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11 September, 2020


Putin’s Equation of Forest Brothers with Nazis Outrages Estonia, Latvia and Lithuania

By Paul Goble, Window on Eurasia

“A week ago, Vladimir Putin signed an order calling for a one-time payment to Russian citizens living in Estonia, Latvia, and Lithuania of 75,000 rubles (one thousand US dollars) who fought against the Forest Brothers, as the Baltic resistance to the Soviet occupation was called, after 1945 (kremlin.ru/acts/news/63990)."

            “By equating Soviet troops who fought Nazis with those who fought Baltic Forest Brothers, Putin has equated members of the Forest Brothers with the Nazis. Not surprisingly, this has outraged the Estonian, Latvian and Lithuanian governments as well as many ordinary citizens in those countries and their friends elsewhere.”


Indifference Is A Green Light For Hatred And Violence

by Sofi Oksanen, UpNorth

“My reason for bringing up the past in this speech has not been to point a finger at the blindness of western nations relative to Russia, but rather to remind us that developments in Russia are not changing direction. Their actions are intentional, long-term, and based on a tradition of expertise. After the Second World War, the Russians left Norway, as did the Germans. But now, today, Russia is not giving up its aggressive activities within the borders of our countries. The information warriors who serve Russia are not leaving, and their activities have become global: As we speak, Russia is expanding its operations, particularly in Africa. Their aggression is not directly only at the West.”

“In addition to weakening the West, Russia seeks to build a post-truth world in which facts no longer have any meaning. …”


Valgesoo foto:


Belarus news list is toward 

the end of this post



11. September


Kas mets on hakanud kaks korda kiiremini kasvama?

Ülle Harju, Postimees - paywall

“Jätkusuutmatult suurt metsaraiet ja selle varjamist kahtlustavad metsandusinimesed nõuavad riikliku keskkonnaagentuuri (KAUR) algandmete sõltumatut auditit.”


A walk in Tallinn is a walk back in time

(Emerging Europe)

“Officially, the city can trace its origins back to 1219 when it received its city rights after a successful raid by the Danish King Valdemar, and has since been controlled at various times by Sweden, Denmark, Germany and Russia, before becoming a part of independent Estonia: first in 1918, and then again after the fall of the Soviet Union. It is a melting pot of culture and tradition. Unofficially, the city can trace its origins back ever earlier, to 5000 BC, making it one of the oldest settlements in all of Europe.”


Finland’s President Can Hold His Own With Both Putin and Trump

(Foreign Policy)

“Sauli Niinisto, now halfway through his second six-year term as Finnish president, tends to be discreet. A lawyer by training, Niinisto is the leader of the European Union’s northernmost member—which also happens to be the one that shares the longest border with Russia—and is the only Western leader who could be said to have good relations with both Russian President Vladimir Putin and U.S. President Donald Trump. “He knows which fights to pick and which to avoid.”

“Niinisto also knows how—and when—to make a point, as he did last October when he held a joint press conference with Trump, on the eve of the latter’s impeachment. “You have a great democracy,” he said, locking his eyes with Trump, as the latter listened intently (or seemed to). “Keep it going on.”


Putin’s support is weakening. Will that show up in Russia’s regional elections this weekend?

(Washington Post)

“On Sunday, Russia will hold regional elections. Voters will cast ballots in some 9,000 races in 83 regions, with everything from elections to fill national legislature vacancies to elections for regional governors and municipal councils.”

“Discontent with current living conditions and demands for accountability are now stronger than at any time since the annexation of Crimea in 2014. Putin and his party run the risk of no longer coming out on top.”


“A Quick Guide to Russia’s Elections on Sept. 13.” - Riddle

“Russia’s Regional Elections, Explained.” - Moscow Times



10. September


Marko Mihkelson: kaitsekulusid tuleb pigem kasvatada


“Martin Helme plaan vähendada riigikaitse kulutusi 50 miljoni euro võrra on väga halb mõte, mis kahjustab üha keerulisemaks muutuvas julgeolekukeskkonnas Eesti kaitsevõimet,» ütles Marko Mihkelson sotsiaalmeedias. «Juba riigikaitsekulutuste vähendamise mõte ise on ohtlik signaal, millest võivad valesti aru saada nii meie liitlased kui need, kes võiksid potentsiaalselt ohustada meie julgeolekut.”


