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11 October, 2024


Why the Baltic States fear Russia's Kaliningrad exclave

By Chris York, The Kyiv Independent

“Lithuania announced this week it had blocked and fortified a bridge over the Nieman River linking it to the Russian exclave of Kaliningrad, the latest in a series of escalations in the Baltic Sea region. A picture released by Lithuania's Defense Minister Laurynas Kasciunas on 9. Oct. showed his country is taking the threat seriously. The bridge in question is now covered in "dragon's teeth." He said other bridges leading to Kaliningrad would also be fortified, and some may even be mined.”

"Kaliningrad is basically a military base with a city in the middle. … It’s better to be proactive and send a strong signal now in the hope that Russia will see that signal and decide it's not worth it."


Estonia donates a grand piano to newly restored Notre Dame cathedral


“Indrek Laul, head of Estonia piano firm, which makes quality and bespoke instruments, told "Ringvaade" the 2019 Notre-Dame fire symbolized such a loss for European culture, that he wanted to contribute in some way.”

“Large works need to be performed, and they needed a piano for that. That's why I made the decision not to offer the largest concert grand piano, but the model 210, which is big enough and can even be used for recording, but can also be moved from hall to hall. It is a bit more mobile than the largest models," the Estonia piano firm director went on. The piano is still being completed, with final assembly and testing expected before it ships in November.”


“The Model 210 Estonia Grand Piano.” - Estonia Piano


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Opinion: Tear down the wall of restrictions we’ve built around Ukraine

By President Alar Karis

(Politico Europe)

“Our hopes for lasting peace, and our belief in the impossibility of war in Europe, have come crashing down. It presently feels like all of hell has emptied and the devils have been let free on earth, like the evil shadows of the 20th century  — ghouls embodying a longing for Stalinist secret pacts, spheres of influence and brute force in place of international law — have resurfaced.”

“… If an aggressor makes that attempt, if they cross that line, then we will come to the victim’s aid and punish the attacker. And Russia has crossed that red line.”

“Unfortunately, other restrictive lines also exist — ones that Western countries assume to be Russia’s red lines. And by making such assumptions about Russia’s intentions, we’ve now built a wall of our own. We’ve drawn a line with the belief that crossing it would mean escalation. This is false. Our fear is unjustified.”


Kersti Kaljulaid says US fears of escalation with Putin are unwarranted

(Fox News)

“Putin's regime is a terrorist regime. It doesn't abide by any rules. All the bridges are burned. So when they decide it's worth escalating, they will decide anyway, but we should do the right thing and not worry about escalation.”


“Kersti Kaljulaid valiti Eesti Olümpiakomitee presidendiks.” - Postimees

“Kersti Kaljulaid elected Estonian Olympic Committee president.” - ERR

What can Kaja Kallas, the new EU HR, do for Ukraine’s victory?

By Kristi Raik and Merili Arjakas


“Kaja Kallas, as former Prime Minister of Estonia, has achieved a prominent international role after Russia’s full-scale invasion, relentlessly pushing the EU, NATO, and partners across the globe to maximise the cost of aggression for Russia and help Ukraine achieve victory. Entering her new position, Kallas is facing not only high expectations to further strengthen the EU’s contribution but also concerns in some member states as to whether a leader allegedly “eating Russians for breakfast” is too radical to help build a sustainable peace.”


Estonia's largest evacuation exercise was held with over 1,000 participants


“Organizers said it had gone smoothly and without incident, but lessons can still be learned.The three-day exercise created a realistic situation to test emergency services and local governments' responses in Põlva, Võru, Valga, Tartu and Viljandi counties.”

“Commander of the Defense League Maj. Gen. Ilmar Tamm said the exercise showed what "the first seed" of a real-life large evacuation would look like and what needs to be done.”


