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28 March, 2025


Estonia amends Constitution to strip Russian and Belarusian citizens of voting rights

(ERR | Le Monde | Estonian World)

“Holders of so-called grey passports will still be allowed to vote in the next round of local elections, but it will be the last time. The Riigikogu supported the Constitutional Committee's proposal to amend the Constitution as an urgent matter. The fast-track procedure for amending the Constitution was supported by 92 members of the 101-member Riigikogu, while seven voted against it. A four-fifths majority of the members present was required to approve the decision, meaning at least four times as many votes in favor as against.”




Põhiseadus läheb muutmisele; Valgevene ja Vene kodanikud jäävad hääleõiguseta 


“Riigikogu võttis täna vastu Eesti põhiseadust muutva seaduse, millega tunnistatakse kohalikel valimistel kehtetuks Eestis elavate kolmandate riikide kodanike ja alates ülejärgmistest valimistest ka kodakondsuseta inimeste valimisõigus. Põhiseaduse kiireloomulist muutmist toetas 92 ja selle vastu hääletas seitse Riigikogu liiget.”

“Poolt: 93 | Vastu: 7 | Erapooletuid: 0”


Lennart Meri’s ‘Silverwhite’ To Finally Appear in English

By Paul Goble

“The idea that this numerically and geographically small nation was at the margins of history is one that many other such peoples have. But one man and one book more than anything else changed that sense of Estonia being at the margins of the map and of world geography and history: Lennart Meri and his Silver White which will appear in English in May. Meri, an Estonian filmmaker and travel writer who served as his country’s foreign minister and president and whom I am proud to call my friend, published Silverwhite in 1976 which was later translated into Russian. It tells the story of the role of Estonians in trade between Scandinavia and the Middle East centuries ago.”


“Originally published in 1976 against a backdrop of Soviet control, Silverwhite promotes connection across borders, and the mixed history of Greeks, Arabs and Estonians in the region. Written in a dramatic, thriller-esque style, referencing an ancient meteor that fell on the small island of Saaremaa.” Oxford University Press



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Fear in Estonia over downsizing British military troop deployment


“Key ally Britain has scaled down its military footprint in Estonia by several hundred troops while a former Estonian Defense Forces (EDF) commander has claimed that the United Kingdom is struggling to meet NATO eastern flank commitments … which he attributed to financial issues.”

“Defense sources estimate around a thousand British military personnel in Estonia, down from a peak of 1,650 in April 2022, plus fewer than ten Challenger 2 Main Battle Tanks … Opposition Liberal Democrat MP in the UK Mike Martin cautioned against what he called sending the "wrong signal to Vladimir Putin," given the previous line had been to increase deployments to Estonia and the eastern flank …”


“Intervjuu: Kaitseväe juhataja, kindralmajor Andrus Merilo.” - Postimees

U.S. Embassy in Tallinn gives stark warning to visa-seekers

(The Hill)

“When you apply to enter the United States and you get a visa, you are a guest,” the U.S. Embassy in Tallinn, Estonia, said Monday on Facebook. “Now, if you are in this country to promote Hamas, to promote terrorist organizations, to participate in vandalism, to participate in acts of rebellion and riots on campus, we never would have let you in if we had known that. You lied to us. You’re out,” the embassy continued.”


Narva linnapea Katri Raik: Eesti venelane on solvunud, siiralt solvunud


“Riigikogu võttis täna Vene ja Valgevene kodanikelt valimisõiguse, 2029. aasta KOV-valimistel ei saa enam hääletada halli passi omanikud. Narva linnapea Katri Raiki soovitab narvakatele, kes selle aasta oktoobris linnavõimu siiski valima tulevad, et nad ei valiks poliitilisest trotsist äärmusi, vaid mõtleksid, kes nende kodulinna parimal moel edasi viiks.”

“Eesti venelane on solvunud, siiralt solvunud. Riik on jagatud kaheks: teie, eestlased, ja siis meie, venelased, keda eestlased ei usalda. Ma ei taha seda kirjutada, aga ometi pean: nüüd on lõimumine – nagu me oleme seda teadnud – tõesti läbi kukkunud. Solvunud ei ole mitte niivõrd Vene kodanikud, ehkki nemad ka, vaid hoopis Eesti kodanikud, kelle kodune või sõpruskonna keel on vene keel. Igal meie kodanikul Narvas on peres või laiemas suguvõsas ka Vene kodanikud või kodakondsuseta inimesed. Miks minu ämm Eestile ei sobi? Miks ei sobi Eestile minu isa, kes siin kogu elu seaduskuulekalt elanud ja tublilt töötanud? Kodakondsus ega rahvus ei muuda kedagi julgeolekuohuks,’ ütles Raik.”