Estonia’s Security Options Eroded by Far-Right Governing Party EKRE

By Eoin Micheál McNamara, FPRI

“Estonia’s relations with neighboring Finland have been unsettled by late July’s announcement that the country’s ambassador in Helsinki, Harri Tiido, resigned. Tiido cited difficulties in maintaining strong cooperation between Estonia and Finland due to a string of controversial statements attributed to outgoing chairman of the far-right populist Conservative People’s Party of Estonia (EKRE), Mart Helme.”

“The diplomatic consequences of Helme’s comments continue to linger, with Tiido arguing: “When diplomats have to ask for some support from Finland, it’s really difficult to go to the Finns after those kinds of statements.” The senior Estonian diplomat’s public criticism of his government has caused considerable domestic controversy, but Minister of Foreign Affairs Urmas Reinsalu has refuted Tiido’s claim, saying that relations between Tallinn and Helsinki remain strong at a ministerial level and that “inappropriate statements from last year have not harmed [Estonia’s relationship with Finland], though these [statements] could have been left unsaid.” Despite this, Tiido’s serious claim that EKRE “are reducing, or have already reduced, Estonia’s room for maneuver internationally” is a troubling assessment that requires deeper scrutiny. …”


Kaliningrad: A Key Factor in the Kremlin’s Calculations on Belarus

By Paul Goble, Jamestown Org.

“… Russian, Western and Chinese analysts alike have argued that without Russian control of the Suwałki corridor, Moscow would lose Kaliningrad in the first 48 hours (Lenta, September 20, 2019). Even less optimistic Western experts have suggested that if NATO’s control of the Suwałki corridor can be safeguarded, Moscow would lose its Baltic exclave in two weeks (Lenta, October 27, 2019). For that reason—and regardless of whether it succeeds in deploying any additional military facilities to Belarus—the Russian government has to care about the direction of any post-Lukashenka Belarus.”


Leedu teeb ettepaneku tõsta Balti mulli karantiinilävendit


“Leedu teeb Lätile ja Eestile ettepaneku tõsta nõndanimetatud Balti mulli sees enesisolatsiooni lävend praeguselt 16-lt 25-le koroonaviiruse juhtumile 100 000 elaniku kohta, ütles tervishoiuminister Aurelijus Veryga neljapäeval.”


“Estonia raises quarantine limit to 25 per 100,000 for Finland and Baltics.” - ERR

Baltics submit methodology for ending electricity trading with Belarus


"For Estonia, it is important not only to end the buying of electricity from Belarus after the launch of Astravyets, but to establish a network fee for electricity entering the Baltic states. The goal is to gradually, leading up to the end of 2025, reduce unfair competition from Russia so that Estonian power producers could make new decisions on investing into generating capacity, without distortion of the EU electricity market stemming from Russia."


The EU’s state aid hypocrisy


“Another crucial period has begun in the Brexit saga. Boris Johnson has ruled out extending the transition stage beyond 1 January, after which the UK will no longer automatically take over EU regulations or align with EU trade policy. So the key question surrounding Brexit will finally need to be answered: what are the conditions for the UK to retain a decent amount of market access to the EU.”




9. September


Eesti mahemaaks saamise unistus ähvardab kokku kukkuda


“Maheviljakasvatajad seisavad silmitsi tõsise katsumusega – kuidas jääda ellu tingimustes, kus mõne viljasordi hind on kahe aasta taguse ajaga võrreldes kukkunud kolm korda ning tulevikuprognoos on tume.”


“Erakorraline pensionitõus peaks katma vähemalt inflatsiooni.” - ERR

Kaitseväelased harjutasid keskpolügoonil USA raketisüsteemist MLRS laskmist


“Eesti kaitseväelased harjutasid laskeharjutuse «Rail Gunner Rush» raames koostöös liitlasvägedega kaitseväe keskpolügoonil laskmist USA mitmikraketiheitja süsteemilt MLRS, teatas kaitseväe peastaap.”


