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23 August, 2024


WWII Refugee database   

(Eesti Mälu Instituut)

“The database contains information about Estonian residents who fled from Estonia during World War II.”

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Eesti Keeles:


Eesti Mälu Instituut koostas suure sõjapõgenike andmebaasi


“Kahe aasta eest alustas Eesti Mälu Instituut mahukat tööd: Eesti ja rahvusvahelistest arhiividest koguti andmed kokku, täpsustati need ja avaldati suures andmekogus.”

“Instituudi koduleheküljel ongi andmebaas, kus saab otsida infot konkreetse inimese kohta. «Läbi avaliku vaate pole aga võimalik analüüsi teha. Nüüdseks oleme andmete põhjal teinud esimesed statistilised kokkuvõtted ja järeldused,» selgitas Eesti Mälu Instituudi juhatuse liige Meelis Maripuu.”


Restoration of Estonian Independence: Events of August 20, 1991 explained


“Thirty-three years ago, on August 20 1991, volunteers rushed to protect Tallinn's TV tower after Soviet forces were sent to the country to cripple the country's communication systems.”

“The events took place during a three-day attempted coup in Moscow by hardline members of the Communist Party of the Soviet Union who were unhappy with Soviet President Mikhail Gorbachev's perestroika and glasnost reforms.

When the 76th Guards Air Assault Division arrived in Tallinn from Pskov, they were met by volunteers who had responded to a call to take up the defense of Toompea Hill as well as the city's radio and television buildings.”

“That night, at just after 11 p.m., 69 members of the Supreme Council of the Republic of Estonia voted in favor of the Resolution on the National Independence of Estonia.”


“President Karis: There is no room for frightened self-limitation when defending the future of the free world.” - Office of the President

“The Miracle Of August 20. 1991” - Postimees

“Celebration at Toompea.” - Riigikogu

Thirty-five years later, the Baltic Way still inspires the fight for freedom

By Inga Samoškaitė, Atlantic Council 22. Aug

“There’s a saying that extraordinary things can happen when ordinary people come together, and the Baltic Way is a living example of this belief. The peaceful movement demonstrated the power of an unwavering desire for independence and became a symbol of hope. It showed that when people unite, they can change the course of history—Lithuania would declare independence on March 11, 1990, soon followed by Latvia and Estonia, starting the collapse of the Soviet empire.”

“The turning point in the Baltic states’ fight for freedom was August 23, 1989. That day marked the fiftieth anniversary of the Molotov-Ribbentrop Pact, an agreement signed by Josef Stalin’s Soviet Union and Adolf Hitler’s Germany in 1939 that divided Europe into spheres of influence and sealed the dark fate of several European nations, including the Baltic states. In protest of the pact and its consequences, people from the three Baltic states formed what became known as the Baltic Way. More than two million people from Lithuania, Latvia, and Estonia joined hands in a breathtaking display of unity. They created a chain stretching more than 430 miles, connecting the Gediminas Tower in Vilnius, the Freedom Monument in Riga, and the Hermann Tower in Tallinn. All of them symbolically stood with their faces turned toward the west and their backs to the east, declaring to the world their choice for freedom.”


“650 KM of Freedom: Vilnius marks 35 years since the Baltic Way with huge anniversary concert.” - Euronews

“Lithuania celebrates 35th anniversary of Baltic Way.” - LRT

Balti keti 35. aastapäeva tähistamine Lillis


“President Alar Karis külastas reedel Lilli/Ungru endist piiripunkti, kus ta tähistas Läti riigipea Edgars Rinkēvičsiga Balti keti 35. aastapäeva.”



“Maarjamäel mälestati totalitaarrežiimide ohvreid.” - ERR

Rail Baltica plays a crucial role in military mobility across the Baltics

(Baltic Times)

“According to the Center for European Policy Analysis (CEPA), railways are the best option for military logistics and if railways are interoperable with Poland and Germany, they represent the best option for transporting armored vehicles and other heavy military equipment to the Baltic region. Rail Baltica is designed to serve both civilian and military needs, providing infrastructure and rolling stock capacity for peacetime and potential armed conflicts.”


