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08 September, 2023


Heat wave in the northern Baltic Sea now the longest ever recorded


“Since mid-July, temperatures in the surface waters of the northern Baltic Sea, have been above normal, making it the longest heat wave ever recorded in the area.”

“This concerns the researchers at Umeå Marine Sciences Center based at Umeå University. After a short period of elevated water temperatures, marine ecosystems often recover. However, a prolonged heat wave that spans weeks, or even months, can have devastating consequences.”

“For the entire Baltic Sea region, sea temperatures have increased by between of 1–1.5 degrees since the 1990s, although it varies somewhat between different areas. The biggest difference can be seen in surface water, but in the southern parts of the Baltic Sea the same trend can also be seen in the bottom water.”



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Friday 8. September

Arvamus: Kaja Kallase skandaal näeb välja nagu Eesti-vastane erioperatsioon

Andrei Kuzitškin, Postimees

“Oleksin valmis uskuma nende siirust ja vooruslikkust, kes täna nii aktiivselt nõuavad Kaja Kallase tagasiastumist, kui ei oleks tervet rida kahtlusi ja küsimusi. Pole mingit kahtlust, et Kaja Kallase Eesti peaministri kohalt tagasiastumine on Kremli unistus. Kaja Kallasest rohkem vihkavad Venemaa z-blogijad ja Venemaa presidendi administratsioon ainult vanaisa Bidenit. See on ka mõistetav: Kaja Kallase lepitamatu seisukoht Putini režiimi suhtes ja selge toetus Ukrainale kutsub Venemaa võimudes esile äärmist raevu. …”


“Kallas kavatseb sügisel taas erakonnajuhiks kandideerida.” - ERR

“Kaja Kallas: üritan oma kommunikatsiooni parandada.” - Õhtuleht

“Kaja Kallas to run for Reform Party chair again this fall.” - ERR


“There is no doubt that calling for the resignation of Kaja Kallas as the Prime Minister of Estonia is a dream of the Kremlin. Russian z-bloggers and the Russian presidential administration only hate Biden more than Kaja Kallas. This is also understandable - Kallas’s uncompromising stance towards the Putin regime and clear support for Ukraine provokes fury with the Russian authorities.” - OpEd - Postimees columnist Andrei Kuzitškin


Narvas algas punaarmeelaste nimega tänavasiltide vahetus


“Narvas algas punaarmeelaste nimega tänavasiltide vahetus. Nädala jooksul vahetatakse viiel tänaval 100 nimesilti. Algust tehti reedel endisel Grafovi tänaval. Regionaalminister Madis Kallase määrusega on viiel Narva tänaval alates 1. septembrist uus nimi, mis ei ole vastuolus Eesti ajaloo ja kultuurilooga. Nõnda muutus Grafovi tänav Madise tänavaks ja Bastrakovi tänav kannab nüüd Masina nime. Augustis hääletas Narva volikogu punaarmeelaste tänavanimede muutmise vastu, kuid sellele vaatamata alustas linnavalitus siltide vahetust.”


“Narva street renaming goes ahead despite council voting it down.” - ERR

"Aktuaalne kaamera" käis tutvumas Ukraina rindemeedikute tööga


“Ukraina rindemeedikud riskivad iga päev oma eluga, et päästa teiste elusid. Kogu rindejoone ulatuses töötavad stabiliseerimispunktid, kus haavatud saavad kiire esmase abi enne, kui nad saadetakse tagalahaiglatesse. Ühes sellises punktis Donbassis käisid korrespondendid Anton Aleksejev ja Kristjan Svirgsden.”


Russia Reportedly Withdraws Military Contingent From Allied Belarus

(The Moscow Times)

“On Thursday, the State Border Service of Ukraine said ‘almost all’ of Russia’s forces in Belarus have been ‘rotated out.’ … No new units have been brought in.”

“Around 2,500 fighters for the Wagner mercenary outfit, which had agreed to be stationed in Belarus after staging a failed mutiny this summer, still appear to be stationed in Belarus.”


President Alar Karis: Estonia closely monitoring developments in Belarus


“The president made his remarks during a meeting with his Lithuanian counterpart, President Gitanas Nausėda, while attending this week's Three Seas Initiative (3SI) summit in Bucharest, Romania. The two leaders discussed issues related to the summit and the security of the Baltic region, with President Karis noting that: "We can see that Russia is planning to significantly increase its military presence on the borders of the Baltic States and in Belarus, where Wagner fighters are also based.”

“Following a failed coup in southern Russia in mid-summer, the now-leaderless Wagner Group mercenaries were "exiled" to Belarus. Fears are that they may attempt to hang on to the coattails of migrants attempting to enter the EU, often being exhorted by Belarusian security services to do just that.”


