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28 May, 2021


Admiral Bellingshausen alustas teekonda Arktikasse

(ERR | Postimees)

“Purjelaev Admiral Bellingshausen alustas teisipäeval Sillamäe sadamast teekonda Arktikasse. … Arktika ekspeditsiooni ajal filmitakse populaarteaduslikku filmisarja, tehakse uurimistöid ja võetakse Eesti teadlastele vee- ja pinnaseproove."


"Arktikas toimub praegu väga palju põnevat. Esiteks kliimamõttes, Arktika soojeneb kaks korda kiiremini kui muu maailm ja tõenäoliselt lähematel aastatel, aastakümnetel muutub ta aktiivseks transiitkoridoriks," ütles ekspeditsioonijuht Tiit Pruuli.”



Estonian yacht sets sail for Arctic to probe climate change

(Livemint | Macau Business)

“The 24-metre (78-foot) ship, the Admiral Bellingshausen, has a crew of sailors, scientists and journalists who will spend four months at sea. The yacht took off from the town of Sillamae on Estonia's northern coast on Tuesday. The crew hopes to sail to the Faroe Islands, Iceland, Greenland, the Norwegian volcanic island Jan Mayen, the Norwegian archipelago Svalbard and then as far north as the ice allows.”

"One (climate change) theory is that huge amounts of greenhouse gas methane escapes from the seafloor. One of our tasks will be to take water samples... and when we return, scientists will measure the amount of methane.” - expedition organiser Tiit Pruuli



Cover photo:


Eesti huvid ja võimalused seoses globaalsete arengutega Arktikas järgneval kümnendil

(Eesti Välispoliitika Instituut)

“Eesti on põhjapoolseim mitte-Arktika riik. Tulenevalt asukohast mitme Arktika riigi naabruses mõjutavad regiooni arengud meid paratamatult. Esiteks toimub Arktikas kliima soojenemine kahekordsel kiirusel võrreldes muu maailmaga, tuues kaasa tõsiseid keskkonnaprobleeme kogu planeedil. Teiseks on seal tekkimas uusi võimalusi majandustegevuseks, eriti loodusvarade kasutuselevõtuks ja transpordiks. Kolmas Arktikat muutev areng on geopoliitiliste pingete kasv, mis väljendub Venemaa püüdlustes tugevdada oma sõjalist kohalolekut, Hiina kasvavas majanduslikus aktiivsuses ning USA lisandunud tähelepanus regiooni vastu.”



COVID cases in the Baltics 

- 140 in Estonia (226 last week)

- 358 in Latvia   (477 last week)

- 503 in Lithuania (664 last week)



“Koroonaviiruse andmestik.” - Eesti Terviseamet

— Friday 28. May —

Erkki Bahovski: Soomest saab uus Läti

(Postimees Arvamus)

“… Tallinna Ülikool teatas selsamal 2018. aastal, et soome keele õpet ülikoolis vähendatakse. Nüüd on siis omalaadse ‘vastukäigu’ teinud Helsingi Ülikool, kus kavatsetakse koomale tõmmata eesti keele õpet. … Tõepoolest, põhipõhjus, miks Helsingi Ülikool kärbib eesti keele õpetamist, on raha. Soome riik on üldse vähendanud toetusi kultuurile mitmekümne miljoni euro võrra ja ega siis eesti keele õpetamine saa sellest trendist puutumata jääda.”

“Nii Tallinna Ülikool 2018. kui ka Helsingi Ülikool 2021. aastal pidid ju mõistma, et otsus naaberrahva keele õpetamist vähendada toob endaga kaasa välispoliitilised ja kultuurilised implikatsioonid. …”


Valgevene opositsiooniliider Svjatlana Tsihhanovskaja tuleb Eestisse


“Tsihhanovskaja alustab oma visiiti esmaspäeva hommikul Kadriorus, kus kohtub president Kersti Kaljulaidiga ning selle järel antakse ühine pressikonverents. 

