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04 November, 2022

Viie sajandi jagu teavet eestikeelsetest aabitsatest sai kaante vahele


“Haapsalu lasteraamatukogu bibliograaf Krista Kumberg sai valmis koguteose "A nagu aabits", mille kaante vahele on mahtunud viie sajandi jagu infot aabitsatest, millest Eesti lapsed on aegade jooksul lugema õppinud. Kõige vanemad eestikeelsed aabitsad pole säilinud, kuid Krista Kumbergi sõnul on kaudseid tõendeid, et aabits võis olla siin olemas juba 16. sajandil. Kindlamalt on teada, et üks aabits ilmus 1641. aastal, kuid ka seda pole säilinud.”


Apollo Raamatumaja, Viru tänav, Tallinn


New book traces the development of Estonian children's alphabet books


“Krista Kumberg, a bibliographer at the Haapsalu Children's Library, has completed work on a new book called "A is for Alphabet," ("A Nagu Aabits"). The book details the development of the alphabet books, which have helped Estonian children to learn how to read and write for over five centuries. Unfortunately, the earliest Estonian-language alphabet books produced have not survived. But, according Kumberg, there is evidence to suggest that the alphabet may have existed in Estonia as early as the 16th century.”

“We do know for certain that an alphabet book was published in 1641, though that too is no longer in existence.”


Kõnesüntees aitab eesti keele igavikku raiuda


“Kõnesünteesi arendamisse viimase 15 aasta jooksul tehtud investeeringud hakkavad vaikselt vilja kandma, sest praeguseks suudavad masinad eesti keeles juba täitsa inimese moodi rääkida. Keeletehnoloogi sõnul suudavad pikas plaanis ellu jääda vaid omakeelse tehnoloogilise toega keeled.”


Eesti Keele Instituut ei plaani keelekorralduses reforme


“Eesti Keele Instituut (EKI) esitas haridusministeeriumile tegevuskava, kuidas plaanib instituut eesti keelt arendada ja korraldada. Haridusminister Tõnis Lukase sõnul on tegevuskava konservatiivne ning kursimuutust keelekorralduses oodata ei ole. Seda, kuidas oleks õige või väär sõnu kasutada, instituut siiski ette kirjutada ei soovi.”




Friday 4. November

Üle 30 LNG-tankeri ootab Euroopa rannikul gaasihinna tõusmist


“Rohkem kui 30 täislaadungiga LNG-tankerit tiirutab Euroopa riikide rannikute lähedal, kuna energiaärimehed ootavad, et gaasi hind tõuseks. Sooja ilma tõttu on gaasi hind praegu märkimisväärselt madalamal tasemel, kui mõni kuu tagasi.”

“Tankerid veavad kokku kahe miljardi dollari väärtuses veeldatud maagaasi. LNG-tankerite arv Euroopa vetes on viimase kahe kuu jooksul kahekordistunud. Euroopasse on teel veel 30 tankerit, selgub andmefirma Vortexa andmetest.”


Price rises in Estonia are the highest in the EU


“The cost of living crisis, and rising energy prices, are hitting families across Europe hard. Estonia in particular is experiencing the highest levels of inflation in the eurozone, at 22.4% in October compared to 6.8% just one year ago -- although there are some hopeful signs this will ease slightly. So what's it like for Estonians who have to balance their budgets, cope with the fast-rising prices, and yet still somehow provide food, clothes and heat for their children with winter rapidly approaching? We talked with two families, and an Estonian supermarket chain, to hear their stories.”


“Ukraine war causes spike in Estonia's oil shale needs.” - ERR

Putini strateegiline valearvestus

Vladimir Juškin, Postimees

“Tänaseks on aga selgunud, et «väejuht» Putin hindas valesti sõjalis-poliitilist olukorda Ukrainas; hindas valesti Ukraina armee sõjalist potentsiaali; hindas valesti Vene armee võitlusvõimet; uskus valeteesi, et lääs on nõrk; uskus kinnisideed tuumamalakast.”


“Hersoni lahingu puhkemist saab ennustada Vene eliitüksuste käitumise põhjal.” - ERR

“Russia hopes a winter wave of Ukrainian refugees will divide Europe.” - Atlantic Council

“Russian Invasion Has Uprooted 14 Million Ukrainians.” - USNews

China’s Xi warns Putin not to use nuclear arms in Ukraine

(Politico Europe)

“Chinese leader Xi Jinping made his most direct criticism yet of Vladimir Putin’s war on Ukraine on Friday, warning the Russian president not to resort to nuclear weapons and calling on visiting German Chancellor Olaf Scholz to push for peace talks. Xi’s warning comes just over a month after Putin threatened Ukraine with a nuclear attack, a sign of how far Ukrainian forces had rocked the Kremlin with their advances against invaders in the East.”

