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19 January, 2024


Vene Piirile Tuleb 600 Punkrit 


“Juba tuleval aastal alustab kaitseministeerium piirialadele betoonpunkrite paigaldamist ja niinimetatud Balti kaitsevööndi ühisprojekti raames teevad sama ka Läti ja Leedu. Piirile veel siiski muid sõjalisi kindlustusi ei tehta – et need sõjaohu korral mõne päevaga paika sättida, rajatakse ladustusalad.”


Metsavendade punker foto:


Estonia Banishes Russian Orthodox Leader As 'Security Risk’

(Barrons | Meduza | Moscow Times | Politico)

"The Estonian state is not extending the residence permit of the head of the Estonian Orthodox Church of the Moscow Patriarchate," the Estonian police and border guard said. "His actions are a security risk to Estonia."

“Police said the religious leader, whose legal name is Valery Reshetnikov, had repeatedly been asked to stop justifying Russia's invasion of Ukraine and defending the Kremlin.”





Kapo arreteeris Tartu Ülikooli professori

(Estonian World Review)

"Tema töösuhe Tartu Ülikooliga on lõppenud," teatas TÜ Johan Skytte poliitikauuringute instituudi juhataja Kristiina Tõnnisson instituudi vilistlastele saadetud e-kirjas. Tartu Ülikooli rektor, professor Toomas Asser märkis, et mõistab täielikult ja ühemõtteliselt hukka igasuguse tegevuse, mis võib ohustada Eesti riigi turvalisust.”


Estonia arrests Tartu University professor suspected of spying for Moscow

(Politico | The Guardian | ERR)

“Viacheslav Morozov had been working as a professor of international political theory at the University of Tartu since 2010. The Estonian Internal Security Service (ISS) said in a press release that it has launched an investigation into Morozov. ISS detained him on Jan. 3, but has made the case public only now.” 




“Espionage allegations against a Russian academic in Tartu have been met with some scepticism.” - Novaya Gazeta

“Before teaching in Estonia, Morozov had worked at St. Petersburg State University for over a decade.” - Moscow Times

Despite record low births Estonian population reaches 1.37 million

(ERR | Baltic Times)

“This increase was thanks to positive net migration, however, as the country saw a record low number of births in 2023, Statistics Estonia said on Thursday.”



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Friday 19. January

All-women Estonian quartet brings ancient Võro folk music to the forefront

(The World | Kaisa Kuslapuu | Spotify)

“6hunesseq („humidity“ in Võro) is a unique-sounding band whose music is mainly characterised by curiosity. How does the organ and bowed lyre fit into the delicate and sensitive world of traditional sacred music? How did folk hymns speak to our ancestors and how did they develop them further at home?”

“In their music, the women of 6hunneseq weave in the uniquely Estonian tradition of regilaul — a poetic rhythm based on the continuous repetition of eight-syllable verses in a style known as runo. “It’s hard to say how old [runo music] is, but it’s more or less 2,000 years old,’ vocalist Marion Selgall explained. “So, it really has some old mythical elements in it. It’s also meditative, and the melody is usually quite simple.”




Tallinnas osaleb haridustöötajate streigis ligi 3,380 munitsipaalkoolide töötajat


“Esmaspäeval, 22. jaanuaril algaval üleriigilisel üldhariduskoolide õpetajate tähtajatul streigil osaleb enamik Tallinna munitsipaal üldhariduskoole. Kolmapäevast, 24. jaanuaril alustavad toetusstreiki ka alus-, huvi- ja kutseharidusasutuste töötajad. Haridustöötajate üldstreigis osaleb 57 munitsipaal üldhariduskooli kokku 2917 õpetajaga ning toetusstreigis osaleb 460 üldhariduskoolide haridustöötajat. Ainsana ei osale streigis Tallinna Kadaka põhikool, kus õpivad hariduslike erivajadustega lapsed.”


Balti riigid rajavad idapiirile ühise kaitsevööndi

(Kaitseministeerium | Estonian World Review)

“Eesti, Läti ja Leedu kaitseministrid kiitsid heaks ühise Balti kaitsevööndi rajamise vastu Venemaa ja Valgevene piiri. Kaitseministrid allkirjastasid täna Riias leppe, mille kohaselt rajavad Eesti, Läti ja Leedu lähiaastatel oma piiridele kaitsevööndi, mis koosneb erinevatest kaitserajatistest ning mille eesmärk on heidutada ja vajadusel kaitsta sõjalise ohu eest.”