“Liitlaste lennukid harjutavad Eesti õhuruumis.” - Postimees

“Eesti kaitseväelased lasid esmakordselt ülimoodsast “Katjušast”.” - Delfi

Live-fire exercise near Estonia’s Russian border shows US commitment to Baltic security, officials say

(Stars and Stripes)

“The exercise, called Rail Gunner Rush, brought “top U.S. technological weapons systems to Estonia” … It was the first time the 41st Field Artillery Brigade has conducted a live-fire exercise outside of Germany since the brigade was reactivated at Grafenwoehr, Germany, in November 2018.”


“1st Battalion, 6th Field Artillery Regiment (1-6FAR) of 41st Field Artillery Brigade (41 FAB) at Tapa, Estonia.” - Joint Forces

“NATO Secretary General spoke with Foreign Ministers of Estonia, Latvia, Lithuania, and Poland.” - NATO press release

“Moscow to react to NATO drills in Lithuania, says Kremlin.” - LRT

“US, NATO Warships Exercise Off Russia’s Arctic Coast.” - Breaking Defense

Opinion: America's Alliance with NATO Needs to Change

(National Interest)

“The first step in this process should be for the United States to transition from being the frontline defense of NATO countries to a supporting role. European democracies in the 1950s were poor and destitute. No more. Germany, for example, has the world’s fourth-largest economy. It is more than financially capable of providing the bulk of its own security. U.S. troops, meanwhile, should be redeployed to home bases where they can focus on defending America’s borders and global interests.”




8. September


Setomaa ülemsootskaks valiti tagasi Rein Järvelill 

Ülle Harju, Postimees - 5. september

“Laupäeval peetud Seto kuningriigi päeval valiti Seto kuninga asemikuks maa peal ehk järgnevaks aastaks ülemsootskaks Rein Järvelill.”


Intervjuu: "Valitud Setomaa vallavolikogu esimees Rein Järvelill." - Postimees

EL-i riikidel on raske ühtsetes liikumispiirangutes kokkuleppele jõuda

(Postimees | ERR)

“Kui nakatunute arv 100 000 elaniku kohta EL-i riigis jääb kahe nädala jooksul alla 50, ei tohiks Euroopa Komisjoni ettepaneku järgi selle elanikule liikumispiiranguid seada. Ühtse piirangu osas on liikmesriikidel aga keeruline kokkuleppele jõuda, kuna testimise tavad on riigiti erinevad.”



Estonia's coronavirus notification app 'HOIA' downloaded 100,000 times


“So far, 22 people have declared themselves ill through the app.”


"29 European countries on Estonia's quarantine list." - ERR

“Helsinki Airport recorded nearly 90% drop in passengers in August.” - Helsinki Times

Unistus Eesti suurimast kaubanduskeskusest vajus kokku


“2013. aastal võttis Tallinna linnavolikogu vastu Lasnamäele Peterburi tee ja Laagna tee vahelisele alale kavandatud Tallink City detailplaneeringu, kuid sellest ajast peale pole asjad edasi liikunud. Mullu sügisel öeldi Infortarist ERR-ile, et projekt on "külmutatud". 


Future increase in Lithuanians returning from abroad

(Lithuanian Tribune)

“For three continuous months, the number Lithuanians returning back has been increasing, and the stories about the last Lithuanian citizen who will have to turn off the light at the airport are sinking into oblivion.”





Lukašenko kohtub esmaspäeval Putiniga


“Sotšis toimub 14. septembril president Putini kohtumine Valgevene presidendiga, kes on Venemaal töövisiidil, teatas Kremli pressiteenistus reedel.”


“Putin, Lukashenko To Talk 'Integration' Amid Belarus Protests.” - Moscow Times

The next chapter of Belarusian history may be written in the Kremlin

(The Guaqrdian)

“Criminal charges, kidnappings, bags over the head and death threats: the Belarusian leader, Alexander Lukashenko, has deployed all the resources of his repressive apparatus this week in an attempt to suffocate the growing protest movement against his continued rule as he prepares for a crucial meeting with Vladimir Putin in Moscow.”


