Suri Helle Meri
“Reedel suri 75 aasta vanuses Eesti presidendi Lennart Meri lesk ja endine näitleja Helle Meri (14.03.1949–08.11.2024). Helle Meri (sündinud Pihlak) oli abikaasa kõrval tema presidendiametiaja jooksul aastatel 1992- 2001. Helle Meri saatis presidenti välisvisiitidel ja ringsõitudel Eestis ning on kaasa rääkinud presidendiinstitutsiooni traditsioonide ja protokollireeglite väljakujundamisel. Selle rolli eest pälvis ta Eesti Punase Risti esimese klassi teenetemärgi.”
Former Estonian First Lady Helle Meri passes away
“Helle Meri (née Pihlak) was by her husband's side as first lady during his time as President of Estonia from 1992 to 2001. Helle Meri accompanied the president on international visits and tours of Estonia and was instrumental in establishing the traditions and rules of protocol of the presidential institution. For that role, she was awarded the Order of the Estonian Red Cross First Class.”
“Helle Meri has said of her role that it was always her job to be one step behind the President.”
EstoNews On-Line
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Ämari lennuraja taasavamine
Reopening of the Ämari runway
“Reedel taasavati Ämari lennubaasi maandumisrada, mis võimaldab ajutiselt Pärnu lennuväljal paiknenud Eesti õhuväe lennuvahenditel naasta Ämarisse ja jätkata NATO õhuturbemissiooni võõrustamisega Eestis.”
“On Friday, the landing strip of the Ämari air base was reopened, which allows the aircraft of the Estonian Air Force temporarily stationed at the Pärnu airport to return to Ämari and continue hosting the NATO air security mission in Estonia.”
Russian drone hits Estonian ambassador's residence in Kyiv
“The residence of the Estonian Ambassador to Ukraine Annely Kolk was damaged in a drone attack on Kyiv on Thursday morning. Kolk was not injured and can continue to live in the building.”
Trump Anxiety - Estonia’s Security Elite Will Deal With It
(The Baltic Sentinel, 6. Nov)
“A snapshot of sentiment among Estonia’s security policymakers reveals a surprisingly measured outlook on the prospect of Trump’s return to power.”
"We can and must live with both [Harris and Trump], and each brings their own strengths and flaws," remarked a prominent figure in Estonian foreign policy when asked on the U.S. Presidential election day how Estonians and other Eastern Europeans should brace for a Trump victory. “The idea that one outcome warrants champagne and the other demands we leap out of a window is simply incorrect,” he added. This cautiously optimistic stance finds echoes among two other senior Estonian security policy officials. … A former minister with intimate experience in security policy suggests Trump could compel Europe to confront uncomfortable truths. “This is precisely what we need for security—less wishful thinking that someone else will defend us, and more realism about our own responsibilities,” he argues. According to him, Estonia’s mainstream security discourse has been overly slogan-driven and naively optimistic. “I believe that era is over, both in Estonia and across the West. Tough times lie ahead,” he warned.”
“Steps Estonian politicians would take after Trump's victory.” - Postimees
Preparing Europe for
a more dangerous world
(European Commission)
“Report by Sauli Niinistö, former President of the Republic of Finland, in his capacity as Special Adviser to the President of the European Commission.”
Niinistö’s Report in a PDF File:
Raekoja platsi jõulukuusk tuleb Sakust
“Tallinna esindusjõulupuu leiti tänavu 20 kilomeetri kauguselt Saku vallast Üksnurme külast. Raekoja platsile püstitatakse kuusk juba järgmisel nädalal.
“Kokku saatis sel aastal pakkumise 13 kuuseomanikku. «Pakutud kuuskede seas oli mitu sellist puud, mis võinuks sobida. Valisime nende seast välja just sellise, mis vastas kõigile tingimustele – ilus looduslikult sirgunud kahar kuusepuu, mis õnnestub ilma takistusteta langetada ning ohutult kasvukohast välja vedada,» rääkis Kesklinna vanem Sander Andla.”
Estonians' self-confidence as a nation has grown, compared to the 1990s
By Airika Harrik, ERR
“Decades ago, Estonians described themselves as a small, poor people tossed about by the winds of history. Now, they're engaging in global politics. Political scientist Alar Kilp says this means Estonians now define themselves more through current events than a shared past. "In 1990, one of the most fundamental tenets was. 'We're poor, but we endure,’ …”
“Exhibition Composed of DNA from 100,000 Estonians on Display at Estonian National Museum.” - Tartu 2024
“One of Japan’s most renowned artists, Ryoji Ikeda, opened a unique audiovisual solo exhibition at the Estonian National Museum.” - Estonian World
Andrus Merilo: halvemal juhul evakueerime elanikud välismaale
Andrus Karnau, Postimees
“Kaitseväe juhataja kindralmajor Andrus Merilo ütles kolmapäeval Tallinna Tehnikaülikoolis konverentsil, et sõja korral tuleb olla valmis õhkima sildu ja hooneid, et takistada Vene vägede liikumist.”