Päeva jooksul on veel plaanis kohtumised riigikogu esimehe Jüri Ratase, välisminister Eva-Maria Liimetsa, riigikogu väliskomisjoni esimehe Marko Mihkelsoni ja riigikogu liikme Urmas Reinsaluga.”


Lennupiirangute tõttu on Valgevenes lõksus ka Eesti kodanikud


“Valgevenes viibivad Eesti kodanikud ei pääse koju, kuna Euroopa Liidu riigid on keelanud Valgevene lennukompaniidele lennud oma õhuruumis. Valgevenesse saab viisavabalt lennata 30 päevaks, kuid tingimusel, et lahkutakse samuti lennates.”


USA-l ei ole Eestis suursaadikut ka viis kuud pärast presidendivahetust


“Ameerika Ühendriikidel ei ole juba ligi kolm aastat Eestis suursaadikut ning saatkond ei osanud ka öelda, millal esinduse uus juht võiks selguda.”


Venemaa jaoks peab meil olema reaalne sõjaline võimekus - Martin Herem


“Kaitseväe juhataja kindralleitnant Martin Herem rääkis Kuku raadio saates ‘Nädala tegija’ kaitsevõimest ja kärbetest, mida kaitseväes peab tegema. Herem tõi välja, et väga oluline on olla kindel, et Eesti kaitsekulutused jäävad 2 % peale SKTst. See tähendab, et kulutusi saab kuni kümne aasta peale ette planeerida, mida on vaja juurde hankida ning milliseid võimekusi saab täiendada. See omakorda loob reaalse riigikaitse.”


“Õhuvägi lennutab Kevadtormil üle 30 lennuvahendi.” - Postimees

As NATO trains in Estonia, next-door Russia looms large


“The Spring Storm exercise is taking place against a backdrop of renewed tensions between Russia and the West over several issues including Belarus and jailed Kremlin critic Alexei Navalny. "The Russian Federation will not hesitate to use its military power against its neighbours to obtain its strategic objectives," said Major General Indrek Sirel, deputy commander in chief of the Estonian army who is overseeing the exercise.”


Pandemics of social inequalities: Status of national and ethnic minorities in Latvia and Estonia

By Dr Aleksandra Kuczyńska-Zonik

(Institute of Central Europe)

“In Latvia and Estonia the pandemic highlighted and deepened socio-economic inequalities due to nationality and ethnicity. The higher rates of COVID-19 among minorities may have resulted from limited access to high-quality health services and information in minority languages. In addition, the lower socio-economic status of the minorities compared to the titular communities, resulting from the place of residence, occupation, and level of education, have increased the risk of poverty and social exclusion among Russian-speaking people in these countries.”


Estonia among first to join EU's digital covid-19 vaccination passport


“Estonia and the first EU member states will have three EU-wide digital COVID certificates valid throughout the EU: an immunization certificate, a negative test certificate, a COVID-19 pass certificate," said the Ministry of Social Affairs' e-services development and innovation advisor Aurora Ursula Joala. Joala said the three certificates will be separate and can be verified through QR codes.”


“FAQ: How the EU’s coronavirus certificates will work.” - Politico-Europe

“Eestis käivitub koroonatõend hiljemalt juuni keskel.” - ERR

“Vaccinated people can attend large scale events from mid-June.” - ERR

“Estonia to ease more restrictions from 31 May.” - Mayor of Europe

“People arriving in Estonia from 20 European countries don’t need to self-isolate.” - Estonian World

“Covid restrictions set to ease all over Finland.” - Yle

The West Needs to Focus on What Russia Will Be Like After Putin

By Paul Goble, Jamestown Org.

“Ever more people in both Russia and the West are recognizing that Vladimir Putin will not be in power forever. … That is the central message of an important recent book by Herman Pirchner entitled Post Putin: Succession, Stability and Russia’s Future.”


