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08 December, 2017

✔︎ Jõulud tulevad.

- Tallinn: 

- Rakvere: 

- Kuressaar: 

- Võru: 

- Valga: 



Friday 8. 

✔︎ Radoonile on hakatud Eestis tähelepanu pöörama
"Radoon kujutab Eestis väga tõsist ohtu tervisele, kuna Eesti  on nii Euroopas kui kogu maailmas üks radoonirikkamaid piirkondi. Möödunud, 2016. aastal valmis Tallinna Ülikooli juures Krista Saariku radooni-alane teadustöö, kust tuleb välja, et Põhja-Eestis pole praktiliselt kohta, kuhu saaks maja ehitada ilma spetsiaalsete radooni tõketeta. Radooni sisaldus pinnases ületab Põhja-Eestis, sealhulgas Tallinnas, eriti aga Maardus ja Viimsis mitmekordselt tervisele lubatud norme. Viimsi on üks radoonirikkamaid, seega tervisele ohtlikumaid piirkondi Eestis."

- "Radon Emissions from the Estonian Quaternary Cover”
by Krista Saarik
(Tallinn University - 2016 Dissertation)

- Kaitseväe eriväelased harjutasid vastase neutraliseerimist
"Kaitseväe eriväelased viisid koos siseriiklike partnerite ja NATO liitlastega Harjumaa ja Läänemaa piirkonnas läbi õppuse Shadow 17, et harjutada erinevate julgeolekujõudude koostööd."

- Grandson of Estonia's Communist boss may become head of Putin's election headquarters
(The Baltic Times)
"The election headquarters of Russian President Vladimir Putin at the upcoming presidential elections may be headed by Anton Vaino, a Russian politician of Estonian descent, Russia's Kommersant newspaper said."

- How to Stand Up to the Kremlin
by Joseph R. Biden, Jr., and Michael Carpenter
(Foreign Affairs essay)
"Today, the Russian government is brazenly assaulting the foundations of Western democracy around the world. Under President Vladimir Putin, the Kremlin has launched a coordinated attack across many domains—military, political, economic, informational—using a variety of overt and covert means. ...”


Thursday 7. 

- Estonian ship guards arrive in Tallinn after 4 years in India
(Baltic Times | Postimees)
"A high court in southern India last Monday acquitted 35 men, including 14 Estonians, of illegal possession of arms while they were on an anti-piracy boat in 2013. The six Britons, three Ukrainians, 14 Estonians and 12 Indians were given five-year jail terms by a lower court in India's Tamil Nadu state in January last year."

✔︎ Eerik-Niiles Kross: 'the Baltic James Bond'
"If Russia invades the Baltics, and many Estonians believe it’s only a matter of time, Eerik-Niiles Kross will be waiting, ready to fight. He’s been warning of the Russians’ potential return since they left the last time.”
"Serving Estonia, and fighting Russia, is in Kross’ DNA. His paternal grandfather, Jaan Kross, was a member of the Tallinn City Council before World War II, arrested by occupying Russian forces as a “Nazi collaborator,” and killed in the Potma prison camp in 1946. His father, also Jaan Kross, who would later become Estonia’s most acclaimed author, was imprisoned in the gulag in northern Russia for eight years for “anti-Soviet activities.”
"For Kross, the key thing — in the face of new cyber and hybrid threats, not to mention tanks on Russia’s western border and nuclear-capable missiles in Kaliningrad — is continued resistance. “We haven’t won, no,” he says. “But we haven’t lost either.”

- Välkõppusele ‘Okas' kogunes 500 reservväelast
(Postimees | ERR)
"Täna hommikul kell 11 oli Jõhvi linnakusse õppusele Okas kohale saabunud 500 reservväelast, 45 reservväelast teatas Viru jalaväepataljonile hilinemisest. "Reservväelased, kes on oma kohuse täitnud ja kohale tulnud, on näidanud väga selgelt, et soovivad oma kohust riigi ja lähedaste ees täita."

- Estonia staging snap exercise 
(ERR | Baltic Times)
"Military spokespeople said that the emergency reservist training event, titled Okas ("Quill"), will involve reservists of the 13th battalion of the 1st Infantry Brigade, who will be summoned to appear at the Jõhvi base of the EDF ... on Dec. 7."

