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09 February, 2024


Top 20 Estonian fairy-tale characters  


1. Kaval-Ants ("Crafty Hans," trickster, usually a farm hand)

2. Rehepapp (both trickster and hero, often tricking Vanapagan)

3. Kalevipoeg (a giant hero)



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Interview with Putin yields 

propaganda, pseudo-history 

lectures, and Kremlin 

talking points

(Christian Science Monitor)

“Appearing confident and at ease, Putin made occasional friendly jabs at the interviewer, who appeared baffled by the history lecture and tried to interject questions, but the Russian leader stayed on topic for over 20 minutes. He didn’t ask Mr. Putin about war crimes Russian troops have been accused of in Ukraine, or about his relentless crackdown on dissent.”


“Putin's interview did not include a single new idea.” - ERR

“A Mixture of Blunt Lies and Toxic Propaganda.” - Polygraph

“The best memes from Vladimir Putin’s Tucker Carlson interview.” - Meduza

“Putin Nearly Bores Tucker Carlson to Death With Two-Hour History Lesson.” - The Daily Beast

Putin’s many lies during an interview with US media personality


“Russian President Vladimir Putin attempted to use an interview with American media personality Tucker Carlson published on February 8 to present to a wider Western audience a long-standing Kremlin information operation that falsely asserts that Russia is interested in a negotiated end to its war in Ukraine.” 

“Putin illustrated throughout the interview that Russia has no interest in meaningful or legitimate negotiations, however, and that Putin still seeks to destroy Ukraine as a state. Putin also displayed his overarching hostility towards the West and falsely accused the West of forcing Russia to attack Ukraine.”

“Putin attempted to use the interview to absurdly reframe Russia as the wronged party and not the initiator of Russia’s unprovoked war against Ukraine.”

“Putin falsely claimed that a US-backed “coup” in Ukraine in 2014 forced Russia to invade Crimea and begin military operations in Donbas in 2014.”

“Putin continued to propagate pseudo-history in an effort to deny Ukrainian statehood and nationhood.”

Mr. Putin … rejected allegations that Moscow harbors plans to attack Poland or other NATO countries.”


“Fact-checking the Russian president reveals inconsistencies (shocker!).” - Politico Europe

“Putin: Kas USA pole paremat teha, kui Ukrainasse sõdima tulla?“ - Delfi

“Decoding Putin’s ‘obsessive ideas’ in the Carlson interview.” - Al Jazeera

“Putini väidet huvi puudumisest Poolat rünnata ei saa uskuda.” - ERR

“Putin interview was even worse than expected.” -  Slate

“Putin: 'No interest' in attacking Poland, Latvia.” - ERR

Friday 9. February

Moskva süüdistas Balti riike sabotaažis seoses presidendivalimistega


“Balti riikide asjurid Moskvas kutsuti Venemaa välisministeeriumisse seoses kohase vastuse puudumisega Venemaa korduvatele üleskutsetele tagada julgeolek märtsi presidendivalimistel,” ütles Vene välisministeerium avalduses. Moskva nõudis, et Baltimaad rakendaksid kõiki vajalikke samme tagamaks valijate, samuti Venemaa Föderatsiooni saatkondade töötajate julgeolekut valimiste ajal.”


“Decoding Putin’s Accusations of Nazism Against Baltic States.” - Propastop

Estonia has few illusions about the quality and way of life under Russian rule

(Defense 24)

“… due to successive waves of Russification, deportations, and ruthless treatment by Russia. Simultaneously, the prolonged war in Ukraine leads to further militarization of all states on the eastern flank of NATO.”

“Two years ago, Russian expansionist ideas reappeared in Kremlin narratives, acknowledged by Estonian politicians and the public. Aggressive rhetoric and physical violations of airspace and maritime borders were consistently present in relation to the Baltic countries, even if not as much for the rest of the world.”


Inside Estonia’s closed city

(The New European)

“The three Baltic countries have been fiercely supportive of Ukraine during the Russian invasion. During elections last year in Estonia, national security was one of the main issues, and Kaja Kallas, one of Europe’s most outspoken pro-Ukrainian politicians, won a landslide victory.”

