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24 July, 2024


“Kristen Michal was born in Tallinn on 12 July 1975. He is in a common-law marriage and the father of three sons. He joined the Estonian Reform Party in 1996 and is a member of its board. Graduated from I Studium in 1994 with a degree in economics, studied administrative management at Tallinn University in 1994–1999, graduated from University Nord in 2009 with a degree in law, and studied law at the master’s level at Tallinn University in 2010–2014. Native language: Estonian. Also speaks English, Finnish, German, and Russian. He is a reserve officer in the Defence Forces.” - Eesti Valitsus

         Estonia's new government has been formally appointed

(AP | Politico | ERR)

“Estonia’s president formally appointed the Baltic country’s new government on Monday after lawmakers gave the green light to Prime Minister-designate Kristen Michal’s three-party coalition Cabinet. … In a 64-27 vote, lawmakers approved the proposed government of Michal, who is a seasoned politician but a first-time prime minister, from the governing center-right Reform Party.”




“Peaminister Michal tegi esimesed väliskõned Soome peaministrile ja Ukraina presidendile.” - Eesti Valitsus

“Fotod Ja Video: President Alar Karis nimetas ametisse Kristen Michali valitsuse.” - Postimees

“Michal: ettevõtjad on valmis riigikaitsesse panustama.” - Postimees

“Estonian government’s first priority: Improve state finances.” - ABCNews

“Kaja Kallas läheb väljateenitud puhkusele.” -

“Michal tegi väliskõned Soome peaministrile ja Ukraina presidendile.” - Postimees

“Mõnda aega mind näha ei ole”

(Elu24 Postimees, 23. juuli)

“Kaja Kallas läheb väljateenitud puhkusele. … Täna said üle antud Stenbocki maja võtmed. Mina enam peaminister ei ole. Tänasega algab mul puhkus ja võtan välja ka teenitud puhkuse sotsiaalmeediast.”


Estonia's new government: Who's who

(ERR | Politico)

“The new coalition is a continuation of its predecessors – Reform, SDE, and Eesti 200 – which had been in office since May 2023. Leaving office this week will be Reform's Kaja Kallas (prime minister), Mart Võrklaev (finance minister) and Madis Timpson (justice minister); and Eesti 200's Tiit Riiisalo (minister of economic affairs and IT).”




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Baltic beauty: Estonia’s northern coast

By Kevin Rushby, The Guardian 18. July

“Sunny beaches, summer cabins and mossy marshes surrounded by flowers …”


“How I found bliss cycling along the coast of Estonia.” - Kevin Rushby

Around the Baltic Sea:

“Interview: Secretary General of the Estonian Ministry of Foreign Affairs Jonatan Vseviov.” - CNN

“Estonia a role model for EU and NATO countries on defense spending.” - ERR

“Variety in diaspora speech shows Estonian language is alive and well.”  ERR

“Arvamus: Kommunaalne katastroof Venemaal seab kahtluse alla Putini režiimi tuleviku.” - Postimees

“Migrant flow from Belarus to Latvia picks up again.” - Latvian Broadcasting

“US B-52 bombers fly training mission through Finnish airspace.” - Yle

“Finland to skip EU meetings unless Hungary changes stance on Ukraine.” - Helsinki Times

“Swedish politicians praise Biden after decision to not seek re-election.” - Radio Sweden

“Finland: Biden’s withdrawal from the presidential race will not have a major impact.” - Yle

Russian Sabotage Ops in the Baltics

(Re:Baltica, 10. July)

“This year, the Estonian Security Service, KAPO, detained 13 individuals for desecrating several national memorial sites and vandalizing the cars of the interior minister and a journalist. In Latvia, in February, two men attempted to set fire to the Museum of the Occupation, while in Lithuania, an IKEA store caught fire in May. Last year in Poland, a group was convicted of spying for Russia and planning to blow up a railway used to deliver aid to Ukraine.”



Russia’s Forever War 

For Ukrainians, the war of survival is also a battle to defend their identity

(Christian Science Monitor, 19. July)

“Since Russia launched its war, the Ukrainian people have seen, in the dismissal of their historical and cultural distinctiveness, and in the physical attacks on their cultural institutions, a coordinated campaign against their national identity.”


“The hatred, rage and distrust Ukrainians feel towards Putin’s Russia is impossible to overstate.” - The Spectator

“Russian Navy reportedly withdrew its last remaining patrol ship from occupied Crimea.” - Atlantic Council

“The EU must provide Ukraine with both weapons and other aid.” - Postimees

“650,000 Russians who left because of Putin’s War in Ukraine remain abroad.” - Paul Goble

“Estonia Sends Another Batch of Mistral anti-aircraft systems to Ukraine.” - Kyiv Post

“Venemaa poolt okupeeritud Melitopolis toimus mitu plahvatust.” - ERR

“Anchored in Freedom: Ukrainians’ Will to Fight Back in Harder Times.” - Ponars

“They tried to make us Russians: the children Putin stole.” - The Times

“Life returns to Ukrainian reservoir drained by Russian strike on dam.” - The Guardian

“Ukraine's mobilization effort during ongoing war with Russia.” - CBC

“Zelenskyy thanks Germany for Patriot missle system.” - Deutsche Welle

“Ukraine restructures billions in foreign debt.” - Novaya Gazeta

“Swiss trams have become sought-after vehicles in Ukraine.” - Swissinfo

Strategic Shift in Russia’s Aerial Tactics in Ukraine.” - SOFREP

“Interactive Map: Occupied, Militarized Crimea.” - RFERL


