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17 November, 2023


Estonia accuses Russia of stoking provocative migrant influx

(Politico Europe)

“Interior Minister Lauri Läänemets says Estonia returned people to Russia who crossed without necessary documents. … “Russia lets them pass without any reason, which means that these persons reach us and we have to deal with their concerns,” he said. “Since they have no basis for entering the European Union, it is obviously an organized and deliberate activity to burden the activities at the borders.”


“Estonian border guard installs concrete obstacles on Narva bridge.” - ERR

“Estonia ready to close all border crossing points with Russia if necessary.” - Baltic Times

“PPA ready to close Estonia's border crossings if 'migration pressure' rises.” - ERR

“Estonian police unit concludes work on Latvia-Belarus border.” - Postimees

Piirivalve vedas öösel Narva sillale “lohehambad”


“Narvas Eesti ja Venemaa piiripunktiks olevale sillale toodi kohale betoonist püramiidplokid ehk 'dragon’s teeth'.”


“Läänemets: Venemaa lasi Eesti piirile sisenemisõiguseta Somaalia kodanikud.” - ERR

“PPA juht Belitšev: oleme valmis vajadusel piiripunktid sulgema.” - ERR

“Siseminister: Venemaa on asunud ka Eesti piiri illegaalidega tahtlikult koormama.” - Delfi

“Reede on Narva piiripunktis möödunud uute Eestisse sisenemise katseteta.” - ERR

“Eesti piirilt tagasi saadetud somaallased võtavad suuna Põhja-Soomesse.” - Postimees

“Venemaa eesmärk Soome ja Eesti piiril toimuvaga on meie tähelepanu hajutada.” - Öhtuleht

Finland closes 4 southeastern border crossings with Russia


“… in response to Russian officials' decision to allow undocumented asylum seekers to cross in growing numbers. … the government announced plans to close the Vaalimaa, Nuijamaa, Imatra and Niirala border crossing points.”


“ERR Soomes: neljapäev oli piiripunktides rahulik.” - ERR

“Border will remain shuttered until Feb. 18, 2024.” - Moscow Times

“PM says they are being "helped, encouraged and organised.” - Euronews

“We have acted decisively and swiftly, says Finnish PM.” - Politico Europe

“Moscow 'regrets' Finland closing their border with Russia.” - Moscow Times

“EU Slams Russia's 'Shameful' Use of Migrants at Finnish Border.” - Moscow Times

“Inimesed kiirustavad enne piiripunktide sulgemist üle Soome idapiiri.” - ERR


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Cover Photo from ‘Visit Pärnu’



Vana Tallinn’s Christmas 

market opens 1. December

(Daily Express, UK)

"Christmas is just around the corner, and Europe's famous markets are gearing up for the holiday season. This little-known Christmas market is one of the best on the continent.”


NB! No newsletter next week due to the 

U.S. Thanksgiving holiday. Aitäh!

Friday 17. November

Ministeerium plaanib salastada kinnistusraamatust nime järgi otsimise

Ülle Harju, Postimees

“Praegu saab inimese nime või isikukoodi järgi kinnistusraamatust otsida, millised kinnistud talle kuuluvad, justiitsministeerium plaanib selle võimaluse kaotada. Justiitsministeerium andis teada, et viimastel aastatel on sagenenud nii kodanike kui ka ametiisikute pöördumised isiku nime ja isikukoodi järgi kinnistusraamatust andmete otsingu õiguspärasusest. Pöördujatele ei meeldi, et kinnistusraamatu kaudu on võimalik leida nende elukoht.”


Parliament committee calls on the ministry to not close consulates in the US

(BNS via Estonian World)

“The foreign affairs committee finds that the decision to reduce the diplomatic representation in the US is contrary to Estonia’s foreign policy development plan until 2030, in which among the goals set are the development of comprehensive and deepened cooperation with the US, making consular services easily accessible to Estonians living abroad, and greater involvement of Estonians living abroad in the promotion of the foreign economy in order to ensure the protection of Estonian interests abroad in the best way possible.”


