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12 November, 2021


Belarus Seeks to Export Instability

(Foreign Policy)

“Belarusian President Aleksandr Lukashenko has weaponized migration, with thousands of asylum-seekers and migrants from the Middle East caught up in a multilayered geopolitical standoff with neighbors like Poland, Lithuania, and Latvia. As tensions escalate between Belarus and the West in the wake of fraudulent presidential elections last year and a violent crackdown on protests, Lukashenko has sought to exploit the European Union’s weak seams of unresolved internal tensions over migration and Poland’s increasing defiance of Brussels by shipping in would-be migrants and then flooding them toward his European neighbors’ borders. …”


“Lukashenko Uses Migrants to Exploit Europe’s Vulnerability.” - Carnegie Europe

“Lukashenka’s Dark Games Menace the EU’s Border.” - CEPA

Baltic, Polish parliaments issue joint statement on Belarus border situation

(Latvian Broadcasting)

“The Chairmen of the Foreign Affairs Committees of the Riigikogu of the Republic of Estonia, Saeima of the Republic of Latvia, Seimas of the Republic of Lithuania, and Sejm of the Republic of Poland held a video meeting (Tuesday) afternoon to discuss the situation on the Polish-Belarusian border, and made a joint statement.”


Friday 12. Nov.

Eksperte hämmastab Venemaaga piirilepingu läbirääkimise ajastus


“Reinsalu selgitas, et piirilepinguga tegelemiseks ja läbirääkimisteks pole praegusest halvemat ajastust ja jaburamat konteksti, kui samal ajal käivad Valgevenest Venemaa mahitusel hübriidrünnakud meie naabrite vastu, kui Poola piiril lendavad Venemaa pommituslennukid ning Pihkva kaudu võib rünnak tabada ka meid.”


“Välisministeerium: Venemaa tahab piirilepinguga edasi liikuda.” - Postimees

Illegal migration route close to Estonia could open via Pskov

(ERR | Postimees)

“While Estonia does not border with Belarus, were the airport at Pskov (Pihkva) to be used, this would open up a new route … as an alternative means of reaching the EU. Migrants from countries such as Iraq who have been intercepted in Estonia, have so far been small in number. Such individuals had often crossed the border with Latvia – which borders with Belarus – and attempting to reach Finland or other parts of the EU.”



“Mehrheit der Schleuser aus Deutschland.” - WELT original article

The Pskov Airport is 56 km from the Koidula Border Crossing

Venemaa võib võtta migrandivoo Eestisse suunamiseks kasutusele Pihkva lennujaama

(Postimees | ERR)

“Euroopa Komisjoni konfidentsiaalne dokument märgib, et lähiajal võib ebaseaduslike migrantide Euroopasse toimetamisel hakata olulist rolli mängima Pihkva lennujaam, mis asub Eesti ja Läti piirist vaid mõnekümne kilomeetri kaugusel.”



“PPA: saime Pihkva lennujaama kohta infot mõned nädalad tagasi.” - Postimees

PPA: migrandikriisi Eestisse kandumine on ebatõenäoline


“Eesti riigipiir Venemaaga on kokku üle 330 kilomeetri. Sellest umbes 135 kilomeetrit on piir maismaal. Politsei- ja piirivalveameti peadirektori asetäitja piirivalve alal Egert Belitšev ütles, et kui riigipiiri taha peakski saabuma massiliselt välismaalasi, siis on esmane eesmärk tõkestada nende ebaseaduslik riiki sisenemine. "Juhul kui kellelgi peaks õnnestuma tõepoolest ikkagi Eestisse siseneda, kui tal ei ole alust rahvusvahelisele kaitsele, on meie eesmärk need inimesed võimalikult kiiresti tagasi saata päritoluriiki või sellesse samasse riiki, kust isik on Eestisse saabunud," sõnas ta.”


Eesti-Vene piirile eelpaigutatakse 130 kilomeetrit tõkestustraati


“Kaitseminister Kalle Laaneti suunisel eelpaigutatakse piirile 130 kilomeetrit tõkestustraati, et olla valmis võimalikuks hübriidrünnakuks Eesti vastu. Millal see täpselt juhtub, ei ole veel teada. “Kaitseväel on valmisolek pioneeripataljoniga vajadusel panustada ka okasttraattõkke paigaldamisega,” ütles Laanet.

“Valgevene jätkab tahtlikku hübriidrünnaku eskaleerimist Poola ja Leedu piiril, mistõttu võtame tarvitusele vajalikud abinõud kaitsmaks Eesti riigipiiri. Lisaks eelpaigutatavale tõkestustraadile oleme koheselt koos Politsei- ja Piirvalveametiga valmis panustama piiri kaitsmisel ka kaitseliitlastega, mille osas on PPA ja Kaitseliit juba alustanud läbirääkimisi,” lisas minister Laanet.”