Ajalooallikad: eesti vallasemade põli oli siiski kibe

Airika Harrik, Novaator

“Ajakirjanduse vahendusel on kümmekond aastat levinud seisukoht, et eesti külas üksikemasid ära ei põlatud. Eesti teadlaste uus ja eriilmelistele arhiiviallikatele tuginev uuring osutab aga vastupidisele. Nii pärimuses, kirjanduses kui ka kohtudokumentides on vallaslaps naisele häbi ja vallasemal raske kaasat leida. 19. sajandil suhtuti vallasemadesse selgelt halvustavalt ning nende elu oli ka kirikuraamatute andmetel keerulisem ja probleemiderikkam kui abieluinimestel," ütleb Eesti Kirjandusmuuseumi vanemteadur Andreas Kalkun. Tema öeldu on vastuolus pildiga, mis on kohaliku- ja perepärimuse, eeskätt aga meedia vahendusel Eesti avalikkuse silme ees. Enamasti populariseeritakse meedias 18. sajandi pastorile ja kirjamehele August Wilhelm Hupelile toetudes seisukohta, et eesti külas üksikemasid ära ei põlatud.”


“In 19th century Estonia, single mothers were clearly viewed with disapproval.” - By Airika Harrik, Novaator

Euroopa diplomaadid ei ole rahul Kallase tegevusega

(Estonian World Review)

“Euroopa Liidu välispoliitika kõrge esindaja Kaja Kallase plaan aidata Ukraina sõjalist võimekust 40 miljardit euroga kukkus sisuliselt läbi. Isegi oluliselt kärbitud viie miljardi euro suurune plaan ei leidnud üksmeelset toetust.”


Estonia pledges major investments in artificial intelligence for the military

(Breaking Defense | Kaitseministeerium)

“The new plan out of Tallinn calls for building a “digital infrastructure” for the Estonian Defence Forces (EDF), one robust enough to run “AI solutions” for everything from intelligence analysis and wartime targeting to smart logistics and back-office administration. (Pentagon plans for AI emphasize similar areas, rather than building “killer robots.”).”

“Estonia’s plan also prioritizes improving digital interoperability with NATO allies, closer collaboration with the nation’s thriving high-tech sector, and improving AI education for EDF personnel. It also calls for the EDF to “consider” appointing a “Chief Innovation Officer and/or a Chief Digitalisation Officer” as part of a proposed headquarters reorganization.”



“Kaitseministeerium avalikustas valitsemisala tehisintellekti strateegia.”

“How will Estonia's new AI initiative change schools?" - ERR

Is raising defense spending to 5% of GDP enough to protect Estonia?


“At last week's press conference, it was implied that the threat assessment has risen to such a point that, for the first time, the EDF's requests will be fully met. There is no room for further delays.”


“Estonian FM to Rubio: Estonia is serious about defending itself.” - Estonian World

“Kaja Kallas is ‘acting like a prime minister,’ critics of EU’s top diplomat say.” - Politico

“We always choose the best and fastest method for acquiring ammunition – Estonia defends policy.” - Central European Times

“Estonia Acquires Its First Tracked Manoeuvre Live Fire Battle Runs.” - The Baltic Times

“Eesti sörgib kaitsevööndi ehitusel teiste riikide sabas.” - Postimees

“President Alar Karis to open new Estonian embassy in Riga.” - ERR

“Galerii: Eesti uus saatkonnahoone Riias.” - ERR


Estonia’s first public attribution of a cyberattack could be a turning point for EU cyber sanctions

By Stefan Soesanto, Lawfare

“On Jan. 27, the European Council imposed the EU’s fourth cyber sanctions package, which encompassed restrictive measures against three officers working for Unit 29155 of Russia’s military intelligence service (GRU). Nikolay Korchagin, Vitaly Shevchenko, and Yuriy Denisov were sanctioned for “conducting intelligence activities directed against Estonia and gaining access to a computer system illegally.” Notably, these intelligence activities took place more than four years ago, in November 2020, when Unit 29155 breached the servers of the Estonian Ministry of Foreign Affairs, the Ministry of Social Affairs, and the Ministry of Economics and Communication.”