“Balti kaitsevööndi näol on tegu hoolikalt kaalutud ja läbi mõeldud projektiga, mille vajadus tuleneb julgeolekuolukorrast. Venemaa sõda Ukrainas on näidanud, et lisaks varustusele, laskemoonale ja inimjõule vajame Eesti kaitsmiseks esimesest meetrist ka füüsilisi kaitserajatisi piiril,“ ütles kaitseminister Hanno Pevkur, kes rõhutas, et kaitserajatiste eesmärk on vältida sõjalist konflikti meie piirkonnas. „Teeme seda selleks, et Eesti inimesed saaksid end turvaliselt tunda, ent kui peaks ilmnema vähimgi risk, oleksime erinevateks arenguteks kiiremini valmis,“ lisas Pevkur.”



Estonia to build hundreds of bunkers on eastern frontier to deter the Kremlin’s possible aggression

(Politico Europe | Estonian Ministry of Defense | others)

“Russia's war in Ukraine has shown that in addition to equipment, ammunition and manpower, we also need physical defensive structures at the border from the first meter to protect Estonia. Estonia will build 600 bunkers along its 294-kilometer border with Russia, with an initial budget of €60 million, according to Estonian public broadcaster ERR. Each bunker is designed to accommodate 10 soldiers. The Estonian defense ministry plans to begin bunker construction in early 2025.”





“Estonia contemplating planting landmines along its border near Narva.” - New Voice of Ukraine via Yahoo News

NATO on sisenemas uude ajastusse


“Brüsselis lõppes neljapäeval NATO kaitseväejuhatajate kahepäevane kohtumine. Sõjalise komitee juhi admiral Rob Baueri sõnul tuleb ühiskondadel valmis olla selleks, et kõik ei ole enam nii ettenähtav ja kontrollitav. NATO on sisenemas uude ajastusse. Liitlased investeerivad rohkem relvastusse ja uuendavad kaitseplaane, ent peamine muutus on toimumas inimeste peades. NATO sõjalise komitee juhi Rob Baueri sõnul tuleb kollektiivkaitse tugevdamiseks ja Ukraina aitamiseks muuta lähenemist.”


“NATO To Hold Biggest Drills Since Cold War With 90,000 Troops.” - Reuters via RFERL

“NATO alustab viimaste aastakümnete suurima sõjalise õppusega, millest võtab osa 90,000 sõdurit.” - Postimees

“NATO alustab viimaste aastakümnete suurimat sõjalist õppust.” - ERR

Europe has 3 to 5 years to prepare for the  Kremlin’s return as a serious military threat on Nato’s eastern flank

(The Times | MSN)

“The Prime Minister of Estonia outlined conditions under which Russia could attack NATO … In recent weeks, an increasing number of European leaders are expressing concerns about the growing threat of a Russian attack on NATO countries. For instance, Germany is already preparing for a possible war with Russia. NATO Deputy Secretary-General Mihaela Geoana did not rule out the possibility that Russia's war against Ukraine could last a long time and may not even end by 2025.” 



“Putin could attack NATO in ‘5 to 8 years,’ German defense minister warns.” - Politico

“NATO countries need to be on red alert for war and expect the unexpected.” - Politico Europe

“War Against Ukraine: What if Russia Wins?” - GLOBSEC

“Latvian President Says Conscription Needed In Face Of Potential Russia Threat.” - RFERL

“Putin won't stop at Ukraine, Zelensky says on Baltics tour.” - France 24

“Zelenskyy said his country mostly lacked modern air defenses.” - DW

“The frontline of NATO is the key to security.” - Korea JoongAng Daily

Europe Must Urgently Prepare to Deter Russia Without Large-Scale US Support

By Justin Bronk, RUSI - 7. Dec. 2023

“NATO is currently heavily dependent on the US in a wide range of key areas – most notably the ability to roll back Russian ground-based air defences from the air, as well as ammunition resupply, tanker aircraft, command and control and satellite capabilities. In the event of a clash with China in the Indo-Pacific that removes the capacity for large-scale US military reinforcement and support elsewhere, Europe will be left vulnerable to concurrent military aggression by Russia.”


Ukraine’s President Volodymyr Zelensky visited Estonia

By Silver Tambur, Estonian World - 11. Jan.

“The Ukrainian president, Volodymyr Zelensky, visited Tallinn, Estonia, on 10-11 January, where he met with the country’s political leaders and addressed the Estonian parliament.”


Latvia and Estonia to terminate legal pacts with Russia


“… officials from the two EU and NATO members giving Moscow's invasion of Ukraine as the reason. The agreements between the former Soviet republics -- both staunch Ukraine allies -- and Russia came into effect in the 1990s and concern mutual assistance in common, family and criminal law cases.”


‘It might as well be me’: young Swedes prepare for new form of national service

(The Guardian)

“Many of the teenagers say their generation has been shaken by a succession of world events. “As we’ve grown up and are getting older, it’s been one thing after another. And I feel like we’re kind of desensitised to it in a way.”