“Vene-vedude lõpetamise plaan läks lörri.” - Postimees

“Riik annab taas lube keelu alla mittekuuluva kauba vedamiseks Venemaale.” - ERR

“Estonia wants to ban foreigners with criminal records from obtaining citizenship.” - Schengen News

“Scoutspataljon harjutab Lätis linnalahingu pidamist.” - Kaitsevägi

“Conscripts and allies: Estonia's approach to defence.” - RTE

“Uuring selgitas välja, kui suur on elamisväärne palk Tallinnas.” - Postimees

“Study determines livable wage in Tallinn at €1,621.” - ERR

“Immigration to Estonia has dropped in the last few years.” - Schengen News

“Estonian politicians express frustration at Ramstein summit postponement.” - ERR

“Hambaravi kallineb igal juhul. Küsimus on, kui palju.” - Postimees

“Estonia leads global climate fintech Innovation.” - Arctic Startup

“68 % of Estonian citizens see the future of the EU in a positive light.” - ERR

“Changing status of Russian proper names in Estonia.” - ERR

“Friendship Bridge Highlights Gulf Between NATO's Estonia And Russia.” - RFERL

“Canadian Estonian community: ties to homeland change over generations.” - ERR

“Estonian MP urges PACE to create salvage plan for children taken from Ukraine to Russia.” - The Baltic Times

Estonians who fled from Sweden in 1940s

(Free Winds | ERR)

“The Free Winds website tells the stories of thousands of Estonians, who secretly fled from Sweden in the late 1940s in old, battered boats and sailed across the Atlantic Ocean to freedom.”

“Estonians thought they were safe in Sweden but soon the Soviet Union began pressuring the Swedish government to send the refugees back.Having survived the 1940-41 Year of Terror when Soviet troops occupied Estonia and imprisoned, murdered, and deported 20,000 people, the refugees had no illusions about what would happen if they were forced back home.”



Miks Lahkusid Balti Põgenikud Rootsist?


“Pärast teise maailmasõja lõppu põgenesid paljud eestlastest pagulased rootsist edasi lääne poole. Nad riskisid kõigega ja võtsid ette väga ohtliku teekonna.”


“Linn valmistab ette 1944. aasta suurpõgenemise ohvrite mälestusmärgi rajamist.” - Tallinn 

“Tallinn to build memorial for 1944 Great Escape victims.” - Tallinn

“Tallinn to build memorial to victims of the 1944 Great Escape.” - Estonian World

Largest solar park in the Baltics opens in Pärnumaa, Estonia

(Estonian World | Energy Global)

“… the Kirikmäe Solar Farm, which covers 110 hectares (272 acres) and has a generating capacity of 77.53 megawatts, will provide enough electricity to power 35,000 homes each year. … development of solar capacity is part of Estonia’s goal to cover 100% of its electricity consumption with renewable energy by 2030.”



“Researchers at Tallinn University of Technology are exploring the Baltic Sea as a source of thermal energy for urban heating.” - Estonian World

“Europe’s largest battery park in Estonia.” - Construction Review

A ‘crisis-proof’ supply network to be established across Estonia

(Eesti Varude Keskus | ERR)

“The government has set a goal for the ESPA (Estonian Stockpiling Agency) to establish 110 stores across Estonia that will sell groceries and essentials ‘crisis-proof’ by the end of 2026. As a minimum requirement, stores in the network must be open five hours a day and stock a range of the most common foodstuffs and essentials during a crisis. If an ATM and a pharmacy are located in the same building as the store, their essential electricity needs should also be covered by generator power where possible.”



Eesti Varude Keskus sõlmis kaupmeestega kriisipoe lepingud

(Eesti Varude Keskus)

“Kriisipoodide toimimisloogika on Eestis uudne, kus huvides suurema kriisikindluse saavutamiseks võtavad kohustusi nii eraettevõtjad kui riik. Varude keskus annab omalt poolt poodidele kasutada võimsad elektrigeneraatorid.  Kaupmehed investeerivad tehnosüsteemide ümberehitusse, et suuremahulise elektrikatkestuse korral saaks pood ning selle juures tegutsev apteek ja sularahaautomaat alternatiivselt toitelt edasi toimida. Selline koostöömudel vajab harjumist ning teadvustamist ettevõtjate poolt,“


Around the Baltic Sea

“Latvi and Europol successfully dismantled a large-scale clandestine laboratory involved in the production of synthetic drugs.” - Europol

“The chiefs of staff of Estonia and Sweden estimate that the Russian threat on their border will be critical within 2 or 3 years.” - Meta Defense

“Russian Aircraft Intercepts Over 'NATO Lake' at Alarming Rate.” - Newsweek

“EU countries greenlight €35 billion loan for Ukraine using Russia's frozen assets.” - Euronews