Interview: Estonia's Foreign Minister Margus Tsahkna


“Estonia's Foreign Minister has said he is "concerned" about a  possible hybrid attack from Russia. Speaking exclusively to Euronews, Margus Tsahkna said: "There are hybrid threats. But we never know what kind of hybrid situation may happen. "We have witnessed them before as well." 

“He suggested Russia could "test the borders" not only of Estonia, but also those of NATO and the EU, with Tallinn inside both blocs. "We are watching carefully. We are working very closely with our allies on the border."


“French airborne troops arrive in Estonia to train EDF reservists.” - ERR

‘Estonia’: Scandinavia’s Most Expensive TV Series Of All Time


“Creatives behind ‘Estonia’ … have opened up about the ethical issues surrounding a show spotlighting a tragedy that claimed the lives of 850 people.”

“Director Mans Månson, whose past credits include Chernobyl and Snabba Cash, described the cruiseferry’s sinking as a “total national trauma” that needed to be approached with the utmost sensibility, given that authorities are still investigating 30 years on.”


Finnish government and top ministers survive confidence votes

(Politico Europe)

“… over racism scandals. Prime Minister Petteri Orpo’s government survived the vote of no confidence after 106 MPs continued to express their support, while 65 voted against. Some 21 MPs submitted blank voting forms and 7 MPs were absent during the entire voting session on Friday.”

“It’s been quite a scandalous summer for Finland’s government, which has only been in office for three months.”


“Former PM Sanna Marin quits Finnish politics to join Tony Blair Institute.”  - The Guardian

Thursday 7. September

Kerkiv maailmamere tase võib Eesti rannajärved sisse soolata


“Hiljuti kogunesid Tartusse veekogude ökoloogiale pühendunud mikrobioloogid, et jagada ning arutada konverentsil SAME17 viimaseid uurimistulemusi. Uusi teadmisi mikroobikoosluste funktsioneerimisest jagati laia valiku erinevate ökosüsteemide kohta, alates kodusest Läänemerest kuni süvaookeani või miljoneid aastaid eraldatuks jäänud koobastikuni välja.”

“Konkreetsed uurimisküsimused katsid varieeruvalt nii paigaomaseid kohalikke teemasid kui ka globaalseid nähtusi ja probleeme. Viimaste hulgas arutati ka üleilmset merevee taseme tõusu ja sellest tulenevaid muutusi. Eesti ökoloogide sõnul siinne rannik kerkib ning Läänemere siseosas on tõus ja mõõn üliväikse mõjuga. Nagu nad oma ettekannetes välja tõid, ei tähenda see kõik siiski, et Eesti keskkond merevee tõusutrendist puutumata jääks.”


Venemaa kaubavahetuse sulgemisel on võtmeriik Soome


"Peaminister Kaja Kallase kinnitusel soovib Eesti, et piiririigid kehtestaks Venemaale ühise kaubandusembargo. Läbirääkimistel pole aga seni edu saavutatud, kusjuures võtmeriik on tema sõnul Soome.”


“Finland key to shutting down Russia trade.” - ERR

Kallas: opositsioon kardab mind umbusaldada ja üritab selle asemel kiusata


"Peaminister ja Reformierakonna juht Kaja Kallas ütles, et opositsioon ei julge teda umbusaldada ning selle asemel üritab peaministrit kiusata, et tal närvid üles ütleks ja ta ise tagasi astuks. Seda Kallas teha ei plaani ning selle eest tunnustas teda ka Eesti 200 valitsusdelegatsiooni juht ja välisminister Margus Tsahkna.”


Arvamus: Kallase skandaalist ei olnud pääsu isegi suurõppusel Ussisõnad

Ago Raudsepp, Postimees

“Me ei aruta Kaitseliidus poliitikat. Siin on meil ainult üks erakond – see, mille lipp on meie varrukal.” Vaikuse katkestanud võitleja oli ilmselgelt rahulolematu: “Kas siis isiklikku arvamust ei võigi olla? Nagu Putini Venemaal – kõik on üks suur hall mass.” Olukorra päästis jaoülem: “Meie oleme sinimustvalge mass.” Kõik hakkasid naerma.”


Arvamus: Inimesed nagu Kaja Kallase abikaasa on põhjus, miks Venemaa sõjamasin jätkuvalt töötab

Riho Terras, Postimees

“Venemaaga äri ajamine annab raha selle sõjamasinasse ja siin ei tohiks olla pooltoone … Kui Venemaa sõjamasina toetamine on keelatud, siis peabki see olema keelatud. Igasugune äritegevus Venemaal ja Venemaaga toetab Venemaa sõjamasinat. Kõik, kes on mingilgi määral suhelnud teiste riikide poliitikutega, saavad aru, et pragmaatilised inimesed nagu Kaja Kallase abikaasa on põhjus, miks Venemaa sõjamasin jätkuvalt töötab.”


