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28 February, 2020

The Invasion of Crimea - 
as reported by Simon Ostrovsky in 2014.
(Vice News)

  • Dispatch One:

  • Dispatch Two:

  • Dispatch Three:

  • Dispatch Four:

  • Dispatch Five:

Kuus aastat tagasi hõivasid rohelised mehikesed Krimmi parlamendi
“Täna kuus aastat tagasi tungis 120 eraldusmärkideta ja relvastatud nn rohelist mehikest Krimmi parlamenti ja teistesse olulistesse hoonetesse, heisates seal Venemaa lipud.”

  • Life Inside Putin’s Crimea
[How Crimea has fared after 2014.]

  • Six Years Ago This Week, Putin Changed the World by Following His Own Impulses and Invading Ukraine
by Paul Goble
“Over these six years, Ukraine and Russia have changed fundamentally. Only Putin has remained the same.”



28. February

Koroonaviirus jõudis Eestisse. 
See ei ole maailmalõpp.
“Hiinast alguse saanud uus koroonaviirus levib üle maailma ja eile hommikul kuulsid inimesed esimesest haigestunust Eestis. Eile hommikul postitas ka Tartu ülikooli mikrobioloogia professor Irja Lutsar Facebookis oma kõige olulisemad teadmised koroonaviirusest (SARS-2) ja selle põhjustatud haigusest (COVID-19), lähtudes talle usaldusväärsetest allikatest. Ta sõnum oli: säilitagem kainet mõistust ja rahu.”

Realtime coronavirus global map
(Johns Hopkins University)

Termokaamerad hakkavad Tallinna lennujaamas skaneerima 600-700 inimest päevas
“Sadamas suunatakse kaamera vaatevälja kõik autota reisijad.”

Eesti ühines Euroopa riikide luurekoostöö algatusega
“Eesti ja veel 22 Euroopa riiki sõlmisid kolmapäeval Zagrebis kokkuleppe moodustada luureasutuste laiemat tegevust puudutava info vahendamise koostööplatvorm.”

Luik: pingete teravnemine Süürias Eestile sõjalist ohtu kaasa ei too
“Eesti mõistab hukka Venemaa toetatud Süüria valitsusvägede rünnakud Süüria Idlibi provintsis ja toetab Türgit. Olukorra teravnemine piirkonnas võib Euroopale tähendada rändesurvet, ent otsest sõjalist ohtu meie piirkonnas see kaasa ei too …”


Defeating Disinformation Threats
“Russia possesses the following range of hybrid tools that it utilizes against foreign countries: Propaganda; Fake news; Strategic leaks; Funding organizations; Political parties; Organized protest movements; Cyber tools for espionage, attack and/or manipulation; Economic leverage; Proxies and unacknowledged war; and Paramilitary organizations. However, the experience of the Baltic states shows that even this extensive list is not definitive. …”

Kaljulaid teeb järgmisel nädalal töövisiidi Ameerika Ühendriikidesse
“Eesti riigipea on 2. – 4. märtsini Washingtonis.”

Evald Übi: milleks meile miljonilinn Tallinn?
“Marek Strandberg (PM 20.02) kirjutas Tallinnast kui tuleviku miljonilinnast, aga ei põhjendanud, miks peaks elanike arv nii palju suurenema. Kas miljonilinnas elatakse paremini kui poole miljoni elanikuga linnas, kümne miljoni korral veel paremini?”

Russian Defense Industry Struggles to Deliver Putin’s Promised New Weapons
by Paul Goble, Jamestown Org.
“… And it is beginning to alarm military commentators, who warn that Russian ships cannot go to sea, missiles do not work, and the Air Force’s planes regularly crash.”


27. February

Kuidas ma tõrvikuga käisin
Aimar Ventsel - ERR
“EKRE tõrvikurongkäiku olen ma juba pikemat aega soovinud oma silmaga näha. Kui nüüd vastata küsimusele, et miks mulle seda vaja on (sellele küsimusele ma pidin üllatavalt palju vastama), siis mul on lihtsalt huvitav näha neid inimesi, kes tõrvikurongkäigus käivad, ja tahan tunda antud üritusel valitsevat atmosfääri.”
“Kui EKRE ühte asja oskab, siis see on iseseisvuspäeva tõrvikurongkäigu organiseerimine. Ütlen seda ilma irooniata, üritus oli hästi korraldatud. Saabudes Vabaduse väljakule, tuli läbi minna ajutise piirdeaia väravatest, mille juures noormees sisenejale tõrviku pihku pistis.”