“The international community, said Xi, should “jointly oppose the use of, or threats to use, nuclear weapons,” according to a statement carried by Xinhua, China’s state news agency. The world should also “advocate that nuclear weapons cannot be used, a nuclear war cannot be waged, in order to prevent a nuclear crisis” in Europe or Asia, Xi added.”


Finland’s Sanna Marin cleared of misconduct over dance video

(Politico | Yle | Guardian)

“An official inquiry found that Finnish Prime Minister Sanna Marin did not neglect her duties as prime minister after investigating a leaked party video showing her dancing with friends in August.”




Thursday 3. November

Pihkvast mobiliseeritud külmetavad ja nälgivad

(Lõuna Postimees)

“Pihkva oblasti elanik Nina Aleksejeva algatas korjanduse, et varustada kodukandist Ukraina sõtta mobiliseeritud mehi riiete, ravimite ja toiduga, millest nad praegu teravat puudust tunnevad.”

“Mobiliseeritud viibivad nüüd piiril välitingimustes, ravimite, nõuetekohase varustuse ja riietuseta,” kirjutas Nina Aleksejeva sotsiaalvõrgustikus Vkontakte. “Meie Pihkva poisid, kes on tõusnud oma kodumaa ja sugulaste kaitseks, on raskelt haiged ja näljas. Paljud neist magavad väljas ja seda novembris.”


“Lääne ametnikud: Putini võim mureneb.” - ERR

Census: Small rise in Estonia in those with no religious beliefs


“The largest single denomination in Estonia by adherents remains Eastern Orthodoxy, the agency adds, while Lutheranism has seen a fall. A total of 29 percent of the population is estimated to adhere to one set of religious beliefs, the survey, reflecting results from 2021, found, a share which is unchanged on previous censuses, while the proportion of the population who do not have any expressed religious affiliation has risen, from 54 percent in 2011 to 58 percent last year, Statistics Estonia says.”


Finland: Estonia must buy share in terminal for priority access to LNG

(The Baltic Times)

"As far as I understand, if we want both Finns and Estonians to have an extraordinary preferential right to buy gas in the upcoming winter, this would require the Estonians' participation in the financing of this terminal," Rikku Huttunen, director general of the energy department of the Finnish Ministry of Economic Affairs and Employment, said. However, the Estonian minister of economic affairs and infrastructure is of the opinion that Estonia has already contributed by building reception capacity in Paldiski. …”


Finnish president hopes for closer security cooperation between Nordic, Baltic countries

(Baltic Times)

“Finnish President Sauli Niinisto expressed hope that cooperation between the Nordic and the Baltic countries on security issues will deepen further … "We share the same security environment also with the Baltic states. I would like to see the well-functioning NB8 cooperation aiming increasingly at security. Cooperation between parliaments is already close, but I would encourage you to further strengthen contacts and the exchange of information and views, for example between key committees," Niinisto said in his remarks delivered before the Nordic Council.”

“The president of Finland said we are living in dangerous times. "Sabotage of gas pipelines and drones flying near strategic targets are examples of hybrid attacks that we need to be prepared for today. Our exchange of information is continuous. We have intensified our cooperation in the areas of security of supply and crisis preparedness. This must continue. Our critical infrastructure crosses national borders in many sectors. We must work together to protect it. When we prepare together, our security is strongest," he said.”


Strength of territorial defense units will be doubled


“Commander of the Defense League, Brigadier General Riho Ühtegi, yesterday quoted the legendary general of the War of Independence, Aleksander Tõnisson: “Every Red must meet the bullet at every corner, every tree, every bush.” It was meant to explain the plan to strengthen the territorial units of Estonia’s territorial defense.”


“Riik alustas kaitseväe Soodla harjutusväljaku eriplaneeringut.” - ERR

The reality of Sweden’s far-right future

By Karin Pettersson, The New Statesman

“The 11th of September marked the biggest shift in Swedish politics in modern history. Voters ousted the Social Democratic government and, for the first time, the radical right party, the Sweden Democrats, attained real political power. I am now left with the realisation that the country I grew up in exists only as a memory. It has been destroyed by a coalition of spineless conservatives, opportunistic liberals and the right-wing extremists who now de facto run the country. And not to forget: the ousted Social Democrats, who defined and built the Swedish welfare state, have no clear plan to change the new political reality.”


