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13 October, 2023


The Foreign Ministry has been in contact with 60 Estonian citizens in Israel

(Schengen Visa Info - 10. Oct.)

“… with 17 of them successfully having left the country.”


“Estonian-Israeli citizen’s death confirmed.” - Postimees

“Estonia Strongly Advises Its Citizens Against Non-Essential Travel to Israel.” - Schengen Visa Info

“Latvia plans Israel repatriation flight for 16. October.” - LSM

“Lithuania is planning a second Israel evacuation flight.” - Delfi

“Finnair Suspends All Tel Aviv Flights Until March 2024.” - Schengen Visa

Estonia-Finland pipeline explosion: what’s the evidence that the damage was deliberate?

(The Conversation)

“Finland’s president, Sauli Niinistö, has alluded to “outside activity” and said sabotage is likely to be the cause of damage to an important gas pipeline that links it to Estonia. The pipeline suffered a leak in Finnish waters on October 8, caused by an explosion, and has subsequently been shut down. A nearby telecommunications connection in Estonian waters was also damaged. It is so far unclear whether this was caused by the same or additional explosions.”

“Reports show that pressure dropped in the pipeline and seismic sensors detected at least one explosion. Nato has promised to act if the pipeline has been attacked. Concerns are being raised about Russia’s possible involvement, although it is denying any role. …”


Balticconnector Map | ERR


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Help save the Estonian Consulates 

 in New York and San Francisco:



Friday 13. October

Spämm-pommiähvarduse uurimiseks loodi Baltimaade uurimisrühm


“Neljapäeval ja reedel saadeti üle Eesti asutustele, sh koolidele ja lasteaedadele, meili teel venekeelne pommiähvardus. Politsei rõhutas, et neil ei ole endiselt viiteid, et tegemist oleks millegi muu kui rämpspostiga.”

[On Thursday and Friday, a bomb threat in Russian was sent by e-mail to institutions across Estonia, including schools and kindergartens. Police stressed that they still had no indication that it was anything other than spam.]


Hamasi rünnakutes hukkus Eesti kodanik


“Hamasi rünnakutes hukkus nädalavahetusel Gaza sektori lähedal Eesti kodanik, teatas välisminister Margus Tsahkna neljapäeval valitsuse pressikonverentsil.”

“Tsahkna sõnul on Iisraelist lahkunud 35 Eesti kodanikku, kuid välisministeeriumile teadaolevalt on Iisraelis veel 22 lühiajaliselt riigis viibivat Eesti kodanikku.”


Tuleva aasta lind on kägu


“Eesti Ornitoloogiaühing valis 2024. aasta linnuks käo, kes on rohkem tuntud rahvapärimuses, kuid kelle bioloogiast ja rollist ökosüsteemis teatakse vähe.”


New children's book about Ukrainian war refugees reaches Estonian schools


“On October 12, the European Commission published a new children's book in Estonian entitled "The Girl Who Kept Her Eyes Open," which tells the story of the war in Ukraine. The book will help to raise awareness in Estonia about the impact of Russia's aggression in Ukraine on the daily lives of war refugees, as well as increase discussions and understanding between children and adults.”


eBook (PDF)


Arvamus: Vene laevad katkestavad ühendusi ja viies kolonn tõstab pead


“Sellel nädalal toimunud sündmustel – kaabli ja toru purunemine Soome lahe põhjas ning ähvarduskirjad koolidele – on hübriidrünnakute tunnuseid. Väga vara on öelda, kas need on seotud, kuid esialgu ei tasu seda ka välistada. Tõsiselt tuleb aga suhtuda õppetundidesse kindlasti.”


EDF: Fully protecting undersea infrastructure is virtually impossible


“Commander of the Estonian Defense Forces (EDF) Intelligence Center Col. Ants Kiviselg said that it is practically impossible to ensure undersea cables and gas pipelines are protected at all times. … Shipping traffic site Marine Traffic, identified the presence of the Russian cargo ship SVG Flot in the vicinity of the Balticconnector leak between last Friday evening until Sunday night. Four or five other vessels were also in that area at the same time.”


“Finnish experts: Russia may have had several motives for damaging pipeline.” - ERR

“U.S. supports Finland, Estonia as it probes Baltic Sea pipe burst.” - Reuters

“Finland: ‘state actor’ might be involved in gas pipeline damage.” - Politico

Teised erakonnad ei pea EKRE erakorraliste valimiste plaani realistlikuks


“EKRE plaan on kutsuda esile erakorralised valimised, ütleb EKRE esimees Martin Helme. Teised riigikogus esindatud erakonnad ei pea erakorraliste valimiste esilekutsumist realistlikuks.”