Vaher: on aja küsimus, millal Poola-Valgevene piiril võib puhkeda relvastatud konflikt


“Politsei- ja piirivalveameti (PPA) peadirektor Elmar Vaher ütles Postimehe otsesaates, et olukord Eesti idapiiril on ‘imelikult rahulik’. Täna akuutset rändeohtu ei nähta, aga ettevalmistused piirikaitseks käivad.  “Me liigutame tõkestamise vahendeid piirile lähemale, aga mitte piirile endale. Tänane ohuolukord ei ole veel selline, kus peaksime asuma ajutist tõket piiril looma,” lausus ta.”


Kaja Kallas: Belarus sanctions can stop Lukashenko


“Alexander Lukashenko will eventually run out of money if the EU keeps hammering him with sanctions, Estonian Prime Minister Kaja Kallas told POLITICO … Kallas called the border standoff “very worrying,” noting it was also affecting fellow Baltic states, including Lithuania and Latvia, which share a border with Estonia. Kallas, in power since January, said the situation was “a security issue for the whole of our region.”


Hold Belarus accountable for bid to ‘destabilise’ EU border, says Western delegates on UN security council

(The Guardian)

“Poland, along with other EU members such as Lithuania and Estonia, claim that Lukashenko has enabled thousands of people to travel from the Middle East through Minsk and to the EU borders as revenge for the sanctions imposed against him for his harsh crackdown on dissent in 2020. Belavia, the Belarusian state airline, has strongly denied it is involved in any trafficking of vulnerable people from Middle Eastern capitals such as Damascus to the border with the EU.


Russia, Belarus hold joint paratrooper drills near Poland and Lithuanian borders


“The exercise at the Gozhsky training ground involved airborne units landing and carrying out combat training, including capturing and holding a bridgehead and searching and destroying enemy targets, the Belarusian defence ministry said.”


NATO says it remains vigilant over risk of escalation at Belarus borders


“… after Belarusian and Russian paratroopers staged joint drills near the Polish and Lithuanian borders.”


“Turkey curbs flights to Belarus to ease migrant crisis.” - Reuters

“Turkey-Minsk journey for three costs $9,000, migrant tells ERR.”

Thursday 11. Nov.

Estonian Defense Minister: EU, NATO facing most severe crisis in past 30 years


“In reference to the migrant situation at the Belarusian-Polish border and its implications, Estonian Defence Minister Kalle Laanet said its severity is unparalleled to anything the EU and NATO have faced in the last 30 years.”

“Upping the ante, Interior Minister, Kristian Jaani (Centre) ditched the word ‘hybrid’ from his vocabulary and labelled the Belarusian actions as an attack. However, commenting on the situation … the minister was not worried about similar incidents moving to Estonia.”


“Estonia has caught 5 illegal immigrants from Belarus.” - ERR

“West does not know how to respond to gray zone aggression.” - Postimees

Estonia's security starts from Poland, Lithuania, Latvia

(Baltic Times)

“Estonia is deeply concerned about the situation on the Polish-Belarusian border and it is the state's position that Estonia's security starts from Poland, Lithuania and Latvia, according to Prime Minister Kaja Kallas. "Therefore, it is extremely important to support Poland in every way possible, and we have raised this issue in the UN Security Council, which will convene to discuss the matter today," Kallas said at the government's press conference on Thursday. The prime minister said that she has also communicated with her Polish counterpart. "Poland has requested political support, specifically, and we are providing it at various levels," she said.”


Poland Reports Clashes With Migrants Near Belarusian Border. Fears Of Military Confrontation Rise


“Lithuanian Defense Minister Arvidas Anushauskas said there could be more than 1,000 migrants along his country's border with Belarus.”

"This increases the possibility of provocations and serious incidents that could also spill over into military domain," a joint statement by the Lithuanian, Latvian, and Estonian defense ministers said, noting the "deliberate escalation of the ongoing hybrid attack by the Belarusian regime, which is posing serious threats to European security."


“Lithuania said it also was moving additional troops to the border to prepare for a possible surge in migrant crossings. Latvia said the situation was ‘alarming’." - Reuters

“Communique by foreign ministers of the United Kingdom, Estonia, Latvia and Lithuania.” -  Gov.Uk

EU’s Belarus standoff races up the global agenda

(Politico Europe)

“The involvement of leaders from the world’s biggest military powers marked a sudden turn in the EU’s months-long border fight with Belarus, which began in early summer when neighboring countries say Belarus leader Alexander Lukashenko started luring migrants from the Middle East, Africa and elsewhere to Belarus, only to then direct them to cross illegally into EU countries like Poland, Lithuania and Latvia. …”


Claim: Belarus 'trained Afghan and Iraqi veterans' for EU border attacks

(EU Observer)

"The migration crisis is being used by [Belarus president Alexander] Lukashenko to insert into EU territory people who have [military] experience and who additionally undertook training on Belarusian territory to realise terrorist acts," Pavel Latushka, Belarus' former ambassador to France and Poland and former culture minister, told the EU Observer.”