Eesti Energia mängis rahva rahaga USAs Vene ruletti

Ülle Harju, Postimees

“Eesti Energia plaan hakata USAs põlevkiviõli tootma läks lõplikult lörri ja kohtuvaidlus Ameerikas paljastas, et Eesti maksumaksja rahaga mängiti algusest peale Vene ruletti. Eesti Energia andis neljapäeval teada, et kontsern teeb ettevalmistusi Utah’s äritegevuse lõpetamiseks. Ajakava on selgumisel. USAst saadetud dokumendid näitavad, et Utah’s kaotatud raha – Eesti Energia andmeil 65 miljonit eurot – tagasi teenida pole kohtu survel lõpetatud skeemi ja muude vigade tõttu enam lootust.”


Eesti Energia's plan to start producing shale oil in Utah ended up in failure

Ülle Harju, Postimees / BNS

“… and litigation in the US revealed that Russian roulette was played with Estonian taxpayers' money from the start. … In Utah, water resources have been decreasing on a catastrophic scale in recent decades. Enefit American Oil, owned by Eesti Energia, would have needed nearly 380 million tons of water to extract oil shale over a period of 30 years. Since the company does not have the right to use water, and water permits cost an extortionate sum because of the water crisis, it is not worth developing any project with a higher water demand there.”

“… By 2019, Eesti Energia had lost 60 million euros in the Utah desert.”


Rohkem ühistransporti ja rattateid, vähem autosid ja heitgaase


“Tallinna volikogu kiitis 49 poolthäälega heaks jätkusuutliku linnaliikuvuse kava, mille eesmärk on saavutada aastaks 2035 pealinna piirkonnas tasakaalustatud liikumisviiside jaotus, ligipääsetav liikuvustaristu ja ohutu liikuvuskeskkond. Tosina aasta pärast sõidavad tänavatel endiselt tasuta, kuid heitmevabad ühissõidukid ning rattateid on praeguse 100 kilomeetri asemel 300.”


Uisutamine 200 aastat tagasi


“Nädalavahetusel avati Mustamäel ja Lasnamäel juba liuväljad, seetõttu tasub meenutada uisutamist Tallinnas läbi aegade. Tänapäeva tallinlaste esivanemad on uisutamisega tegelenud vähemalt kaks ja pool sajandit. Ei saa välistada, et siin uisutati ka keskajal. Kuid tänapäevaste uiskude eelkäijaid pole Tallinna arheoloogidel veel õnnestunud leida. …”


We must invest more time; resources; and effort in our security

(ICDS commentary)

“… Kestutis Budris, Chief National Security Advisor to the President of Lithuania in an interview to Diplomaatia.”


How Yoko Ono and Estonian Leena Kutti saved the Beatles' Holy Grail from history’s scrap heap


[Excerpt from "Living The Beatles Legend: The Untold Story of Mal Evans" by Kenneth Womack. Interesting story. - Aavo]

“In February 1988, with the first decade of her widowhood nearing its close, Ono  would quietly and, perhaps most important, swiftly perform an act of kindness that preserved what music historians have described as the Holy Grail of the Beatles’ legacy. For Ono, the opportunity would arrive in the unlikely form of Leena Kutti, a 43-year-old Estonian immigrant whom Ono would never meet.”