“Estonians have a dark sense of humour. One local chuckled, “If Russia invades Estonia, a Nato and EU member, nuclear war would probably wipe out humanity before we even realise that we’ve been invaded.” It’s not much of a joke.”


The Nordic-Baltic Region: 

An Example for NATO

By Minna Ålander, CEPA

“Russia has now transformed to a wartime economy. Nordic and Baltic countries closest to Russia have got the message and are preparing.”


“Bunkers to Fortify Baltic Borders.” - CEPA

“Scandinavia Is Preparing for War.” - Foreign Policy

“Generals quit the Estonian Defense Forces when changing jobs.” - ERR

“NATO Ally Plans 600 Bunkers to Stop Russian Invasion in the 'First Hour’.” - Newsweek

“Moodne Blue Spear laevatõrje raketisüsteem jõudis Eestisse.” - Estonian World Review

“Illegal immigration pressure may return to Latvian-Belarusian border.” - BNN

Raekoja platsi kuuselabürint kutsub seiklema


“Tallinna raekoja platsi kaunistab rukkililleõit kujutav kuuselabürint.”


“Kultuuripealinna saabujaid tervitavad kärtsroosad liiklusmärgid.” - Tartu Postimees

“Estonia Hosted 3.34 Million Tourists Last Year.” - Schengen Visa Info

“Foreign tourists have found their way back to Estonia.” - ERR

Up to eight kilos of mercury discovered on a shipwreck in Estonian waters

(BNS via Estonian World)

“There are nearly 700 shipwrecks in Estonian waters, with 55 assessed as environmentally hazardous due to pollution risks, ghost nets or onboard explosives. An S31 destroyer, a T22 destroyer and an M37 minesweeper were examined in a recent survey.”


Estonia planning to restore 25,000 hectares of marshland by 2050


"Wetland restoration is so heavily funded by the European Union taxpayer because wetlands are providers of very important ecosystems. Among terrestrial ecosystems, peatlands and swamp forests are the largest and only long-term net binders of carbon, extracting it from the carbon cycle and depositing it in peat. However, this is only as long as the peat remains wet. In peatlands and swamp forests with disrupted water regimes due to drainage, the carbon stored in the peat layer is released, and the dry peat layer becomes a source of carbon emissions instead.”


Thursday 8. February

Enamik venemaalasi peab Eestit ‘ketist pääsenud Vene kolooniaks’


“… ega välista sissetungi. Levada keskuse eksperdid tegid Venemaa elanike seas laiaulatusliku uuringu, püüdes välja selgitada, kui palju on viimasel ajal muutunud nende suhtumine Venemaa vallapäästetud sõtta Ukrainas, aga ka Euroopasse üldiselt ja Eestisse sealhulgas.”

“Eestit tajutakse kolmest Balti riigist kõige lääne- ja Euroopa-meelsema, kõige arenenuma, kuid samal ajal Venemaale kõige kaugema ja võõramana.”

[A Levada poll reportedly claims that most Russians consider Estonia to be a "Russian colony that has escaped the chains" and do not rule out an invasion. Estonia is perceived as the most western and pro-European, the most developed of the three Baltic countries, but at the same time the most distant and alien to Russia.]


Kaitsevägi kutsub tänavu kordusõppustele 17,000 reservväelast


“Kaitsevägi kutsub 2024. aastal korraldatavatele erinevatele õppekogunemistele kokku ligi 17 000 reservväelast. Terve aasta jooksul toimuvatele õppustele, millest suurim on mai keskel toimuv Kevadtorm, oodatakse kümnete eri üksuste reserviste.”

"Eesti kaitseväe ja kaitsevõime põhijõuks on meie reservväelased. 2024. aasta toob endaga kaasa kümneid erinevaid õppekogunemisi, mille eesmärgiks on tõsta see põhijõud oma oskustelt uuele tasemele ning seeläbi tugevdada meie riigi kaitsevõimet ja reservväelaste teadmisi oma rollist riigikaitses," ütles kaitseväe peastaabi lahinguvalmiduse jaoskonna ülem, kolonelleitnant Tõnis Vau.”