Around the Baltic Sea

Lithuania: Four U.S. soldiers and a 70-ton armored vehicle went missing during  military training exercise

(Delfi | Task & Purpose | ABCNews)

“A M88 Hercules recovery vehicle with four US soldiers disappeared on 25 March during exercises at the General Silvestras Žukauskas Training Area in Pabradė.”

“The M88 Hercules armoured recovery vehicle is used to remove disabled tanks from the battlefield. … The 70-ton vehicle is submerged in about 15 feet of water.”




“Additional recovery assets arrive in support of recovery efforts in Lithuania.” - U.S. Army Europe

“Rescuers drained water from a swamp as they try to retrieve an M88 Hercules armoured vehicle.” - Euronews

“Work to pull out military vehicle to continue overnight.” - LRT

Leedu loodab soomukisse jäänud USA sõduriteni jõuda laupäeval


“Pabrade polügoonil jätkus kogu öö USA sõdurite otsingu- ja päästeoperatsioon, ütles Leedu kaitseminister Dovilė Šakalienė rahvusringhäälingule LRT.lt. Tema sõnul kasutati neljapäeval sündmuskohal mudaimemismasinat ning reedel tuleks appi võtta veel ka siseveeteede ameti pikema toruga süvendaja, millega plaanitakse kogu vesi soomuki uppumiskohas välja imeda.”

“Ministri sõnul eemaldati öö jooksul sündmuspaigas 2-3 meetrit muda, mis soomukit kattis. "Me teame, kus soomuk asub, aga pole veel selge, mis asendis see on.”


“Pabradė otsingud käivad sünge teadmisega.” - Postimees

“Kommentaar: Sood – nii salarelv kui surmalõks.” - Postimees

Rubio 'reinforced' U.S. commitment to Baltic security


“Foreign ministers from Estonia, Latvia, and Lithuania met with their U.S. counterpart U.S. Secretary of State Marco Rubio in Washington on Tuesday. The meeting comes after recent comments from the new U.S. administration about reducing its military presence in Europe as well as speculation about a weakening of the Transatlantic alliance. A readout from the State Department after the visit said Rubio stressed the USA's "strong ties to Lithuania, Latvia, and Estonia and reinforced our commitment to Baltic security."


NATO to Putin: Attack Poland and our response will be ‘devastating’


“NATO Secretary-General Mark Rutte on Wednesday stressed that the transatlantic military alliance would respond to an attack with “full force.”

“When it comes to the defense of Poland and the general defense of NATO territory, if anyone were to miscalculate and think they can get away with an attack on Poland or any other ally, they will be met with the full force of this fierce alliance,” Rutte said at a press conference with Polish Prime Minister Donald Tusk during a visit to Warsaw. “Our reaction will be devastating. This must be clear to Vladimir Vladimirovich Putin and anyone else who wants to attack us,” Rutte added”


“NATO Secretary General reaffirms transatlantic unity.” - Nato

Latvia not ready for ‘X Hour’ – Riga’s emergency shelters still inadequate


“Currently, 390 bomb shelters have been identified in Riga where residents could seek refuge in the event of war. Of these, 214 are municipally owned, with the rest belonging to the state. However, only 11 shelters are currently fully equipped and ready to accommodate people. “These shelters are where we might need to stay for several hours or even for days. Right now, they are not suitable for that.”



“Baltic States and Poland Withdraw from Ottawa Treaty on Anti-Personnel Mines, Finland Still Considering.” - Baltic Sentinel

“European factories would need decades to match what American aid delivers in months.” - Euromaidan Press

“Swedish defence spending to rise by SEK 300 billion over the next decade.” - Radio Sweden

“Nato’s Forward Land Forces will be stationed in Rovaniemi, the capital of Lapland, in northern Finland.” - Barents Observer

“Finland's unemployment rate hits 9.4%.” - Yle

“84% of Poles happy with EU membership, says survey.” - Radio Poland

“Nato troops in Finnish Lapland may increase Russian espionage efforts.” - The Barent Observer


EU calls for households to stockpile 72 hours of food amid war risks

(Politico | European Commission | Euronews)

“… according to a draft of its Preparedness Union Strategy. “In case of extreme disruptions, the initial period is the most critical,” the document says, setting out possible scenarios, from war to cyber attacks and deadly disease to climate-driven floods.”





