from Latvia a Year After Russia’s Invasion of Ukraine

(Foreign Policy Research Institute)

“Latvia realized that, by attacking Ukraine, Vladimir Putin’s regime has launched an attack on the European post-Cold War order—an order in which Latvia and two other Baltic states, Lithuania and Estonia, have prospered and flourished since 1991. The brutality of the Russian war and occupation in Ukraine has reinforced this impression: Russia is an unpredictable actor that does not care about international law neither in war nor in peace.”


Sweden Summons Russia's Ambassador Over 'Legitimate Target' Statement


“The Russian ambassador in a statement on the embassy's website said joining NATO made the Nordic countries "a legitimate target for Russian retaliatory measures, including those of a military nature."


The Finnish effect of the war in Ukraine

(New Eastern Europe)

“The similarities between Ukraine’s war with Russia today and that experienced by Finland some eighty years ago are hard to ignore. While Moscow continues its attempts to stop Kyiv joining NATO, its aggression has only encouraged Helsinki to join the Alliance.”


Russian Nukes In Belarus: Just Another Gimmick By Putin


“No matter how many times Putin waves his nukes around for the Western press, they do not meaningfully change the course of war in Ukraine. There is no obvious way to use them for victory, and a nuclear strike on NATO would be suicidal. It is just another gimmick from an aging, paranoid dictator frustrated by a war he cannot win.”


“Deployment would definitely pose new and grave security risks to the Baltics and beyond.” - BNN

“Nuclear Weapons in Belarus: History Repeats Itself.” - Russia Matters

“Why Russia announced deployment of its tactical nuclear weapons in Belarus.” - Riddle

“Warsaw will melt, and Vilnius will sink.” - Belarusian propagandists immediately set to work.” - The Lithuanian Tribune

“NATO Gains New Strength; Moscow Resorts to Nuclear Bluff.” - Jamestown

“Nuclear Weapons In Belarus — Was it Xi Jinping's Idea?” - Worldcrunch

Ukraine's looming counter-offensive could reshape Russia's war

(The Week)

“With Russia's winter offensive appearing to stall, there's widespread speculation that Ukraine's counteroffensive is just around the corner.”


“Agile Ukraine, Lumbering Russia.” - Foreign Affairs

“Ukraine has finally received Western tanks.” - DW video report

“Ukrainian Army receives first Challenger 2 tanks.” - Defense Blog

“Challenger Tanks, Stryker Armored Vehicles Arrive.” - The Warzone

“17 Ukrainian Children Taken By Russia To Crimea Reunited With Families.” - RFERL

“Ukraine: Shortage of prosthetic limbs as casualties mount.” - France24

“Ukraine's President Zelenskyy explains why battle for Bakhmut is crucial.” - Euromaidan Press

“37 % of Ukrainians Say One of Their Family Members or Close Friends has Died as Result of Putin’s War.” - Paul Goble

Tuesday 28. March

Mälu Instituut tegi Memorialile ettepaneku avada keskus Eestis


“Venemaal on suletud paljud inimõiguste organisatsiooni Memorial piirkondlikud keskused, kuid Nõukogude Liidus toime pandud massiliste inimõiguste rikkumiste, repressioonide ja poliitiliste mõrvade uurimisele pühendunud ajaloolased ei ole oma tegevust lõpetanud, jätkates seda muu hulgas Eestis.”


Russia’s diplomatic clash with Europe flares in Estonia

(Politico Europe)

“The front line in a shadowy intelligence war between Europe and Russia currently runs along sleepy Pikk Street in the medieval heart of Estonia’s capital Tallinn. Behind the mirrored windows of the quiet Russian embassy at No. 19, a raft of newly vacated desks — including that of the very ambassador — are testament to Estonia’s recent harder line.”

“Estonia is calling out Russian agents’ hostile intelligence operations and influence campaigns, which have been bubbling up in the wake of Russia’s full-scale invasion of Ukraine.”


“Estonia Expels Russian Diplomat For 'Spreading Propaganda’.” - RFERL

New Riigikogu to take office likely in the second half of April



Lithuania Monitoring Its Entire Border Section With Belarus by Modern Systems


“Lithuanian authorities have said that the entire 678.82-kilometre-long border section with Belarus is continuing to be monitored by modern border monitoring systems at all times. … At the beginning of 2022, only around 53 % of the border section between Lithuania and Belarus was being monitored with the help of modern systems, whereas at the end of the same year, 96 % of the border was being monitored, leading to the authorities to have better control on illegal movement.”


Kremli katse mässida Valgevenet tuumavõrku jätab õhku hulga küsimärke


“Lääs mõistis hukka Venemaa väidetava plaani paigutada Valgevenesse taktikalised tuumarelvad ja lubas vajadusel vastata uute sanktsioonidega, kinnitades aga samas, et miski ei näi viitavat Kremli valmidusele tuumarelvi kasutada.”