President Karis: PM Kallas should have resigned right away

(Bloomberg | Estonian World)

“That would have saved her integrity, the ability of the government and the credibility of Estonia. But everyone makes their own decisions in a situation like this, evaluating the seriousness of the moral problem themselves,” President Alar Karis said.”



“Estonia's major dailies are saying that Kallas does not understand seriousness of situation.” - Postimees

“Editorials: The Estonian PM does not understand the seriousness of the situation.” - Estonian World

“Ansip: Kallas scandal is most widely reported involving Estonia.” - ERR

“Kallas faces calls to resign over husband’s business ties to Russia.” - El Pais

Aivo Peterson sai süüdistuse riigireetmises

(ERR | Delfi)

“Süüdistuse kohaselt abistasid liikumise Koos/Vmeste juhtliige Peterson ja Dmitri Rootsi 2022. aasta oktoobrist 2023. aasta 10. märtsini Venemaa Föderatsioonist saadud suuniste alusel teadlikult ja organiseeritult Venemaad ning Venemaa ametiasutuste ülesandel tegutsenud inimesi Eesti Vabariigi iseseisvuse, sõltumatuse ja territoriaalse terviklikkuse vastu suunatud vägivallata tegevuses.”

“Süüdistuse järgi osalesid süüdistatavad teadlikus mõjutustegevuses, mille eesmärk oli luua Eestis Venemaa välis- ja julgeolekupoliitika narratiive ja propagandasõnumeid toetav poliitiline ühendus. Selle ühenduse kaudu taheti süüdistuse kohaselt luua Venemaale võimalus ohustada Eesti põhiseaduslikku korda, sekkuda Eesti sisepoliitikasse ning mõjutada ka välispoliitikat.”



Aivo Peterson, leader of the Koos political party, charged with treason


“According to the charges, from October 2022 to March 10, 2023, Peterson and Roots deliberately and systematically assisted Russia and individuals acting on behalf of Russian authorities in non-violent activities against the independence, sovereignty, and territorial integrity of Estonia, following instructions received from Russia.”

“The indictment alleges that the accused were actively involved in influence operations aimed at establishing a political organization in Estonia that supports Russia's foreign and security policy narratives and propaganda messages. This organization was intended to provide Russia with the opportunity to jeopardize Estonia's constitutional order, interfere in its domestic politics, and influence foreign policy.”


COVID-19 on the rise in Europe

(Politico Europe)

“Only a third of countries reported data to the ECDC on hospital admissions.”


How Estonia Became a Model for Digital Democracy


“Prime Minister Kaja Kallas spoke with Azeem Azhar about how Estonian democracy is being made more resilient with the embrace of technology.”


Belarus Wages Low-Level War on its Neighbors Lithuania, Latvia, Poland

By Marija Golubeva, CEPA

“After serving as a key base for Russian troops, aircraft and missiles to attack Northern Ukraine in 2022, Belarusian authorities have now added a new destabilization risk to their panoply of threats.”

“Estonia has no border with the Kremlin-compliant dictatorship but considers itself affected by the issue.”


“Poland, Baltic states warn they could seal borders with Belarus if military, migrant tensions grow.” - PBS, 28. Aug.

Russia in the process of conducting ‘sham elections’ in occupied areas of Ukraine

(The Hill)

“Russia is holding “sham elections” in its occupied territories in Ukraine in an attempt to give its presence more legitimacy, Secretary of State Antony Blinken said Thursday during his visit to the war-torn nation. Local and municipal elections are being held in four fully or partially occupied regions of eastern Ukraine: Donetsk, Luhansk, Kherson and Zaporizhzhia.”


“Voting at Gunpoint in Russia’s Sham Elections.” - CEPA

The Slow Invasion of Belarus

by Kelly Alkhouli, National Interest

“The 2020 anti-government protests were the largest in Belarus’s history, with over 200,000 people marching in the streets of Minsk demanding Lukashenko’s resignation. Had the Kremlin not provided political support to the regime and offered to intervene militarily, perhaps Belarus’s story would have taken a different path.”

“With Belarus now cut off from Western markets, its economy has become even more dependent on Russia, which is by far its largest trading partner. Minsk’s weakened bargaining position has allowed Moscow to accelerate plans for economic integration and defense cooperation within the Union State of Russia and Belarus.”