Finnish one of most popular languages on the dark web
“Finns go to the dark web to buy illegal drugs and stolen identities and for industrial espionage, one expert says. … In Finland, private individuals generally resort to dark web networks such as Tor primarily to buy narcotics. However stolen information such as personal and credit card data account for the highest volumes traded in these illicit spaces.”

NB! The ‘Dark Web’ is not accessible using common search engines like Google, Yahoo, Bing, etc. Accessing this ‘Dark Web’ requires special browsing software as well as VPN software for anonymity. - Aavo

Reforging National Security in the Baltics
“Total defense is the condition when the government orders the highest state of alert in all functions of society—including both military and civilian—to ensure national security. But between Western and Baltic analysts, there is a gap in understanding about how this concept applies to Lithuania. Some in the West focus on Lithuania’s societal resistance under a potential occupation scenario, while Lithuanians center their efforts on deterrence and defense. …”

Belarus Leader Says Nation Being Forced to Merge With Russia
“The president of Belarus said Thursday that his country is “being forced into integration” with Russia and insisted that real integration of the two countries' economies implied “sovereignty and independence” for Belarus.”

Europe Is Thinking Harder About Divorcing America
(Foreign Policy)
“European leaders are flirting with the idea of going it alone—but Washington should be willing to call their bluff.”


26. February

Kes kontrollib minevikku, see kontrollib tulevikku
“Venemaa soov ajalugu ja eriti just Teise maailmasõjaga seonduvaid ajaloolisi fakte moonutades endale sobivalt tõlgendada ei ole midagi uut, kuid tänavu suurejooneliselt tähistatav Suure Isamaasõja lõpu ning fašismi üle saavutatud ajaloolise võidu 75. aastapäev on Kremli propagandamasina selles suunas eriti jõuliselt tööle pannud.”

Ülle Harju pälvis Anneli Ammase nimelise hea ajakirjanduse preemia
(Lõunaleht | ERR | Postimees)
[The Anneli Ammase award for outstanding journalism was given to the senior editor of Lõunaleht, Ülle Harju.]

Tallink hakkab koostöös linnaga Linnahalli arendama
“Kolme aastaga investeeritakse 300 miljonit. Tallinna linn sõlmis ühiste kavatsuste kokkuleppe laevafirmaga Tallink ja investeerimisfirmaga Infortar Tallinna Linnahalli arendamiseks, mille kohaselt rajatakse sinna kolme aasta jooksul hinnanguliselt 300 miljoni euro eest konverentsi- ja kontserdikeskus, reisisadam, hotell ja kaubandus- ning ärikeskus.”

Tallink to develop port at Tallinn's iconic Linnahall
“Shipping line Tallink is to develop the iconic Linnahall in Tallinn, at an estimated cost of €300 million, with a passenger harbor planned as well as a conference center, concert hall, hotel and shopping center.”

Is Vladimir Putin no longer Russia’s Mr. Popular?
“The changing dynamics of public support for Putin.”

Asylum applications in the EU increased from 2018 to 2019 by 13%
(Deutsche Welle)
“Today's figures highlight that while we remain well below the situation of a few years ago, we need to continue to be vigilant and strengthen our asylum practices," said EASO Executive Director Nina Gregori.”

Observers from the U.S., Estonia, and Lithuania observed the military infrastructure of Russia and Belarus
"Flights under the Open Skies Treaty are a substantial part of the arms control related activities of Estonia. They give us a better possibility to observe developments in the eastern neighbor's military infrastructure.”


25. February

Estonia's far-right junior govt party holds torchlight march
(Agence France-Presse)
“Thousands of supporters of Estonia's far-right populist EKRE party, a junior partner in the governing coalition, held a torchlight march marking independence day in the capital Tallinn on Monday. Marchers carried tiki torches, blue, black and white Estonian flags and the "Flag of Odin" representing a group with links to neo-Nazis that was founded in nearby Finland in 2015 in response to the migrant crisis that hit Europe that year.”