Thursday 18. January

Eesti ja Soome saavad kaitsekoostööd ka NATO raames arendada


“Kaitseministeeriumi kantsler Kusti Salm arutas neljapäeval Tallinnas oma Soome kolleegi Esa Pulkkineniga kahe riigi kaitsekoostööd, mille süvendamist võimaldab nüüd ka põhjanaabrite mullune ühinemine NATO-ga.”


“Intervjuu: Kaitsepolitsei juht Margo Palloson.” - Postimees

EL keelab üle 10,000 euro suurused sularahamaksed


“ELi parlament ja liikmesriigid leppisid kokku rangemates rahapesuvastastes eeskirjades, millega piiratakse sularahamaksete sooritamist.”


Measured by GDP Per Capita, Russia Falls Behind Baltic Countries

By Paul Goble, 8. Jan. 2024

“From the beginning of the post-Soviet period, Russia’s GDP per capita lagged behind the GDP per capita of the three formerly occupied Baltic republics, Estonia, Latvia and Lithuania. That remains true. The GDP per capita for Russia is currently 13,320 US dollars; that for the Baltic countries, $33,020, $26,950 and $31,120 dollars respectively.”


“ВВП на душу населения в России и во всех 15 экс-советских республиках. Поразительно, кого нам нужно догонять в 2024 году.”

- Krizis-kopilka

“Minimum wage in Estonia increased from €725.00 to €820.00 per month.

Estonia Says Ukraine Allies Have to Outspend Russia to Win War

(Bloomberg Canada)

“Estonian Prime Minister Kaja Kallas said Ukraine still has a path to victory and allies can help it defeat Russian forces by contributing a chunk of their economic output to the war effort. Every member of the so-called Ramstein group — more than 50 countries including all 31 members of the North Atlantic Treaty Organization — should channel the equivalent of 0.25% of their gross domestic product to Kyiv annually, Kallas said. That would raise at least €120 billion ($131 billion) and swing the conflict in Ukraine’s favor …”


“Estonia Proposes Military Strategy For Western Allies.” - Ukrainian World Congress

Essay: Trump Will Abandon Nato

By Anne Applebaum, The Atlantic

“I don’t give a shit about NATO.” - Thus did former President Donald Trump once express his feelings about America’s oldest and strongest military alliance. Not that this statement, made in the presence of John Bolton, the national security adviser at the time, came as a surprise. Long before he was a political candidate, Trump questioned the value of American alliances. Of Europeans, he once wrote that “their conflicts are not worth American lives. Pulling back from Europe would save this country millions of dollars annually.” NATO, founded in 1949 and supported for three-quarters of a century by Democrats, Republicans, and independents alike, has long been a particular focus of Trump’s ire. As president, Trump threatened to withdraw from NATO many times—including, infamously, at the 2018 NATO summit.

"Once the commander in chief says “I will not come to an ally’s aid if attacked,” why would anyone fear NATO, regardless of what obligations exist on paper?”


Wednesday 17. January

Venemaa ei saa enam Narva elektrijaamade tööd seisata

(ERR | Postimees)

“Möödunud aasta novembris valmis statsionaarne lahendus, mis tagab Narva põlevkivielektrijaamadele püsivalt jahutusvee ning see tähendab, et Venemaa ei saa enam Narva veehoidla lüüse avades jaamade tööd seisma panna.”



“Kuidas meelitada inimesi Narva?” - Postimees Arvamus

Russia can no longer disrupt Estonia's Narva Power Plants


“… (due to) the completion of a stationary solution to guarantee Estonia's oil shale power plants in Narva a steady supply of cooling water, meaning that Russia can no longer disrupt the plants by opening the sluices of the Narva Reservoir on its side of the border. … Until recently, it was considered possible that Russia might force the power plants in Narva to shut down by opening the sluices of the Narva Reservoir. This would cause the water level to drop and cut the plants off from cooling water.”


“5 Reasons To Visit Tartu, Estonia.” - Travel Noire

Interview: National Defense Committee’s Deputy Chairman, Leo Kunnas


“The first thing we should do is replace the stockpiles of ordnance and mines that we gave away to Ukraine. For example, we gave away a very large quantity of anti-tank mines. We need to replace them immediately and get more mines, more explosives, and more ordnance," he said. The MP said the next step would be to leave the Ottawa Treaty that bans the use of anti-personnel landmines. All three Baltic states have signed the agreement.”


Northern Europe’s new naval priority: Submarine sabotage

(Politico Europe)

“Ten countries known collectively as the Joint Expeditionary Force (JEF) — the United Kingdom, the five Nordic countries, the three Baltics and the Netherlands — said they would deploy a string of ships, including the U.K.’s Mounts Bay, “as a military contribution to the protection of critical undersea infrastructure.”


Estonia sketches out a viable future for Europe’s artillery industrial complex

(Forbes, 3. Jan 2024)

“Largely an anodyne call to scale up Europe’s overall ammunition production, Estonia blended some blunt and bloody goals with diplomatic reticence in detailing the future of controversial—and widely shunned—cluster munitions on the Ukrainian battlefield.”