“Although the opposition, led by Sviatlana Tsikhanouskaya, is supported by the West and most Belarusians, it is unlikely that they will be able to overthrow the regime. The constitutional amendments, passed in February 2022, allow Lukashenko to secure lifelong immunity from prosecution and retain power post-presidency as President of the All Belarussian People’s Assembly. The amendments also enable the permanent deployment of Russian troops and nuclear weapons in Belarus.”

“Lukashenko may retain an honorific title but gradually lose actual power within his own country, whereas Russia’s influence is likely to stay for the foreseeable future.”


Belarus to stop issuing passports at embassies, a blow to émigré opposition 


“The changes are part of a decree issued by Belarus’ strongman president Alexander Lukashenko. Until now, citizens living outside Belarus could obtain or extend passports at an embassy or consulate. … Commenting on Lukashenko’s decree, which will inconvenience in particular opposition activists residing abroad, Sviatlana Tsikhanouskaya said on Telegram that she and her colleagues were consulting the governments of the countries where most Belarusians reside. She said that the issue would also be raised at the UN General Assembly.”


“Valgevene keelas saatkondadel välismaal passide väljastamise.” - ERR

“Belarus bans citizens from renewing passports abroad.” - AP

“Belarus Cuts Off Exiled Citizens With Passport Ban.” - Bloomberg

“Belarusian Embassies Orderted To Stop Issuing Passports.” - RFERL

“Belarus Is One of the Countries With the Most Expenses for Visa Applications.” - Schengen Visa Info

“Belarus condemned for depriving citizens abroad of fundamental right.” - RFERL

Wednesday 6. September

Suurte büroohoonete ehitusse võib järgmisel kümnel aastal tulla paus


“Tallinna Arteri kvartalisse kerkiv Eesti kõrgeim büroohoone on saavutanud täiskõrguse. See võib jääda ka järgneva kümnendi ainsaks suureks büroohooneprojektiks, sest kontoripindu on ekspertide hinnangul Tallinnas juba praegu üle.”


Statistics Estonia: Over 11,000 job vacancies in second quarter


“The number of job vacancies was highest in public administration and defense at 1,775, wholesale and retail trade at 1,499 and education at 1,316 vacant posts.”


Estonia’s average wage up to €1,873 in Q2

(Estonian World Review)

“… which is 12.4% higher than in the same quarter last year.”


Estonia looking for way out of rail freight quagmire caused by invasion of Ukraine

(The Loadstar)

“While Russia may be the target of sanctions, its European neighbours are also feeling the heat, with Estonian state-owned rail freight carrier Operail’s volumes all but wiped out – 83% down on 2022.”


Läti kergitab kaitsekulud kolme protsendini SKT-st


“Läti lahkuv valitsus võttis vastu riigi uue kaitsekava, lõplikult peab selle heaks kiitma parlament. Juba järgmisest aastast tõusevad kaitsekulud kolme protsendini sisemajanduse kogutoodangust, suureneb kaitseväelaste arv ja idapiiri tugevdatakse militaarsete kaitserajatistega.”


“Tuhanded Lätis elavad Vene kodanikud võivadki elamisloast ilma jääda.” - ERR

“Fate of many Russian citizens in Latvia still unclear.” - Latvian Broadcasting

Clashes erupt in Sweden's third largest city after another Quran burning


“Police in Malmo said they were pelted with rocks and dozens of cars were set on fire, including in an underground garage, describing the events that started Sunday and lasted overnight as “a violent riot”. The clashes started after anti-Islam activist Salwan Momika on Sunday burned a copy of the Quran and an angry mob tried to stop him while police, some of them helmeted, detained several people. Authorities said at least three people have been detained.”


NATO’s Romania slams Russia for ‘serious violation’ over drone debris

(Politico Europe)

“… from a Russian killer drone found on its territory near the Danube river, following Moscow’s assault on a Ukrainian port. ‘Completely unacceptable’ says President Klaus Iohannis …” 


- Russia’s Forever War -

What Were The Russians Doing In Chornobyl?

By Oleksiy Radynski, The Atlantic

[Author uses the Ukrainian transliteration of Chornobyl, not the Russian.]

“Part of the border between Ukraine and Belarus lies within the Chornobyl Exclusion Zone, a 1,000-square-mile area, surrounded by barbed wire and army checkpoints, so contaminated with the fallout from the 1986 disaster that it has been deemed unsuitable for life. A foreign invasion through this radioactive territory once seemed unthinkable. But when Russian military convoys crossed into Ukraine on February 24, 2022, speeding toward Kyiv, they blew past the Dytiatky checkpoint, the entry to the exclusion zone, where visitors normally had to be inspected for radioactive debris. The Russians turned Dytiatky into a normal military checkpoint—and inadvertently carried radioactive dust along with them toward Kyiv, effectively expanding the invisible borders of the exclusion zone to all the territory they occupied.”