- Eight Reasons Why Finland is the Only Part of Pre-1917 Empire Moscow Never Got Back in Whole or in Part
(Window on Eurasia)


Wednesday 6. 

Soome Vabariigi 100 Aastapäev
(Postimees - teemaleht)

- Kuopios toimus Soome iseseisvuspäeva paraad

- Soome 100 viktoriin: kui hästi tunned põhjanaabrit?

- Stenbocki maja sai Soome 100. sünnipäeva auks sinivalge rüü
- Soome 100. juubeliaastal on ilusaid ja mõjuvaid sündmusi

- Soome 100. sünnipäeva lõpetas Tallinnas uhke ilutulestik

- Soomlanna on vaimustuses: Soome pidu on Eestis olnud parem kui Soomes

- Finland's 100 Year Anniversary
(Deutsche Welle | Yle | others)


Tuesday 5. 

- Ameeriklane: eestlaste vaim mõjutab isegi neid, kes elavad kaugel maal

- Setode Venemaa-suunaline tegevus väärib tunnustust
"Seto kogukonna aktiivsus teisele poole piiri jäävatel ajaloolistel Seto aladel Petserimaal väärib tunnustust. Vaatamata Eesti ja Venemaa poliitilisel tasandil toimuvale napile suhtluse arendab seto kogukond kultuurivahetuse raames piirialadel häid suhteid eesti ja vene kodanike vahel. Seto kogukonna Venemaa-suunaline kultuuri- ja rahvadiplomaatia väärib tunnustust. See on ühtlasi panus Eesti julgeolekusse."

- Kharkiv Estonians restore Dekabrist monument


Monday 4. 

✔︎ Riik tahab kutsuda ajateenistusse senisest rohkem noori
"Kaitseminister Jüri Luige sõnul kehtib Eestis küll üldine ajateenistuskohustus, kuid tegelikkuses läbib ajateenistuse vaid umbes kolmandik aastakäigu noormeestest. Näiteks Soomes on vastav näitaja ligi 80 protsenti."

- Raudteetrassi Rail Baltic ehituse ettevalmistus käib täie hooga
"Raudteetrassi Rail Baltic ehituse ettevalmistus käib, kuigi reaalne töö on veel mõne aasta kaugusel, trassi lähistel hakatakse lahti kaevama killustiku, liiva, kruusa ja muu materjali maardlaid."

- Saare- ja Pärnumaal möllas nädalavahetusel Orkaan
"1.-3. detsembrini toimus Saaremaal Leisi ümbruses ning Pärnumaal Saarde ja Häädemeeste valdades Kaitseliidu suurõppus Orkaan 2017, kus osales üle 1000 riigikaitsja nii Eestist kui Lätist."

- The Great Cyber War
"We are 10 years into a war (began with Eesti in 2007). … If this was a conventional war, by now your street would have been bombed, friends would have been killed at the Front, and food would be running short. But this is a new war, a hybrid war, an information war. So instead, you are confused."

- Hungary dismisses Estonian compromise offer on asylum-seekers


Putin | Russia
The world is against us."

Putin Announces 2018 Presidential Bid, Surprising No One
(AP | Moscow Times)
[Of course he did.]

- Putin’s Announcement of His Candidacy Shows that Need for Kremlinology has Returned
(Window on Eurasua)
"The need for Kremlinology to understand what is going on in Moscow is increasingly important, Yakub Koreyba says, because “there are no politics in Russia in the classical understanding of term,” and consequently people must once again draw conclusions about what is going on from things like the ranking of figures on the mausoleum."

- Putin as Captain Impossible
"Putin’s announcement pointedly came just a day after the IOC banned Russia from the 2018 Olympics. Well versed in the art of PR, Putin and his circle know how to manipulate American news and information in more subtle ways than their predecessors did in the Soviet Union by attempting to conceal information or engage in direct propaganda.”