“Europe has the capability to resist—and even defeat—Vladimir Putin. With their clear strategy, Estonia, one of the smallest, least populous European counties to sketch out the way forward (Estonia, by population, is in league with Cyprus, Luxembourg, Montenegro and Malta), is punching far above its weight.”


“The Estonian Division recently celebrated its first anniversary.” - ERR

“Estonian defmin in Warsaw: Ammunition is crucial in attrition warfare.” - The Baltic Times

Russia’s Forever War

Russian Offensive Campaign 

Assessment: 17. Jan. 2024


“Ukrainian Main Military Intelligence Directorate (GUR) Deputy Chief Major General Vadym Skibitskyi reported on January 17 that Russia does not have enough reserves to conduct large-scale offensive operations in several directions at the same time.”

“Western officials highlighted Ukraine’s battlefield successes at the Davos World Economic Forum on January 16 and 17.”

“The Russian ultranationalist community will likely concretize xenophobia and insecurities about Russia’s ethnic composition as key shared principles within the community in 2024, as Russian ultranationalists continue to seize on incidents involving migrants and non-ethnic Russian groups to call for anti-migrant policies and express growing hostility towards non-ethnic Russians in Russia.”

“The Russian military command continues to convict Russian officers in cases associated with Ukrainian strikes as part of a likely effort to improve discipline across the Russian military.”


“Ukraine says it hit targets in St Petersburg with domestic-made drone.” - Reuters

“Dead Soldiers Lay Everywhere in the Fields, Ours and Russian.” - Spiegel

“Kremlin Propaganda Behind New Wave of Anti-Semitism in Russia.” - Window on Eurasia

The Russian Army in 2024

By Pavel Luzin, Riddle

“… contradictory data and actions reveal a general progressive military depletion in Russia, which will continue into 2024. This depletion does not mean that we can write the Kremlin off the books and let the ‘swinging mood’ take over. After all, in addition to returning Ukraine to internationally recognised borders, the most difficult long-term military and political task in this war is to ensure that the Russian authorities and Russian society become unable, incapable and unwilling to threaten their neighbours, attempt historical revenge and restore the empire.”


Putin has Created a War Economy in Russia and Thus Made It Unlikely His Successors will Be Able to Change Moscow’s Aggressive Stance

By Paul Goble, 29. Dec. 2023

“By starting the war, Putin led the country into a trap from which two years on, there is no obvious way out. The government which comes to power after Putin will be dependent on the beneficiaries of the war and face strong resistance if it attempts to dismantle the war economy” and the aggressive stance which supports that economy.”

            “… the future of Ukraine and Europe depends on the results of the US elections. Putin’s plan is to again bet on Donald Trump, wait for his return to the White House …”

            “For Ukraine, this means the prospect of a continuation of war to the point of exhaustion; for Europe, it means the threat that Putin will move into the Baltic countries possibly on the basis of a call by “’the oppressed Russian speaking minority.’” And that neither Ukraine nor Europe will be able to count on a united NATO with America in the lead to defend either.”


FSB Veterans' Group Releases Hyper-Militarized, Pro-War 2024 Calendar

(The Moscow Times)

“The calendar's content offers a glimpse into the hyper-militarized, pro-war imagery that has shaped many Russians' outlooks, and comes amid historic lows in relations with the West over the war in Ukraine.”


Graphic: ozon.com

Stalin Looms Large Over Putin's Russia

(RFERL - 1. Jan 2024)

“The rehabilitation of Stalin has been a feature of the Putin era since the former KGB officer came to power nearly a quarter-century ago. The independent Levada Center polling agency began asking Russians to name “the greatest figure of all times and peoples” in the early 1990s. In 1994, the Soviet dictator polled about 20 percent to take a distant fourth place in the ranking. By 2012, however, he took over first place, a position he has held ever since. By 2021, Stalin was the pick of more than 40 percent of Russians. In 2023, 47 percent of Russians said they regarded Stalin with “respect.”

“Stalin is our everyday reality. The Putin regime has a completely defined relationship to Stalin, to Stalinists, to Stalinism. This relationship is primarily tied to the roots of the regime. The KGB [and other Soviet security agencies] cannot be against ‘Stalin’ as an idea and as a practice. Stalin is their patron, their fate, and their biography. … wrote Leonid Nevzlin, a businessman who fled Russia for Israel in 2003.”

“‘Stalin’ is a special operation under which the population is being drawn into the process of Stalinization and being recruited to become neo-Stalinists,” he wrote. “In the cultural-psychological sense, we remain a Stalinist society.”


“Putin’s Rewriting of History Draws on a Long Tradition of Soviet Myth-Making.” - Smithsonian Magazine