“EKRE leader: We have plans to call 'emergency' elections.”

The European Sky Shield Initiative


Estonia is one of ten countries to sign a “memorandum of understanding to further develop the European Sky Shield Initiative, (which) enables participating nations to jointly procure an air and missile defence system in an efficient and cost-effective way using interoperable, off-the-shelf solutions.”


How Estonians log-off from their tech-savvy lives


“Estonia is one of the most digitally advanced societies in the world. Now, more and more locals are turning towards the country's stunning ancient bogland to help them disconnect.”



Why the Internet Isn’t Fun Anymore

(The New Yorker)

“The social-media Web as we knew it, a place where we consumed the posts of our fellow-humans and posted in return, appears to be over. The precipitous decline of X is the bellwether for a new era of the Internet that simply feels less fun than it used to be. Remember having fun online? It meant stumbling onto a Web site you’d never imagined existed, receiving a meme you hadn’t already seen regurgitated a dozen times, and maybe even playing a little video game in your browser. These experiences don’t seem as readily available now as they were a decade ago. In large part, this is because a handful of giant social networks have taken over the open space of the Internet …”


“Elon Musk has made himself Europe's digital public enemy No. 1.” - Politico

Israel-Gaza conflict: an opportunity for Putin while the world is distracted

(The Conversation)

“Putin has a strong history of hiding in plain sight. He tells us what he intends to do, and we assume it is rhetorical bluster. But in reality Putin is telling us his plans and seeing how many of them he can complete.”

“Missed by the majority of the world’s media was the annual Russian security conference (the Valdai International Discussion Club, known simply as the Valdai), at which Putin spoke on October 5. There he described his ambition being to create a new world order founded upon a “civilization-based approach”. This would recognise local differences and communities of common interest.”


Moscow Increasingly View Russians and Ukrainians Not as One People

(Aleksandr Etkind | Paul Goble)

“… but two, with Russians as superior and Ukrainians as 'a lower race.”


Thursday 12. October

‘State actor’ not ruled out in mystery of damaged Baltic gas pipeline

(The Guardian | Financial Time)

“The US secretary of state, Antony Blinken, said on Thursday the US would support Finland and Estonia as they probed the damage to the Balticconnector pipeline and parallel Estlink telecommunications cable between the two countries.”

“We stand with Nato allies Finland and Estonia as they investigate damage to undersea infrastructure in the Baltic Sea,” Blinken said on X, formerly Twitter, as Nato defence ministers were being briefed on the incident in Brussels.”



“Estonian government tight-lipped over broken data cable communication.” - ERR

“Balticconnector can return to service in April 2024.” - ERR

“Finland: Increased Threat From Russia Against Critical Infrastructure.” - Moscow Times

“President: Estonia's gas supply security, internet connection not at risk.” - Postimees

“Estonia can cover electricity shortfall in event of Estlink outage.” - ERR

“Finland and Estonia create a Balticconector investigation team.” - Yle

“NATO to respond if Baltic Sea pipeline damage deliberate.” - Reuters

“Estonia Demands Answers Amid Reports Pipeline Damaged By 'Mechanical Impact’.” - RFERL

“Baltic pipeline leak raises winter gas supply fears.” - Politico Europe

Mõjuhinnang: gaasitoru plahvatusest süttib gaasipilv kord miljoni aasta jooksul

Ülle Harju, Postimees

“Keskkonnaameti kriisinõunik Teet Koitjärv kinnitas, et ööl vastu pühapäeva Eesti-Soome gaasitorru tekkinud auk ja gaasileke otsest ega kauakestvat keskkonnaohtu ei põhjusta. ‘Eesti ja Soome gaasioperaatorid sulgesid omapoolsed ühendused kohe, kui leke ilmsiks tuli,’ selgitas ta. ‘Võrreldes näiteks möödunudaastase Nord Streami lekkega on Balticconnectorist keskkonda pääsenud gaasikogused oluliselt väiksemad.”


