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02 February, 2024


Narva border crossing closed with ‘Dragon’s Teeth’ and razor wire


“The Russian Federation late on Thursday morning made good on a pledge to close its border crossing at Ivangorod/Jaanilinn, across the Narva River from Estonian territory, meaning for the foreseeable future the border can only be crossed on foot, in either direction.”

“Russia closed the border at midnight Moscow time (1.00 a.m. in Estonia) on February 1, while Estonia had already responded in kind by closing the border at 11 p.m. local time, putting in place concrete bollards and razor wire on the Estonian side of the road bridge which spans the river.”



“Closing Narva border crossing increases traffic in southeast.”

“Russia's border closure continues to cause travel headaches in Narva.”

Betoonist lohehambad valvavad lukustatud silda Narvas


“Okastraat ja betoontõkked jäävad Narva sillale vähemalt tuleva aasta lõpuni. Seni pääseb Narvas üle piiri vaid jala. Uus kord tekitab ebamugavusi eelkõige bussireisijatele. Jaanilinna bussijaam jääb Eestist pea kilomeetri kaugusele. Inimesed peavad piirini minema jalgsi ja seisma üldises piirijärjekorras.”



“Narva piiripunkti sulgemine kasvatab koormust kagupiiril.” - ERR

“Piiripunkt Narvas suletud sõidukitele kuni 2025. aasta lõpuni.” - Estonian World Review

Täna on Tartu rahu 104. aastapäev

(Estonian World Review | ERR)

“Üle Eesti tähistatakse reedel Tartu rahulepingu sõlmimise 104. aastapäeva. Kaitseväe Akadeemia esindajad asetasid sel puhul Tartus pärja Vabadussõja mälestusmärgile, Tallinnas tähistati ajaloolist sündmust muu hulgas mälestustseremooniaga Jaan Poska monumendi juures Kadrioru pargis. Jaan Poska gümnaasiumis allkirjastatud 20 artiklist koosnev Tartu rahuleping oli väikse Eesti jaoks suur samm rahvusvaheliselt tunnustatud iseseisva riigi suunas.”



“Tartu rahuläbirääkimised lükkusid vägijookide liigse pruukimise tõttu edasi.” - ERR


EstoNews on-line:


EstoNews Dropbox archive:



“Estonian formin, ex-ministers issue joint statement on anniversary of Tartu Peace Treaty.” - ERR

“80 Aastat Tagasi: Punaarmee tungib taas Eestisse.” - Postimees

“Narva all võitles Punaarmee vastu tõeline rahvaste paabel.” - ERR

“Soviet air raid on Tallinn to be remembered on March 9.” - Baltic Times

Friday 2. Feruary

Raekoja plats vajab restaureerimist


“Vanalinnas jalutades tasub vaadata, kuhu astud. Tallinna Raekoja plats on nagu kuumaastik, kus üks lohk ajab teist muhku taga. Kõige rohkem lainetab maapind platsi selles nurgas, kus kunagi asus vaekoda. Seal on lausa näha endise hoone kontuurid. Mis Raekoja platsi pinnast mõjutab?”

"Eelkõige kindlasti külmakerked, mingil määral toimub ka võib olla pinnase uhtmine. Hinnanguliselt on sel aastal kuidagi eriliselt rohkem, võib olla on see tingitud ilmastikust, aga siin võib veel spekuleerida, et võib olla tulenevalt varemetest on aluspind sellise iseloomuga, kus need külmakerked on eriti rõhutatud." ütles Tallinna keskkonna- ja kommunaalameti juhataja asetäitja Toomas Haidak.”


“Tallinn's Raekoja plats needs renovation.” - ERR

Erakordselt ohtlik: Jägala ja Keila jugadel on keelatud jääle minna


“Seoses sula ja jääolude halvenemisega on päästeamet kehtestanud alates 1. veebruarist Harjumaal jääle mineku keelu Jägala ja Keila jõgedel asuvatel jugadel. Keeld kehtib mõlemast joast üles- ja allavoolu 100 meetrit. Eelmainitud kohtades on jääl viibimine erakordselt ohtlik.”