How Russia Understands War

By Dr Andrew Foxall, CCW

“Russia’s current leaders believe their country is at war with the Euro-Atlantic, whether the countries of the Euro-Atlantic recognise this or not. This belief is deep-seated and reflects an incompatibility between how Russia views the world and how the countries of the Euro-Atlantic view the world. It is this belief that drives Russia’s hostile actions across a range of domains - including in cyberspace, in disinformation campaigns, in assassinations of its own citizens as well as foreign citizens abroad, and in attempts to destabilise countries.”


— Thursday 27. May —

Kaja Kallas presidendivalimistest: üritame vältida eelmise korra vigu


"Peaaegu aasta aega olid kandidaadid, kes debateerisid erinevatel teemadel. Kõik olid justkui head kandidaadid, kes võisid sobida, aga valimine kukkus läbi ja selle tulemusena me saime inimese, kes ei olnud selles valimiskampaanias osalenud. Seetõttu kogu see protsess tekitas ka väga palju arusaamatust. Ja seetõttu me soovime vältida neid vigu, mis eelmine kord tehti ja selle jaoks üritame konsulteerida, milline kandidaat võiks saada toetuse just riigikogus ja ka valijameestekogus," rääkis Kallas.”


“Estonia 200 wants Kersti Kaljulaid to continue as president.” - Baltic Times

“Prime minister: President candidate with broad Riigikogu support desirable.” - ERR

Presidendi kontuurid udus

(Postimees, 26. mai)

“Kaks ja pool kuud enne presidendivalimiste algust valitseb presidendikandidaatide suhtes suur segadus. … Parlamendierakondadest on ainult EKRE kinnitanud, et nende kandidaat on fraktsiooni esimees Henn Põlluaas. Parlamendivälistest erakondadest on Eesti 200 väljendanud selget toetust president Kersti Kaljulaidi jätkamisele teiseks ametiajaks. Erakonna esimees Kristina Kallas ütles Postimehele, et nad teevad peaminister Kaja Kallasele avalduse, et Reformierakond leiaks võimaluse president juba riigikogus ära valida. Ka sotsiaaldemokraadid pooldavad praeguse presidendi jätkamist ning nemadki loodavad, et valitsuskoalitsioon asuks Kaljulaidi kandidatuuri taha.”


Jaanus Karilaid: hakkame otsima sobivamat presidendikandidaati kui Ratas ja Kaljulaid

(Postimees, 26. mai)

“Küsimusele, kas sobivamat presidenti kui senine riigipea Kersti Kaljulaid või riigikogu ning Keskerakonna esimees Jüri Ratas, vastas Karilaid nii: “Võib-olla leiame veel parema kui mõlemad kokku.” Ta kinnitas, et Keskerakonnal on nimekiri võimalikest kandidaatidest olemas, kuid esialgu arutatakse neid teiste erakondadega, et nimede ennatliku avalikuks ilmumisega neile mitte haiget teha.”


Vallakeskuses langetati ebaseaduslikult riigimetsa

Ülle Harju, Postimees

“Lääne-Virumaal asuva Väike-Maarja vallavanem avastas, et Väike-Maarja alevikus on riigimaal ebaseaduslikult puid langetatud, Riigimetsa Majandamise Keskus (RMK) väidab, et ei tea asjast midagi.”


“Keegi kuskil raiub kellegi metsas” ei ole sisuline kaebus.” - Postimees

“Metsatöösturid: aktivistide kaebuste tõttu jäävad raietööd põhjuseta seisma.” - ERR

Eesti ägab ehitusmaterjalide puuduse all, hinnad tõusevad tundidega


“Ehituspoodides on tekkinud põud sellistest elementaarsetest ehitusmaterjalidest nagu kivivill, prussid, vineer, vahtplast, metall. Mõne kauba tarnejärjekorrad on suve lõpuni välja ning hinnad kerkivad defitsiitsel kaubal kohati lausa tundidega.”

“Ehituse ABC sisseostuhinnad on aastases võrdluses kerkinud ehituspuidu ja OSB-plaatide puhul 80 %, soojusisolatsioonimaterjalidel (kivivill, EPS jm) 30-40 %, metallitoodetel umbes 30 %.”