“Balticconnectori saab avada kõige varem 2024. aasta aprillis.” - Postimees

“Kaja Kallas: riigis kõige olulisem teema on Balticconnectori rike.” - Postimees

USA saatkonnahoone võib tulla pea sama kõrge kui superministeerium


“USA saatkond ehitab uue hoonekompleksi Tallinna kesklinna ministeeriumide ühishoone taha Suur-Ameerika ja Väike-Ameerika tänava vahele. Hoone maksimumkõrgus võib olla 45 meetrit ja detailplaneeringu illustratsioonidest võib aru saada, et sel juhul tuleb saatkonna peahoone sama kõrge nagu superministeeriumi hoone.”

“Hoonekompleksi ehitus peaks algama 2027. aastal ning lõppema 2030. aastal.”


Court orders Estonian state energy firm to halt shale oil plant construction

(The Guardian)

“Young activists took the municipality of Narva-Jõesuu to court over claims the building permit it granted breached international climate agreements. The court ruled it had assessed the climate impact well enough but not the environmental impact, and revoked the permit.”

“It’s remarkable that the first climate court case in Estonia – and in the Baltics – ended in a win,” said Kertu Birgit Anton, an activist with the Estonian branch of Fridays for Future, which brought the case. “Every ton of greenhouse gases that we keep out of the atmosphere is a victory for the wellbeing of society and nature.”


Wednesday 11. October

Estonia ready to lose funding if Ukraine joins EU, prime minister says

(Financial Times | Baltic Times)

“Kaja Kallas, Estonia’s prime minister, said the country was prepared to lose access to cohesion funds — a pot of cash to help poorer members develop their economies — “in the long run”. But she anticipated there would be an extended period of time to make the shift. “Eventually it will happen, but not immediately,” Kallas told the Financial Times.”

“The FT revealed last week that an internal EU study has estimated Ukraine would be entitled to almost €190bn over seven years under the current budget structure, converting “many” countries from being net recipients of EU funds to net contributors. Estonia was one of six countries mentioned in the EU council paper as losing access to cohesion funds should Ukraine and other would-be members, such as Moldova and six countries in the Western Balkans, join without the budget rules first being amended.”



“Opinion: Estonia’s Lessons for Ukraine.” - Wall Street Journal

“How to Keep Ukraine Safe Without NATO Membership.” - Foreign Affairs

Balticconnectori gaasilekke asukohta asub otsima merevägi


“Eesti ja Soome vahelise Balticconnectori gaasitoru võimaliku lekke tuvastamiseks kasutatakse nii laevapealseid sonareid kui ka kaugelt juhitavaid allveeroboteid. Esimesena läheb Paldiskis merd uurima merevägi, kuid kindla lekkekoha leidmiseks ja tekkepõhjuse selgitamiseks võib kuluda mitu päeva.”


Nato vows to respond if Finland-Estonia gas pipeline damage is deliberate

(The Guardian)

“Alliance’s chief says if there is proof of attack it will be met with ‘determined’ response, amid speculation about Russian sabotage.”

“Risto Lohi of the Finnish national bureau of investigation told a press conference in Helsinki on Wednesday: “There is reason to suspect an external force … caused the damage.” The force, he added, “appears to have been mechanical, not an explosion”. The agency’s chief, Robin Lardot, said marks had been found on the seabed at the site of the damage to the Balticconnector pipeline.”


Pipeline damage between Estonia and Finland appears to be deliberate

(The Guardian |Politico | Postimees | AP)

“Extensive damage to an undersea gas pipeline and communications cable connecting Finland and Estonia “could not have occurred by accident” and appears to be the result of a “deliberate … external act”. … There were no indications that explosives had been used but the damage was not “the act of an ordinary person”, Timo Kilpeläinen said. “You need a certain kind of knowhow and equipment.”

“Both countries’ gas network operators on Sunday reported an unusual drop in pressure in the bi-directional, 48-mile (77km) pipeline, which runs across the seabed of the Gulf of Finland from Inkoo in Finland to Paldiski in Estonia.”





“NATO willing to help with pipeline investigation.” - Yle

“European gas prices jump 13% on security concerns.” - Bloomberg

“Finland-Estonia subsea pipeline repairs could extend for months.” - OE

“Finnish officials tight-lipped on possible cause of pipeline damage.” - Yle

“Finnish officials played down the impact on Europe’s natural gas supplies.” - Washington Post

“'Probable Blast' Was Detected Near Damaged Baltic Sea Pipeline.”  RFERL

“Reportedly, Russian cargo ship was near damaged pipeline all weekend.” - Yle

Ukraine tells NATO: Forget me not

(Politico Europe)

“The alliance insists it can handle crises in Ukraine and Israel at the same time.”