Eestis sõlmiti esimesed sooneutraalsed abielud


“2. veebruaril sõlmiti Eesti esimesed sooneutraalsed abielud. Tartu Õnnepalees abiellus neli paari, kes tegid avalduse abiellumiseks esimesel võimalusel ehk 1. jaanuaril.”


Survey finds people's sense of security in Estonia remains high


“Estonia's membership in NATO and efforts to strengthen its defense capabilities are still regarded as important. Overall, people's sense of security has not changed: 70 % of Estonians and people of other nationalities feel comfortable in the country, compared to 72 % in September. People of different nationalities are more likely than Estonians to believe that Estonia as a state is safe.”

“NATO membership is favored by 77 % of the people. Support for Estonia's membership in the alliance is stable among Estonians, with 92 % in December falling within the 91-94 % range seen in recent years. …”


“Usaldus riigikogu ja valitsuse vastu aastaga langes.” - ERR

“Estonia aims at increasing its Land Forces.” - European Defence Review

“Ämari Renovation Secures Additional Funds From Luxembourg.” - The Defense Post

Is Trump-Proofing Europe Possible?

(Foreign Affairs)

“Last December, the U.S. Senate passed a measure making it harder for Trump to unilaterally pull the United States out of NATO. But Europeans cannot depend on smooth military collaboration with a Trump administration: Trump directs special ire toward the alliance, and when he chooses his staff, he will likely pass over seasoned bureaucrats in favor of loyalists. Putin would likely interpret even the slightest hint that Trump may not fully honor the U.S. commitment to NATO’s Article 5 as an invitation to test the robustness of the transatlantic alliance, possibly even in the Baltic states.”


“Is Putin outlasting the US?” - Christian Science Monitor

NATO chief claim: not worried that Trump will pull out of the alliance


“I worked with former President Trump for the four years he was president,” Stoltenberg told Politico, when Trump repeatedly threatened to leave the alliance as he thundered about NATO allies failing to keep up with defense spending pledges.”


NATO military mobility corridor being set up across Northern Europe


“NATO allies within the European Union are working together to facilitate the more effective movement of military personnel and equipment right across Northern Europe, from North Sea ports to the alliance's Eastern Flank, Defense News reports. NATO last week announced its Steadfast Defender plans, constituting the largest military exercise in Europe since the Cold War and to involve around 90,000 personnel from all 31 allied nations plus Sweden.”


Soomes toimuvad ulatuslikud streigid


“Sel nädalal toimuvad Soomes ulatuslikud streigid, mis on suunatud valitsuse tööturureformide vastu. Kokku streigib Soome suurima ametiühingu SAK-i sõnul 300,000 inimest. Kolmapäeval alanud streik kestab mitu päeva ning neljapäeval on streigi ulatus suurim. Peatub paljude ühistransporditeenuste töö, kusjuures täielik mõju avaldub sõltuvalt omavalitsusest alles reedel. Kokku streigib umbes 20,000 transpordisektori töötajat.”


“Streik Soomes lööb segi lennuliikluse Tallinnas.” - Pealinn

Sweeping strikes impact Finland

(Yle | The Guardian)

“Widely anticipated and sweeping industrial action commenced throughout Finland on Wednesday with the closure or partial closure of many daycares and early childhood education services, factories and even grocery stores.”



“There’s no relying on public transport on Friday.” - Helsinki Times

Finnish presidential election 2024

(Yle | Helsinki Times)

“Finland's presidential election went as polls predicted on Sunday evening, with Alexander Stubb (NCP) taking top spot and his Green rival Pekka Haavisto joining him in a second round run-off [on 11. February] to decide who replaces Sauli Niinistö after his twelve years as head of state.”



“How do Pekka Haavisto and Alexander Stubb differ?” - Yle

Finland’s Baltic Connection

By Robin Häggblom, ‘Corporal Frisk’ - blog

[The Finnish defence analyst discusses what the next steps Finland should do now that they are in NATO. Closer cooperation with Estonia is a must.]