Russia Poised to Arbitrate Regime Change in Belarus

(Jamestown Org.)

Part 1:


Part 2:


What Russia May Have in Mind for Belarus: “Soft Annexation”

(Foreign Affairs)

“The Kremlin invaded and occupied territory in Georgia and Ukraine to prevent those countries from moving geopolitically westward. But in doing so, the Kremlin’s neoimperialists planted deep roots of resistance to Russian occupation …”

“Putin has a different plan in mind for Belarus. Instead of deploying “little green men” to occupy Belarusian territory, Moscow is aiming for something we have called “soft annexation.” The strategy is to “boil the frog” gradually, starting with economic integration and a common currency, followed by political integration through a common foreign and defense policy, and culminating in a full-fledged Union State that would mean the de facto absorption of Belarus into Russia.”


“Europe Divided Over Belarus’s Future.” - Carnegie Europe

“Belarus at Moscow’s Mercy All Over Again.” - Jamestown Org.

“Lukashenko: If Belarus collapses, Russia is next.” - Guardian video

“Belarus First Telegram Revolution and NEXTA is Its Voice.” - Paul Goble

“Putin ‘More Dangerous Enemy of Belarus than Lukashenka Is.” - Paul Goble

“The Belarusian dictator remains in power only thanks to the support of the Kremlin.” - Warsaw Institute

Lukashenko Expels Opposition Leaders to Support Kremlin Info Op


“Belarusian authorities are holding Belarusian opposition leader Kolesnikova after a failed attempt to expel her to Ukraine following her abduction on September 7. Ukrainian officials confirmed Belarusian authorities “forcibly expelled” Ivan Kravtsov and Anton Rodnenkov – two of Kolesnikova’s staffers – to Ukraine on September 8. Belarusian security personnel in civilian clothes abducted Kolesnikova, Rodnenkov, and Kravtsov in downtown Minsk on September 7. Rodnenkov claimed Belarusian authorities decided to expel him and Kravtsov to Ukraine, rather than Poland or Lithuania, because they did not have passports with EU visas. Kravtsov and Rodnenkov confirmed at a press conference in Kyiv on September 8 that they witnessed Kolesnikova destroy her passport while in Belarusian detention to avoid expulsion.”


Interview: Svetlana Tikhanovskaya


“The Belarus opposition leader: dozens disappeared after protests.”


“Nobel-Prize winning Belarusian author Svetlana Alexievich has written an open letter denouncing the Belarusian government’s arrest and forced exile of members of the National Coordination Council.” - Calvert Journal

Top Belarusian opposition figure Maria Kolesnikova disappears


“Kolesnikova was the last of the three women who joined forces to mount a formidable electoral challenge to Lukashenko remaining in Belarus. Tikhanovskaya was forced to flee to Lithuania under pressure from the authorities, while Veronika Tsepkalo is currently abroad for safety reasons.”


“Kolesnikova charged with organising coup d’état.” - BNE

“Belarusians are Flying their Flag.” - RFERL

"Välisilm" võttis kokku arengud Valgevenes.” - ERR

“Opposition leader 'tore up passport' to avoid expulsion.” - BBC

“Opositsionäär: mind ähvardati Valgevenest tükeldatuna välja toimetada.” - Postimees

“Valgevene opositsioon nõukogu liige Maksim Znak on kadunud.” - ERR

“Yet Another Opposition Leader Targeted in Belarus.” - Foreign Policy

“High-profile opposition figures arrested in 'security' probe.”  - DW

“Belarusian opposition broadens tactics in bid to unseat Lukashenko.” - Politico-Europe

“In Minsk, tens of thousands of protesters continue push against Lukashenko.” - BNN

“Over 50 Belarusians come to Lithuania after election.” - Delfi

“Former school links new chief of Belarus KGB with Lithuania.” - LRT