“Putin banks on wavering support for Ukraine.” - CNN

“Zelenskyy makes surprise visit to NATO in bid to boost military deliveries ahead of winter.” - Euronews

“Zelensky said he had received assurances from Washington that military aid to Ukraine would remain "constant and uninterrupted”.” - France24

Russia fails to win back seat on human rights council after UN vote

(The Guardian)

“… by a significant majority at the general assembly.”

“The US deputy ambassador, Robert Wood, told the security council that Russia’s re-election to the human rights council “while it openly continues to commit war crimes and other atrocities would be an ugly stain that would undermine the credibility of the institution and the United Nations.”


Belarus Ensnares Exiled Dissidents With Policies Forcing Their Return

(Moscow Times)

“A decree signed by longtime Belarusian leader Alexander Lukashenko last month limits power of attorney and bans the issuance of Belarusian passports abroad. And at the start of 2023, a presidential decree created a “return commission” to consider cases of exiled political activists who wish to return. These policies have forced many Belarusian exiles into a difficult dilemma: return home to renew their documents — and risk arrest — or stay abroad with limited rights.” 


American Public Support for Assistance to Ukraine Waning But Still Considerable

(Chicago Council on Global Affairs, 4. Oct.)

“A September 7-18 survey by the Chicago Council on Global Affairs shows that majorities of Americans support continued US economic assistance and military transfers to Ukraine, but those majorities have narrowed since last November. A slim majority also say the $43 billion in military aid already sent to Ukraine has been worth the cost. While many Republicans believe that the United States should urge Kyiv to negotiate with Russia to end the war, half of them still support continuing US financial and military assistance.”


- Russia’s Forever War -

List of civilians killed in targeted Russian missile strikes in Ukraine keeps growing

(Novaya Gazeta)

“A Russian missile strike on the Kharkiv region village of Hroza on 5 October killed 50 people, including a child, who had gathered to mourn the death of a Ukrainian soldier. The explosion was so powerful that it subsequently proved impossible to determine the child’s gender. Kyiv believes the strike could have been guided by a spotter, who is now being actively sought by the authorities.”


Russian Offensive Campaign 

Assessment: 11. & 12. Oct.


“A large number of NATO member states recently announced aid packages to Ukraine against the backdrop of the 16th Ukraine Defense Group Contact Group meeting in Brussels, Belgium on October 11.”

“Ongoing localized Russian offensive operations near Avdiivka likely demonstrate the ability of Russian forces to learn and apply tactical battlefield lessons in Ukraine.”

“Russian military command continues to celebrate the 810th Naval Infantry Brigade (Black Sea Fleet) for its service in Ukraine, despite claims that the brigade was defeated and reportedly transferred to the Kherson direction.”

“Russian forces have not secured any major breakthroughs near Avdiivka as of October 12 and are unlikely to immediately cut off Ukrainian forces in the city.”

“Geolocated footage indicates that Russian forces have likely lost at least a battalion tactical group’s (BTG’s) worth of armored vehicles in offensive operations around Avdiivka.”

“The Russian Presidential Administration continues preparations to manage and falsify the March 2024 presidential elections.”



“Hamas’ gift to Vladimir Putin.” - Politico

“Russians continue to snitch on each other for anti-war views.” - Moscow Times

“Russian Army Reportedly Lost 34 Tanks Trying To Cut Off The Ukrainian Garrison In Avdiivka.” - Forbes

“Putin Offers Muted Response to Attack on Israel. That Speaks Volumes.” - NY Times

“UN reports 4,621 civilian casualties, including 1,028 killed, in six months in Ukraine.” - Euronews

“Russia has made 30. September “Reunification Day” in the four partially occupied regions of eastern Ukraine.” - Novaya Gazeta

“Putin’s Military Spending Plans Destroying Russian Economy and Threatening Another 1917 or 1991.” - Window on Eurasia

14,000 Ukrainians who fled to Israel found themselves under attack again


“A Ukrainian refugee who fled Russia's notorious Bucha occupation told RFE/RL that the attack "was like déjà vu." In the Gaza Strip, a Ukrainian mother and her family have asked for safe passage out of a territory that has been pounded with Israeli air strikes.”