AirBaltic luges Valgevene õhuruumist mööda lendamise kulud kokku


“Läti rahvusliku lennufirma airBaltic täiendavad kulud seoses Valgevene õhuruumist ümber lendamisega ulatuvad umbes 200,000 euroni kuus.”


— Wednesday 26. May —

Tartus tuli kaevamistel välja Põhjasõja-aegne ühishaud


“Tartus Supilinnas on kanalisatsioonitöödel leitud Põhjasõja-aegne ühishaud. Esimese paari luustiku leidmisest on nüüdseks jõutud 70 noore sõdurimehe skeletini, kes 1704. aasta suvel Tartu linnamüüri taga sõdisid.”


Moscow Moves from Justifying GULAG to Glorifying It

By Paul Goble

“Now that Russian officials are proposing to use prison labor for economic projects, a Novosti journalist has countered charges that this constitutes the restoration of Stalin’s GULAG by arguing that many of the camps at that time had far better living conditions than many now assume. …”


European Commission to close half of its buildings as telework is ‘new norm’


“The European Commission plans to close half of its 50 office buildings across Brussels by 2030 as it aims to merge office space and allow home working beyond the pandemic. European Commissioner for Budget and Administration Johannes Hahn told reporters on Tuesday that the institution “will reduce significantly the number of buildings in the course of the next 10 years” to just 25 buildings across the EU capital.“


Minsk Events a Logical Extension of Soviet and Russian Tradition

(Window on Eurasia)

“The kidnaping of Roman Protasevich is a logical extension” of a Soviet tradition and will continue as long as “pro-Soviet regimes” like the ones in Minsk and Moscow exist unless the international community mounts a multi-pronged attack on the practice, Vladimir Melikhov, a Cossack writer argues.”


Other Regimes Will Hijack Planes Too

By Anne Applebaum, The Atlantic

“If Belarus gets away with it, authoritarian dictators around the world will have a new tool of oppression. … Pilots of any nationality, even when flying to Caracas, Havana, or Pyongyang, have no reason to believe that the instructions they receive from the ground are political or deceitful, or meant to achieve any purpose other than a safe landing. Now the dictator of Belarus, Alexander Lukashenko, has shattered that basic assumption in a stunt with no exact precedent. … Invariably, others will seek to use it, if only because it sends a message to their dissident and exile communities: You are not safe. You are never safe.”


— Tuesday 25. May —

Moscow Set to Add Baltic Countries, others, to List of ‘Unfriendly Countries’

By Paul Goble

“One event that may be a trigger for Lithuania is the upcoming meeting of the Free Russia Forum in Vilnius. Latvia is in the crosshairs because of its hosting of the Meduza internet portal. And Estonia is as well both for its hosting of NATO institutions and its outreach to Finno-Ugric and other non-Russian groups in Russia.”


Baltic states vow to tighten defense ties with an eye on Russia

(Defense News)

““We thoroughly discussed the expectations for the forthcoming NATO summit with our Baltic colleagues,” Estonian Defence Minister Kalle Laanet said in a statement circulated by his agency. “We believe that NATO needs to send a clear and strong message about the Russian threat and make collective defense the most important task of the alliance in the next decade.”


“Kersti Kaljulaid calls on Britain to stand firm with EU and oppose anti-democratic governments.” - The Guardian

Second stage of Võrumaa border construction contract awarded

(Intrado - press release)

“The contract includes construction on a 34.7-kilometre border segment in Võrumaa. The border segment will be built from the Tserebi village on the south shore of Lake Vanigõjärv until the Võmmorski village. AS Merko Ehitus Eesti will be the leading partner in the contract.”