- Russia banned from 2018 Winter Olympics
(Politico-Europe | Washington Post)

- How the Kremlin Tried to Rig the Olympics, and Failed
(The Atlantic)
"This is how we got to Tuesday’s ban of the entire Russian team and various Russian officials, including Mutko, from the 2018 Winter Olympics, just two months before the opening ceremony, in South Korea. There is a straight line from Vancouver to Pyeongchang, with a sordid stop in Sochi."

- Russia's Olympic ban strengthens Putin's re-election hand
“… by uniting voters around his message: The world is against us."

- ROK ei halastanud: Venemaa koondisel olümpiale asja ei ole
"Rahvusvahelise Olümpiakomitee (ROK) täitevkomitee otsustas täna peatada Venemaa Olümpiakomitee liikmelisuse. See tähendab, et Venemaa koondist Pyeongchangi taliolümpiamängudele võistlema ei lubata. Dopingust puhtad venelased saavad võimaluse Lõuna-Koreas startida neutraalsete sportlastena ja olümpialipu all."

- Russia reportedly spent at least 25 million dollars preparing its athletes for the 2018 Winter Olympics

- Why Russia Will See Its Olympic Ban as a Declaration of War
by Masha Gessen
(The New Yorker)
"Kremlin shills have already started bandying about the word “treason.”
"The word suggests that Russia is at war with the world, and that is exactly how it sees itself: a country under attack, surrounded by hostile forces. This pervading sense of life in a fortress under siege is what makes today’s Russia, for all its visible superficial differences, so fundamentally similar to the Soviet Union."

- Putin Enters the Era of Transition
(Carnegie Moscow Center)
“… the Kremlin writers who are putting together the script for 2018 now worry that Putin has become nobody’s leader, that he is now more akin to the centerpiece of the nation, a fixed entity against which other forces collide.”
"At the end of 2017, it is now possible to talk about a system that operates without Putin. … The system is not only functioning without a fully functional Putin, it also lacks any strategic direction. … The start of the 2018–2024 presidential term will be the occasion for deal-making at the highest level."

- The Russian Way of Warfare
(RAND Corporation)
"Russia's military has improved to the extent that it is now a reliable instrument of national power that can be used in a limited context to achieve vital national interests. Russian strategists, concerned about the capability of an advanced military adversary to carry out a large-scale conventional aerospace campaign against the Russian heartland, focus on preserving Russian influence in buffer states along its borders and on reinforcing a series of defensive bulwarks."

- Why did Putin build a monument to victims of Soviet repression?
(Washington Post)
"President Vladimir Putin personally unveiled “the Wall of Grief” — a crescent of faceless human figures, cast in bronze, to remember the victims of the Soviet gulags. Russian society is still divided on how it interprets the Soviet legacy, making this a politically charged project. Why would Putin step into such fraught territory?"

- Venemaa on infosõjas sihikule võtnud ELi väidetava allakäigu
"Oma uurimuses selgitasime välja, et umbes 83 protsenti rahvusvahelistest Euroopa uudistest on negatiivsed ja vaid 17 protsenti on kas neutraalsed või positiivsed uudised. On riike, mille suunas venelased tegutsevad aktiivsemalt ja on riike, millele pööratakse vähem tähelepanu."

- An insurance procurement order reveals that thousands of Russian soldiers have died in recent years
"The newspaper Vedomosti has learned how many soldiers in the Russian army died in recent years. In 2015, the army lost 626 soldiers, after losing 790 a year earlier. … Vedomosti draws attention to the spike in fatalities in 2014, when the Russian military participated in fighting in eastern Ukraine."

- Russia’s Surface Navy On Its Way to Becoming a Coast Guard Force
(Window on Eurasia)
"In today’s Vzglyad, he points to the words of Yury Borisov, deputy defense minister, last week about Moscow’s plans for the next decade, plans that call for coastal defense ships and numerous strategic submarines but no major projects for the construction of major surface vessels (vz.ru/society/2017/12/4/897894.html)."

- Reality Check: Who's buying the Putin 2018 calendar?
(BBC |EU vs Disinfo )
“Claim: Copies of a Putin calendar have been "selling like hot cakes" in the UK."
"Reality Check verdict: We've been unable to find any shop in the UK stocking the calendar, while sales online have been limited."