Thursday 16. November

Eesti teadlased alles hakkavad oma keskkonnajalajäljele mõtlema


“Tartus peetud kestliku teaduse konverentsil otsisid osalejad vastust küsimusele, milline on teadmiste loomise ja teaduse tegemise keskkonnajalajälg. Korraldajate sõnul on kestliku teaduse teema Eestis veel uus, kuid tulevikus sellest mõtlemisest ei pääse. Teadus- ja arendustöö eesmärk on elu edasi viia, kuid seegi tegevus kulutab paratamatult ressursse ja tekitab prahti. …”


Poliitika: Isamaa on tõusnud Eesti eelistatumaks erakonnaks

(Estonian World Review)

“Isamaa toetus on viimase nelja nädala kokkuvõttes jäänud tõusuteele, samal ajal kui Reformierakonna toetus on langustrendis, selgus täna uuringufirma Norstat iganädalase küsitluse tulemustest. Viimase nelja nädala tulemuste põhjal toetab Isamaad 24,1 protsenti, EKRE-t 23,6 protsenti ja Reformierakonda 18,1 protsenti valimisõiguslikest kodanikest.”


NATO peasekretär selgub kinniste uste taga


“Nii Euroopa Parlamendi saadik ja endine mitmekordne minister Sven Mikser, Rahvusvahelise Kaitseuuringute Keskuse direktor Indrek Kannik kui ka riigikogu riigikaitsekomisjoni esimees Kalev Stoicescu rõhutavad, et peasekretäri leidmine ei käi formaalse protseduuri alusel, vaid riikidevahelise konsensuse otsimise kaudu, mis teeb prognoosimise keeruliseks.”

"Ega ju fikseeritud protseduuri ei ole. See on läbirääkimiste protsess liikmesriikide vahel - kombatakse, otsitakse, kelle taha on võimalik saada konsensuse ja kui tunnetatakse, et kellegi puhul on see realistlik, siis hakatakse viimaseid kõhklejaid tõenäoliselt veenma.”


Interview: Kaja Kallas


“Kallas discussed whether western support for Ukraine is sustainable, the status of efforts to seize Russian frozen assets in Europe, and her push to eliminate so-called "gray zones" — areas between the west and Russia, where Moscow's efforts to exert influence threaten Europe's security.”


Finland leads 'Freezing Winds 23' joint naval drills in Baltic Sea


“… from 20 November to 1 December, alongside troops from the Finnish Army and Air Force, the Swedish Navy and several allies. About 4,000 troops will take part in drills in the Gulf of Finland and the Finnish Archipelago. The exercises will involve around 30 combat vessels, service, support and transport vessels, as well as coastal and land troops, according to a Finnish Navy press release.”


Almost 20% of lifesaving medicines have disappeared from Russian pharmacies

(Novaya Gazeta | Paul Goble)

“In some cities, that figure is as high as 64%. In August, the Russian Health Ministry warned of potential shortages of almost 200 different medicines. While the announcement alarmed many, the problems Russian healthcare providers are facing are actually far more serious. …”



The Inevitable Fall of Putin’s New Russian Empire

By Alexander J. Motyl, Foreign Policy Magazine

“Looking at the long history of empires, it’s not at all surprising that today’s Russia has embarked on a project of re-imperialization—the attempt to recreate as much of its former empire as it can. Unsurprisingly, Russia’s effort will fail.”


Wednesday 15. November

Kallas open to being next NATO leader

(Politico |Reuters | Postimees)

“… as the Cold War-era alliance continues to navigate Russia’s war in Ukraine and homes in on common strategies against China and other emerging threats.”




“Kallas’s message to NATO: ‘Defending freedom has a price tag’.” - Atlantic Council

“Kallas Eyes NATO’s Top Job Even Amid Calls to Resign.” - Bloomberg

“Kallas recognized with Jeane J. Kirkpatrick Award in Washington D.C.” - The Baltic Times

Finland sees a sudden surge in asylum seekers from Russia


“Further groups of asylum seekers arrived on Wednesday at Finland's southeastern border via Russia, part of a sudden surge that the president said appeared to be Russian revenge for his country's defence cooperation with the United States. … Finland's government on Tuesday accused Russia of funnelling asylum seekers to crossing points along the frontier and said it might limit access unless Russian authorities reverse course.”

"I don't see the border traffic ending in any other way than with very clear Finnish action," President Sauli Niinisto told a news conference on Wednesday.”