“Afghan and Iraqi veterans were handpicked and flown to Belarus between July and September. … They were trained at a base near the village of Opsa, in north-west Belarus, belonging to 'Osam', the Special Active Measures Department of Belarus' State Border Committee, he added.”

“The training was carried out with the help of Belarus special forces from the 'Marjina Horka' brigade, which had fought in Afghanistan in the 1980s, and with advisers from Russia's 'GRU' military intelligence, Latushka added.”


EU and US accuse Belarus of 'hybrid attack' at EU borders

(Deutsche Welle)

“The European Union is preparing to levy fresh sanctions against Belarus over the regime's move to send thousands of migrants to the bloc's borders, European Commission President Ursula von der Leyen said on Wednesday. … The remarks came following talks with US President Joe Biden at the White House … Both she and Biden "absolutely shared the same assessment" that Belarus leader Alexander Lukashenko had launched a "hybrid attack" against EU democracies.”


“Russia denies involvement in Poland-Belarus border strife.” - DW

“You sanction us again? We’ll freeze you, Lukashenko warns Europe, threatening to cut gas supply.” - Washington Post

“As Belarus Facilitates Migrant Crisis With EU, Putin Could See Chance To Use Clout.” - RFERL

Wednesday 10. Nov.

Allikas: Valgevene koolitas Afganistani ja Iraagi veterane EL-i ründamiseks


"Lukašenko kasutab rändekriisi ära selleks, et viia EL-i territooriumile inimesi, kellel on sõjaline kogemus. Neid koolitati lisaks veel Valgevene territooriumil,” ütles Aleksandr Lukašenko režiimi endine kõrge ametnik Pavel Latuško. … "Järgmisena läheb Lukašenko kohalikku sõjalisse konflikti EL-i piiril ja siis müüb maailmale pildi humanitaarkriisist, milles on süüdi eurooplased. See on natside ajastu propaganda.”


“Konflikt Euroopa Liidu idapiiril teravneb: Lukašenkal pole midagi kaotada, Putin vajab tüli.” - Postimees

“Lithuania’s terrorist warning.” - Politico

“Leedu kahtlustab, et Valgevene veab migrante piirile veokitega.” - Postimees

“Leedu-Valgevene piiril on jõudu päris muljetavaldav hulk.” - ERR

“Lithuania starts building wall on eastern EU border.” - InfoMigrants

“Currently, the situation on the Latvian–Belarusian border is relatively peaceful. but day after day border guards prevent dozens of immigrants from entering Latvia illegally.” - Latvian Broadcasting

Osa Valgevenest tulnud migrantidest on läbi Eesti Soome jõudnud


"Tullakse lennukiga Poolast. Või siis liigutakse Poolast läände ning tullakse laevaga Saksamaalt või Rootsist, teatud mõttes ümber Läänemere," selgitas Jukka Tekokoski.

Tema sõnul on Valgevene kaudu Soome jõudnud migrandid peamiselt Iraagi kodanikud. Nende kohaletoimetamine on organiseeritud tegevus, mille taga on tavaliselt väike inimsmugeldajate rühm või võrgustik.”


“Finland could close border over migrant situation at Belarus borders.” - Yle

The route from Iraq to Belarus: How are migrants getting to Europe?

(Deutsche Welle)

“According to reports, the trips can cost between €12,000 to €15,000 ($14,000 to  $17,000), including visas, flights and being smuggled overland once in Europe.

The Belarusian Embassy in Irbil reportedly handles visas. However, a travel agent in Baghdad, who didn't want to reveal his name or that of his agency, told DW the embassy had "outsourced visa applications to a number of travel agencies."


EU monitoring Belarus air travel activity in attempt to put end to migration crisis

(Schengen Visa Info)

“Due to the current ongoing migration crisis in which Belarus is involved, the European Union has decided to monitor flights (as well as the occupancy of the planes) to the latter’s territory in a bid to prevent any further illegal movement. … they are mainly observing air travel from only a specific group of countries, including Algeria, Azerbaijan, Iran, India, Libya, Morocco, Qatar, Russia, Somalia, South Africa, Syria, Sri Lanka, Venezuela, and Yemen …”


“EU seeks to reduce migrant flow via Belarus, analysing air traffic to Minsk.” - BNN

Poland is also protecting Estonia's borders says President Karis


“Karis spoke with President of Poland Andrzej Duda on Monday after hundreds of migrants were led to the Polish-Belarusian by Belarus' security guards, an escalation of events that has seen thousands of mostly middle eastern migrants cross the EU's eastern border since the summer. "We are in solidarity with Poland and understand that by protecting the EU's and NATO's external borders, Poland is also protecting our borders. We must continue our efforts with all allies to stop further escalation. Using illegal migration as a political tool is unacceptable.”