“Eesti on praegu olukorras, kus sõjaline eskalatsioon areneb. Meil tuleb valmistuda selleks, et kui mingid arengud ei lähe meile soodsas suunas, siis sõjaline rünnak Eesti vastu muutub realistlikumaks, kui see on praegu või kui on olnud kunagi varem meie iseseisva ajaloo jooksul,” märkis Merilo. Merilo sõnas, et tema esimene eesmärk on teha nii, et sõjaline agressioon Eesti vastu oleks teostamatu.”
Opinion: Security split runs along national lines in Estonia
By Raimond Kaljulaid, ERR
“Talking about public opinion in matters of national defense, we are forced to admit that what counts in Estonia is not citizenship, but nationality. Irrespective of how the foreign citizens' voting rights issue will be resolved in the end, we need to think about how to bring Russians living in Estonia into the same national security value space we inhabit.”
Meretuuleparkidele pealemaksmise ‘hädavajadus’ põhineb õhul ja topeltandmetel
Ülle Harju, Postimees ajakirjanik
“Valitsuse plaan panna meretuuleparkide ehitamise nimel mängu miljardeid eurosid maksumaksja raha põhineb ebatõenäolistel ja topeltandmetel ning Eesti realistliku energiavajaduse katmiseks pole meretuuleparke tõenäoliselt üldse vaja.”
Eesti riigijuhid õnnitlesid Trumpi valimisvõidu puhul
“Eesti president Alar Karis ja peaminister Kristen Michal õnnitlesid USA vabariiklaste kandidaati Donald Trumpi presidendivalimiste võidu puhul. Oma õnnitluse saatis ka välisminister Margus Tsahkna. Ekspresident Toomas Hendrik Ilves ja endine peaminister Jüri Ratas märkisid oma kommentaaris, et Euroopa peab nüüd uues olukorras ennast kokku võtma. Trumpi õnnitles ka ekspeaminister ja Euroopa Liidu tulevaseks välispoliitikajuhiks esitatud Kaja Kallas.”
“Arvamus: Putin näeb Trumpis sugulashinge.” - Postimees
“USA tahe Euroopa kaitsesse panustada kindlasti nõrgeneb.” - ERR
“Arvamus: Midagi on mäda USA sotsioloogias.” - Postimees
“Estonian leaders congratulate Trump on election victory.” - Postimees
100th anniv. of the establishment of the Apostolic Administration of Estonia
(Vatican News)
“Pope Francis sent a letter to Bishop Philippe Jean-Charles Jourdan of the Diocese of Tallinn. The Pope’s message began by recalling his journey to Estonia in 2018 and he congratulated the milestone as it “marks a century of steadfast fidelity to the Catholic faith.”
Estonia is considering purchasing drones from Ukraine
(Euromaidan Press | Militarnyi)
“Recently, Estonian Defense Minister Hanno Pevkur and Commander of the Estonian Defense Forces Andrus Merilo discussed supplying the country’s armed forces with drones from Ukraine. Pevkur noted that the quality of drones produced in Ukraine was very good.”
“Meretuulepargid Eestis radarite tööd segama ei hakka.” - ERR
“Rescue training exercise 'Autumn Storm' coincides with actual storm.” - ERR
“Ukraina petukõnekeskused värbavad aktiivselt eestlasi.” - Postimees
“After Finland, Estonia is also expected to close its border with Russia.” - Telegrafi
“Bentley Tallinn expands and moves to a brand new location six years after its launch.” - Automotive World
“Estonia-US relationship not driven by ideological preferences.” - ERR
“Estonia Wants To Ban Russian Residents From Voting.” - Barrons
“Jana Toom: Claiming that Russian citizens living in Estonia are "Putinists" is a malicious lie.” - ERR opinion
Travel: Clean, Green and Serene - the Low-Key Charms of Estonia
“The Baltic country is tech-forward, nature-forward and relaxing …”
“Island-hopping through Estonia's western isles.” - National Geographic
Ten-day mine clearance operation called ESTHOD underway in Estonian waters
(Estonian World | Baltic Times)
“… as part of which the Estonian Navy, together with the Standing NATO Mine Countermeasures Group 1 (SNMCMG1), will search for, identify, and neutralize munitions from the past wars in Pärnu Bay and the southern part of the Väinameri Sea … seven vessels are participating in the operation.”
“NATO’s specialist Minesweepers clear historic mines from Estonian waters.” - NATO
Around the Baltic Sea
“Baltic defensive line takes shape.” - LRT
“Finnish politicians give mixed reaction to Trump win, call for more European responsibility.” - Yle
“Sweden and Finland to instruct citizens how to prepare for war.” - Helsinki Times
“Finnish President Alexander Stubb has congratulated his future US counterpart Donald Trump.” - Yle
“Sweden's PM congratulates Trump: 'Friends and allies’.” - Radio Sweden
“Will Nato’s robot weapons fend off Russia? Baltic leaders hope so.” - The Times
“Finland exports snow-saving mats to ski resorts hit by climate crisis.” - Guardian
“In a Deep, Dark Swedish Forest Lies a Very Comfortable Utopia.” - Esquire
“Opinion: I moved to Finland believing it was a progressive dream. It hasn’t turned out that way.” - By Mike Watson, The Guardian
“Sweden: Runes prove Elfdalian is distinct ancient Nordic language.” - Guardian
‘We have won’: Russian rhetoric dreams of new global system with Trump victory
(Washington Post)
“In the corridors of power in Moscow, the win for Trump’s populist argument that America should focus on domestic woes over aiding countries like Ukraine was being hailed as a potential victory for Russia’s efforts to carve out its own sphere of influence in the world.”