“How much does a person need to earn to afford living in Riga?” - BNN

“Trump-proof European security by setting up a ‘Nato bank’, thinktanks urge.” - The Guardian

“Finnish criminals run companies in Estonia to dodge business bans.” - Yle

“Hundreds of Finnish criminals doing business in Estonia.” - Postimees

“China’s Mock Report Presented to Estonian Authorities Clouds the Balticconnector Incident Investigation.” - Baltic Sentinel

“Foreigners will be able to join Latvian army in case of mobilization.” - LSM

“Von der Leyen attacks Orbán’s support for Russia in fiery speech.” - Politico

“NATO to hold long-planned major nuclear exercise next week.” - AP

Putin’s Forever War

Russia launched a large-scale offensive in the Kursk region on Thursday


“… breaking through Ukrainian defenses, according to both Ukrainian and Russian sources. The Ukrainian OSINT project DeepState reports that Ukrainian forces may have lost up to 14.7 square miles of territory in just one day and warns of a potential encirclement of Ukrainian troops in certain areas.”


Opinion: Russia is mobilizing women to bear children for the army

By Sergei Medvedev, Postimees

“In Russia, a woman's body belongs to the state. Putin's Russia is indeed a great role model for men who value patriarchy. Whether these men themselves would agree to be cannon fodder in Russia's endless wars is a different matter. Now, mobilization has also been announced for women, writer and historian Sergei Medvedev writes in his recent essay – the mobilization is aimed at turning them into birthing machines, because there is always a shortage of cannon fodder.”

“The fight for a higher birth rate has reached a new level in Russia: the State Duma is considering a bill according to which women can be punished for promoting childlessness. For the dissemination of this satanic teaching, private individuals will be fined up to 800,000 rubles and legal entities up to five million rubles, while foreign citizens face arrest and expulsion from Russia.”


Russia Reawakens WWII Rhetoric of Spheres of Influence

By Toomas Alatalu, The Baltic Sentinel

“Moscow has recently, and somewhat curiously, resurrected the topic of occupation zones established after World War II, likely as a rhetorical maneuver to pave the way for the division of Ukraine's territory as a precondition for any potential 'peace agreement’.”


Russia gains ground in Ukraine, but at a steep cost - trading bodies for that ground


“Casualties from the offensives in the Donbas have brought Russia’s total number of dead and wounded to over 600,000, according to officials granted anonymity to brief reporters at the Pentagon on the course of the war. … more than 40 times Russia’s losses during its decade-long invasion of Afghanistan in the 1990s.”


“Estonian intelligence: Ukrainian strikes on Russian depots will aggravate ammunition shortage.” - Ukrainska Pravda

“A Russian court on Friday ordered the arrest in absentia of CNN journalist Nick Walsh for reporting in Russia's Kursk region.” - Moscow Times

“Kyiv confirms death of Viktoria Roshchyna, Ukrainian journalist held in Russian captivity since August 2023.” - Meduza

“Spike in number of Russians over 45 enlisting to fight in Ukraine reported.” - Novaya Gazeta

“Frontline soldiers say ‘grandpas’ aren’t fit for war.” - Meduza

“The Russian Army Has Many Questions to Answer.” - The National Interest

“Russia’s war made Ukraine the most heavily mined country in the world.” - Meduza

“The Uncertain Future of the Russian Army.” - National Interest

“Moscow’s War Intensifies Corruption in Russia.” - Jamestown Org.

NYT: Trumpi vimm Ukraina vastu andis Putinile võimaluse


“7. juulil 2017, pärast seda kui president Donald Trump ja Venemaa president Vladimir Putin Saksamaal Hamburgis oma esimese silmast silma kohtumise lõpetamiseks kätt surusid, kõndis USA välisminister Rex Tillerson konverentsisaalist välja, võttis taskust märkmed ja tegi ärevatele Valge Maja ametnikele kohtumisest kokkuvõtte.”

“Meil on vaja teha tööd, et muuta presidendi meelt Ukraina suhtes,” ütles Tillerson. Välisminister oli just näinud, kuidas Putin, endine KGB spioon, andis meisterliku etenduse, püüdes kujundada uue Ameerika presidendi mõtlemist.”