Tuesday 14. November

Estonia to let Taiwan open Tallinn office


“… despite warnings from China to scrap the plan.”

"As many other European Union countries, Estonia is ready to accept the creation of Taipei’s non-diplomatic economic or cultural representations" in Tallinn, Estonian Foreign Minister Margus Tsahkna said in a statement.”


“Estonia doubling down on decision to allow Taiwan to establish a representative office in Tallinn.” - Daily Express, UK

“Taiwan to open a representative office in Tallinn despite China’s warnings.” - European Interest

British stealth jets flew simulated strike missions into Estonia, Latvia and Lithuania from HMS Queen Elizabeth

(UK Defense Journal)

“F-35B stealth jets from 617 Squadron, launched from HMS Queen Elizabeth, are central to the UK’s strategy for projecting power in defence of NATO.”


“Estonian reservists in Okas snap exercise practice air base defense.” - ERR

“EU struggling to produce and send ammo to Ukraine.” - AP via WRIC

“Estonian defmin in Brussels: Real decisions needed to support Ukraine.” - The Baltic Times

“National Security Advisor Jake Sullivan met with Kallas.” - White House

‘If the Baltics fall, Berlin will be next’


“… Minister of Defense Hanno Pevkur told German publication Merkur. … He also said the right conclusions need to be drawn from the war in Ukraine. Explaining why defense spending will rise above 3 % for the next few years, Pevkur said "We must do everything we can to prevent a Russian attack. ... That's why we are relying on deterrence.”


“Fällt das Baltikum, ist Berlin als Nächstes dran.” - Merkur

Estonia and Finland send legal notice to China regarding Baltic Sea drama

(Politico Europe)

“… for cooperation as part of their ongoing investigation into damage to Baltic Sea critical infrastructure. Estonia’s Foreign Minister Margus Tsahkna told POLITICO on Monday “We do hope that China will be cooperative and we can get the opportunity to make more investigations.”


“Investigation reveals human-caused damage on Estonia-Sweden submarine cable.” - The Baltic Times

Finland accuses Russia of aiding illegal migrant crossings

(BBC | Yle | Meduza)

“… some have been helped by Russian border guards. Finnish officials say migrants arrive by car before cycling across the border in small groups to claim asylum. … The number of crossings remains small but has been rising this week. Border guards say they have registered around 89 crossings in two days.”




Finns struggling to make student loan repayments

(Helsinki Times)

“Finns have have failed to make 72 million euros worth of student loan repayments this year. The full-year total is projected to rise to at least 80 million euros, about three to four times higher than the longer-term average.”


“Uusi lakiesitys saattaa kasvattaa takaukseen päätyviä opintolainoja tulevaisuudessa entuudestaan.” - Yle

What keeps a Latvian awake at night?

(CNN Opinion)

“Suddenly, a war that still appears a potentially existential threat not far from their doorstep is being supplanted in the larger world’s attention by violence 1,200 miles to the south of this Baltic capital. …”


Ukraine’s European Aspirations and Anxiety

(The Bulwark)

“In the midst of a stalled offensive and wavering international support, good news about Ukraine has been in short supply lately. Yet, the European Commission’s recommendation, issued last week, that the EU open accession talks with Ukraine is heavy with symbolism for Ukrainians and provides a glimmer of much-needed hope for the country’s future.”


“Over 5 Million Ukrainians Internally Displaced By War.” - RFERL

“Ex-Nato chief proposes Ukraine joins without Russian-occupied territories.” - The Guardian

- Russia’s Forever War -

Bridgehead On The Dnieper: Russia Struggles To Contain A Ukrainian River Crossing


"Initial indications point to a growing Ukrainian operation that has not only sent dozens of troops and some heavy equipment across the river but has also tied up a substantial number of Russian forces, some redeployed from other hot spots along the 1,200-kilometer front line.”