U.S. RC-135 intelligence gathering jet flys unprecedented mission inside Finland’s Airspace

(The Aviationist)

“The spyplane, deployed to RAF Fairford, UK, became visible on flight tracking websites as it flew over Poland. From there, it headed northeast-bound, overflying Lithuania, Latvia and Estonia. It then went “feet wet” over the Gulf of Finland: as the Rivet Joint transitioned through the Estonian airspace in bound to the Finnish one, two Eurofighters, a German one using radio callsign BARON 1, and an RAF Typhoon FGR.4, using c/s BARON 002, were also noted tracking online during a mission from Ämari, Estonia, where they are based to jointly support NATO BAP (Baltic Air Policing).”


“Finland is now opening its skies for US intelligence flights along the eastern frontier.” - The Barents Observer

China uses Putin's weakness to increase its leverage over Russia, says EU’s Ursula von der Leyen


“"Far from being put off by the atrocious and illegal invasion of Ukraine, President Xi is maintaining his 'no-limits friendship' with Putin's Russia," von der Leyen said on Thursday morning. "But there has been a change of dynamic in the relationship between China and Russia. It is clear from the visit that China sees Putin's weakness as a way to increase its leverage over Russia.”

"And it is clear that the power balance in that relationship – which for most of the last century favoured Russia – has now reversed."


- Putin’s Forever War -

A Look Inside Putin's Secret Plans for Cyber-Warfare


“Elite hackers from Russia have their sights set on airports and power plants around the world, along with the internet. Confidential data from Moscow, obtained by DER SPIEGEL and its partners, now provide a look inside their arsenal of cyber-weapons and reveal their strategy.”


Russian Offensive Campaign Assessment - 30. March


“Russian President Vladimir Putin signed a decree on March 30 authorizing Russia’s semiannual spring conscription which will induct 147,000 Russians between April 1 and July 15.”

“Western officials reported that Wagner Group and conventional Russian forces have likely lost a substantial amount of manpower in the Bakhmut area, which will further constrain Russia’s offensive on Bakhmut.”

“The Russian Federal Security Service (FSB) arrested Wall Street Journal correspondent Evan Gershkovich in Yekaterinburg, Sverdlovsk Oblast on charges of espionage on March 30.”


“Officers Make Life Hell For Women In Russia's Military.” - RFERL

“Russian soldiers say commanders used ‘barrier troops’ to stop them retreating.” - The Guardian

“Some Russians Re-Identifying as Ukrainians Because of Their Disgust with Putin’s Policies.” - Paul Goble

“Russia arrests Wall Street Journal reporter on spying charge.” - AP

“Russia Imposes Stringent Controls on Officials’ Foreign Travel.” - The Moscow Times

Russian nuclear intimidation

By Keir Giles

(Chatham House)

“The idea that nuclear use by Russia is not only possible but probable if it is challenged or threatened, let alone defeated or humiliated, has been fostered by Russian propaganda efforts over many years.”

“In this research paper, Keir Giles argues that Western support for Ukraine should be guided by informed assessments of Russia’s actual nuclear posture, and by the experience of Moscow’s reaction to the phases of the conflict to date, rather than by Russia’s use of nuclear intimidation as a tool that has shielded it from the consequences of its actions in Ukraine.”


“Chatham House’i analüüs: Vene tuumaähvardused on bluff.” - Postimees

“Why does Russia want tactical nuclear weapons in Belarus?” - AP

“Putin’s timeline for storing tactical nuclear weapons in Belarus is hard to believe.” - The Guardian

Thousands of companies in Mariupol, Melitopol, and other occupied cities have been re-registered in Russia

(Novaya Gazeta | Meduza)

“A massive redistribution of assets is ongoing in the Ukrainian territories occupied by Russia: agricultural holding companies, factories, and mining plants are being taken over by Russians. Novaya-Europe has found over a thousand companies in Melitopol, Berdiansk, Mariupol, Lysychansk, and Sievierodonetsk that are now registered as Russian entities.”

“In December, the Russian Federal Tax Service reported that it had registered over 30,000 legal entities in all territories occupied in 2022 …”



Dmitry Medvedev and the weakness of Putin’s Kremlin

By Mark Galeotti

(The Spectator)

“With the future unpredictable and rivalries growing ever sharper, no one dares step away from power.”



And Finally:

“One thing which they (the Russians) wanted, which they got and which they celebrated was a coup attempt. They loved Jan. 6. Nobody loved Jan. 6 more than the Russians did. Jan. 6 showed that all this stuff about peaceful transitions of power and consensus and the American Constitution, they just loved it. They lapped it up. They reproduce it all the time. They talk about it all the time. … Jan. 6 was an extraordinary gift to Russia.”

“Now it looks like the Russians are powerful: “Look what we can do. We can make a mess inside American politics, which ends with bloodshed on the steps of the Capitol. And since we’ve shown that we’re powerful, what are we going to do next? We’re going to invade Ukraine, because obviously this crew of people who can just barely get Biden into office, this crew of people is not going to do anything about that.” 

Timothy Snyder, professor of history at Yale University

During an interview with ‘Frontline’ - PBS