“I expected us to have called up Tallinn day one to pick their brains on these issues in quite some detail, but while there obviously might be things taking place behind the scenes, at the very least I feel confident to say word on the street is that has not happened to the extent I expected. While it certainly is nice that we apparently have good direct lines to both Washington and London, having another ally with close to two decades of knowledge about how to get things done – in favourable and less than favourable times – inside the alliance is something that does offer the kind of unique opportunity for a jump-start to our work inside the big tent you usually just dream about. …”


Ukraine’s survival: Three scenarios for the war in 2024


“Russia has gained the upper hand in its war on Ukraine. To reverse Moscow’s progress, the West will need to invest more in supporting Kyiv. … 2024 will be the most challenging time for Ukraine since the first two months of the full-scale invasion.”


“Kaitseliit Col. Eero Rebo: Russia maintains the initiative with its ground forces but is a long way from achieving its military goals.” - ERR

“Ukraine War Strategy: Focus on destroying the Russian army.” - Worldcrunch

Võimuvastane uus ‘Meister ja Margarita’ film kogub Venemaal populaarsust


“Venemaal on režissöör Mihhail Lokšini ekraniseering Bulgakovi «Meistrist ja Margaritast» pürginud kinoedetabeli tippu. Sõda pooldavad Kremlimeelsed propagandistid ning internetis tegutsevad trollid on alustanud kampaaniat filmi vastu, mis kannab võimuvastast ja tsensuurivastast sõnumit.

“Üks filmiga seotud inimene, kes soovis anonüümseks jääda, ütles Varietyle: “Selle filmi jahmatav edu ning selles leiduv kriitika autoritaarse võimu vastu on häirinud parempoolseid inimesi ajal, mil Venemaa president Vladimir Putin on võtnud kasutusele meetmeid võimuvastasuse suhtes.”


Russia’s propaganda machine is on the attack against the 2024 adaptation of ‘The Master and Margarita’


“Just days after the Russian blockbuster The Master and Margarita surged to the top of the domestic box office, Kremlin cronies, pro-war propagandists and an army of online trolls have waged a campaign to discredit the film and its director, Michael Lockshin, a U.S. citizen who was raised in the Soviet Union and has been outspoken in his opposition to the war in Ukraine.”

“A source close to the film … tells Variety that the movie’s staggering success and pointed critique of authoritarian rule has struck a nerve in right-wing circles at a time when President Vladimir Putin has cracked down on any form of dissent.”

“The Master and Margarita” was written by the Kyiv-born Soviet novelist Mikhail Bulgakov between 1928 and 1940 and published posthumously in Moscow magazine in the 1960s. It is widely considered one of the great works of 20th century literature. It is a towering achievement of Soviet satire, heralded for its stinging social commentary and pointed critique of authoritarian rule during Stalin’s reign.”


“What to expect from the 2024 film adaptation of Mikhail Bulgakov’s classic novel ‘The Master and Margarita’.” - Meduza

“Russian writer Mikhail Bulgakov’s cult novel ‘The Master and Margarita’ has inspired many artists.” - The Conversation

Thursday 1. February

Õpetajad võtsid palgapakkumise vastu ja lõpetavad streigi


“Janno Isat rääkis, et alates 1. jaanuarist 2024 tõstetakse õpetajate töötasu 1820 euroni. Eesmärk on sõlmida hiljemalt 31. detsembriks 2024 kollektiivleping, kus sätestatakse, et 2027. aastaks oleks õpetajate palgatase minimaalselt 120 protsenti Eesti keskmisest palgast. Lisaks lepitakse kokku õpetajate töötingimuste parandamises, sealhulgas töötingimuste parandamises koos vastava karjäärimudeliga, tööaja arvestuses ja kutseharidustöötajate palgamudelis.”


Teachers accept offer to end strike

(Postimees | Estonian World)

“EHL leader Reemo Voltri told reporters at a press conference in the afternoon that he and the minister of education were coming from the public conciliator's office, where an agreement to end the labor dispute was inked. According to the agreement, the minimum wage for teachers will be retroactively increased to 1,820 euros a month starting from Jan. 1. Additionally, it was stipulated that negotiations for a collective agreement must begin and the agreement must be signed no later than on Dec. 31.”

“More than 10,000 Estonian teachers had walked out for nine consecutive days.”