Soome hoiab idapiiri kinni vähemalt 14. aprillini


“Soome idapiir on olnud pidevalt suletud ligi kaks kuud. Siseminister Mari Rantanen ütles juba teisipäeval, et valitsus  ei pea praegu võimalikuks piiripunktide avamist Soome piiril Venemaaga. Piiripunktide ajutise sulgemise eesmärk on olnud illegaalse immigratsiooni peatamine Soome piiril Venemaaga.”


Finland extends Russia border closure until 14. April

(ABCNews | Moscow Times)

“,,, because it sees no signs that Moscow was stopping its “hybrid operation” of funneling migrants toward the frontier with the Nordic nation.”



Finnish presidential election 2024


“Pekka Haavisto is gaining ground in the race with Alexander Stubb. The two are facing each other in the second and final round of the presidential election on Sunday.”


“Soome presidendivalimistel juhib jätkuvalt Stubb.” - ERR

Latvia: Russian cars to be banned


“A fine of between EUR 750 and EUR 2,000 may be imposed for unauthorized use of a Russian vehicle not registered in Latvia for road use. If drivers do not have evidence that they are transiting through Latvia, the vehicle will be confiscated.”


Opinion: Europe’s NATO members must brace for a re-elected Donald Trump

(The New European)

“In a website post last March, Trump vowed to “finish the process which began under my Administration of fundamentally reevaluating NATO’s purpose and NATO mission”. In October, Rolling Stone magazine reported he was considering either leaving or moving the US into a “standby” position in the alliance, with the implication that would involve withdrawing troops or playing a much less active role. His campaign team have refused to elaborate.”


Wednesday 7. February

Estonia's ISS suspects claim Russia ordered memorial vandalism at Sinimae


“On Thursday last week, the Estonian Internal Security Service (ISS) detained two men suspected of defacing memorials at Sinimaed (Blue Hills) in East-Viru County on Jan. 23 and 31. One of the two detained men is a Russian national and the other has dual Estonian-Russian citizenship. According to the suspicion lodged against the men, the order to commit the crime came from Russia.”

“The battles of World War II that took place in Sinimaed, where the 20th Waffen Grenadier Division of the SS, made up of Estonians, fought defensive battles against the attacking Red Army in 1944, are a painful reminder for the Russian Federation, making the memorials a target for their vengeance.”


Head of Russian Orthodox church in Estonia confirms he is leaving country

(Kyiv Independent)

“Metropolitan Yevgeniy of the Estonian Orthodox Church of the Moscow Patriarchate will be leaving Estonia on Feb. 7 after the Estonian government did not extend his residence permit in January 2023.”


Estonian Javelin Anti-Tank Missiles Have Arrived in Ukraine

(Overt Defense)

“… the Estonian Ministry of Defence announced that the 80-million-Euro ($86 million) military aid package approved in December 2023 had been successfully delivered to Ukraine.  According to the ministry’s statement, the aid package includes Javelin anti-tank missiles, machine guns, small arms ammunition, various types of equipment as well as diving equipment. However, the quantity, arrival times, and destinations of the equipment were not disclosed for security reasons.”


Elering seeks licence for EstLink 3 between Estonia and Finland

(Power Technology)

“Elering management board chairman Kalle Kilk stated: “We have analysed various potential locations for EstLink 3 and we now consider north-western Estonia to be the most promising area. For security reasons, it will be appropriate to build the new interconnection as far as possible from the existing ones.”


Swiss president discusses frozen Russian assets for Ukraine in Estonia talks

(Swiss Info)

“If European and G7 countries reach an agreement on a law to freeze Russian assets and use them to rebuild Ukraine, Switzerland should also consider adopting one, said Swiss President Viola Amherd.”


Hungary’s Orbán dodges opportunity to approve Sweden NATO membership


“Lawmakers from the party of Hungarian Prime Minister Viktor Orbán boycotted an emergency session of parliament on Monday where a vote was scheduled to place Sweden's bid to join NATO on the legislative agenda, adding to 18 months of delays that have angered Hungary's allies. The governing Fidesz party, which holds an absolute majority in parliament, has stalled Sweden’s bid since July 2022, alleging that Swedish politicians have told “blatant lies” about the condition of Hungary’s democracy.”