End of the EU’s Brexit bounce
“After years of watching the United Kingdom muddle through a political crisis while enjoying an unprecedented level of unity among themselves, Europeans now must prepare for darker days.”

Venemaa ja Valgevene liitriiki kavandati siiralt
(Kuku Raadio)
“Venemaa ja Valgevene liitriigi projekti võidi alustada siiralt, kuid enam pole tegemist võrdväärse vahekorraga, vaid kliendisuhtega. Sealhulgas Valgevene käsitleb omavahelist liitlust kui võimalust müüa Venemaale oma lojaalsust sobiva hinnaga, Venemaa aga kauplemisruumi ei näe …”

Uuring: kolmveerand Venemaa elanikest pooldab kõva käega juhti
“60 protsenti küsitletutest on veendunud, et inimestel, kes valitakse võimuorganitesse, lähevad rahva probleemid kiiresti meelest. 25 protsenti leiab, et võimuladvik elab vaid enda huvides ning vaid 14 protsenti peab võimu «rahva» omaks.”

Interview: NATO Secretary General Jens Stoltenberg
“… discusses Moscow’s new arsenal, warnings from French President Emmanuel Macron that Europe needs to decrease its dependency on Washington and U.S. President Donald Trump’s mercurial temperament.”

Russia suspends work of its trade missions in US, Baltic States
(TASS - Pro Kremlin)
"As for the Baltic countries, for example, now we are suspending our work there. We are not terminating it because we have state and interstate agreements, but we are pausing our work just to prevent simulation of activities there. We understand how the economy is developing there and how our trade and economic relations are progressing. So it does not require any additional backing from trade missions there.”

20 bulldozers, one aircraft, and tons of other gear are spread around the Arctic seafloor by Russia's ice base
(The Barent Observer)
“Drifting ice camp Barneo at 89° North is rebuilt every year in late March. … By the end of the season, the bulldozers and other equipment used by the Bareno camp is simply left on the ice. As the ice moves west, and finally breaks up, the bulldozers simply sink to the seafloor. Given 20 years of operations, and one or two bulldozers every year, some 20 to 40 bulldozers have been spread out on the Arctic seafloor.”


24. February

Eesti Vabariigi aastapäeva vastuvõtul Ugala teatris
“Millega Sa tegeled, armas Riigikogu? Meil on ju parlamentaarne riik, mitte keegi peale Sinu ei saa Eesti arengut eest vedada! Sul on palju vabadust ja palju õigusi, muuhulgas võimalus moodustada Eestile valitsus ja iga Sinust loodud valitsus on kahtlusteta ja kõhklusteta legitiimne. Aga sellest veel ei piisa! Palun, palun tee oma tööd! Kaitse iseenda väärikust, mõista Eesti võimalusi, toetu senisele heale ja ole tulevikuks valmis.”
“Head asjad ei ole meiega juhtunud, me oleme need asjad võimalikuks teinud. Otsustades ja luues, poliitilistes vaidlustes ja sealt sündinud kompromissides. Kõik see, millele täna tõmbame joone alla ja ütleme – küll on hästi tehtud, on meie enda töö tulemus. Ja kõik see, millele ei saa, on samuti meie enda tegemata jätmiste tulemus.”

Eesti President Kersti Kaljulaid

Fotod: Riigi 102. aastapäeva paraad tõi kohale võimsad lahingumasinad

Kaljulaid: It has been a year of hurting. May this next year be brighter
“President Kersti Kaljulaid said she was "deeply saddened" when she thinks of the problems the coalition could be solving instead of the "rude and foolish statements being made" in the Riigikogu in her speech on Independence Day on Monday.”
“"What are you doing, dear Riigikogu? After all, we have a parliamentary state – no one except you can lead Estonia's development forward! You have many freedoms and many rights, one of which is the opportunity to form Estonia's government, and every government you form is, without the shadow of a doubt, legitimate. But that is not enough. Please, do your job! Protect your dignity, realize Estonia's opportunities, lean upon the good that has been done, and be ready for the future!”

TASS: Estonia has no territorial claims to Russia - Kaljulaid
(TASS - Pro Kremlin)
“Estonia has no territorial claims to its neighbors, including Russia, President Kersti Kaljulaid said on Monday during celebrations to mark the country’s Independence Day.”