“Sõlmitakse Rail Baltica põhitrassi viies ehitusleping.” - Postimees

Postimees Survey


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Eesti inimesed võtavad üha enam tarbimislaene


“Möödunud aasta II kvartalis moodustas uute tarbimislaenude, muude liisingute ja järelmaksude maht 241,4 miljonit eurot. Aasta hiljem, tänavu II kvartalis on see summa kasvanud aga juba 318,6 miljoni euroni. Tuntava hüppe on teinud sealjuures järelmaksude taotlemine. Kui möödunud aasta II kvartalis oli uute väljastatud järelmaksude maht 30,8 miljonit eurot, siis aasta hiljem ehk 2024. aasta II kvartalis oli vastav summa juba 37,6 miljonit eurot.”


Baltics: Tightening Immigration and Border Policy Initiatives

(Warsaw Institute)

“The Baltic States have dramatically tightened their border procedures in recent years in response to mounting pressure from migration and security risks. Countries like Lithuania, Latvia, and Estonia have had to quickly modify their immigration laws and border security measures due to a combination of the region’s broader geopolitical tensions, especially the Russian invasion of Ukraine in 2022, and Belarusian President Alexander Lukashenka’s strategic use of migration as a political tool. These measures consist of building border barriers, establishing states of emergency, and improving monitoring capacities. The Baltic States’ security concerns are intricately linked and multifaceted, as seen by the regional cooperation they have participated in and the international assistance they have received to tackle these issues.”


Anton Vaino, grandson of Estonia's former Communist Party head, eyeing Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov's post

(The Baltic Times)

“Anton Vaino is the grandson of Karl Vaino, Russian-born Soviet politician in Soviet-occupied Estonia and the penultimate first secretary of the Communist Party of Estonia. He was born on Feb. 17, 1972, in Tallinn. He left Estonia with his parents at the age of five. Since August 2016, he has led the Russian presidential administration and is also a permanent member of the Russian Security Council.”


Estonian government looking for munitions manufacturer in Ämari


“Minister of Defense Hanno Pevkur (Reform) has tasked the Estonian Center for Defense Investments (RKIK) with creating an opportunity for companies to start producing combat munitions and ammunition at the Ämari military campus through a selective bidding process, with operations expected to begin in the early part of next year.”



“Developing the Estonian defense industry will pay dividends.” - ERR

“Manufacturing of ammo at Ämari military base must begin in 2025.” - ERR

Moscow Writer: West Making Gotland ‘Target Number One’ for Russian Missiles

By Paul Goble, Jamestown Org.

“… the island has “strategic importance” for all Baltic littoral states—including Russia—because the country that controls Gotland can “easily control both air and sea movement” into the Baltic Sea and could be used to threaten Kaliningrad and St. Petersburg.”

“Gotland is not the only island in the Baltic Sea that Russian security analysts are focusing on. They are also closely watching Bornholm, a Danish island, and the Aaland Islands, an archipelago that belongs to Finland.”


Around the Baltic Sea

“Milline on Eesti rahva tulevik 1935. aasta vaatest?” - Novaator

“Social scientist: People tend to idealize the 1990s in Estonia.” - ERR

“Estonia, Germany sign agreement on exchange of classified information.” - The Baltic Times

“Finland to deploy around 5,000 NATO troops near Russian border.” - MSN

“Latvia made it harder for Russian citizens to extend residence permits - Russia will take steps to respond.” - Reuters