Ungari parlament hääletab Rootsi NATO-sse võtmist 5. veebruaril


"Rootsi Kuningriigi Põhja-Atlandi lepinguga ühinemise protokoll. Lõpphääletus," seisis parlamendi veebilehe 5. veebruari ajakavas. Täpsustatakse, et istung algab kell 13:00 kohaliku aja järgi.”

“Eelmisel nädalal ütles Ungari parlamendi esimees László Kövér, et ei näe Rootsi  NATO-ga ühinemise taotluse heakskiitmise pakilist vajadust. Kövéri sõnul ei kahtle ta, et üks Ungari huvidele vastanduv opositsioonipartei kutsub üles korraldama sel teemal erakorralist istungit.”


Zelenskõi tänas Euroopa Liitu kauaoodatud abipaketi eest


“Ukraina president Volodõmõr Zelenskõi tänas neljapäeval Euroopa Liitu (EL) 50 miljardi euro (54 miljardi USA dollari) suuruse abipaketi heakskiitmise eest, mis tema sõnul saadab Venemaale selge signaali. «”äna on EL teinud kauaoodatud otsuse,” ütles Zelenskõi oma õhtuses pöördumises rahva poole. “See on Moskvale selge signaal, et Euroopa peab vastu ja Euroopat ei murta.”


“Ukraina abipaketi kokkuleppimine oli diplomaatia võit.” - ERR

“Ameerika ja Rootsi ühistöös loodud täppispommid saadetakse Ukrainasse – venelastel jälle tuli takus.” - Postimees

“Eesti annab Ukrainale suurekaliibrilisi suurtükimürske.” - ERR

EU approves €50 billion in aid to Ukraine, Viktor Orbán folded

(Politico Europe, Delfi)

“European Union leaders on Thursday reached a deal to provide €50 billion in aid to Ukraine — and they were in unanimous agreement after some leaders persuaded the sole holdout, Hungarian Prime Minister Viktor Orbán, to drop his veto. “All 27 leaders agreed on an additional €50 billion support package for Ukraine within the EU budget,” European Council President Charles Michel wrote on X, a few minutes after the formal start of the Council meeting on Thursday.

“This locks in steadfast, long-term, predictable funding for Ukraine.”

“It took a months-long charm offensive from Italian Prime Minister Giorgia Meloni and some wining and dining from the French to get Hungarian Prime Minister Viktor Orbán to agree to support sending €50 billion in aid to Ukraine.”





“EU’s Ukraine aid deal sends ‘very good signal’ to Washington.” - LRT

Wednesday 31. January

Baltics see spike in GPS jamming

(Bloomberg |  others)

“Martin Herem, the commander of the Estonian Defense Forces, pointed the finger at the Kremlin for disrupting Global Positioning System signals as interference with satellite-based navigation systems has picked up in the Baltic region since last year. A particular surge has been registered this month in an area stretching from Finland to Poland to the Black Sea region.”

“For more than a month, aircraft flying in the Baltic region have been experiencing varying degrees of interference with GPS signals, according to public aircraft tracking databases. In some instances, GPS receivers appear to have been electronically captured, or “spoofed” into showing the aircraft miles off its intended route.”




“Russia's GPS Jamming is 'Testing' NATO.” - Newsweek

Aviation sector sees no fast tech solution to GPS interference problem


“GPS interference "can pose significant challenges to aviation safety," and requires that airlines increase data-sharing on jamming and spoofing events. More pilot training could help find an overarching solution to the problem, which experts say is set to worsen with increased global conflict, but it will take longer to approve and standardize any technology.”


Estonia tops Future of Emerging Europe Sustainability Index

(Emerging Europe)

“Estonia tops the index, followed by Slovenia. That Estonia holds such a large gap over the second placed country—more than eight points—is ample evidence that the Baltic state is significantly more sustainable than other countries in the emerging Europe region. Czechia takes third place, only marginally behind Slovenia. Latvia is then fourth, with Lithuania fifth. That the three Baltic states all take spots in the top five is testament to their commitment to sustainability.”