Rocket Artillery Can Keep Russia Out of the Baltics

(War on the Rocks)

“In September 2020, for the first time since Russia’s 2014 incursion into Ukraine, the United States positioned multiple-launch rocket systems along NATO’s eastern flank for a live-fire exercise in Estonia. Significantly, from a Russian perspective, precision-rocket artillery systems create a defensive problem that is more comparable to that posed by fighter aircraft than ground forces. Each rocket or missile can strike into Russian territory with minimal warning. Each guided rocket is equipped with a 200-pound warhead and can travel over 70 kilometers, and the precision Army Tactical Missile is tipped with a 500-pound warhead that can travel up to 300 kilometers. While the 2020 exercise was officially designed to test the unit’s readiness and build interoperability within NATO, it also conveyed some strategic messages, as the live fire took place within 70 miles of the Russian border.”


Kaljulaid at ‘Spring Storm’: Estonia more than capable of defending herself


“The president received an overview of Spring Storm as it is in progress at the exercise's headquarters at Tapa base, Lääne-Viru County, later traveling via armored vehicle to the EDF central training polygon in Harju County, where she met representatives from both EDF infantry brigades, as well as allied NATO personnel from France and the U.K., also taking part in Spring Storm.”


“Estonia signs €40 million Spike anti-tank weaponry procurement.” - ERR

“The Israeli-produced Spike SR Anti-tank guided missile.” - Military Today

“Milrem Robotics’ THeMIS UGVs used in a live-fire exercise in Estonia.” - InceptiveMind

“Extent of foreign military police authority in Estonia questioned.” - ERR

The Biot case’: Russian Espionage at the core of NATO

(Warsaw Institute)

“Italy-Russia relations have been under close observation of the international forum, with their motives questioned and investigated by security experts worldwide. Concerns have been raised about the possible repercussion of Rome’s privileged economic and political partnership with the Kremlin in the European and NATO contexts. Because of the “Biot case” the security of NATO might be at stake. … On March 31, these concerns turned into reality through the “Biot Case”: an Italian Navy Captain has been discovered passing confidential information to the Russians.”



— Belarus —

Lukashenka’s Plane Hijacking

(CEPA, 24. May)

“On May 23, Belarus’ security services staged an operation to force a Ryanair flight en route from Athens to Vilnius to land in Minsk. The aim was to capture Raman Pratasevich, a 26-year-old Belarusian journalist, who was living in the Lithuanian capital as a political refugee. The full weight of state power was employed in the operation, from a MiG-29 to a suspected team of four KGB agents on board the aircraft.”

[Belarus still calls their security forces KGB. - Ed.]


“With Belarus isolated by the West, Russia’s Putin stands by ally Lukashenko.” - Washington Post, 28. May

“Lithuania expels two Belarusian diplomats.” - Politico-Europe

Eita, Laima Ja Moonuta:  Kreml levitab valeinfot Pratasevitši kohta

(Postimees, 27. mai)

“… Vene riigimeedia taastoodab Valgevenes toimuva kohta kahte narratiivi – esiteks, et samalaadsed vahistamisoperatsioonid on tavapraktikaks ja teiseks, et Pratasevitš on ekstremistlik terrorist.”


“Tarand: Lukašenko Lääne reaktsiooni ei karda.” - ERR

“Valgevene kõrvaldas pinnuks silmas olnud ajakirjaniku põnevusfilmi meetoditega.” - Postimees

“Pinged Euroopa taevas kuhjuvad: Venemaa ei lasknud Austria lennufirmat Moskvasse.” - Postimees

“Sven Jürgenson: Valgevene rasked inimõiguste rikkumised toovad kaasa tõsiseid rahvusvahelisi julgeolekuohte.” - Postimees

“Kui lennuki kõrvale ilmuvad hävitajad, järgib kapten lennujuhte.” - Postimees

“Valgevene Belsat TV juhi asetäitja: meie ajakirjaniku õe abikaasa ja tema sõber võeti pantvangi.” - Postimees

“Valgevene õhuruumi vältivad lennud võiks suunata üle Baltimaade.” - ERR

Belarus: What we know and what we don’t know so far

(BBC, 27. May)

“The arrest of Roman Protasevich and his Russian girlfriend Sofia Sapega.”


Russia Defends Belarus Over Plane Diversion

(The Moscow Times, 24. May)

“Russian Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov told journalists that Belarus had treated the incident with an "absolutely reasonable approach."