“By the end of March, the plant personnel became convinced that the Russians were preparing for battle at the disaster site. The soldiers built barricades out of sandbags they filled with radioactive sand they’d dug from right around the plant. Firing points were erected on top of the plant’s buildings. Several old, dysfunctional military vehicles appeared on the plant’s territory, apparently to be used as dummies at military checkpoints. The staff immediately recognized these vehicles: They were the ones used to eliminate the fallout of the 1986 disaster, and since then had been installed in an open-air museum in town. The vehicles were so highly contaminated that museum visitors were not allowed within a dozen meters of them. Now they were sitting in the middle of the nuclear plant, with uninformed soldiers manning checkpoints right next to them.”


Russian Offensive Campaign 

Assessment: 6. & 7. Sept


“Russian sources continue to complain that Russian forces lack sufficient counterbattery capabilities and artillery munitions in the face of ongoing Ukrainian counteroffensive activities.”

“Ukrainian forces continue to advance in western Zaporizhia Oblast.”

“Ukrainian counteroffensive operations in the Donetsk-Zaporizhia Oblast border area are likely succeeding in pinning elements of the 7th Guards Mountain Airborne (VDV) Division and preventing them from laterally redeploying to critical areas of the front in western Zaporizhia Oblast.”

“Putin drew historical parallels between Soviet participation in the Second World War and the current war in Ukraine to set ideological expectations for a prolonged war effort.”

“US Defense Intelligence Agency (DIA) Director of Analysis Trent Maul stated that there is a “realistic possibility” that Ukrainian forces will break through the entire Russian defense in southern Ukraine by the end of 2023, while a Ukrainian source suggested that upcoming Russian defensive positions are weaker than those Ukrainian forces have previously breached.”

“Russian forces conducted another large-scale Shahed-136/131 drone attack against Sumy and Odesa oblasts overnight on September 6-7.”



“The Dangers of a Desperate Russia.” - Foreign Affairs

“US to arm Kyiv with depleted uranium tank shells.” - BBC

“How Russia Is Paralyzing Europe's Peace Organization.” - Spiegel

“US plans to hand over arrested Russian assets to Ukraine.” - BNN

“'Russian Flag Cannot Be At Paris Olympics,' Macron Says.” - RFERL

“Russia-Based Recruiters Lure Cubans to Fight in Ukraine with Promises of Money, Citizenship.” - The Moscow Times

“Ukrainian Racing Drone Nearly Kamikaze’d A Russian Attack Helicopter.” - Forbes

“Elon Musk sabotaged Ukrainian attack on Russian fleet in Crimea by turning off Starlink, new book says.” - Politico

“Ukraine blasts Musk over Starlink order; Russia praises him.” - The Hill

“Kremlin propaganda is part of the curriculum in Russia, and many have no choice but to teach it.” - CBC

What Moscow Has Learned in Ukraine

By Margarita Konaev and Owen J. Daniels

(Foreign Affairs)

“Much of Russia’s other military equipment—including armored vehicles, artillery systems, and electronic warfare systems—has been captured, damaged, or destroyed; some systems are so decrepit that they barely function. Many of the most expensive and sophisticated weapons that remain in Russia’s arsenal, including hypersonic and high-precision missiles, are being used to target civilian infrastructure, depleting precious stocks that will be hard to replenish amid sanctions.”

“But as battered and inefficient as it is, Russia’s military is still capable of learning and adapting. This process has been slow, painful, expensive, and cumbersome—but it is happening, and it is showing results. …”


It’s time for a plan C in Ukraine

(Politico Europe commentary)

“… soon the autumn rains will come to Ukraine, making military maneuver that much more difficult. Signs are that if Ukraine hasn’t secured a breakthrough on its southern front and breached all three layers of Russia’s formidable Surovikin Line by then — something that has so far eluded the country’s forces in three months of fierce fighting — calls for negotiations will mount as elections in both Europe and the U.S. looms, altering the internal political dynamics of allies.”


How Beijing Is Lending Moscow’s War Effort a Hand

(Internationale Politik Quarterly)

“Since the beginning of Russia’s full-scale aggression against Ukraine in February 2022 and the introduction of Western military-technological sanctions, the issue of Russia-China military cooperation has become increasingly relevant. The main question is whether Moscow might be able to mitigate the effects of Western technological sanctions by strengthening military cooperation with Beijing.”