“Estonia sets the standard for many things in emerging Europe, from education and the digitalisation of public services to press freedom and investment promotion. So it’s not really a surprise that it also comes out on top when it comes to sustainability,” says Turp-Balazs.”


How Russia is Losing Kaliningrad 

and why it matters

(The Icarus Project - video)

“The war is having a significant impact on Russia's exclave, Kaliningrad. And because of the consequences of Putin's invasion, the regions importance is quickly dwindling - to the point that Kaliningrad has lost its strategic value, and has become an expensive, and vulnerable area for Russia to manage."


Belarus: Prisoners of Conscience


“Almost 1,000 women have been convicted in Belarus in politically motivated criminal cases since 2020, according to Viasna, an organization that for many years has monitored human rights abuses in the country. The number currently in prison stands at 170.”


- Russia’s Forever War -

“Putin, 71, is running as an independent in the March 15-17, 2024 vote, relying on a rigid control over Russia’s political landscape that he has established during 24 years in power. His reelection appears all but assured.” - AP

“Russian Election Authorities Pick Pro-War Symbol, Putin’s Favorite Slogan for Presidential Campaign Promo.” - The Moscow Times

“Over 200,000 Russians have endorsed war critic Boris Nadezhdin’s candidacy in the March presidential elections.” - Novaya Gazeta

“Putin casts the Ukraine conflict as a fight for Russia’s survival as he seeks reelection.” - AP

“Election staff find flaws in paperwork of Putin's anti-war challenger.” - Reuters

“Navalnõi kutsub valimispäeval Putini vastu meelt avaldama.” - Postimees

“Has a credible challenger to Putin emerged?” - Christian Science Monitor

Russian Offensive Campaign 

Assessment: 1. Feb. 2024


“Ukrainian Commander-in-Chief General Valerii Zaluzhnyi presented an overarching strategy to seize the theater-wide initiative in Ukraine and retain it to facilitate Ukrainian battlefield victories despite Russia’s numerical advantages in manpower and materiel.”

“Ukrainian forces successfully struck and sunk a Russian Black Sea Fleet (BSF) vessel in the Black Sea near occupied Crimea on the night of January 31 to February 1.”

“Several Russian milbloggers criticized the Russian military command on January 31 and February 1 for failing to account for the “[drone] factor” when planning tactical assaults in response to footage posted on January 30 showing Ukrainian forces striking a column of advancing Russian vehicles and tanks near Novomykhailivka. A Kremlin-affiliated milblogger noted that Ukrainian minefields are canalizing Russian routes but argued that the Russian military command still needs to stop attacking in mechanized columns due to consistently taking high equipment losses. …”


“Ukraine says three Russian aircraft destroyed in strike on military airfield in occupied Crimea.” - Meduza

“Putin Has Finally United Russians Around the World—Against Himself.” - The Daily Beast

“Drone debris causes fire at St. Petersburg oil refinery.” - Novaya Gazeta

“Venemaa jahmatav ülestunnistus: meie õhukaitse ei saa Peterburi kohal hakkama.” - Postimees arvamus

“Russian Schoolchildren Forced into Youth Movement.” - Russian Life

“Russia Only Beginning to Feel Full Weight of Sanctions.” - Window on Eurasia

Putin’s princelings waiting in the wings

By Andrey Pertsev, Riddle

“At the end of last year, (‘Riddle’) examined the list of characters who could become Vladimir Putin’s successors in the near future — politicians who have accumulated significant work experience and vast resources. In Russian politics, however, there is another type too: the long-term successors. These are the so-called «princes» — fairly young representatives of influential groups in Putin’s inner circle. The «princes» and the elites behind them are betting that Putin will work until early 2030s and will then determine a successor. By that time, the current batch of replacements will already be of advanced age, which may not allow them to lead the country. The «princes» however will be in the prime of life and experience by then …”


Putin's secret country compound just 18 miles away from Finland’s border

(Fox Entertainment)

“The compound in Karelia, a territory that borders Finland, includes a one-square kilometer (just shy of 250 acres) plot of land, surrounded by an additional three-square kilometers (around 750 acres) of fenced-in forest – an area equivalent to twice the area of Monaco, according to Radio Svoboda.”