Wednesday 2. November

Eesti vajab arste ja hingearste


“Peame valmis olema selleks, et arstiabi kättesaadavus ja kvaliteet ei vasta lähitulevikus meie ootustele. Sellel on hulk põhjusi, millest peamine on personalipuudus. Ehk nagu aruanne ütleb, eriti suur puudus on õdedest, psühhiaatritest, erakorralise meditsiini arstidest ja perearstidest. Kitsaskohaks on nii õppijate huvipuudus kui ka õppekohtade vähesus.”

[We must be prepared for the fact that the availability and quality of medical care will not meet our expectations in the near future. There are a number of reasons for this, the main one being the lack of staff. There is a particularly large shortage of nurses, psychiatrists, emergency medicine doctors and family doctors.]


Karis: Russia ready to exploit migratory pressure on Estonia’s border

(The Baltic Times)

“On Tuesday, on the occasion of the 100th anniversary of the establishment of the Estonian border guard, President Alar Karis hammered a commemorative nail into the pole of the flag of the border guard authority, saying that the border is our first line of defense and needs attention more than at any time in the 31 years following the restoration of independence.”

"It is from our borders that the Republic of Estonia and the security of the Republic of Estonia begin. Thus, Estonia's border and its protection is one of the mainstays of our statehood, because without a border, a country would have neither sovereignty nor territorial integrity," the head of state said.”


Estonia to close the Narva-Ivangorod pedestrian border bridge later this month


“The Ministry of the Interior has decided to close the Narva-2 border checkpoint and pedestrian bridge connecting Narva and Ivangorod in the final week of November, as the number of people to cross through the checkpoint has dropped so low that it's no longer reasonable to keep it running.”


“Riik sulgeb Narvas jalakäijate piiripunkti.” - Postimees

“Riik sulgeb Narvat ja Ivangorodi ühendava jalakäijate silla.” - ERR

Poland lays razor wire on border with Russia’s Kaliningrad

(AP | Politico Europe)

“Polish soldiers began laying razor wire Wednesday along Poland’s border with the Russian exclave of Kaliningrad after the government ordered the construction of a barrier to prevent what it fears could become another migration crisis. Defense Minister Mariusz Blaszczak said a recent decision by Russia’s aviation authority to launch flights from the Middle East and North Africa to Kaliningrad led him to reinforce Poland’s 210-kilometer (130-mile) border with Kaliningrad.”

“Due to the disturbing information regarding the launch of flights from the Middle East and North Africa to Kaliningrad, I have decided to take measures that will strengthen the security on the Polish border with the Kaliningrad oblast by sealing this border,” Blaszczak said.”



State of emergency extended in Latvian-Belarusian border area

(Latvian Broadcasting)

“On Wednesday the government decided to extend the state of emergency in a number of municipalities near the Belarus border until February 10. The state of emergency will be extended in the municipalities of Ludza, Krāslava, Augšdaugava, as well as in Daugavpils. Such a decision was taken in light of the rapid increase in the number of illegal crossings at the Latvian–Belarusian border last year and the large number of illegal crossings of the Lithuanian-Belarusian border in neighboring Lithuania. The Ministry of Interior said that Russia's war in Ukraine, which is also supported by Belarus, was an important factor.”


Tuesday 1. November

Estonia’s land value up 8.3 times on average since 2001


“The Land Board's recent scheduled land evaluation puts the total value of land in Estonia at €32.5 billion 71 percent of which is the value of construction land. The greatest average change in land value has taken place in Tartu County (14.8 times) and the lowest in Saare County (6.3 times).”


“Inflation for eurozone soars into double digits - Estonia at 22.4 %" - The Times

“Estonia's inflation could fall below 20 percent in December.” - ERR

“High inflation in Baltic states largely caused by fluctuations in their energy markets.” - Estonian World Review

Estonian/Latvian border will not close

(The Baltic Times)

“Estonian Minister of the Interior Lauri Laanemets told the Latvian ambassador Kristine Naseniece. The matter regarded confusing messages and ideas proposed by the minister of foreign affairs to restore border control on the Estonian-Latvian border. I affirmed to the ambassador that this was rather a political debate and that no one is closing the border," Laanemets said on social media.”


US diplomat at NATO: all allies could help Ukraine the way Estonia does


“More allies could adopt the societal approach as Estonia when helping Ukraine, says Rachel Ellehuus, top representative of the US Department of Defense at the NATO headquarters.”


