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31 January, 2020

Russian ministry's statement doesn't affect validity of 1920 Treaty of Tartu
"In a situation where Russia denies the validity of the Treaty of Tartu and the occupation of Estonia, and does not recognize the restoration of Estonia's independence on the basis of legal continuity, there is no reason for us to ratify the border treaty with Russia.” - Helir-Valdor Seeder

Faktikontroll: Vene välisministeeriumi seisukoht Tartu rahu kehtivuse osas
“Postimehe faktikontroll võtab luubi alla ühiskondlikus arutelus esitatavaid faktiväiteid, mille paikapidavus pole ilmselge.”


31. January

EKRE-l rohkem toetajaid maal, Keskerakonnal linnades
“EKRE reiting on kõrgem maapiirkondadest pärit valijate seas, kuid Keskerakonnal linnades elavate inimeste seas.”

Terviseameti ülevaade: mis on teada uue koroonaviiruse kohta
“Hiinast levima hakanud koroonaviiruse uus tüvi 2019-nCoV sarnaneb enim SARS-iga, ent on sellest kergema kuluga ja vähem nakkav kui gripp.”

Estonia to obtain equipment for Coronavirus testing
“Estonia will likely have the capacity to test people for the coronavirus that has broken out in China next week, with testing presently carried out in cooperation with a Swedish laboratory …”



Brexit means rightward shift for the European Parliament
“The center-right European People’s Party is the biggest winner from the Brexit reshuffle. … The Greens and liberal Renew Europe groups are set to lose out the most from the reshuffle, which will take the legislature from 751 to 705 seats, while the center-right European People's Party and Euroskeptic Identity and Democracy group will emerge as the biggest winners.”

Graphic: EstoNews

Relations between Estonia and the UK remain close
(The Baltic Times)
“Estonian Minister of Foreign Affairs Urmas Reinsalu has sent a letter to British Foreign Secretary Dominic Raab thanking the United Kingdom for its unwavering support for Estonia's security and defense and reaffirming continued close relations between the two states.”

Eesti suursaadik Londonis: eestlaste jäämine Londonisse sõltub tööturust
“7,500 Londonis elavat Eesti kodanikku on juba esitanud elamisloa taotluse. Eestlased tunnevad huvi, mis saama hakkab, Brexiti ebakindluse pärast lahkujaid meie saatkonna hinnangul aga veel palju ei ole.”

Endgame: Britain’s EU Departure Marks the End of Brexit’s Beginning
by Amanda Sloat, Lawfare
“After campaigning on a slogan of “Get Brexit Done,” Johnson is now keen to focus public attention on domestic issues and has reportedly instructed officials to drop the term “Brexit” after January 31. Yet this date only marks the end of the first phase, the divorce. The harder discussion about the future U.K.-EU relationship lies ahead, set against the backdrop of a polarized electorate and uncertainty about the constitutional unity.”


30. January

Estonia’s democracy score slightly declines; falls behind the US
By Sten Hankewitz - Estonian World
“In the 2019 Democracy Index, compiled by the Economist Intelligence Unit … Estonia is a “flawed democracy” with the score of 7.90 in 2019. In 2018, Estonia scored 7.97, which shows a small decline.”
“And, in 2018, Estonia ranked higher than the United States, which in both 2019 and the year before scored 7.96. In the overall index, Estonia is ranked 27th, just behind Malta and ahead of Israel.”

Pensions: Estonia plans to unleash a potential €4.85bn on economy
(The Irish Times)
“The government is meeting an election pledge by a junior coalition member to let more than half the Baltic nation’s 1.3 million residents reinvest or spend mandatory pension savings taken from tax contributions and gross salaries since 2002. The money would be released from September 2021 under draft legislation to be passed on Wednesday, though president Kaljulaid objects and may seek a ruling from the Supreme Court.”

Eesti Panga juht: pensionireform on pikas plaanis halb mõte
“Eesti Panga juht Madis Mülleron oma analüüsis ja kommentaaris valitsusele rõhutanud, et lühiajaliselt võib pensionireform tunduda hea mõte. … Aga pikas perspektiivis toovad sellised muudatused pensionisüsteemis tõenäoliselt kaasa madalamad pensionid, kõrgema maksukoormuse ja vajadusel rohkem töötajaid Eestisse immigratsiooni näol. Kokkuvõttes on see pikas perspektiivis halb mõte.”

Koalitsiooni tahtmine läks läbi: riigikogu näitas pensionireformile rohelist tuld 
“Riigikogu liikmed tegid täna eestimaalaste jaoks ühe viimaste aastate kõige olulisema otsuse: iga rahvasaadiku nupulevajutuses oli kaalul inimeste hakkamasaamine nende vanaduspõlves. Hilisõhtul sai selgeks, et pensionireform leidis toetust.”

Kadri Liik: Kaljulaid/Putin meeting in 2019 was viewed in Estonia like conquering of Mt. Everest
“Asked whether President Kersti Kaljulaid should go to Moscow on May 9, which is celebrated in Russia as Victory Day, Liik responded that she didn't know. "Let's first wait and see whether she receives an invitation first.”

Unustage ära, talve seekord ei tulegi
“Kui meil siin Euraasia mandril on hästi soe, siis Ameerika poolel on vastupidi, just hästi külm. Näiteks Gröönimaal sündis uus külmarekord –66°. Isegi Floridas oli lund päris korralikult.”

Lennart Meri legendaarne Mercedes jõudis Eesti Rahva Muuseumi
“Muuseum meenutas, et kaheksa teenistusaasta jooksul läbis Mercedes-Benz üle 300 000 kilomeetri ja kui 1997. aastal viidati, et auto on liiga tavaline ega sobi enam presidendile, jäi Lennart Meri eriarvamusele: "Ei ole midagi halenaljakamat, kui uude soomustatud ametiautosse lukustatud Eesti riigipea Harjumaa teedel või Taevaskoja lätetel. Pigem kõnnin jala või muretsen jalgrattaga." Mercedes- Benz jäigi kasutusse presidendi ametiaja lõpuni.”


29. January

The Three Elephants of European Security
(War on the Rocks)
“European security is taken seriously these days. Everything from Russian aggression, to migratory pressures, to terrorist attacks has jolted Western European leaders out of their post-Cold War complacency.”

Russian Media Spew U.S. Coronavirus Conspiracies for Russian Audience
“Vladimir Zhirinovsky, the leader of the Liberal Democratic Party and a popular veteran politician, told Moscow radio that Americans were “surely” behind the outbreak. He suggested pharmacists were gaining billions while the U.S. military reaped an “opportunity to test” weaponizing the virus.”
“The Russian media reports appeared to be part of a domestic disinformation campaign. The coronavirus conspiracies did not appear in the Kremlin’s foreign language news agencies.”

In Estonian choice of child names, Western European names replace Russian ones

The Kremlin’s Way
by Edward Lucas - CEPA
“In Russia, the rules, institutions, precedents, and other political arrangements that in other countries are the vital ingredients of politics are mostly decorative or irrelevant. Relations with Putin matter more than relations with anyone else.”

Do Russians care what Putin does?
“Two weeks after Vladimir Putin announced a radical overhaul of the constitution, loyal officials in Moscow have been moving at lighting speed to implement his changes. … But as analysts argue over his real intentions, just a short drive from the capital many people are either unaware of what's happening or indifferent.”