Video Statement By Belarusian Blogger Contains All The Hallmarks Of Forced Soviet-Era ‘Confessions'

(RFERL, 25. May)

“It bore all the hallmarks: the emotionless expression, the monotone delivery, the nondescript backdrop, the tightly clasped hands. And the method of its dissemination was another sign: It spread on pro-government social-media channels before state TV picked it up and cited it as evidence of the dissident's guilt.”


“Kaljulaid: EU citizens can no longer consider Belarus a safe space.” - ERR

“Lukashenka is Vulnerable, if the West Gets Serious.” - CEPA

European Union locks out Belarus from international aviation

(EU Observer, 25. May)

“The airspace ban will see Belarus lose income from overflight fees, especially on routes to Asia. … And the flight ban will also cost EU airlines more due to diverted journeys.”

“Some hawkish EU capitals, such as Lithuania, called for extra sanctions on Russia also. "I called for new measures: limiting access to financial markets and international payment systems [and] halting of strategic infrastructure projects," Lithuanian president Gitanas Nausėda said.”


“Russia refuses to allow European planes to land in Moscow.” - The Guardian

Top Kremlin Pundits Celebrate Mid-Air Takedown of Belarus Journalist

By Julia Davis, The Daily Beast 24. May

“Why would I see danger in limiting the freedom of speech when I don’t believe in freedom of speech?” -  Margarita Simonyan, head of Russian state-sponsored news outlets RT and Sputnik. …“

“… Russia could learn a thing or two from the Ryanair incident. [Lukashenko] created an important precedent for us to follow in dealing with such people.” - political scientist Sergey Mikheyev


Belarus Becoming Europe’s North Korea

(Foreign Policy, 24. May)

“Fear and panic spread among dissidents after journalist seized from forced-down plane. … Amid the opposition, struggling to process the news, there is growing fear and panic. One of Tikhanovskaya’s aides said on Sunday evening it now seems Lukashenko’s security forces are capable of reaching them anywhere. Unless the European Union acts, there may be no safe haven for a beleaguered democratic opposition. Exiles bleakly compared their home country to Somalia, known for piracy at sea, or to the isolated and murderous state of North Korea.”


“Lukashenko is 'turning Belarus into the North Korea of Europe', says Sviatlana Tsikhanouskaya.” - Euronews

“Belarus Stages What It Sees as Major Security Operations.” - Jamestown Org.

“Belarus dictator tests the international community.” - Atlantic Council

“Airlines Shun Belarusian Airspace.” - RFERL

“Estonia calls for action after Belarus diverts plane and arrests journalist.” - ERR

“The time for bland statements from EU officials is over.” - Carnegie Europe

“Estonia to summon Belarusian ambassador.” - ERR

What Is Belarusian Telegram Channel NEXTA?

(Jamestown Org. - Sept. 2020)

“Telegram, an application that was already popular among Belarusians, proved to be most resistant to these government disruptions. When all of Belarus went nearly completely offline, the messenger still worked, thanks to its built-in blocking-bypass mechanism and additional proxy servers connected specifically for Belarus. According to Pavel Durov, the founder of Telegram, anti-censorship tools were enabled for Belarus so that Telegram would always remain accessible for most users. The messenger is among the most popular Android applications downloaded by users from Belarus, along with other services to bypass state censorship. Without exaggeration, during the mid-August internet shutdown, Telegram became the country’s sole source of information”

“Telegram features so-called “channels”—individual, separately named information streams, run by one or more individuals. Since the Belarusian election and subsequent emergence of a mass street protest movement, NEXTA (meaning “someone” in Belarusian), physically based out of Warsaw, Poland, has become the leading platform covering and coordinating the opposition demonstrations. NEXTA maintains three telegram channels: NEXTA, NEXTA Live, and LUXTA. The content of the first two channels (anonymous photos, videos and news from mainstream Belarusian media) is similar and often shared between them. LUXTA mostly posts political satire.”