“The effort itself -- sending troops and equipment across a waterway, exposed to artillery, air strikes, and drone surveillance -- is a complex, tricky endeavor. It comes with frustration growing about the trajectory of a slogging five-month counteroffensive that has garnered little territorial gain for Ukraine and done almost nothing to change the overall battlefield.”


“Ukraina teatas edust Hersoni vasakkaldal.” - ERR

“Ukrainian military reports ‘successful operations’ on Dnipro River’s east bank.” - The Guardian

“Ukraine secures multiple strategic areas along eastern bank of Dnipro River.” - France24

“Russia Admits Ukraine Gained Positions on Moscow-Held Bank of Dnipro River.” - The Moscow Times

Ukraine Prepares Electricity Grid for Another Winter of War


“Anti-tank barricades and checkpoints adorn a narrow country road somewhere in the vastness of Ukraine. Publication of their exact location is prohibited because they are subject to strict security regulations. State-of-the-art American Patriot air defense systems, with their characteristic missile launchers, can be seen positioned among the autumnal trees. It almost feels like the entrance to a secret military base. After going through a security check, though, the steel gate opens up to a power substation, not some miracle weapon one might otherwise have expected. …”


Kremlin Prepares for Winter in Ukraine

(Jamestown Foundation)

“The Kremlin, however, seems to be losing its demonstrative optimism in pushing back Ukrainian forces, as Kyiv’s slow, but steady counteroffensive presses on. The Russian military is scrambling to prepare for the worst possible scenarios as the winter campaign begins.”

“Several recent developments highlight Moscow’s heightened concerns. First, local officials in some regions have increased payments for those who agree to sign service contracts with the Ministry of Defense. This measure likely means the number of volunteers has been much lower than expected. Second, more evidence has surfaced that the reported 410,000 contracted soldiers and volunteers recruited in 2023 does not come close to the real numbers. Third, discontent is growing among the wives and mothers of those soldiers mobilized a year ago.”


Russian Offensive Campaign 

Assessment: 15. & 16. November


“Denmark will reportedly start inspecting and potentially blocking Russian oil tankers in an effort to enforce a price cap on Russian oil and the European Union’s (EU) insurance regulations.”

“Recent Russian polls indicate that roughly half of Russians maintain support for the war in Ukraine and for Russia to engage in peace negotiations.”

“Ukraine stated that the continued Russian occupation of the Zaporizhzhia Nuclear Power Plant (ZNPP) has resulted in equipment and maintenance failures that threaten the plant’s security.”



“Russia Is Shrugging Off Sanctions.” - Foreign Policy

“If the West cuts aid to Ukraine, Russia will win. if the West leans in, Ukraine can win.” - ISW

“Estonian intel: Russians seize initiative on two contact line areas.” - Yahoo

“War Marks Moral Bankruptcy Of The Russian Imperial Myth.” - RFERL

“Why has the Kremlin decided to reinstate Putin’s annual live call-in event this year?” - Novaya Gazeta

Putin Signs Amendments To Presidential Election Law That Limit Reporting During Vote


“… which (will) restrict coverage of the poll scheduled for March next year by the media. The bill, endorsed into law on November 14, permits only those journalists working for officially registered media outlets to attend sessions held by the country's election commissions.”


Putin Wants Russia to Win the Artificial Intelligence Race. It Won’t

(The Moscow Times)

“Whoever leads in AI will rule the world,” President Vladimir Putin declared at an address commencing the 2017 Russian school year. Six years later, despite intense focus from senior leadership and heavy investment from the federal budget and state-owned enterprises, Russia remains a laggard in this field, hobbled by international isolation and structural challenges.”


The fiasco of the Russian EV industry


“Although the pace of development of the electric car market in Russia lagged several years behind the global pace, the country had all the prerequisites for establishing its own electric car production and even export, and some foreign car companies based in the country were seriously considering the possibility of producing their electric models at Russian car factories. The war in Ukraine has seriously altered these calculations.”