Russia views Norway’s work with other countries in NATO as provocative

(The Daily Beast)

“… warning that Norway’s efforts to bolster its military in response to Russia’s invasion of Ukraine this year will likely be the death knell for Oslo-Moscow relations moving forward.”

“Oslo is now among the most active supporters of NATO's involvement in the Arctic,” Russian Foreign Ministry Spokesperson Maria Zakharova said Wednesday, according to TASS. “We consider such developments near Russian borders as Oslo's deliberate pursuit of a destructive course toward escalation of tensions in the Euro-Arctic region and the final destruction of Russian-Norwegian relations.”

“The news of Russia’s complaints about Norway comes just a day after Norway raised its military alert level in response to suspicious drone sightings.”


“Norway puts military on raised alert level in response to Ukraine war.” - The Guardian

Finland, Sweden: No preconditions on nuclear weapons ahead of Nato membership


“… according to Finnish Prime Minister Sanna Marin (SDP) and Swedish PM Ulf Kristersson. "We shouldn't [make] any preconditions. This isn't something that we are actively now discussing. We are waiting to become members and then these kinds of matters can be discussed," Marin told reporters.”


“Swedish Armed Forces chief not opposed to Sweden hosting nuclear weapons.” - Radio Sweden

“Nordic Nato candidates seek no opt-outs on nukes.” - EU Observer

“New Swedish PM says open to nukes under NATO.” - Defense Talk

“China’s Xi Jinping urged nations to “oppose the use or threat of use of nuclear weapons.” - AP

Finland and Sweden call on Hungary and Turkey to ratify Nato applications

(Reuters | Guardian | RFERL)

“Erdoğan demands action against ‘terrorist’ Kurdish militants as Nordic pair maintain united front. … Budapest said last week it supported the applications and its parliament would ratify them by mid-December, but Ankara has again signalled it wants concrete action against groups it deems to be terrorist.”





“Finland and Sweden hopeful Hungary will ratify NATO applications.” - IBTimes

“Turkey Drags Its Heels on Swedish NATO Accession.” - National Interest

“Let us in to NATO, Finland tells Turkey and Hungary.” - Politico Europe

PM of Greece Kyriakos Mitsotakis calls out Turkey’s ‘double game’

(LRT | Kathimerini News)

“Prime Minister Kyriakos Mitsotakis, on a visit to Lithuania and Estonia, criticized Turkey Monday for playing an ambiguous game in the Ukraine war and highlighted its similar revisionist approach to history with Russia.”

“Ankara is trying to play both sides in Ukraine war. … “Turkey considers it does not need to choose a side… it seems OK to Turkey to provide arms to Ukraine while catering to Russian economic interests and disregarding EU sanctions [and] facilitating Russia to bypass sanctions,” 



- Putin’s War -

A field guide to drones in Ukraine

(Meduza, Riga)

“As many experts anticipated, the conflict has become a full-fledged drone war — but few predicted which drones and which tactics would prove to be the most effective.”


A Ukrainian soldier with the pieces of a shot-down Russian Orlan-10 reconnaissance drone 

- Reuters / Scanpix / LETA

"Unwanted UAVs: Belarus’ Military Drones.” - Oryx

Ukraine Has A Landmine Problem Thanks To Russia


“In June, a report from the New York-based Human Rights Watch warned that Russia was using landmines and other ordnance “that are causing civilian casualties and suffering, as well as disrupting food production.” It detailed seven types of antipersonnel mines that Russian forces in Ukraine are known to have used since the February 24 all-out invasion began. … Antipersonnel mines are designed to be exploded by the presence, proximity, or contact of a person. They violate international humanitarian law because they cannot discriminate between civilians and combatants.”


Russian Offensive Campaign Assessment: 2 - 3. November


“The Kremlin is continuing to rely heavily on financially incentivizing Russians to fight in Ukraine, which will likely continue to strain the Russian economy for decades.”

“Putin’s calls for a competitive Russian military industry are divorced from the reality of Russian supply chain and defense industrial base issues.”

“Russian forces are continuing to withdraw some elements from northwestern Kherson Oblast, but it is still unclear if Russian forces will fight for Kherson City.”

“Russian authorities may be setting conditions to imminently transfer the Zaporizhzhia Nuclear Power Plant to the Russian power grid.”




Why Putin will fight for Kherson: Fresh water and land bridge to Crimea

(Washington Post)

“… soldiers are readying for what may become the biggest battle of President Vladimir Putin’s war in Ukraine, and perhaps the single best test of whether Moscow ends up winning any significant territory from its invasion or is forced to retreat empty-handed.”