“People leaving Sweden will exceed immigrants in 2024.” - Deutsche Welle

“Behind Sweden’s negative net immigration figures.” - The Guardian

“Anti-mobility obstacles continue to be placed along Latvian border.” - LSM

“Lithuania starts construction of military campus for German troops.” - BNN

“Baltoscandia: The geopolitical ghost that may just have a future.” - Big Think

“Red skies over Finland as Canadian wildfire smoke arrives.” - Yle

“Record number of Swedes signed up to join the Home Guard.” - Radio Sweden

- Ukraine Attacks Russia -

EDF Lt Col: Russia has chosen to ignore scale of Ukraine's Kursk incursion

(ERR 23. Aug)

“At the moment the strategic initiative is still in Ukraine's hands thanks to the unprecedented success of the Kursk operation. Currently, as far as we know, Ukraine controls an area of about 900 to 1,300 square kilometers in Kursk Oblast," Lt. Col. Kesselmann said at the Estonian Ministry of Defense's weekly Friday press conference.”

“According to Lt. Col Kesselmann, the demolition of the bridges on the River Seym is causing a major problem for Russia and has left its armed forces with a serious operational dilemma.”


Putin on Kursk failure: Not my fault


“President Vladimir Putin has a message for the Russian region where Ukraine has seized more than 1,000 square kilometers of territory: Don’t blame me.

Speaking via videoconference to a meeting of Russian politicians, including the governors of Kursk, Belgorod and Bryansk regions, Putin said the “security issues” that had arisen in Kursk were “problems that are the responsibility of the security forces.”


“Another Russian mercenary leader has turned against Putin.” - The Hill

In Battlefield Kursk Region, Civilians Feel Forgotten By Their Own Country

(The Moscow Times)

“As Kyiv’s incursion into Russia’s Kursk region continues for a third week, civilians on the ground are voicing growing anger toward Ukraine, fellow Russians and their own government, which they feel has abandoned them and tried to downplay the incursion. Kursk region residents who spoke to The Moscow Times expressed frustration with what they see as government inaction and fears about the war now at their doorstep.”


How One Russian General’s Screw-Up May Have Led to Ukraine’s Border Invasion

(The Daily Beast)

“Earlier this year, Col. Gen. Alexander Lapin dissolved an interagency council in charge of border security, the Wall Street Journal reported on Wednesday. The council brought together military officers with local and regional security, but Lapin argued that only the military had the resources to defend the border—and that other agencies need not be involved in the process.”

“Ramzan Kadyrov, the leader of Chechnya and a close Putin ally, publicly lambasted Lapin for the defeat at Lyman. “I would demote Lapin to private, strip him of his awards and send him to the front lines with a machine gun.”




“Minister of Defense of Estonia named the pros and cons of the Armed Forces operation in Kursk region.” - Freedom

“Russian Offensive Campaign Assessment, August 21, 2024.” - ISW

“Ferry sinks at Russian port after Ukrainian attack.” - Reuters

“Ukraina väed uputasid Krasnodari krai sadamas Venemaa raudteepraami.” - ERR

“WSJ: Kuidas kindrali prohmakas Venemaa piiri haavatavaks jättis.” - WSJ

“Estonian expert: Goals of Kursk operation still unclear to Americans.” - ERR

“Ukraine is blowing up bridges in kursk as fast as Russia can build them.” - Forbes

“Russia installs concrete shelters in Kursk region as Ukraine expands offensive.” - Politico Europe

“Ukraine's capture of hundreds of Russian conscripts in Kursk region undermines Putin's war rhetoric.” - France24

“Moscow under attack: Air defenses shoot down killer drones over Russian capital.” - Politico Europe

“Putin Accuses Ukraine of trying to attack Kursk nuclear plant.” - Kyiv Post

“Ukraine Has to Defend Itself with American Mines from the 1940s.” - The Baltic Sentinel

“Drone Attack Sparks Fire at Military Site in Southern Russia.” - Moscow Times

“Meet the ‘Bucha Witches’ - the all-female fire teams guarding Ukraine’s skies from Russian drones and missiles.” - Meduza

“Kursk Governor Says 133K Evacuated, 20K Remain in Border Areas.” - Moscow Times