“NATO Allies Pressure Hungary Over Blocking Sweden's Accession.” - VOA

Opinion: Both Putin and Trump threaten Europe. It must stand up for itself

By Timothy Garton Ash, The Guardian

“On 30 August 1954, a vote in the French national assembly killed the project of a European Defence Community (EDC). Instead, European integration proceeded around the economic community that remains the core of the EU to this day, and European security was built around the US-led Nato. But as the Russian president, Vladimir Putin, advances from the east and the US presidential contender Donald Trump threatens to withdraw from the west, it’s time to revisit the idea of Europe defending itself.”

“Europe depends on Nato for its defence, and Nato depends on the credibility of the article 5 guarantee from the US. Credibility is the key word for deterrence, as confidence is for financial markets. Strictly speaking, article 5 only commits a Nato member to take “such action as it deems necessary, including the use of armed force”, if an ally is attacked. So where will Europe be if President Trump doesn’t “deem it necessary” to defend Estonia? …”


- Russia’s Forever War -

Russian Offensive Campaign 

Assessment: 8. Feb. 2024


“Ukrainian and Russian forces conducted a one-to-one prisoner of war (POW) exchange on February 8.”

“The Ukrainian Main Military Intelligence Directorate (GUR) reported that it recently conducted a cyberattack against the Russian Ministry of Defense (MoD) preventing Russian forces from automatically operating an unspecified number of likely first-person view (FPV) drones.”

“Some Russian and Ukrainian sources claimed that Russian forces are using Starlink in occupied Ukraine.”


“Why the War in Ukraine Will Not End This Year.” - ICDS

Why is Avdiivka important and why does Russia want to capture it?


“Both sides regard Avdiivka as key to Russia's aim of securing full control of the two eastern "Donbas" provinces - Donetsk and Luhansk. These are among the four Ukrainian regions Russia says it has annexed but does not have full control of.”

“Avdiivka is seen as a gateway to Donetsk city, whose residential areas Russian officials say have been shelled by Ukrainian forces, sometimes from Avdiivka. Seizing it could boost Russian morale and demoralise Ukrainian forces, which have made only incremental gains in a broad counteroffensive since June. Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelenskiy himself visited in December.”

"If the Russian army takes control of the (supply) road, the Ukrainian armed forces will evidently be forced to withdraw from Avdeyevka. That will be a great victory for the Russian army," Sergei Markov, a former Kremlin adviser, said.”


“Putin Calls on U.S. to ‘Negotiate’ on Ukraine.” - NY Times

“Ukraine needs more troops fighting Russia. Hardened professionals from Colombia are helping.” - AP

“How Kyiv Subdued the Russian Fleet—and What It Will Need to Build on Naval Success.” - Foreign Affairs

“Massive Explosion Reported Near Russian City That Is Home To Missile Production Plant.” - RFERL

“Ukraine's Vampire Drones Terrorize Moscow's Forces.” - RFERL

Fact Sheet: U.S. Assistance To Ukraine


“Claims and facts.”


Belarus Further Strengthens Ties with Russia

(Jamestown Org.)

“Belarusian President Lukashenka strengthens ties with Russia through various events, emphasizing economic cooperation, joint ventures, and alignment on historical narratives to cement their alliance further. These symbolic gestures showcase a united front against perceived Western threats, reinforcing the ideological bond between Belarus and Russia. The signing of a memorandum to establish a Joint Russian-Belarusian Historical Commission presages deeper integration in ways that could undermine Belarusian national identity, unless a clear distinction is made between Minsk and Moscow.”


Opinion: MAGA’s gift to Putin


“The former U.S. president and his loyalists are wrapping up an invaluable gift for the Russian leader just in time for the second anniversary of Putin’s full-scale invasion of Ukraine. With every passing day it looks like they’re going to force the United States to break its word and all but abandon Ukraine – along with other war-torn regions and Indo-Pacific defense.”

“It was odd that urgently needed aid for Ukraine was included in a border security bill. But the bill, painstakingly negotiated and containing almost everything Republicans had demanded to deal with a crisis at the border, was suddenly torpedoed by Trump’s Republican allies. … the bill was declared dead by Trump’s allies because the former president decided it was bad for him.”