“Poland helps EU by protecting Belarus border.” - Radio Poland

“NATO ministrid rõhutavad solidaarsust migrantide surve alla jäänud Poolaga.” - ERR

“The politics behind Poland’s border crisis.” - Politico Europe

“Russia blames EU for looming migrant ‘catastrophe’.” - Radio Poland

“Belarus Is Risking Crisis on the Polish Border.” - Foreign Policy

“EU accuses Minsk of 'cynical' exploitation over migrant influx.” - Euronews

“Opinion: Dark things are happening on Europe’s borders.” - The Guardian

Tuesday 9. Nov.

Belarus escorts 1,000 migrants towards Polish border - column includes children

(The Guardian)

“Video reports later showed a standoff at the border, where Polish border guards reportedly used teargas to push back people as some in the crowd tried to cut through barbed wire or knock down border fencing to cross the border. Polish helicopters hovered over the scene as some of the migrants chanted, “Germany!”, their desired destination, according to video posted to social media.”


“Valgevene väed hirmutavad migrante püssilaskudega.” - Postimees

“Thousands of migrants have set up makeshift camps in freezing conditions near the Poland and Belarus border.” - CNN

“Estonia stands with Poland over migrant border crisis.” - ERR.

“Poland warns of further large migrant clashes on Belarus border.” - Reuters

“Poland has created a two-mile deep militarised zone along its border with Belarus.” - The Guardian

“Poland says Belarus 'fully' controls migrants after attempted breach.” - DW

“EU accuses Belarus of 'gangster' methods as migrants shiver at Polish border.” - Reuters

Russia | Venemaa

Would Russia Go To War To Stop Ukraine From Joining NATO?


“The path to NATO membership requires a candidate country to undertake political, legal. and economic reforms bringing it closer to Western systems. Russia fears that if its neighbors adopt the liberal order, its own political system will be undermined. Through that prism, it considers Color Revolutions, such as the ones in Georgia in 2013 and Ukraine in 2004, as Western hybrid attempts at social and political engineering. The 2014 Maidan protests were likewise seen by Russia as orchestrated by the West. This notion was given credence by the vocal support of the U.S. government to the protesters.”

“Putin will not wait for Ukraine to join NATO and cross his “red line.” If accession processes progress he will attack preemptively. At that point, Ukraine will not be covered by NATO’s defense umbrella. It is doubtful that Western nations will rush to the defense of a non-allied country that is not linked to their vital interests. This will leave Ukraine exposed. …”


“U.S., EU Warn Russia Against New Threats To Ukraine.” - RFERL

“Kremlin dismisses Western warnings of Ukraine border troop buildup.” - DW

“Putin’s Provocation In Crimea.” - Warsaw Institute

Russia-Belarus Integration: Why Moscow Gained So Little

(Carnegie Moscow)

“In the current situation, the main objective for the Kremlin is to maintain a controlled, pro-Russian transition of power in neighboring Belarus. If that means sacrificing closer integration, so be it. …”


Belarus and Russia agree on further deployment of Russian military facilities in Belarus

(Belsat TV)

[Belarus and Russia also signed a protocol on gas prices for 2022.]



Putin, Lukashenko Discuss Migrant Stand-Off on Poland-Belarus Border

(The Moscow Times)

“In a statement, Moscow said the two longtime leaders "exchanged opinions on the situation with refugees" on the border, where a wave of migrants has amassed in recent days. … Minsk said Putin and Lukashenko discussed the "harsh actions of the Polish side towards peaceful people.”

“In a statement, Lukashenko's press office said the pair had "noted a particular concern over the deployment of regular Polish troops to the border."


“Russia took the rare step of dispatching two nuclear-capable strategic bombers to patrol Belarusian airspace in a show of support for its close ally.” - Reuters

‘I was always scared’: inmate exposed systemic Russian prisoner abuse

(The Guardian)

“Sergei Savelyev, now seeking asylum in France, spent years secretly storing videos of rape and torture. … “I was always scared,” he said in an interview from France, where he has requested asylum. “If I ever talked about what I was doing, I wouldn’t be talking to you today.” 

“During his release from prison earlier this year, he retrieved a two-terabyte hard disk with hundreds of copied videos and other documents in an operation he called “extremely risky, the most dangerous moment”. But the truth is that he was always in peril and still is. That is why Savelyev has gone public as the source of probably the most explosive leak of secret videos and files in the history of the Russian prison system.”