Minor visa infractions have seen western tourists detained, shackled and deported by overzealous U.S. border staff

Opinion by Arwa Mahdawi, The Guardian

“There have been a number of recent incidents where white westerners – people who aren’t normally targeted by overzealous US immigration authorities – have been detained, deported or denied entry for obscure reasons.”


“Why are Germans being detained by US immigration?” - Deutsche Welle

“French scientist denied US entry after phone messages critical of the U.S. President were found.” - The Guardian


Putin’s Forever War

Ceasefire? What ceasefire? 

(Politico Europe)

“Killer Russian drones rain down across Ukraine. Russia’s assault on Ukraine is showing no signs of slowing down, two days after the White House announced that the sides had agreed on a partial ceasefire. The Russian military attacked the highly populated Ukrainian cities of Sumy, Dnipro, Kharkiv and Kherson with drones late Wednesday. More than a dozen Shahed kamikaze drones hit highly populated areas in Kharkiv in only one hour on Wednesday night, wounding eight people, including a 12-year-old girl, local Mayor Ihor Terekhov said."


“Zelensky: Russia sent the world a "clear signal" about its intentions on peace after another night of large-scale attacks on his country.” - Newsweek

“The U.S. President is giving Putin far too much, says British ally Nigel Farage.” - Politico

“The collective view is that Russia is playing games, that Putin is back to his old playbook.” - Politico Europe

“Kolonel Toomas Väli: Ukraina väed on Kurskist suures osas välja tõmbunud.” - ERR

“North Korea Sent More Troops and Weapons to Russia, South Korea’s Military Says.” - The Moscow Times

“Russia has ‘seized the upper hand’ in Ukraine war, intel community warns.” - Politico

“Putin spinning ceasefire talks to Russia’s advantage.” - The Spectator

“The Riyadh talks have given Ukraine no good reason to trust Russia - or the U.S.” - Worldcrunch

“Ukraine Launched HIMARS Attack On Russian Helicopters In Belgorod.” - TWZ

Ukraine breaks the silence surrounding wartime sexual violence


“When Russian forces began their full-scale invasion of Ukraine in February 2022, the bodies of Ukrainian women became another battlefield. Early in the war, reports of torture, mock killings and forced deportations emerged. Yet accounts from survivors of sexual violence were much rarer, because of the silence and isolation of many of the victims. The cases of sexual violence documented today in Ukraine took place in the areas that were temporarily occupied by Russia and are now liberated. While prosecutors have registered 344 cases of conflict-related sexual violence since the start of the invasion, women’s groups believe the real number runs in the thousands. …”


Putin’s endgame

(The New Statesman)

“While Russian forces – supported by North Korean troops – have made significant progress in recent weeks in reclaiming much of the territory Ukraine had held in the Kursk region of southern Russia since last summer, the offensive in eastern Ukraine appears to have stalled. But the geopolitical fault lines have shifted. With Trump now in power, Putin sees an opportunity to dismember Ukraine and divide Europe. At a minimum, he hopes to secure sovereignty over the four Ukrainian regions he claims to have annexed, but does not yet fully control – Luhansk, Donetsk, Zaporizhzhia, and Kherson – along with Crimea, which he annexed in 2014. He will likely demand Ukraine’s permanent neutrality – meaning it forswears membership of Nato, and perhaps also the European Union – along with restrictions on the size of its military. He wants to see new elections that he hopes will remove Zelensky and bring a more pliant leader to power. He will not accept the presence of European troops as part of any eventual peace deal because that would make it harder to resume the war should that be necessary. As Putin sees it, either Ukraine resumes its rightful place in Russia’s orbit, or it must be destroyed.”


‘Baby T-34’ is about an anthropomorphic young tank who dreams of war


“The film … follows the tank as it grows up in “Tankograd” (a Soviet-era nickname for Chelyabinsk), becomes a WWII monument in one of the Soviet republics, implied to be Estonia, and is ultimately dismantled in the 21st century.”


“Katri Raiki sõnul on Venemaa tankifilm katse Narvas pingeid külvata.” -

New Evidence Of Russia's Suspected Secret Nuclear Base In Belarus


“A seemingly innocuous photo posted online in September 2024 is a small piece in a larger mosaic of evidence uncovered by RFE/RL’s Belarus Service of a secret Russian nuclear weapons base in the Eastern European country. Russian President Vladimir Putin and Belarusian authoritarian leader Aleksandr Lukashenko have spoken publicly about deploying Russian nuclear weapons to Belarus without revealing where the missiles might be stored.”