“Ukrainian officials have signaled that an assault on Kherson city — the only regional capital that Russia has managed to capture since its invasion began Feb. 24 — could be imminent. President Volodymyr Zelensky told Ukrainians to “expect good news” from the region, and another top official recently said he expects to retake the city by the end of the year.”


“Russia-Ukraine war: At the front line of Ukraine's struggle for Kherson.” - BBC

Putin is laying the foundations for a fundamental restructuring of Russian politics

(The Moscow Times)

“As a result of decrees signed by Putin, regional governors can now limit civil liberties — and the federal government in Moscow has the scope to move the economy to a war footing. Different regions have been given different powers. For example, the authorities in annexed Crimea can temporarily resettle residents and put restrictions on those entering and exiting the region. In Moscow, the authorities can limit the movement of vehicles. Following October’s successful attack on the Crimean Bridge, infrastructure defenses are also being reinforced all over the country.”

“Essentially, Putin has directed the Council to transform the economy so it can sustain the needs of the Armed Forces in Ukraine. Specifically, it will set targets for supplying the army; control prices, suppliers and logistics; and build and equip barracks and other military facilities.”


“Alexander Dugin: The rise from ultraconservative fringe philosopher to key Kremlin ideologue.” - Meduza

“Moscow Can’t Mobilize More Men for Putin’s War without Closing the Borders.” - Paul Goble

Back in the U.S.S.R.

(The Atlantic)

“The end of the Cold War seemed to have made Sovietology obsolete. Putin’s hot wars have changed that.”


“Muted Commemorations Of Stalin's Victims Held In Some Russian Cities.” - RFERL

Kyiv's Water, Electricity Supplies Restored After Russian Strikes, But Damage Extensive


"The mayor of Kyiv says electricity and water supplies have been restored after a day of Russian missile strikes on Ukrainian energy facilities, including hydroelectric power stations, that caused blackouts, mobile phone outages, and reductions in water supplies.”


“Muddy Roads And Bare Trees Expose Ukrainian Artillery Crews To New Dangers.” - RFERL

“UN inspectors find no sign of ‘dirty bomb’ in Ukraine.” - AlJazeera

“The Ukrainian jet pilots hunting cruise missiles.” - BBC

“Kyiv locals queue for water after Russian strikes.” - BBC

“Many Russian Collaborators have fled Ukraine.” - Daily Beast

“Honoring the Victims of Ukraine.” - The Moscow Times

Wagner Mercenary Group Opens Tech Center in St. Petersburg

(The Moscow Times)

“The until-recently highly secretive Wagner mercenary organization continued to grow its public profile on Friday as it opened a new headquarters and technology center in Russia’s second city. The glass-fronted multistory building in St. Petersburg will not only function as administrative hub for the military group, whose public profile has grown as it takes on an increasingly important role in Russia’s military campaign in Ukraine, but be home to an innovation hub that will incubate patriotic start-ups.”

“The appearance of the center eight months into Russia’s invasion of Ukraine is a sign of how the group’s star has risen during the conflict, which has seen Russia’s regular Armed Forces suffer a series of significant military defeats at the hands of Kyiv’s forces.”


Why Vladimir Putin Would Use Nuclear Weapons in Ukraine

By Masha Gessen, The New Yorker

“The more the Kremlin has signalled its readiness to drop a nuclear bomb, the more the rest of the world has sought a reason to believe that it will not.”


“China’s Xi warns Putin not to use nuclear arms in Ukraine.” - Politico

“Putin softens nuclear rhetoric over Ukraine.” - NBCNews

“Ukraine says Zaporizhzhia plant off-grid after Russian strikes.” - AlJazeera

“Senior Russian military leaders reportedly discussed using tactical nukes as losses in Ukraine mount.” - The Week

Vladimir Putin’s failed strategy


“In August 1968, when the Soviet Union decided to invade Czechoslovakia (one fifth the size of modern Ukraine), it sent some 800,000 troops to invade from East Germany, Poland, Hungary, and westward from Ukraine. By the first night of the invasion, there were occupation troops everywhere, ready to stifle any Czech resistance.”

“But Putin, until 2022 a careful poker player who won territories without any fighting at all, became a reckless gambler. He invaded Europe’s largest country with a very small army of some 130,000 (including field dentists), hence he had no powerful combat forces ready to intervene when the Kyiv air assault gambit failed.”