“In even broader terms, it was seen as a victory for conservative, isolationist forces supported by Russia against a liberal, Western-dominated global order that the Kremlin (and its allies) have been seeking to undermine.”
“In his first remarks since the election, President Vladimir Putin said Thursday that the West’s post-Cold War monopoly on global power was “irrevocably disappearing,” before going on to praise Trump for behaving “courageously” during an attempt on his life this summer.”
Trump’s in. What it means for Europe’s energy, trade, finance and defense
(Politico Europe)
“A Trump win means Europe can no longer — or at least much less — rely on the U.S. for its defense and security. Donald Trump threatened during his first term to leave NATO … In a way, this may be a blessing in disguise for the EU, forcing European governments to work more closely together and make bold decisions — such as agreeing to joint borrowing to boost the bloc’s defense industry. … The Trump win could mean the end of U.S. military aid to Ukraine and pressure on Kyiv to negotiate a peace deal with Russian President Vladimir Putin, even if the terms are more favorable for Moscow.”
“If the president-elect goes ahead with even half the ideas he’s floated on the campaign trail, expect serious pain for the European economy. Analysts at Goldman Sachs said the euro could drop as much as 10% against the dollar.”
“Trump’s animosity for environmental policy will widen the gap between the two blocs on the international stage and harm the EU’s ambitions to promote multilateral cooperation. …”
“Global health advocates might also be fearing that Trump will once again withdraw from the World Health Organization (Biden overturned Trump’s previous withdrawal on his first day in office).”
Trump win leaves Russia jubilant and Europe putting on a brave face
(Washington Post)
“Russian officials appeared almost giddy at the news of a Trump victory. He has promised to end the war in Ukraine in 24 hours, without elaborating, a pledge that has led many in Russia to conclude that the war could end in a manner favorable to Russian President Vladimir Putin.”
“Leonid Slutsky, head of the Russian parliament’s foreign affairs committee, said Trump’s victory could lead to the collapse of Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky’s government and an end to Western aid for Ukraine. “Judging by the pre-election rhetoric,” he said, “the Republican team is not going to send more and more American taxpayer money into the furnace of the proxy war against Russia.”
“In one of the first congratulatory messages from a world leader, Zelensky reminded Trump of a “great meeting” that the two men had in the United States in September, when they discussed “ways to put an end to Russian aggression against Ukraine.”
“Kremlin Officials Hope Trump Will Hand Putin an Advantage in Ukraine and Europe.” - The Moscow Times
“What Trump’s victory means for Ukraine.” - LRT
Putin’s Forever War
Russia strikes Kyiv in a huge drone attack only hours after Trump win
(The Guardian)
“Attack on Ukrainian capital lasted eight hours with five districts hit and high-rise building set on fire.”
“The Russian president has demanded Ukraine cede swathes more territory in its east and south as a precondition to peace talks, while Kyiv has repeatedly ruled out ceding any land to Moscow in exchange for peace. … In a speech later on Thursday at Valdai, a Kremlin-affiliated research institute in Sochi, Putin recycled some of his go-to grievances with the west as he made his first comments since the US election, claiming Nato’s actions “forced Russia” to respond by invading Ukraine. He also described Nato as a “blatant anachronism” which was seeking to defeat Russia in Ukraine.”
Russian Offensive Campaign Assessments
6. And 7. November 2024
“Russian President Vladimir Putin is attempting to shape US President-elect Donald Trump's foreign policy and achieve another Russia–US reset on Russia's terms.”
“A recent failed Russian assault northeast of Siversk near Bilohorivka prompted outrage from some Russian ultranationalist milbloggers over Russian command failures and the pervasive Russian military culture of exaggerating battlefield successes.”
“Ukrainian forces reportedly struck a Russian naval base in Kaspiysk, Republic of Dagestan for the first time on November 6 damaging several missile ships of the Russia Caspian Sea Flotilla.”
“Ukrainian authorities reported that Russian forces executed at least 109 Ukrainian prisoners of war (POWs) since the start of the full-scale invasion.”
“A prominent Russian brigade commander and official indicated that Russian commanders and civilian leadership explicitly view Russian military volunteers as expendable resources, consistent with high casualty rates across the frontline.”
“Ukrainian troops clash with North Korean units for the first time in Russia.” - France24
“South Korean intelligence: North Korea to send more troops to Russia.” - Euromaidan Press